Optomed - Terveysteknologiayhtiö

Muikkarina, jos joku pääsee seuraamaan sessiota, olisi hienoa saada jonkinlainen rapsa palstalle.

5 tykkäystä

Kanadassa seulotaan Optomedilla.

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada (VLRC) is committed to ensuring equitable and accessible access to diabetic retinopathy screening – which is why we’re beginning to roll out a Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program in ten communities across Ontario.

This innovative program, developed in partnership with community health organizations, features increased access points to screening, coordination, and vision rehabilitation for individuals with diabetic retinopathy. VLRC hopes to eventually expand the program to include communities across the country.

15 tykkäystä

Vietnamista tuoreita kuulumisia, tutun näköinen kamerahan se kuvan vasemmassa laidassa pilkistää.

8 tykkäystä

Tänään Optomed mukana Nordean seminaarissa. Tapahtuma lienee vain Nordean varainhoidon asiakkaille. Jos joku pääsee mukaan, niin kuulumiset kiinnostaisi.

10 tykkäystä
6 tykkäystä

Noita CARnegien sisäisiä blokkeja menee lähes joka päivä. Joku isompi rahasto irtautuu pikkuhiljaa. Noiden Optomedin sijoittajatapahtumien yhteydessä blokkikoko tuppaa suurenemaan. Carnegien tapahtuman tienoilla nähtäneen jo isompaakin blokkia liikkeellä.

Dec 3 - Dec 3, 2021
CAR healthcare seminar

6 tykkäystä

Optomed järjestää webinaarin AI:n käytöstä retinopatian seulonnoissa. Vakuuttavaa kaartia mukana mm. Harvard Medical Schoolista.

Optomed Oyj : webinar on December 9, 2021

11/24/2021 | 08:20am EST

AI in eye screenings

Optomed warmly welcomes you to join the webinar on how to improve access to diabetic retinopathy screening with AI and handheld fundus cameras.

The webinar is free of charge and our honored key speaker of the event, Paolo S. Silva, MD, Assistant Chief of Telemedicine presents the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in diabetic retinopathy screening.

In this webinar also the SELENA+ AI algorithm used in the Singapore national diabetic retinopathy screening program will be presented.

Save your place to the webinar and register here: Optomed – Webinar registration 2021 - Videopalvelin


Paolo S. Silva, MD

Assistant Chief of Telemedicine, Beetham Eye Institute, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Paolo Silva is staff ophthalmologist and chief of telemedicine at the Beetham Eye Institute of the Joslin Diabetes Center. He is Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School. His primary expertise lies in the fields of ocular telehealth for diabetic retinopathy, ultrawide field (UWF) retinal imaging and electronic medical record review. Dr. Silva has contributed 79 scientific publications with 26 original articles (17 as either first or last author), 16 study group publications, 25 review articles, 2 clinical guidelines and 9 book chapters. His work and efforts have been recognized with 20 national and international awards.

Petri Huhtinen, PhD

Clinical Director, Optomed

Petri has been working with preventive healthcare for the whole Millennium, which has made him a big fan of screening. He likes combining high-tech with human-touch to improve healthcare in general.

Petri manages Optomed’s clinical study portfolio making sure that clinical aspects remain in the core of company’s strategy. He also works closely with Optomed’s AI-partner network to ensure that Optomed’s customers have access to the best AI-solutions available. Petri holds PhD in in vitro diagnostics, MSc in biochemistry and BBA in Information systems science.

Ryan Tan

Executive, Business Development, EyRIS

Ryan works in the Business Development Team at one of the most innovative companies in Asia, EyRIS. His team has pioneered new business practices and developed new implementation techniques for Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence systems in both local and international markets. Over the course of his career in EyRIS, Ryan has overseen the deployment of SELENA+ in various regions namely Asia, Europe and Latin America. Today, he works with multiple customers, guiding them on their efforts to adopt Artificial Intelligence technology seamlessly and how they can benefit their patients more than ever before.

The event will be hosted by Laura Piila , Vice President Devices and Niina Huikuri , Vice President, Marketing from Optomed

Webinar agenda


Retinopathy Screening Closer for All: Integrating Poinf of Care Artificial Intelligence
Paolo S. Silva, MD, Assistant Chief of Telemedicine, Beetham Eye Institute, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School

AI in Eye Screenings - Why should we care?
Petri Huhtinen, Clinical Director, Optomed

SELENA+: Artificial Intelligence as a diagnostic tool
Ryan Tan, Executive, Business Development, EyRIS


Register here: Optomed – Webinar registration 2021 - Videopalvelin

13 tykkäystä

Erittäin laaja katselmus AI:n käyttöönotosta UK:sta. Varpaillaan edetään, mutta eteenpäin mennään.

