Angry Birdsitkin mukaan Kahootiin.
Kahoot! AS – Application for admission to trading on Oslo Børs
FT:ssä juttua Kahootista (maksumuuri?)
Norwegian online education start-up Kahoot is looking to use its biggest shareholder SoftBank to crack Asia and is on the hunt for acquisitions as it launches a “re-IPO” to a main market listing in Oslo. Kahoot, which offers educational quizzes online for schools, families and businesses, is hoping a move from Oslo’s junior market to its main list will increase its attractiveness to local and international institutional investors and could seek a secondary listing abroad, according to chief executive Eilert Hanoa. The Norwegian edtech, which also counts Microsoft and Disney as large shareholders, is currently valued at NKr50bn ($6bn) with the vast majority of its $45m in invoiced revenue last year coming from North America and Europe where Kahoot has become popular in the classroom and for birthday parties at home. “Asia is a priority. We need great content, we need partnerships. This is where, with SoftBank as a shareholder and their impressive portfolio of companies, we hope there will be opportunities,” Hanoa told the Financial Times.
Tämä lienee tärkein sanoma tuosta haastattelusta.
Asia is a priority.
Q4 2020 87% laskutuksesta tuli USA:sta, Kanadasta ja Euroopasta. Aasiasta tuli kuvasta arvioiden noin 8%.
Aasia on valtava markkina, jolla Kahoot ei ole jostain syystä kovin vahva. Oletan, että potentiaalia on erityisesti valtioissa, joissa koulutusjärjestelmä on muutenkin korkeatasoinen. PISA-tutkimus ( mitannee markkinapontentiaalia kohtuullisen luotettavasti. Nämä valtiot sijoittuvat top20:een:
- Kiina
- Singapore
- Etelä-Korea
- Uusi-Seelanti
- Japani
- Australia
- Taiwan
Näiden väkiluku on noin 1,7 miljardia. Vastaavasti Euroopan, USA:n ja Kanadan väkiluku on noin 1,1 miljardia. Kiinan osuus on tässäkin ratkaiseva.
" Oslo Børs – Resolution of transfer of listing from Euronext Growth to Oslo Børs – Kahoot! ASA
Oslo Børs has resolved to admit the shares in Kahoot! ASA to listing on Oslo Børs. The President and CEO of Oslo Stock Exchange determines the first day of listing, no later than 15th May 2021."
Edit: Tämäkin piti laittaa
Taipuuko jollakin Norja?
Huomenna päälistalle!
Kahoot! ASA - Approval and publication of prospectus, and admission to trading on Oslo Børs
Oslo, Norway, 17 March 2021
Reference is made to the announcement made by Kahoot! ASA (the “Company”) on 11
March 2021 where it was announced that the Company had submitted an application
for admission to trading on the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange ("Oslo
Børs") by transfer of its current admission to trading on Euronext Growth
(Oslo). The application was approved on 16 March 2021.
The first day of trading of the Company’s shares on Oslo Børs main list is
expected to be on 18 March 2021. Consequently, the last day of trading of the
Company’s shares on Euronext Growth Oslo is expected to be today, 17 March 2021.
The Company has prepared a prospectus in connection with the Oslo Børs listing
(the “Prospectus”), and the Prospectus has now been approved by the Norwegian
Financial Supervisory Authority. The Prospectus is available at
Investor relations | Kahoot!. Hard copies of the Prospectus may be obtained free of
charge at the Company’s registered business address Fridtjof Nansens plass 7,
0160 Oslo, Norway (subject to prevailing restrictions due to the Covid-19
For further information please contact:
Eilert Hanoa, CEO
Phone: +47 928 32 905
Ken Østreng, CFO
Phone: +47 911 51 686
About Kahoot!
Kahoot! is on a mission to make learning awesome! We want to empower everyone,
including children, students, and employees to unlock their full learning
potential. Our learning platform makes it easy for any individual or corporation
to create, share, and play learning games that drive compelling engagement.
Launched in 2013, Kahoot!'s vision is to build the leading learning platform in
the world. In the last 12 months, more than 250 million games have been played
on the Kahoot! platform with 1.5 billion participating players in 200 countries.
The Kahoot! family also includes award-winning DragonBox math learning apps, the
Poio learn to read app, the Drops language learning apps, the Actimo employee
engagement platform and, the online whiteboard tool for all
educators, teachers and classrooms. The Kahoot Group is headquartered in Oslo,
Norway with offices in the US, the UK, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and
Spain. Let’s play!
Tyhmä kysymys. Mitä etuja tällä päälistalle siirtymisellä saadaan? Mahdollisuus sille, että rahastot lähtevät ostoksille kasvaa?
Tässä inderesin sivulta kopioitu maininta siirtymän eduista.
