Täältä löytyy hyvin tietoa Ruotsin prosessista.
Oma Ruotsi on huonoa, niin käännän sivun yksinkertaisesti englanninkielelle. Suomikääntäjä on chromessa aika huono, harvemmin ymmärtää itekkään mitä siinä koitetaan sanoa.
Velkasuoja ja saneerauslupa on kolmeksi kuukaudeksi kerrallaan, joten huhtikuun alussa pitää anoa lisäaikaa jos homma venähtää. Hyvä perusskenaarion veikkaus varmaan onkin että huhtikuussa prosessi saataisiin maaliin. Tosin, Intrumilla on kaikki sovittuna valmiiksi mikä saattaisi aikaistaa prosessia, mutta toisaalta erilaiset käräjöinnit vähemmistöjen osalta voi viivästyttää prosessia jälleen.
Juuri äänestyksestä siellä on karkeasti sepostus. Jälleen kerran velanhaltijoiden pitää ilmeisesti kokoontua ja äänestää paketista. Osakkeenomistajista ei ole mainintaa, mutta yhtiökokous riittänee. Niin ja näin, kyllähän nuo äänet pitäisi tulla kun kaikki on allekirjoittanut ehdot jo kaksi, kolme kertaa.
On myös epäselvää Intrumin tapauksessa tarvitseeko enää velanhaltijoidenkaan kokoontua kun se tehtiin jo syksyllä. Tästähän vähemmistö MTN-holdereista laitteli Ruotsin käräjiin tosin jo haasteen syksyllä joten kokoontuminen lie fiksu peliliike siltikin.
Hold plan negotiations and vote
When the reconstruction plan has been drawn up, the debtor, or in a certain situation the reconstructor, can request that a plan negotiation be held. If a plan negotiation is decided, the district court must simultaneously set a time for this, call for the negotiation and announce the decision, as a general rule only in Post- and Inrikes Tidningar (PoIT). The plan negotiation must be held within three to five weeks.
At the plan negotiation, the parties concerned must vote on whether the reconstruction plan should be adopted. Such a plan shall be considered adopted, among other things, if a certain percentage of the parties in the respective group have accepted the plan. The definite limits in the repealed law on corporate restructuring for the percentage of creditors who in various situations must vote for a composition proposal no longer apply.
Ruotsalaisen yrityssaneerauksen eri vaiheet (7)
1. The application arrives at the district court
The district court checks the information in the application and that the fee of SEK 2,800 has been paid. If a debtor’s application is complete, the district court can usually decide on company restructuring on the same day. A creditor’s application must be examined at a hearing which is normally held within two weeks.
2. The district court decides on company restructuring
If the district court decides on corporate restructuring for a debtor, a reconstructor or several reconstructors must be appointed at the same time.
The court also determines the time for the creditors’ meeting, which must normally be held within three weeks of the decision. At that meeting, the creditors are given the opportunity to express themselves on the question of whether the reconstruction should continue.
The district court must notify certain authorities that a company restructuring has begun. The decision shall not be announced.
3. The reconstructor takes over
The task of the reconstructionist is to investigate whether the debtor’s business can be continued in whole or in part and how this can happen. The reconstructionist must also, among other things, help the debtor draw up a reconstruction plan. Usually a lawyer or other lawyer with experience in bankruptcy administration is appointed. The reconstructor is entitled to remuneration for his work, which must be paid by the debtor.
The reorganizer must, within one week of the decision on corporate restructuring, notify all known creditors of the decision, attach certain documents and information concerning the debtor and inform them of the time for the creditors’ meeting.
The debtor is obliged to provide all information to the reconstructor about his financial circumstances that are of importance for the reconstruction and must follow his instructions. The debtor still has control over his property, but must obtain the consent of the reconstructor on certain matters, such as whether certain loans are to be paid and whether certain property is to be sold.
A reconstructor who is not suitable or for other reasons should be separated from the assignment must be dismissed by the court.
4. The enforcement agency exercises supervision
The enforcement agency supervises reconstructors. Organizationally, supervision is under bankruptcy supervision (TSM).
TSM must be given the opportunity to comment, among other things, before a reconstructor is appointed and on the question of whether the company reconstruction should end. TSM also supervises the wage guarantee in reconstructions.
5. A plan negotiation can be held
See above under “Hold plan negotiation and vote”.
6. As long as a company restructuring is in progress
A company restructuring takes place as a general rule for three months from the date of the decision on restructuring. After that, the court can decide to extend the time by a further three months at a time. In order for the court to extend the time, it is required that the debtor, the reconstructor or a creditor request it and that after the first period there are special reasons for an extension. In order to subsequently extend the time further, special reasons are required for it, which is a higher requirement.
A company restructuring can last for a maximum of one year, unless the court has previously decided on a plan negotiation. In that case, the reconstruction must end no later than 15 months after the decision on reconstruction.
7. The company restructuring is terminated
The reconstruction must be terminated in, among other things, the following situations:
- when the purpose of the reconstruction can be considered achieved
- if the debtor requests it and plan negotiation has not started
- if the reconstructor requests it
- if the purpose of the reconstruction cannot be assumed to be achieved
- if there are serious deficiencies in the debtor’s accounting
- if the debtor is declared bankrupt
The restructuring must also be terminated if an extension of the restructuring is not requested and decided in accordance with what appears in section 6. That is how long a company restructuring can last.
Nyt ollaan siis vaiheessa kolme. Tää Ruotsin homma kuulostaa omaan korvaan suhteellisen lupaavalta prosessilta Intrumin kannalta. Velkapaketti nimenomaan takaa firman jatkuvuuden ja tämä mahdollistaisi tuloksen kääntymisen voitolliseksi tulevina vuosina. Ja tuo tuntuu olevan Ruotsin yrityssaneerauksessa se tärkein pointti: että saneeraukselle on todellinen tarve, eri osapuolet tukee saneerausta ja yritys saadaan saneerauksella jaloilleen (eli tulevaisuudennäkymät on oltava hyvät).
Sanon kyllä, että jos Northvolt pääsi/pääsee tästä läpite (ilman tulevaisuutta) niin Intrumilla ei pitäisi olla hätää. Mutta eiköhän arvon vastustajat jatka kiivasta vastarintaansa ja “tuho on varmaa” otsikoinnit ovat tuloillaan. Hamaan loppuun asti.
/disclaimer taas: en tiedä Ruotsin käräjöinnistä mitään, joten teksti on täyttä amatöörin mutustelua ja opiskelua. Saa ja pitääkin korjata jos jokin meni metsään. Tämä(kin) oikeuskeissi on yhtä oppimismatkaa taasen.