Finnair - Uudelleenrakentaminen koronakriisin jälkeen

Mielenkiintoisen näköinen raportti. Vilkaisemallakin osuu silmiin kaikenlaista ‘jännää’

“Europe has been facing numerous challenges in 2024,
including rising wages, fleet groundings, noise-related flight
restrictions, and increasing airport charges and national
taxes. Economic growth has been sluggish, lagging the US
and China. The ongoing war in Ukraine has continued to affect
air transport in several ways. Currently, 20% of the European
airspace remains closed, and the withdrawal of overflight
rights over Russia for most Western airlines has resulted
in significant rerouting of long-haul flights to Asia. Several
European airlines have cut connections to China as they
could not compete with non-European careers who retained
overflight rights. This leads us to expect that net profits will
decrease slightly to USD 10.0 billion in 2024, representing a
net margin of 3.9% (Table 9). However, 2025 should benefit
from healthy growth in RPKs at 7%, helped by the expansion
of LCCs, as they turn their back on the 2024 peak in fleet

" The operating profit in 2025 is
forecasted at USD 68 billion, representing an operating margin
of 6.7%. Although such a result seems more robust than in
recent years, the implied return on invested capital (ROIC) of
6.8% falls short of covering the cost of capital (WACC)."

Ai että!
Polttoainekulut + SAF vaatimukset
Sääntely, polittiikka + valtio-omistaja
Käyttöasteet <80 %
Venäjän yli ei lennetä ← siinä meni ainut oikea kilpailuetu :cold_face:

Päälle kun vielä saadaan oikein kunnon riitely työnantaja vs työntekijät, niin avot! :poop:

1 tykkäys