AroCell AB 2.0 - mainettaan parempi

Ei siellä ketään muu tunnu haluavan lapuista eroon hinnalla millä hyvänsä nonneroiden lisäksi.

Ainostaan vanha osake on kunnon dipissä, eli olisiko porukka merkkaillut täydet sillä periaatteella, että myydään sitten saman verran vanhoja pois ja kun kurssi lähti alussa dippaamaan isommin, meni paniikkivaihde silmään.

Ja tuo anti oli “vain” 8,12 miljoonaa euroa päivän kurssilla, niin varmasti tulee vielä toinen ja ehkä kolmaskin anti ennen kuin saadaan se De Novo -hakemus maaliin ja testikitti myyntiin jenkeissä.

Cash burn oli viime vuonna sellaista 2 miljoonaa euroa, mutta siinä ei vielä ollut mukana tuo IDL, ja nythän siis aikovat lanseerata noita IDL:n tuotteita lisää ja eri markkinoille, niin en ihmettelisi jos pelkästään bisneksen pyörittäminen maksaisi 4 miljoonaa euroa / vuosi. Siihen päälle tulee sitten De Novoon liittyvät uudet tutkimukset, hakemusprosessin valmistelu, itse hakemus, jne.

Eiköhän ensi vuonna (tai jopa Q4 2022) tule vielä uusi anti. Ehkä vähän isompi, ettei tarvitse koko ajan olla käsi ojossa :smiley:

1 tykkäys

RedEye päivitti tavoitehintansa:

SEK 0.8 Bear Case
SEK 2.0 Base Case
SEK 3.8 Bull Case

Edit. Arocellin tilinpäätös 24.2. ilmeisesti klo 9.

9 tykkäystä

Positive comment on serum TK1 from the authors of the following article (published 20 feb 2022).

“TK1 expression is upregulated during the early stages of cancer development and elevated levels are detected in the serum of cancer patients making it an ideal biomarker.”

Link to the abstract, where the full article can be downloaded (the quote is from page 9):

“An ideal biomarker” sounds quite nice, I think, and it is not often such positive comments on serum TK1 can be read in articles coming from external scientists (outside of “established” TK1 scientists).

9 tykkäystä

2022-02-25: Anders Hultman +95,000

7 tykkäystä

Quotes from a recently published article, from Ellen He and Sven Skog, showing new interesting results related to early detection of ovarian malignancy.

“In this case report, all serum markers (HE4, CA125, CEA2, AFP, CA19-9 CA72-4, and HPV) were in the normal range before and after surgery; only the preoperational STK1p value showed a significant increase of 15-fold. The post-operational STK1p value was reduced to the baseline when the menstrual cycle returned to normal.” /…/

“We concluded that the individual baseline of STK1p combined with appropriate imaging, TK1 immunohistochemical staining and other specific biomarkers would be benefit for early determination of benign and malignant teratoma, both to save ovarian function and maintain fertility, and also for prognosis of the risk of recurrence.” /…/

“We also suggested that every person need regular health examination and set-up own basic value of STK1p as an early warning for risk of tumor-related diseases in process.”

Link to the article (published 19 feb 2022):

The results are based on measurements using the STK1p dot-blot method developed by SSTK Biotech in China (Sven Skog and Ellen He). Use of STK1p in the early detection of cancer seems to be a strong and leading theme in the research from Sven Skog and Ellen He. This is clearly a somewhat slight shift i direction compared to AroCells approach, and may perhaps be related to different regulatory and socio-cultural settings in China versus the western world. Nevertheless, the results in early detection are really interesting, and perhaps one day in the future (who knows?) AroCell will also benefit from this growing body of data related to STK1p as an early stage risk-warning-flag relevant in the early detection of many different types of cancer and pre-cancer.

