Smart Eye - King of automotive’s Interior Sensing AI?

Yuri, my post said Smarteye booth CES 2020.

Scroll through the pics here

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These are just based on my own thoughts:

By having their own booth they have more visibility most likely? They can solely focus on showcasing and selling their own solutions and explaining the future of car safety compared to being just a partner at other booths.

I would see it as step-up from being just a partner in several booths to having a booth for themselves

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Yes Gremeor that makes some sense. If the partner booths weren’t working well then a dedicated booth means more focus.

3 tykkäystä

I am having a little hard time to understand why would SEYE not be also licensed to Qualcomm at some point? Has there been info that there would only be a single vendor and Qualcomm is now off-limits of SEYE? I have not seen this, so I would like to get a bit more clarity to this. If both are HW agnostic, why would SEYE not be possibly here too?

And by referring also to the Veoneer slide circled here on multiple occasions :

Has there been an indication that SEYE could not be a partner with Veoneer through another SoC partner? Or as earlier said a partner through Qualcomm? Also am I correct in assuming the partnership with SEE and Veoneer is through Qualcomm only?

What I am getting as an argument is more or less that since they (Qualcomm and Veoneer) are with SEE now it would mean game over for SEYE here. Why would it be like this? Do we know that Veoneer is not dual-sourcing on SoC’s? As said I find these are talked as being totally binary but is it really so when talking about a chip vendor or system integrator?

EDIT: answering to myself on the Veoneer + Qualcomm partnership part based on this article. This according to Veoneer CEO from the article: "Veoneer’s CEO Carlson clarified the company’s commitment to Qualcomm’s SoC platform. Asked if the partnership is exclusive, Carlson said, “We have no intention to go into any other relationship for SoC partnership. We picked Qualcomm here.”

So Qualcomm is the only SoC where they will play the role of system integrator. What I still do not understand is that does Veoneer only source Qualcomm chips by themselves to the OEM’s? Since this is only for the Qualcomm ride platform which is then supplied to either other Tier1s or OEMs. :thinking:

1 tykkäys

En nyt ihan suoraan uskoisi, että Inderesin kokoinenkaan sakki saisi tuota kurssia kääntymään merkittävästi alaspäin. Jossain täysin Suomen sisällä toimivassa lapussa toki, mutta Smart Eye kuitenkin saa sijoittajia myös muualta Euroopasta ja varmaan rapakon toiselta puoleltakin. Merkittävä dippi vaatisi varmaan jo yleisen kalabaliikki-infon jostain ongelmasta. Se taas voisi sitten viedä kurssin jo melkoiseen kierteeseen :slight_smile:

3 tykkäystä


September 16, 2019 19:00

SSE Executive Education

Veoneer Update

  1. Presentation

Page 9 clearly shows Seeing Machines as DMS partner.

Followed by

So if Veoneer are Seeing Machines partner, and Seeing Machines is optimised by Qualcomm for the Qualcomm chip and we have Qualcomm and Veoneer building a joint ADAS stack, I guess it is still possible that Smart Eye could run their software on top

Kaiken tämän pohdinnan keskelle pieni käytännön huomio markkinan kehittymisestä ja ehkä dw realisoitumisen näkymisestä käytännössä (?)

Markkina tuntuu kehittyvän juuri kuten on sanottu, eli ensin high end, mid class ja sitten loput. Dms bmw x5:ssa on jo mielestäni merkki mid classin lähenemisestä. Itse olen tavannut tuota kameraa vain -8, -7, -6 ja -5 sarjassa. 5 sarjassakin kuitenkin vain x mallin puolella. Tavallisessa 5 sarjassa mittarirakennekin tosin erilainen, eli tuollaista samanlaista koloa kameralle ei edes näy.

-8 sarja

-7 sarja

-6 sarja

-5 sarja

Jatkakaa, luen mielelläni pohdintaa. Varmuus SM positiivisesta kehityksestä kasvaa täällä ainakin.

E: On muuten todella hyvä tää alusta tällä foorumilla, erittäin nopea, visuaalinen ja helppokäyttöinen, muokattu kuvien sijaintia.

