Jep aika uskomatonta kommentointia Moshelta aikoinaan, näiden jälkeen herra on onneksi vaihdettu HPJ:n pallilta pois.
Q2 24 konffapuhelusta:
“On your second question, we did a buyback of 8.37 million shares, which is exactly 10% of the total outstanding shares that we had.
Why is it 10%? Because of some tax issues. If we do more than 10%, we’ll have to pay, according to the Israeli IRS, we’ll have to pay dividend tax. They allow us to do, and hopefully they will allow us to continue but we ask for a pre-ruling from the Israeli IRS, and they allow us to do 8.37 million shares, which is about 10% of the total shares. And if we will decide in the future to continue with buyback, all the options are on the table right now.”
Moshelle henkilökohtaisesti näyttää investoiminen näillä hinnoilla maistuvan, 01/16/2025:
“The Reporting Person acquired 1,524,196 Shares of the Issuer covered by this Schedule 13D, in multiple open market transactions for an aggregate purchase price of approximately US $23,858,317”
Samasta tiedotteesta kävi ilmi, että vuoden 24 lopussa osakemäärä olisi ollut 69,558,570 kpl.
Vuoden 2023 päätteeksi osakemäärä oli 83,982,462 kpl.
Viime vuonna ostettiin siis karkeasti ~14,4milj kpl, tai ~17,2% omista osakkeista.
Nyt sitten vaan uutta ja edellistä isompaa ohjelmaa kehiin.
Jos ei muuta niin ollaan ainakin menossa oikeaan suuntaan.
“During 2021, the Company purchased 693,734 shares in the amount of $35.4 million. In addition, during 2022, the Company purchased 1,077,213 shares in the amount of $42.6 million. During 2023 the company did not purchase any shares. As of December 31, 2023, the Company purchased 2,557,829 shares in the amount of $95.2 million under these repurchase programs”