5 tykkäystä

A classic misunderstanding from the signature Sven Simon on the Facebook AroCell Investor Forum:

“I think we can agree that the world will not prioritize these kinds of medicines. In the shadow of the war in Ukraine, sales revenues will not increase significantly. In a perfect world, this medicine would be in demand to save lives but we are nowhere near that.” (Google-translate from swedish)

I think Sven Simons statement is a misunderstanding. AroCells product is NOT a MEDICINE - it is rather a way to determine WHICH medicine to use with respect to the actual clinical situation and the individual patient. So… from that perspective it is clear that AroCells product will help society to SAVE economic resources that are now spent often in a not appropriate manner due to lack of information on the clinical situation in the individual patient. It is this kind of new clinical INFORMATION that AroCells product can deliver. And this has the potential to result in society SAVING resources (contrary to Sven Simons statement). So, from the economic point of view, there should be a clear positive benefit to society once AroCells product is approved for use in clinical settings.

Edit: The benefit of AroCells products to society is already shown in the recently all-time-high sales of UBC-rapid in bladder cancer. And TK210 ELISA - alone and/or in kombination with AroCells cytokeratin portfolio - carries, probably, a much greater total potential to deliver critical information, increasing the wellbeing of the individual patient as well as saving economic resources to society.

2 tykkäystä

2022-03-04: Eva Nordström +36,900

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This might be some interesting results which seems to support AroCells TK1-data with TK210 in prostate cancer. The results was published already in august 2021, but as far as I am aware this study have not yet been linked on any AroCell forum.

"Conclusion: Serum level of TK1 was superior of tPSA in diagnosis of prostate tumor and differentiating
between BPH and PCa."

Further, according to my understanding, the TK1-results seems to be strong in the problematic “gray zone” (4-10 ng/ml) which may be an important factor supporting AroCells case.

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Results and analysis from the very interesting and unique 30-year followup-study in prostate cancer has now been peer-reviewed and published in “The Prostate”! (2022-03-16)

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Kelpaa Arocell osakkeet 0,75 hintaan. Eikö tuo ole ihan hyvä asia?

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In connection herewith, in accordance with the guarantee commitments that have been entered into and what has previously been communicated, a directed issue of shares is carried out to those guarantors in the Rights Issue who have chosen to receive guarantee commission in the form of newly issued shares in the Company (the “Remuneration Issue”). The subscription price in the Remuneration Issue is set at SEK 0.75 per share and payment is made by offsetting the guarantors’ claims.

Payment in the Remuneration Issue shall be made by offsetting each guarantor’s claim for guarantee commission. The subscription price has been set to SEK 0.75 per share, corresponding to the subscription price in the Rights Issue. Through the Remuneration Issue, the number of shares in AroCell increases by 1,134,800 shares to a total of 226,250,307 shares and increases the share capital by a total of SEK 113,480.00 to SEK 22,625,030.70. The dilution due to the Remuneration Issue amounts to approximately 0.50 per cent.

Ilmeisesti tällä annilla maksetaan nyt takaajille siitä, että suostuvat lainoja takaamaan. Osakekannan diluutio on toki vain 0,5% ja 0,75 SEK kelvollinen hinta osakkeelle, mutta kyllähän tuo aika kriisiyhtiön toiminnalta omaan korvaan kuulostaa. Liekö miten yleinen toimintatapa pörssiyhtiöille?

Mielestäni on aina hyvä asia jos yhtiö pystyy maksamaan osakkeillaan lainoja, ei kai velkojat suostuisi ottamaan osakkeita rahan sijaan, jos eivät olettaisi saavansa rahalle tuottoa

1 tykkäys

Beckman Coulters subsidiary Immunotech is located in Tjeckien. Don´t know fore sure, but it could be that the AroCell/IDL deal with Immunotech includes some kind of assembling or manufacturing of kits at Immunotechs facilities in Prag. Tjeckien joined NATO already in 1999 and is part of EU since 2004.

1 tykkäys

Yhtiössä alkaa olemaan kokemusta ja tietoa. Hyvä kun panostetaan myös nyyntiin ja markkinointiin.


