Bitcoin - Suuria mahdollisuuksia

Despite the crypto ban, many Turks have reportedly turned to Bitcoin, not to mention gold, as the lira continues to sink due to Erdogan’s insistence on lowering interest rates to combat out-of-control inflation.

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Onko missään saatavilla (perusteltuja) oletuksia Bitcoinin 2022 näkymille? Siis esim. missä maissa harkitaan coinin kieltoa, tai päinvastaisesti käyttöönottoa?

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Bloomberg Crypto Outlook Global Cryptocurrencies 2022 Outlook

Is Bitcoin on Path to $100,000 in 2022?
Bitcoin appears to be on a trajectory for $100,000. We see it as more of a question of time, notably due to the eonomic basics of increasing demand vs. decreasing supply. There are ample examples of Bitcoin simply staying on course in 2022 of its process of adoption into the mainstream. U.S., Canadian and European exchange-traded funds and futures, migration into the 60/40 mix and legal-tender status in El Salvador point to a bull market in global adoption. Our graphic depicts the juxtaposition of declining Bitcoin supply with rising prices and with volatility looking tame.

tämmösiä näkemyksiä tullut viimeaikoina :man_shrugging:

  • The market leaders among German financial institutions are reportedly working on a bitcoin trading feature, which could launch in 2022.
  • The Sparkassen are centuries-old regional institutions with about 370 branches and 50 million customers.
  • The offering would cut down intermediaries and enable Sparkasse customers to trade BTC from their checking accounts.
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Additionally, the company announced the impending launch of a Bitcoin-backed mortgage product, the first product of its kind to hit the market. This mortgage will enable Ledn clients to use their Bitcoin holdings to purchase a property while continuing to benefit from potential price appreciation of both assets. Clients will be able to blend an equal amount of Bitcoin and property collateral as part of the mortgage loan. This unique collateral structure, which relies on the stability of real estate to buffer against the volatility of Bitcoin, was designed to provide clients with a generous window to service their Bitcoin collateral during times of high market volatility.

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Kuulostaa kyllä aivan subprime 2.0:lta tämä. En näe kovin ruusuisena tällaisen himmelin käytöstä esim finanssikriisissä, jossa tulivat tonttiin aika lailla kaikki assetit. Haisee isot tappiot luotonantajalle ja velkavankeus luotonsaajalle.

Varmasti hyvä tuote, jos kaikki menee putkeen, mutta oikea tuomiopäivänase, jos homma ei rullaakkaan.

Esim 50-50 jaetusta vakuudesta olisi tänäkin vuonna hävinnyt pahimmillaan yli 25% vakuuksista vain muutamassa kuukaudessa. Aika harvan pankin tase kestää moisia pudotuksia, jolloin ongelmaluotoista on pakko päästä eroon.

7 tykkäystä

45000 muuttunut support tasoksi. Erittäin bullish signaali.

Periaatteessa “higher low” TA-kielellä.

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Seuraava resistance-taso lienee 53k menneen perusteella. Kun siitä menee yli niin 58-60k asti on pelkkää ilmaa.

Isot toimijat likvidoivat voittojaan marraskuussa 68-69k tasoilla, joten nousuvaraa lienee, kun hätäkädet ovat jo myyneet.

Hyvää joulua!

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In encouraging signs for a bullish 2022, Glassnode data reveals that 913,000 new Bitcoin addresses were added from November to the start of December this year.

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Katselu/kuuntelu suositus

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In the same way that a government statistical agency publishes data about a country’s population and economy, or a public company publishes quarterly financial statements disclosing growth rates and earnings, Bitcoin provides a real-time, global ledger that publishes data about the network’s activity and inner economics. Without central control, Bitcoin’s blockchain provides open-source data, its integrity a function of the network’s transparency. In our view, investors increasingly will appreciate bitcoin’s investment merits through the lens of a completely new framework: on-chain data.

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"Bitcoin may have applications beyond simply a “store of value” - and digital asset markets are much bigger than Bitcoin - but we think that comparing its market capitalization to gold can help put parameters on plausible outcomes for Bitcoin returns

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Regarding bitcoin, JPMorgan says it’s “particularly well-designed as a modern store of value, and the strong design has contributed to the increased confidence in and value of Bitcoin.” However, bitcoin still comes up short against other stores of value, including gold, given its limited history, according to Worthington.

Additionally, bitcoin’s heightened volatility likely won’t make it a good currency since that “could undermine crypto as a medium of exchange, as a unit of account and as a standard for deferred payments, the other recognized functions of money.” Volatility concerns have not stopped bitcoin from rising in value, however, he added.

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Yleensä, kun lehdestä saa lukea bitcoinin arvon romahtaneen jonkun asian takia, tällä asialla ei ole mitään merkitystä kurssitapahtumiin. Eiköhän ne ohjakset ole olleet tiukasti FED:n händyssä.

Teknisenä signaalina yleensä on ollut hyvä ostopaikka, kun “näissä” lehdissä kirjoitetaan bitcoinin romahtamisesta.

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Kiina pahus kielsi coinin marraskuussa (?) niin todella lupaava bull run lässähti.

Q1 voi olla vielä vaikea (kuten coinissa usein) mutta vielä nousee.

Pahin mitä voisi käydä, olisi että USA kieltäisi coinin, mutta ei liene tapahtumassa.

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Strike has begun working with merchants, consumers, and individuals in Argentina, launching initial integrations and activations in San Martin de Los Andes. Since the launch in El Salvador less than one year ago, Strike has quadrupled its Latin American team to expand in Argentina, and it is targeting a continent-wide expansion of its team and of the app. Strike will continue to launch in more countries throughout the year, with a focus on Brazil, Colombia, and other Latin American markets and plans for other regions throughout the world.

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At the time of publication, it was not clear how users were selected and how many users have received the new feature.
Cash App was not available for immediate comment requested by Blockworks. But Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Block, which developed Cash App, has been acknowledging and liking tweets on Twitter by Cash App users posting screenshots of their Lightning Network transactions on Cash App.

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Mayor Eduardo Paes presented his plans at Rio Innovation Week as he discussed the subject in a lecture with the bitcoin-loving mayor of Miami – Francis Suarez.
“We are going to launch Crypto Rio and invest 1% of the Treasury in bitcoin,” Paes said.

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