Endomines - Kultaan keskittynyt juniorikaivosyhtiö

Ja samoja kultatoken kaikuja tulee nyt jenkeistäkin. Texasissa ehdotellaan lisänä kulta- ja hopeakolikoita maksuvälineenä. Kultapohjainen token antaisi kuulemma luottoa ostamaan bitcoineja. Printtirahaan ovat kyllästyneet haluaisivat jonkinlaisen ostovoiman pysyvän ts. ratkaisuna kultapariteetit tai kolikot käyttöön. Mielenkiintoinen kuvio ja kullan kysyntä lähtisi nopeaan kasvuun.

Kullan hinta on myös lähtenyt nopeaan nousuun pikkudipin jälkeen. Odotellaan tietoja, kuka on laittanut ostohousut jalkaan. Eri tietäjillä on aika hurjiakin ennusteita kullan hinnan noususta.

In April 2023, two Texas lawmakers, Senator Bryan Hughes and Representative Mark Dorazi, introduced two separate bills for creating a state-issued digital currency backed by gold. And while the legislation is still working through the state’s Congress, one lawmaker thinks that once launched, the proposed gold-backed digital currency could help boost cryptocurrency adoption.

As reported by Cointelegraph, Cody Harris, a Republican Party member of the Texas State House of Representatives, sat down for a fireside chat with Coinbase’s David Duong at the North American Blockchain Summit on Thursday and provided an update on the stats of the gold-backed token.

“This [state-issued digital currency backed by gold] is something safe that people can get their feet wet with,” he said. “It’s more of a stepping stone to owning Bitcoin than competing with it or taking the place or something like that.”

Under the proposed plan, each digital currency token will represent a fraction of a troy ounce of gold held in trust and will enable holders to accumulate and spend gold via blockchain, removing a barrier that makes it difficult to utilize gold for daily transactions.

Harris said the benefits of the token are twofold. Not only will it simplify the use of gold for everyday use, but it could also help skeptics become more comfortable with cryptocurrency by serving as a government-issued digital alternative to fiat, which is a stepping stone to helping them open to the idea of using decentralized assets like Bitcoin.

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