  1. maaliskuuta 2022

Nimitysvaliokunta ehdottaa vuoden 2022 varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle kahta uutta jäsentä Johan Häggbladin ja Agneta Tufvesson Almin uudelleenvalinnassa.

Johan Häggbladilla on yli 30 vuoden kokemus lääketeollisuudesta johtotehtävissä. Johan on Calliditaksen tieteellinen johtaja. Sitä ennen hän toimi Pharmalinkin toimitusjohtajana vuosina 2007-2017. Hän on aiemmin toiminut johtotehtävissä NeuroNovassa (2001-2007), Pharmacia Oyj:ssä (1997-2001) ja Karo Bio AB:ssa (1989-1997). Johanilla on tohtorin tutkinto neurokemiasta ja neurotoksikologiasta Tukholman yliopistosta ja hän suoritti jatkotutkinnon farmakologiassa ja fysiologiassa New Yorkin yliopistossa ja Oxfordin yliopistossa.

Agneta Tufvesson Almilla on yli 30 vuoden kokemus kansainvälisestä myynnistä ja markkinoinnista sekä kokemus suoramyynnistä Pohjoismaissa ja Isossa-Britanniassa, alue- ja avainasiakkaiden hallinnasta Euroopassa, Afrikassa ja Lähi-idässä. Agneta on työskennellyt jakeluverkostojen rakentamisen, sopimusneuvottelujen, myynti- ja asiakaspalvelutiimien johtamisen parissa. Hän työskentelee tällä hetkellä Kemira Kemi AB:ssa ja on aiemmin toiminut muun muassa HemoCue AB:ssa, Thermo Questissä ja Kabi Pharmaciassa. Agneta on suorittanut kemian kandidaatin tutkinnon Lundin yliopistosta.

Varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle ehdotettu uusi ehdotus hallitukseksi on: Eva Nordströmin, Charlotta Ljungqvistin ja Max Pihlqvistin uudelleenvalinta sekä Agneta Tufvesson Almin ja Johan Häggbladin uusi valinta.

Nimitysvaliokunta ehdottaa Johan Häggbladin uudelleenvalintaa hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi.

1 tykkäys

I think the following from the 30-year prostate study is really interesting. Maybe in a possible future context of personal health management, lifestyle factors and early detection of disease:

In addition to death from prostate cancer, our study predicted that a high TK1 value, predicts the death of any cause. We have not been able to find any specific causes of death other than prostate cancer, though.

The study continues: “The growth of malignant cells, as well as inflammatory conditions, implies an increased cell division, which in turn can be reflected as an increased concentration of TK1 in the blood. Large screening studies with 8000 and 11,000 healthy participants, respectively, have been conducted in China, where TK1 concentration/TK1 protein levels in the blood were measured. At the time of screening, certain undiagnosed tumor diseases are captured and there are also indications that TK1 predicts not yet clinically detectable malignant diseases.

Could it thereby be fair to say that this new Swedish 30-year study actually seems to confirm part of the earlier work performed in China - or at least confirm a similar general theme in the different studies which indicate/show a biologic relationship between levels of sTK1p, in an apparently healthy individual, and a later future health status of the same individual?

That is… if an apparently healthy individual is showing rising levels of sTK1p during regular yearly health check-up - than that individual would have the option to try to change suspected lifestyle factors (maybe sleeping habits, general stress, exercise, proper food etc) and in doing so try to lower sTK1p back to normal…? Personally, I think that would be a positive option worth reflecting on.

Ok, maybe all this speculations sounds a bit suspect, a bit un-scientific. But I don´t think so. I think there is now well accepted, also here in the western world, that such lifestyle factors may have huge impact on general health in the longterm perspective.

I remember the study comparing oilworkers with ordinary citizens - showing higher sTK1p amongst the oilworkers (Sven Skog and co-workers). But relative changes of sTK1p in the same apparently healthy individual - has this been investigated in a context focusing on possible ordinary lifestyle factors?

