Cibus sijoituskohteena


  • hinta 162SEK / lappu
  • pääomat 927M SEK ennen kuluja
  • alennus 4,3% eilisen sulkuhintaan ja 2,7% edellisen 10 päivän VWAP

Directed Share Issue which was directed to Swedish and international institutional, and other qualified, investors. The Directed Share Issue comprises 5,724,614 new shares at a subscription price of SEK 162 per share and the Company will hereby receive approximately SEK 927 million before transaction related costs

En tätä NAVin tilannetta eilen illasta tarkistellut sen enempää, mutta tiedotteessa tuli vastaus.
Eli oikeita liikkeitä tehdään, kun hyvällä preemiolla saadaan pääomia sisään.

The subscription price represents a premium of approximately 20.0[1] per cent to the EPRA NRV per share in Cibus, which amounted to EUR 11.8 on 30 June 2024. A number of Swedish and international institutional investors, including AP3, AP4, Clearance Capital Limited and Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning participated in the Directed Share Issue.

11 tykkäystä