Smart Eye - King of automotive’s Interior Sensing AI?

Tämä on mielestäni ison ”uhka” tässä casessa nyt, eli veoneer + qualcomm + android os ja sourcing ohi perinteisen kilpailutuksen. Jos tämä pipeline olisi auki, niin eiköhän siitä joku tiedoite pitäisi antaa ja näkyä arvioissa?

”Possibly the most exciting DMS development I am investigating involves Qualcomm. I have previously reported on my interpretation of the Qualcomm-Veoneer partnership and have speculated on the possibility of a future eye-gaze controlled version of Google’s Android Automotive OS .

However this announcement from OpenSynergy of a collaboration with Google and Qualcomm on a virtualized Android Automotive OS might suggest plans for a combined ADAS/infotainment domain controller running the Google and Veoneer software together on the same Qualcomm Snapdragon SoC.”

SM-pojilla on ihan hyvä pointteja. Uudella strategialla tulevat varmasti pärjäämään seuraavilla kierroksilla. Ja on totta et redeye on extra bullish smarttiin, samalla tavalla kun colin see:hen. Totuus jossain siltä väliltä?

Onko kukaan miettineet sitä että varmaan autovalmistajat olivat lobanneet euro ncapin testiprotokollan lykkäämistä. Onko tässä riskiä, OEM:it eivät halua mennä kameraan?

6 tykkäystä

Tuon pitäisi näkyä pipelinessa kyllä jatkossa. Jos näin olisi. Tätä selvitellään osaltani taustalla vielä lisää. Colinin lennokkaisiin juttuihin kannattaa suhtautua kyllä varauksella kunnes toisin todistetaan.

Itse arvelen että riippuu ennemminkin kuka Tier1 valitaan eri platformeille, kuin että menisi automaattisesti aina kaikkiin Qualcomm autoihin. QC näyttää hääräävän kaikkien DMS-toimijoiden kanssa.

Industry Sources sanoo, että oli koronasta johtuvaa. Todellisuudessa lykkääntyi ilmeisesti vuoden verran eikä kaksi vuotta, kuten EEtimes kirjoitti.

3 tykkäystä

@Aston_Livingstone, surely there is some cow in ditch going on here? We were invited over to contribute and I believe I am being fair.

I respected your desire to separate See to a different list, but now you cherry pick my comments back on this side.

GM has a joint venture in China as well as selling its US brand cars there. As you will know DMS is mandated in China and this is why SEYE has been selected. NOT to replace Seeing Machines in their respected brand of Super Cruise.

Ken k did not state that SEYE had won Supercruise

6 tykkäystä

So you mean that GM has selected Smart for its vehicles in China? And Seeing in western countries with Super Cruise?

If you read the original CEO message (copied to this forum) it states about newest version of super cruise.

Now Im starting to understand all the ”questionable statements” from Colin that Smarts DWs are only for china. This would explain it. So Colin argues that GM’s selection to have Smart in China applies as a general rule to all OEMs and DWs (bullshit). Did I get it correctly?

I also want to respect all parties but also clarification is needed for your comment :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe Colins statements are in weird light to me - not yours LongestShot. So my apologies for bad language.

5 tykkäystä

Yes, that is what it would seem. Supercruise and DMS are closely linked. Whereas for the Chinese models DMS is standalone. There is volume there, but in China I do not expect the too be much money available sadly.

1 tykkäys

Yes, that is what it would seem. Supercruise and DMS are closely linked. Whereas for the Chinese models DMS is standalone. There is volume there, but in China I do not expect the too be much money available sadly.

I must have missed something. There is so much to read that I’m losing my mind. :sweat: Is this confirmed in some document or news?

1 tykkäys

China would be ok to win DMS business as long as the software is protected. I would assume that Seye and any other provider has something in place to protect their IP

1 tykkäys

At least for their upcoming aftermarket product they have protection. So i would assume some protection to DMS also if possible technically

But why you guys havent admitted earlier to us about this GM/Smart thing? And do you have any proofs?

2 tykkäystä

No, NDAs prevent announcements until vehicles are on the road. Our contracts are with the T1 not OEM so it is for them to announce.