The UK NSC review concluded that further research is needed before implementing AI in the English DESP. The results from the review indicate that:
• some AI systems are accurate enough to do the initial reading of
images; 3 systems have been evaluated in good quality studies
conducted in the UK
• a system called iGradingM is implemented in Scotland and there is
evidence that its performance is good; however, we could not find
much evidence on the experience with its implementation and use
• there is some evidence that using the above AI systems for initial
screening of images provides better value for money, but the analyses
didn’t take into account some important factors
there is sufficient evidence from England that a system called EyeArt
v2.1 may be safe and provide better value for money; its
implementation should be investigated further
• the evidence on social and ethical aspects of using AI systems in
screening programmes should be assessed further.

3 tykkäystä

Optomedin kameran käytöstä hyviä kokemuksia dialyysihoidon yhteydessä. Retinopatian seulontakattavuus paranee tällä järjestelyllä merkittävästi.

By providing screening in renal units, it made attending annual diabetic eye screening easier for people on
• We were also able to image 22 people who had previously failed to attend their screening appointments and 12
who had not attended in over 5 years
• Handheld imaging was essential for stretcher patients and could be further implemented to allow for screening
during haemodialysis as opposed to before and after

7 tykkäystä

Ehkä tässä olisi selkeyden vuoksi hyvä todeta, että EyeArt 1) ei ole Optomedin tuote 2) ei ole eksklusiivisesti Optomedin käytössä 3) on FDA hyväksytty Canonin laitteille jo 08/2020.

Näin on, eikä muuta ole missään väitettykään. Optomed käyttää käytännössä aina kumppanin algoiritmeja. AI-juna etenee myös UK:ssa, se pääpointtina.

Huomioihisi liittyen voi mainita sen, että Eyenuk on Optomedin jälleenmyyjä USA:ssa (AI referral käyttöön).

8 tykkäystä

Optomed tänään Carnegien seminaarissa. Aeyen trialin tutkimukset valmistuvat lähiaikoina, kiinnostavaa nähdä lunastettiinko odotukset ja päästäänkö fda-luvan hakuun alkuvuonna.

Dec 3 - Dec 3, 2021
CAR healthcare seminar

9 tykkäystä

Kauppalehden toimittajakin jo heräilee CAR sisäisiin blokkeihin. Tänään liikahtanut 50 000 + 35 000 kpl blokit. Eikä jääne tähän, tuo Carnegien sijoittajatapahtuma herättänee lisääkin kiinnostusta. Menisi varmaan paremmillakin hinnoilla kaupaksi, mutta jokun iso myyjä haluaa irtautua.

4 tykkäystä

Singaporessa AI:n hyödyntäminen retinopatian seulonnassa on hyvässä vauhdissa. Optomedin kumppani Eyriksen AI-algoritmit ovat vuoden loppuun mennessä käytössä kaikilla poliklinikoilla Singaporessa. (Toki muitakin kameroita mukana, kuin Optomed)

5. This brings me to my second point, which zooms up from the individual innovative spark I just spoke of to a system-level viewpoint. My second reflection is that the application of AI innovations to improve healthcare requires a multidisciplinary team to bring it to fruition, and it requires multi-stakeholder effort. It takes a village. Let me explain, using SELENA+ as an illustration. SELENA+ is the National AI project from the healthcare sector. Jointly developed by the Singapore National Eye Centre, the Singapore Eye Research Institute and the NUS School of Computing, it is an AI algorithm that analyses eye scans to detect diabetic retinopathy. SELENA+ has achieved accuracy levels of over 90%, on par with the performance of professional graders but doing it in a much shorter time.

  1. SELENA+ is not a bolt out of the blue, but is the latest chapter of innovations in remote diagnostic imaging. Singapore’s efforts in teleradiology started at least a decade and half ago, including our x-rays being read in India, and US x-rays being read by us to take advantage of time-zone differences. We gradually learnt to be assured of clinical standards and patient safety, critical factors for successful healthcare innovations. I recall SNEC then introduced the remote diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, for our patients in our polyclinics. The ability of our eye specialists in our national specialty centre to reach a much broader swathe of patients in the primary care system was a huge step forward, enabling us to detect and treat patients much earlier than before. Early detection was immensely valuable to tackling diabetes. Making this happen required collaboration between our specialty centres and our primary care network in many things, including workflow processes, patient management and data transfers. It required clinicians, nurses, administrators, technical specialists, and IT professionals to come together. It took hard work to resolve obstacles and build collaborations. Because we made this work manually so to speak, introducing SELENA+ now was made smoother. It takes a village, with sustained determination and commitment over time, to make innovations happen.

7. SELENA+ has been deployed in most polyclinics already and will reach all polyclinics by the end of 2021. It is projected to screen 120,000 patients annually, covering all diabetic eye screenings in our polyclinics across the nation. SELENA+ has also been licensed to local start-up EyRis, which has business in more than 20 countries and regions including EU, China and SEAsia.

6 tykkäystä

Acta Ophthalmol 2021:99:e1415-1420.
"Handheld fundus camera performance, image quality and outcomes of diabetic retinopathy grading in a pilot screening study.

