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Vastaus oli kutakuinkin intonaatiotarkasti tällainen:
“Yeah, yeah, yeah… No (churn), we, we don´t, you know, what we´ve seen, what we´ve seen now, we’ve seen nothing to be worried about for the 2nd half. Let´s put it that way. Yeah. And, and, and, the, it´s…many of the am, you know many of the product developments where Qt is being used they are multi year, multi year aa pro… developments and as matter of fact, our customers when some products ends they have some aligned and the next one aligned and the next one, so we are kind of err…you know…unless the customer decides to go to alternative technology, we see a continuous use of Qt so we see our customers to be our customers for years. And the product is very good and if I look what the competing technologies are doing, we do follow them all the time very carefully. I haven´t seen that they would be taking any market share from us or, or, or the things being changed in that particular set. In, In, In fact Qt product is very good and our customers that are using Qt are very happy where it is. So that´s of course the corner stone. Once, once the product is not competitive then, you know, no sales can save it. But when the product is very good, then we are alive and kicking. And it is very good…”
Hieman vakavammin @Markus_Hav , miten olen ollut lukevinan, että Quartrilla olis jo käytössä moinen toiminto, missä transcript tuotetaan koneellisesti? En kyllä löytänyt pikavilkaisulla viitettä, mutta minulla on muistijälki, että olisin sellaisen huomautuksen jossain nähnyt. Toki suomenkieli voi aiheuttaa tässäkin haasteita.
3 tykkäystä