Kiinalainen palvelu ei toki kaikkialla Aasiassa ole kovassa huudossa. Esim Intia, Etelä-Korea, Taiwan ja Japani tuskin innoissaan käyttäisivät kiinalaisia palveluja (pl Kiinassa toimiessaan).
Kiinan markkinan nykyjaosta löydin tälläisen yhteenvedon:
” China Cloud Market Share

China Cloud Market Share
The top four cloud service providers in China were Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Baidu AI Cloud, with a combined 80% market share by total expenditure.
Alibaba Cloud led China’s cloud market with a 33.8% share, though its growth slowed to 30% in the quarter. Huawei maintained its second-place position in China’s cloud infrastructure market during Q2 2021 with a 19% market share.
Tencent Cloud was third after its growth re-accelerated, driven by wins in smart tourism and government, as well as finance. Baidu AI Cloud was fourth with an 8% share after it grew 49%.”
Kilpailijoista pistää silmään Huawei, joka taitaa nauttia paljon paremmasta suhteesta hallintoon.
” China’s Public Cloud Services Market to Grow to 10.5% of global share by 2024
In 2020, the overall market size of global public cloud services (IAAs/PAAS/SaaS) reached US$312.42 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 24.1%, according to IDC.
The overall market size of China’s public cloud services reached US$19.38 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 49.7%, with the highest growth rate in all regions of the world. IDC predicts that the global share of China’s public cloud service market will increase from 6.5% in 2020 to more than 10.5% by 2024.”
Lähde: China Cloud Computing Market Share in Q1 2023 – China Internet Watch