dLocal Limited - Uruguayn ensimmäinen yksisarvinen

Dartsin seurailun ohessa voisi tämänkin laittaa vihdoin tulille.

Kyseessä siis Uruguayn ensimmäinen yksiksarvinen, joka perustettiin 2016 Andrés Bzurovskim ja Sergio Fogelin toimesta. dLocal listautui Nasdaqiin kesällä 2021 ja listautumishuumassa huiput tehtiin 70$ kieppeille syyskuussa 2021.

dLocal Limited on maksualusta yhtiö, joka keskittyy kehittyville markkinoille. 2016 dLocal tarjosi palveluitaan Argentiinassa, Columbiassa,Brasiliassa, Meksikossa, Chilessä, Uruguaissa, Kiinassa sekä Turkissa. Tämän jälkeen on laajennettu uusille markkinoille.

(koitan joskus kaivaa tähän väliin yhden hyvän kirjoituksen maksualustahommista yleisesti, jahka sen vain löydän arkistoista)

Mitä dLocal tarjoaa asiakkailleensa? Tämä kuva tiivistää tarjonnan erinomaisesti

Toimitusjohtaja Sebastian Kanovich oli Patrick O’Shaughnessyn vieraana helmikuussa 2022. Kannattaa ehdottomasti kuunnella, mikäli firma kiinnostaa!

Q3 2022 esitys: https://investor.dlocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/3Q22-Earnings-Presentation.pdf

TPV:n kehitys ja vertikaalit (TPV=total payments volume)
Aasia&Afrikka kasvaa vahvasti, kokonaisuudesta 22% osuus.
Top 10 asiakkauden osuudet

GM% ja aina yhtä mukava Adj. EBITDA

Vuosirapsa 2021: https://investor.dlocal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2022-Annual-Report.pdf

Vertailua kilpailijoihin.

Viime vuoden lopulla Muddy Waters julkaisi shorttiraportin dLocalista. Muddy Waters Research - Wikipedia

Shorttiraportti löytyy tästä. Suosittelen lukemaan raportin!

dLocalin vastaus shorttiraporttiin: dLocal Refutes Short-Seller Report and Announces Share

11 tykkäystä

Hienoa, että D-Localille saatiin ketju ja erityispisteet dartsin maininnasta :dart:

Tässä analyytikkojen ennusteita tuloksen ja liikevaihdon osalta:

2 tykkäystä

Mitä mieltä olette Muddy Watersin shorttiraportista? :thinking: Hankala saada selkeää mielikuvaa, onko dLocal toiminut väärin, kun sen verran kattava tuo raportti kuitenkin oli.

Jos kaikki reilassa, niin hyvinkin mielenkiintoinen firma

2 tykkäystä

Vilkasin Ib:n dlocal-uutiset niin hämmentävän monta lakifirmaa jenkeissä pyytelee turskaa tehneitä omistajia ottamaan yhteyttä.

3 tykkäystä

Shorttirapsat ovat aina erinomaisesti rakennettuja sisällöltään. Usein asioiden kumoaminen yksityissijottajan toimesta on erittäin haastavaa kun samanlaisia resursseja ei ole. Jokaisen on kuitenkin syytä lukea shorttirapsa huolellisesti läpi ja tehdä omat johtopäätökset asiasta.

Mielestäni isoin osa shorttirapsasta keskittyy dLocalin takeratejen pitävyyteen näillä tasoilla sekä governanceen.

Muutamia nostoja

Take Rateista hyvä ketju

Edit: @Pacos ihan normikamaa jenkeissä.

3 tykkäystä

Laitetaan tämä juttu muutaman kuukauden takaa.

3 tykkäystä

Nyt on häiritsevän kauan kestänyt tuloksen julkistaminen. Kieltämättä epäilykset herää itselläkin.

4 tykkäystä

Q4 2022 ulkona

3 tykkäystä
2 tykkäystä
3 tykkäystä

dLocal engages with Argentine authorities and announces further investments in the country

“…announced that the Company had a constructive engagement with senior representatives of the Argentine federal government to discuss, among other matters, the manner in which dLocal operates in the country, including dLocal’s compliance with foreign exchange regulations. The government representatives understood the importance of the services that dLocal provides in Argentina, the way in which dLocal promotes financial inclusion in the country and appreciated dLocal’s proactive engagement and willingness to cooperate with applicable administrative and judicial authorities of Argentina.”

4 tykkäystä


3 tykkäystä

dLocal Appoints Pedro Arnt as Co-Chief Executive Officer alongside Sebastián Kanovich

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Aug. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – DLocal Limited (“dLocal,” the “Company,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) (Nasdaq: DLO), a technology-first payments platform enabling global enterprise merchants to connect with billions of consumers in emerging markets, today announced that Pedro Arnt has been appointed as co-Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors of the Company, effective immediately, to serve as co-Chief Executive Officer alongside Sebastián Kanovich.

