Asiaa ainakin edesauttaa paikallinen tuotanto, jolloin tulleilla ei ole vaikutusta, vaan enemmänkin suojaavat kilpailulta. Mistä sitten raaka-aineet tulevat ja mikä on tullien vaikutus niihin 
US-valmistus on saatu ilmeisen kattavaksi ja toimii siis paikalliseen markkinaan. Valmistusta ja kokoonpanoa on alihankintana muualla maailmassa, joten nähdäkseni tältä osin tilanne on hyvä.
@Divinesia missä tuosta tulliasiasta on ollut mainintaa, on kuitenkin hyvin olennainen tieto jatkon osalta.
kävin Q3 transkriptiä läpi ja siellä tariffit mainittu muutamaan kertaan.
Sales and U. S. Modules, we believe that we will easily meet the 40% domestic content threshold, thus enabling our customers to capture the incremental 10% investment tax credit on the project. Our proactive approach to securing the U. S.
Sales from ASC has resulted in a 1st mover advantage in delivering domestic. 2nd, the Biden administration issued a proclamation to increase Section 301 tariffs on batteries imported from China, which also applies to battery storage systems. Today, this higher tariff is set at 7.5%, and it will increase to 25% beginning in 2026. We believe this tariff regime could significantly affect the competitive landscape of the U. S.
Market to the benefit of domestic suppliers. I would like to touch briefly on the political environment and implications for Fluor (NYSE:FLR). The demand for battery storage systems in the U. S. Is supported by the growing need for new capacity, grid accessibility and resilience.
It is well known that renewals plus storage is the fastest and most economic way to serve this growing. None of this is due to a potential change in administration. Our business model in the U. S. Should also be resilient to changes in the political landscape.
Q&A osiosta poimintana:
Christine Cho, Analyst, Barclays : Okay. And then for my follow-up, is there a way to give us a sense of how much of your current backlog for U. S. Projects require U. S.
Sales? I know you’ve mentioned that you could eventually supply all of U. S. Demand with the AEC contract. But curious to know if the majority of your U.S. Customers were mandating that in the contract before the domestic content and Section 301 update came out a couple of months ago, how those conversations have evolved since that update? And is there some sort of rule of thumb that we can use around how much higher the ASPs are maybe percentage wise for your batteries that use domestic cells versus imported cells for your U. S. Customers for bookings going forward?
Julian Nobreda, President and Chief Executive Officer, Fluence Energy : I will say that you will you have seen a lot of interest come up as people have realized the with the new IRA guidelines and the new tariffs. And I think that generally now everybody realizes this is the right move and we’re ahead of everybody. So you’ll see it a lot more than what we have seen before. I prefer not to go into how that plays out because then we’ll get into a rabbit hole of that, that I think will not help anybody. In terms of cost, what I can tell you and this is very competitive information for us.
So what I can tell you is that the costs are very competitive and very attractive even though they include some additional costs by producing in the U. S. So they are very, very competitive and our customers do very, very well when they contract with off the U. S. Domestic contract.
That’s the best way I can tell you. But at this stage, we’ll prefer not to disclose information on the actual pricing, the content offering.
Ja vielä Q&A:sta kommentti tariffeihin, mutta myös kilpailuun liittyen
It’s going to be a tight market, I believe, but I think that there will be enough to cover I don’t know about 26, that’s a little bit. But over time, we’ll have enough to cover the demand in the U.S.
This is very important and it will happen. We will work to meet that demand from our part. So I think that there will be more players. So we don’t expect a market where we’ll be so tight as you probably have read some of the reports around.