Fluence Energy tuottaa energiavarastoja sekä niiden ylläpitoon sovelluksia ja palveluita.
Fluence oli ja on edelleen osittain Siemensin ja AES:n yhteisyritys ja listautui Nasdaqiin 28.10.2021. Tässä yhteydessä pääomia yhtiöön tuli hieman alle miljardi USD.
Oman mielenkiinnon herätti erityisesti odotettu kääntyminen pääomia nielevästä kasvuyrityksestä kannattavaksi. Jos ei ihan joka kvartaali vielä, mutta siintää selkeästi näköpiirissä. Valuaatio ainakin tätä kirjoitettaessa vielä kohtuullinen huomioiden kasvun.
Lisäksi toimiala on mielenkiintoinen, nopeasti kehittyvä ja kasvava. Rautapuolen toimituksissa kilpailu on kovaa, joten bruttokatteet ovat tiukassa, joten palvelupuolella tulee tehdä tulosta.
Listautumisessa Fluence sai merkittävät pääomat , joilla toimintaa on pyöritetty ja 2024 näyttäisi nyt olevan käänteentekevä pääomien polttamisesta kannattavaksi ja kääntymisestä positiiviselle kassavirralle. Miljardista ehdittiin polttaa noin puolet
8.5.2024 julkaistu Q2/2024 luvut (Fiskaali on poikkeava kalenterivuodesta)
- Free cash flow1 was approximately $87.8 million in the first half of fiscal year 2024, compared to approximately negative $164.5 million in the same period last year.
- Muuttuvia tekijöitä on paljon riippuen projektien toimituksista ja niiden laskutusajankohdista.
- Bruttokate n. 10%, eli iso osa projekti- ja rautamyyntiä
- Jatkuvaa laskutusta 80M$ / vuodessa
Muuta huomioitavaa
Blueorca julkaisi shorttirapsan sijoittajien iloksi. Tällä on oma osansa nykyiseen arvostustasoon.
Pääaiheena Fluencen materiaaleissa mainitut oikeusjutut Siemensin kanssa sekä parit projektit, joissa epäselvyyksiä sekä niiden mahdollista oikeuskäsittelyä.
PDF:nä tänne talteen myös, jos katoaa tuolta linkin takaa:
Blue+Orca+Short+Fluence+Energy+Inc+(NASDAQ+FLNC).pdf (3,2 Mt)
Näihin on toki aiheelliset vastineet annettu: https://ir.fluenceenergy.com/news-releases/news-release-details/fluence-responds-misleading-short-seller-report
Q10 materiaalissa niitä lakijuttuja ja mahdollisia kustannuksia avattu. Nuolen alla lisää tarkemmin
Q10 Legal Contingencies
From time to time, the Company may be involved in litigation relating to claims that arise out of our operations and businesses and that cover a wide range of matters, including, but not limited to, intellectual property matters, commercial and contract disputes, insurance and property damage claims, labor and employment claims, torts and personal injury claims, product liability claims, environmental claims, and warranty claims. The Company accrues for litigation and claims when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. It is reasonably possible that some matters could have an unfavorable result to the Company and could require the Company to pay damages or make expenditures in amounts that could be material.
2021 Overheating Event at Customer Facility
On September 4, 2021, a 300 MW energy storage facility owned by one of our customers experienced an overheating event. Fluence served as the energy storage technology provider designed and installed portions of the facility, which was completed in fiscal year 2021. No injuries were reported from the incident. The facility was taken offline as teams from Fluence, our customer, and the battery designer/manufacturer investigated the incident. Our customer released initial findings in the second fiscal quarter of 2022 on what it contends is the root cause of the incident. At this time, Fluence cannot comment on or accept the customer’s stated findings. The customer’s stated findings, if ultimately confirmed and proven, could relate to certain scopes of work for which Fluence or its subcontractors could be responsible. The customer’s stated findings, however, could also relate to certain scopes of work for which other parties were responsible and/or relate to other causes, including the design and installation of portions of the facility over which Fluence did not have responsibility or control. The customer has alleged that Fluence is liable for the incident. Fluence has denied liability. No formal legal proceedings have been commenced, but it is reasonably possible that litigation may result from this matter if a resolution cannot be achieved. Any such dispute would also likely include claims by Fluence and counterclaims by the customer relating to disputed costs arising from the original design and construction of the facility. The customer announced in July of 2022 that a large portion of the facility was back online. We are currently not able to estimate the impact that this incident may have on our financial results. To date, we do not believe that this incident has impacted the market’s adoption of our products.
2022 Overheating Event at Customer Facility
On April 18, 2022, a 10 MW energy storage facility in Chandler, Arizona owned by AES experienced an overheating event. Fluence served as the energy storage technology provider for the facility, which was completed in 2019, and Fluence previously provided maintenance services for the facility. There were no injuries. The facility has been taken offline as teams from Fluence, AES, and the battery manufacturer continue to investigate the incident. We are currently not able to estimate the impact, if any, that this incident may have on our reputation or financial results, or on market adoption of our products.
2023 Project-Related Litigation
In October 2023, Fluence filed a complaint in the Superior Court of California, Contra Costa County, against Diablo Energy Storage, LLC, Empire Business Park, LLC, the Bank of New York Mellon and others, seeking approximately $37.0 million in damages arising from the supply and construction of an energy storage facility for the defendants, including for the defendants’ nonpayment of contractual amounts owed. On or about November 10, 2023, Defendant Diablo Energy Storage, LLC filed a cross-complaint against Fluence, seeking a minimum of $25.0 million of alleged damages and disgorgement of all compensation received by Fluence for the project, in the amount of approximately $230.0 million. The disgorgement claim was based upon an alleged deficiency in Fluence’s contractor license. Fluence denies the allegations in the cross-complaint and intends to vigorously defend them and to enforce our claims against the defendants. We are currently not able to estimate the impact, if any, that this litigation may have on our reputation or financial results, or on market adoption of our products.
Fluence tuottaa energiavarastoja tuotantolaitosten yhteyteen sekä varavirraksi käyttöympäristöihin
Ja sovelluksia
Fluence Mosaic™
maximizes renewables and storage revenue with intelligent, automated bidding software, so you can deploy and use more clean energy with higher ROI.
Nispera™ APM Software
Nispera maximizes the value of solar, wind, hydro, and storage assets from any provider by going beyond traditional Asset Performance Management (APM) to offer the most comprehensive set of AI-based asset performance optimization. Focus on the highest priority issues and get results that drive down costs and increase revenue.
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