Osui omaan uutisfiidiin Baltimoren tänään päivitetty tilausuutinen.
“SenesTech, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNES), a leader in innovative pest control solutions, is pleased to announce that the City of Baltimore has begun integrating Evolve™, SenesTech’s cutting-edge rodent birth control product, into the city’s rodent management programs. This marks a pivotal step in Baltimore’s efforts to address its significant rodent population, a challenge highlighted by a recent ranking of Baltimore as one of America’s “rattiest cities.” The city has placed a substantial initial order for Evolve and plans to deploy the product this quarter as part of its integrated pest management (IPM) strategy.”
Esimerkiksi rottaongelmaan New Yorkissa allokoidaan reilusti varoja, mutta ”substansial” voisi olla Baltimoren kohdalla esimerkiksi (vähintään) useita satoja tuhansia dollareita. Rottaongelmaan laitetaan huomattavia ja nousussa olevia summia, joten Baltimore joutunee tuohon lohkaisemaan budjetistaan myös merkittävän summan.
Baltimoren Department of Public Works (DPW) under the Bureau of Solid Waste:n budjetti on vuositasolla reilu 13 miljoonaa$, mutta vaikea arvata mikä osa tuosta valuu suoraan Baltimoren rottaongelman torjumiseen ja mikä voisi olla SenesTech:n uusimman tilauksen osuus. Tämähän on lopulta ihan mielenkiintoinen kohde tutkittavaksi ja pienelle pelurille riittää erinomaisesti pienikin osa kakusta. New York on se iso kakku, josta jaettavaa riittäisi pitkäksi aikaa.
How much has the city of New York allocated towards rat mitigation efforts each year?
New York City has allocated varying amounts toward rat mitigation efforts over the years. In July 2017, the city announced a $32 million rat reduction plan targeting specific neighborhoods with high numbers of rat complaints. In April 2023, Mayor Eric Adams appointed Kathleen Corradi as the city’s first “rat czar” and announced a $3.5 million investment to target the rat population in Harlem. Additionally, the city has implemented various initiatives, such as containerizing trash to limit food availability for rats, which, while not exclusively budgeted for rat mitigation, contribute to the overall efforts. However, specific annual budget allocations for rat mitigation efforts in recent years are not readily available.
The U.S. pest control market is a significant and growing industry. While specific figures for the U.S. rodent control segment are not readily available, the global rodent control market was valued at approximately USD 2.85 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 5.2 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.9%.
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