OEMs want to control news flow so that consumers don’t hold off buying this year’s model because next year’s looks better.

Over at the various places where See researchers gather, we do keep our ears to the ground, we have contacts, we also use our brains and technical knowledge, some have clouded vision, others can see further and put together the jigsaw from the clues.

You may say that Colin is wild recently but he has a very good reputation in the wider world. He saw the value in Arm long before the market. He has seen SEE move into new areas (started by Ken) and those are now coming to fruit for the current management.

PMcG has been strong on move from selling things to licencing IP. You will see this with Aviation (L3Harris and CAE) soon. And you have seen the footsteps to Qualcomm

13 tykkäystä

Does that really ring true? Sophisticated software, not even sure what that suggests and combining it to hardware?
I sincerely hope that SEE or Seye if they work in China have worked this issue out.

2 tykkäystä

If the rumors that iCar will enter production in 2024 are accurate, then on automotive timescales the vehicle design is already mostly complete, even if only virtually as a “digital twin.” Apple will already be working with tier one and tier two suppliers, so we won’t have to look very far for some major clues.

My top candidate for tier one for the automated driving system is Veoneer,

In the next column I will share my thoughts on why I believe Apple will have gone “Down Under” for the driver monitoring system in the iCar and is likely to already be working with the clear technology leader, Seeing Machines.



45 tykkäystä

Mielenkiintoinen artikkeli! Odotappas kun katson kenen kirjoitam… aah juuh. :slightly_smiling_face:

25 tykkäystä

In this video from Sep -20 SM CEO McGlone basically admits SM is not the leading DMS supplier (at least in terms of market share) but Smarteye is (starting from 13.20).

He’s stated in another occasion that SM + SE combined have ~ 90% share. In this video he says SM share is reaching / is 30%. My math says Smarteye is left with 60% (Smarteye own guess is 65%).

At this point I sincerely want to thank SM camp, especially @TheLongestShot and @Sophierns, for challenging us, although time to time I wish it was based on more actual facts and well grounded reasoning rather than beliefs and guesses without any sources.

Anyway, you have forced me to make my homework even better. Now I can say that I’m more confident on Smart than a week ago. I do admit there are certain matters to follow-up with SM and they may or may not turn the market share upside down. But hey, I’d rather start the next round of RFQs with 60% market share rather than 30%, suggests Smart has been on the right path for some time now.

116 tykkäystä

Millonkohan saataisiin Smart Eye Inderesin seurantaan

4 tykkäystä

Inderes on tehnyt strategisen valinnan seurata vain suomalaisia pörssifirmoja (ainakin toistaiseksi).

6 tykkäystä

Olisi kyllä eniveis mukava, jos Smarttia seuraisi joku muukin Redin lisäksi.

Tosin tämän keskusteluketjun arvokin on jo itsessään myös uskomattoman suuri ja monen eri ihmisen tuottama.

7 tykkäystä


Thank you for posting Colin’s speculation. I thought that it was a wild thing to say in print.

This morning I noticed that some Seeing Machines people had liked it - quite informally.

But this had really rocked my boat.

And there was me expecting a denial RNS when Cupertino woke up.

Edit: Yes, that is from Veoneer on LinkedIn and also on Twitter.

9 tykkäystä

Read the opening post.

7 tykkäystä

Interesting to see Veoneer share this in social media. Nevertheless, as an investor I would not attribute much importance to it. To me it simply looks like Veoneer marketing / PR is pushing the article as it reflects on them positively.

To be clear, I am not arguing that Apple will not end up with Veoneer / See. I just don’t necessarily see a strong positive correlation with the actual sales negotiations & the social media shares by Veoneer.

6 tykkäystä

I appreciate a lot of contradictory input here lately but I feel dropping these oneliners without sources is just borderline trolling.

While you may very well have a valid point without sources they appear merely as opinions. Everyone interested on the topic finds themselves googling RGB-IR low-light shortcomings with very little results.

So if you have sources for your statements please link them here to help us who are willing to do our own research. Judging the credibility of the sources is up to the reader.

13 tykkäystä