Optomed Aurora menestynyt hyvin myös oululaisten käsissä verrattuna Canon/Zeiss pöytäkameroihin. Luettavissa www.actaophthalmologica.com.

Onnittelut omistajille, lupaavia juttuja näkyy tässä ketjussa jo edellä.:+1:
Itse en tätä omista.

6 tykkäystä

Filippiinien seulontaprojektia palkittu.


Jos joku menee 7.12.2021 Kouvolan osakesäästäjien tilaisuuteen, niin voisi kysäistä kokouksessa esiintyvältä Optomedin Kopsalalta, minkälaisena näkee Intian markkinan. Zeisshan teki Intiaan jokin aika sitten seulontasopparin, jossa käytetään Visuscouttia.

4 tykkäystä

Hieman lisätietoa Filippiinien seulontapilotista. Yksin Filippiinit vaikuttaa aika hedelmälliseltä kohteelta Optomedille, ja varmasti onnistuessaa on tärkeä referenssi jatkolle.

PS. Filippiinien seulontapilotissa on mukana Paolo Silva Harvard Medical Schoolista, joka on mukana Optomedin webinaarissa 9.12.2021 kertomassa AI:n käytöstä retinopatian seulonnassa.


The Philippines has 7,641 islands and more than 100 million people which makes evaluation of diabetic eye disease very challenging. “Not all areas have the necessary equipment for eye examinations and the transportation of machines and specialists is challenging if a DESP it to be deployed on a national scale,” says Tunde. “Then there is the lack of trained eye health professionals; there are only about 1,600 ophthalmologists in the country where around 4 to 5 million people are estimated to have diabetes.”


A teleophthalmology eye evaluation involves taking photographs of the patient’s eyes in different community-based locations and sending these images to a central database. The images are evaluated remotely at a reading centre by trained image graders who send the results back to the patient and their doctors. Thus, if the team can establish a means of performing teleophthalmology eye evaluations using mobile retinal cameras, they can overcome the geographical and practical challenges that exist in the Philippines.


The goal of the REACH-DR project is that relevant decision makers and government institutions in the Philippines will have specific policies in place to enable long-term funding that sustains DESP appropriately. The Philippines is aiming to achieve a reduction of blindness from diabetic eye disease, mirroring the UK results.

The next steps of the project include presenting the results to the relevant stakeholders, including patient groups, applying for further funding and expansion of the pilot programme to involve more regions in the Philippines. For the programme to be successful in the long term the team will also need to train administrators, policymakers, AI-specialists and quality assurance personnel, so a DESP can support a cadre of professionals, rather than just those with a clinical background.

Making screening for Diabetic Retinopathy closer to Filipino patients’ reach

9 tykkäystä

Kiitos Optis tuosta artikkelista. Linkki ei toiminut/vienyt oikeaan artikkeliin, mutta täältä pääsee samaan abstractiin käsiksi. Hienoa nähdä että Aurora vetää laadultaan vertoja kalliimmille laitteille.

10 tykkäystä

Linkki kyllä vie Actan sivulle, josta alas rullaamalla löytyy uusin issue josta pääsee artikkeliin. Itse menin lehden sisällysluettelon innoittamana lukemaan tuota kautta. Eivät nykyään julkaise kaikkea painetussa lehdessä. En ole expertti näissä linkityksissä, joten kiitos kun laitoit suoran linkin.

6 tykkäystä

Muutama poiminta Kopsalan esityksestä Kouvolan osakesäästäjien kokouksessa:
Myyntiverkoston rakentaminen neurologiaan aloitettu
Myyntiverkostoa laajennetaan perusterveydenhuoltoon
Kliiniset tutkimuksen laajentumiseen aloitettu (ilmeisesti koskee neurologiaa)
Uusi tuote pian lanseerattavissa (uskoisin tämän olevan neurokamera, aka Optomed Lumo)
Intiasta päätettiin aikanaan vetäytyä hankalan markkinan vuoksi (markkinan hajanaisuus, tullimuodollisuuksien hankaluudet). Intiassa Zeissilla (Visuscout) on hyvät edellytykset tehdä bisnestä suurempien resurssien ansiosta (Zeiss India).
Vuoden loppuun mennessä odotetaan Aeye Healthin trialin tulosten julkistamista, FDA-lupa tavoitteena 2022 loppuun mennessä, jos tutkimus onnistuu.
Silmänpohjakamera soveltuu hyvin myös kardiosairauksien tutkimiseen.
Perusterveydenhuollossa yksi soveltuva kohde on päänsärkyjen tutkiminen, silmänpohjakuvista havaitsee mm. kallonsisäisen paineen
Filippiinien seulontaprojekti on onnistuessaan erinomainen referenssi muille markkinoille mennessä.

=> Optomedilla on nyt paljon lupaavia startteja, yhdenkin niistä onnistuminen olisi jackpot.

32 tykkäystä