17 tykkäystä

Itse olen nyt tutustunut käytännössä X5:n ruorissa kameran toimintaan muutaman kuukauden. Muutaman kerran kun olen puhelinta räpläillyt niin on alkanut auto ehdottelemaan taukoa ja navi mielellään ohjaa hyviin kahvipaikkoihin :slight_smile:

20 tykkäystä

Onko X5 sulla sama varuste, mikä esimerkiksi x7? Eli tuo adaptiivinen vakkari, mikä pysähdyksen jälkeen jatkaa ajoa automaattisesti, jos katse on tiessä. Vai onko se ruuhka-avustin tjsp? Ilmeisesti ei ole siis ainakaan liian herkkä ollut tuo varoitin kokonaisuudessaan?

Uudesta 5er faceliftistä löytyy sekä myös uudesta 4er.

5er facelift:

Linkki kyseiseen autoon mobile:ssä:

2 tykkäystä

Oliko näissä edellämainituista bemareista toimittajana SEE vai smart?

X5 on ainakin smartti

2 tykkäystä

Kaikki kyseiset mallit ovat CLAR-pohjalevy platformilla:

eli Smart Eye

10 tykkäystä

Yes I do understand that the current DMS partnership with Veoneer is SEE. But not to make this a SEE post but rather a SEYE post, the question is that as has been discussed in length in this thread: the tier 1 suppliers do not normally use single sourcing so why would it be like this with DMS for the whole foreseeable future? If Veoneer will not use SEYE never (or as long as they state SEE as the partner), this is valuable information.
I would find it hard to believe that any tier 1 would have total exclusivity to a DMS provider, at least in the longer period. If this has been already commented some months earlier I do not remember it.

And to clarify this is not only about Qualcomm ride platform since my understanding still is that Veoneer can provide DMS solutions outside of Qualcomm ride platform also but it will not be the whole systems integrator on other complete stacks.

5 tykkäystä

@Treepio, I think that dual sourcing is more for OEMs than for Tier 1s. For example with BMW one Tier 1 would get X3, M3 and 3 series. But another gets X5, M5 and 5 series. Even within that range, the top of the range vehicles with Active Cruise Control may be different Tier1 from the base model with just cruise control.

Since the Tier1s need to integrate closely with DMS, they are likely to work with a preferred supplier.

1 tykkäys

Happy to have debate and opinions but facts are facts, anyone thinking SEYE work with Veoneer are just fooling themselves and another.

Smarteye did work with Autoliv (Veoneer is a spin-off of Autoliv) but Autoliv moved to SM.

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I’m pretty confident Seye is not working with Veoneer, but so what? One should focus on working with the technological forerunners. Is Veoneer one of them? I cannot tell, but I noticed that they have laid off 2000 / 23 % of employees in one year (6/2019 → 6/2020). Maybe not a good sign?

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@Seeing2020 as I said I understand SEE being the current partner with Veoneer. I am not questioning that is this true, what I am wondering is that why is this thought to be game-over 100% for other DMS providers. Including SEYE. Not saying I do not believe SEE and Veoneer are partners.
And to continue on the topic of Tier1 sourcing. This was actually discussed in detail here in the thread several months ago, with at least one person working for a Tier1 company. That person stating very clearly that these companies do not use single-sourcing. If we can be sure that no dual-sourcing never on DMS that is all valuable news.

EDIT: so maybe the whole thing can be summarized also that some people are under the impression Tier1s do not dual-source that much and others are under the impression that they do. :thinking:

1 tykkäys

The point on Smarteye and Veoneer is they are both Swedish and did work together when Autoliv, so why move from the Swedish company to the one based in Canberra Australia, surely if the tech was even close you would stay with the local company

As for the importance of Veoneer they provide the DMS for the 2nd best selling Vehicle in the world (Ford F150) and have a partnership with Qualcomm they are a hugely important Tier One in active safety.

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Just because both companies are from sweden they should work together? And if they dont, there must be something really wrong. Are you serious?
What if SEE said they can cut their profit and give it so much cheaper than SEYE? If if if…

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