Maybe there could emerge new and interesting results from a, let´s say, 2-year study with, say, 50-100 apparently healthy participants in the age of, say, 20-40 years old and who is showing higher sTK1p than normal values?

Wouldn’t it be interesting to se if sTK1p values could show a trend back towards normal after, say, 6-12 months of positive changes in, for example, food and sleeping habits? Is there yet any studies performed including sTK1p with respect to such a kind of lifestyle factors and related parameters?

3 tykkäystä

Taustalla tapahtuu pieniä asioita.

Arocell TK 210 ELISA




  1. maaliskuuta 2022

AroCell jatkaa myynnin kehittämistä Afrikassa. Tänään AroCell on allekirjoittanut Kenian jakelijasopimuksen Medionics Healthcare Limitedin kanssa. Sopimus kattaa TUBEX® TF:n myynnin.

Afrikassa lanseerauksestaan ​​lähtien AroCell on keskittynyt oikeiden jakelukumppaneiden löytämiseen. Yhtiö on aiemmin ilmoittanut, että sopimuksia on allekirjoitettu jakelijoiden kanssa muun muassa Ugandassa, Ghanassa, Zimbabwessa, Ruandassa ja Somaliassa. Nyt AroCell on myös allekirjoittanut uuden jakelusopimuksen Medionics Healthcare Limitedin kanssa jakelusta Keniassa. Sopimus kattaa yrityksen lavantautien TUBEX® TF -pikatestin myynnin .

”Meillä on ilo ilmoittaa, että meillä on toinen jakelija paikan päällä Afrikassa. Jatkamme työtä laajentaaksemme TUBEX® TF :n käyttömarkkinoita . Tämä tukee kaupallistamisstrategiaamme ja on toinen myönteinen askel oikeaan suuntaan”, AroCellin toimitusjohtaja Anders Hultman sanoo.

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Looks as if someone has done some kind of recovery of data and researchlinks from the Avanza/AroCell forum that was abruptly shut down by Avanza in december.

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Two recent links from Indonesia that seems to indicate that TUBEX TF may be a well established test in different levels of the Indonesian healthcare system.

  1. An article published through the website of the largest reinsurance company in Indonesia:
    “The doctor will perform several blood tests, such as the Tubex TF or Widal examination, so that the suspected diagnosis of typhoid can be confirmed.” (google translate)
    Penyakit Tipes, Penyakit Masyarakat Indonesia

  2. The following appears to be a routine fever check program provided by Primaya Hospital Bekasi Barat:

"Typhoid Fever (Typhoid Examination Days 4-6), Rp. 851,000

** Doctor Consultation*
** Hematology Routine -1*
** Salmonella IGM Tubex TF*
** Widal Blood"*

Promo Arsip - Primaya Hospital (google translate)

1 tykkäys

In a recent metastudy using the Chinese version of STK1p (Ellen He, Sven Skog, SSTK Biotech), which investigates the role of serum TK1 in the early detection of colorectal cancer, there seems to be data that further confirms AroCells findings regarding the fully reliable quality of the TK1 protein in longterm stored deep-freezed serum samples.

This finding opens up for the use of deep-freezing clinical serum samples less than -80 C, at least at
-20 C, makes it possible to perform long-time follow-up of tumour patients or determine early tumour risk progress for evaluating the prognosis of patients.

This external data on the fundamental stability of the TK1 protein in longterm stored samples appears to be in line with earlier data from AroCell, and also in line with data from the recent 30-year followup study in prostate cancer, which performed the measurements using the AroCell TK210 ELISA.

I think it´s a good thing to have such important fundamentals again confirmed, reassuring that serum samples stored longterm can be fully integrated in the design of future larger studies on the serum TK1 protein. One may speculate that such confirming data on the longterm robustness of serum TK1 protein may be relevant also from the perspective of other players interested in serum TK1 protein (for example maybe Roche).

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