Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 3)

Mielenkiintoinen mielipide Redditissä Nokian Microsoft-sopimuksesta ja energiatehokkuuden merkityksestä sen saamisessa:

“MSFT has been ordered NVDA Blackwell chip at the rate of 2-3 times the competitors. These chips will be used in MSFT new AIN GPU as a service Data Center. This extension contract could be a big one.”

“Energy efficiency is the selling point for NOK IP routers and optical networking equipments. NOK claims their technologies used 30% less power per bit of transmission. To me this is the main reason CoreWeave, Nscal’s and MSFT selected NOK. I have the feeling that any AI Data Center that uses Blackwell GPU as a service will give NOK equipments a better consideration. There is a good chance that T Mobile AI Data Center will use NVDA Blackwell chip. Time will tell. I don’t have any insider information. CoreWeave tryouts other companies equipments before selecting NOK. The main reason for selecting NOK is power efficiency. This is public information. You can Google it.”

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