Mr. Arnt has extensive leadership experience in the tech sector and as a public company executive, having spent over 25 years in operations, strategy and finance, including most recently as Chief Financial Officer for the last twelve years at Mercado Libre, one of the largest technology companies with operations in Emerging Markets.

Mr. Arnt and Mr. Kanovich form an exceptional partnership, combining highly complementary leadership and skills sets. Mr. Arnt will contribute his extensive experience in scaling successful high performance tech-driven organizations. Mr. Kanovich contributes significant commercial, tech and payments expertise, as well as exceptional execution skills. Mr. Kanovich, as a key shareholder of dLocal and co-Chief Executive Officer, together with Mr Arnt, as co-Chief Executive Officer, have a shared commitment to further execute on the huge opportunities ahead for dLocal.

Mr. Kanovich commented “I am delighted to welcome Pedro as co-CEO. We have a huge opportunity ahead and I am confident that Pedro and I will steer dLocal’s next chapter as we continue to execute on our plan of delivering long-term value for our merchants, consumers, and partners. As a key shareholder and part of the founding team, I continue to be committed to the future success of Dlocal.”

Mr. Arnt added “I am honored and excited to join dLocal as co-CEO. The company’s proven success in placing customers first, serving many of the largest technology companies and enterprises in the world, throughout numerous high growth emerging markets, presents a truly unique business opportunity. I am confident that combining my expertise, both as an operator, public company executive and board member, in designing, building and scaling organizations, with Sebastian’s and his team’s proven track record of delivering results, will further position dLocal to achieve great things going forward.”

Eduardo Azar, dLocal’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, stated, "We are thrilled to have Pedro joining the team. Sebastian and Pedro possess deep knowledge of technology and payments. They have both had very successful experiences working at high-growth companies in Emerging Markets. Their combined leadership creates a unique opportunity to deliver sustainable, long term value to our shareholders

"In an interview following the earnings statement, Arnt said he will focus on expanding Dlocal’s payments platform to keep pace with its business clients in emerging markets, shrugging off the idea that the company needs a major revamp.

“I’ve seen scale and built scale like few others in the region and that is primarily what I hope to bring to Dlocal,” he said. “There is no need for a turn-around of a business. If anything, I’d say there is fine-tuning to be done.”"

3 tykkäystä

Q2 2023 ulkona

"“We reaffirm our guidance for the year of revenue between $620M and $640M and Adj. EBITDA between $200M and $220M. We are clearly trading towards the higher end of that guidance in terms of revenue, but prefer to take a conservative approach given the macro environment,”

4 tykkäystä

Q3 tuli ulos 21.11.

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Shorttirapsa muddywaters

1 tykkäys

Kiitti vinkistä. Myin pienen positioni. Jos joku jaksaa käydä rapsan läpi, kertokaa pääkohdat. Ja onko mitään tuoreita syytöksiä viime vuosilta?

Samat kaks vuotta vanhat rapparit mitä jaksavat nostaa esiin

2 tykkäystä


Koko vuoden luvut julkaistiin 18.3

Muddy Watersin short raportti tosiaan julkaistiin Marraskuussa 2022

2 tykkäystä

Tätä haastattelua maaliskuulta 2024 ei ollut vielä linkitetty tähän ketjuun:

Yksi nosto haastattelusta shortirapsaan liittyen:

One of the issues of being public and transparent is people will dive into your books. You had pretty serious allegations leveled against you by a short seller about accounts not reconciling, some questionable loans, issues around — basically, allegations of either significant incompetence or fraud and there’s still an outstanding shareholder lawsuit around that. What was that experience like, and what’s your position a year and a half on from that happening?

SK: The experience was terrible. It was, at a personal level, at a company level, it was extremely stressful. We didn’t know what a short seller was, so we had to learn the game, and at the same time be ready to answer. We’ve answered extensively around all of those allegations.

I think there’s a big benefit, Ben, that our business has, which is the fact that our merchants understand exactly what we do and merchants, we not only didn’t lose one customer, but doubled from them.

It was painful, the company took a lot of lessons, particularly around communication. I was always of the idea that you build a business and nothing else matters, and you don’t need to communicate it and we learned that that wasn’t the right decision. That having been out there and being better at communicating and being more available was fundamentally important. I don’t think we’ve changed anything from the way we run the business, but yes, we took a lot of lessons on what it meant to be a mature public company. Lots of learnings, not something I wish on anyone, but it made us stronger.

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