Vaikka päälistalle siirtyminen ei ole mikään itseisarvo, on isossa kuvassa kuitenkin selvää, että FN:ltä siirrytään päälistalle yhtiön ollessa riittävän suuri. Päälista tarjoaa selkeitä etuja suhteessa FN:ään, joista merkittävimmät ovat todennäköisesti kasvanut näkyvyys, parempi vertailtavuus eri yhtiöiden välillä ja yhä laajempi potentiaalinen sijoittajajoukko (useilla instituutioilla rajoituksia FN-yhtiöiden ostoihin).
Tähän voisi vielä lisätä sen, että osakkeen vaihtomäärä kasvanee päälistalle siirtymisen myötä, sillä kaikkien välittäjien, mm. Nordea, OP, kautta ei voi käydä kauppaa Euronext Growthissa (täältä Kahoot siirtyy Oslon pörssin päälistalle). Vaihtomäärän lisääntyminen on toivottava asia osakkeen hinnan (huom. ei arvon😊) muodostumisen kannalta.
Kyllä Nordealla onnistuu. Jos valitsemasi osake ei ole kaupankäynnin kohteena, niin reippaasti viestiä asiakaspalveluun niin avaavat 2-4 päivän sisällä yleensä. Tämä ei kuitenkaan koske kaikkia markkinapaikkoja kuten Tukholman NGM ja Toronton TSX-V
edit: Laitetaan tämä pari päivää vanha uutinen
Googlailin tuoreita uutisia Kahootista ja vastaan tuli tällainen ilmeisesti aivan uunituore läpyskä: American THiNK Kahoot! guide by Cambridge English - Issuu
Tuossa vielä Kahoot! for THinK -sivu, tuore esittelyvideokin löytyy.
THiNK on ilmeisesti jokin englanninopetuksen lisämateriaali, joka on nimensä mukaisesti suunnattu ajattelun, kielitaidon , itsetunnon yms. vahvistamiseen, ja siitä löytyy kolme eri “leveliä”, sekä English, että American English -versiot. Enempää en tuosta tiedä. Mielenkiintoista joka tapauksessa, että on tehty tuollainen kirjasarjaan integroituva Kahoot! -opas ja valmiita visojakin on ilmeisesti tulossa tuohon THiNKiin liittyen saataville.
En tiedä kuinka moni täällä sijoittaa Nordnetin kautta saati sitten omaa sijoituslainaa mutta kuitenkin:
Huomasin että Nordnet korotti Kahootin lainoitus(vakuus)arvon 30% → 50% päälistalle siirtymisen jälkeen.
Googlelta ja Kahootilta tällainen yhteistyö Googlen hakukoneeseen:
(.gif poimittu tuolta Kahootin julkaisusta)
Tuo vaikuttaa hyvältä!
“Stay tuned for practice problems in more subjects, available later this year!”
Jep. Kahootin yhteistyö Googlen kanssa ei näytä tosiaan jäävän vain Google Classroom -integraatioon ja kauniisiin puheisiin.
Ja mielestäni tämä näyttää nyt myös siltä, että Googlella on todellakin kiinnostusta e-oppimiseen panostamiseen. Kahoot näyttäisi olevan vahva partneri sille, joten siinä mielessä ei tarvinne pelätä Googlea(?). Toki Google/Alphabet voi yrittää ahmaista koko Kahootin kerralla jossain vaiheessa.
" Kahoot!’s mobile app now also available in German and Italian, in addition to Spanish, French, Portuguese to make learning awesome globally"
30.3.2021 klo 9.46 · Oslo Børs
KAHOT: New report assesses global learning platform company Kahoot!'s brand market value
Oslo, Norway (March 30, 2021) - Brand management consultancy, Interbrand, today
shares the findings of a report exploring the details behind the strong brand
market value of global learning platform company, Kahoot!, pointing to clarity
of direction, passionate users, and a commitment to continuous customer-centric
product innovation being among key differentiators of the Kahoot! brand.
Findings in Interbrand’s report point to Kahoot! as "a platform and experience
that users feel passionate about", currently estimating the Kahoot! brand value
to more than $1.6 billion. The report shows Kahoot!'s Global Brand Strength
Score as on par with that of long-established global brands such as Nintendo,
YouTube and Sony. Interbrand utilized proven brand valuation methodologies,
incorporating a comprehensive set of resources and market research, to estimate
the brand market value for Kahoot!.
"Kahoot! is a company with a very clear mission: to make learning awesome, so
it’s encouraging to see that clarity of purpose reflected in a strong brand
market value. Our success is predicated on placing the user at the centre of all
our product innovations. Our users play the most essential role in Kahoot!'s
journey so we’re really pleased to see that they’re passionate about our
brand.", said Eilert Hanoa, CEO, Kahoot!.
Among the key contributors to Kahoot!'s overall Global Brand Strength Score was
the clarity of the company’s direction, with user satisfaction and affection for
the Kahoot! brand cited in the report which notes how "there is a deeper sense
of connection that users feel with Kahoot!" beyond the learning benefits, and
that "Kahoot! is a company that users say they love more than competitors across
different segments." That passion for the brand is also evidenced by the
report’s finding that, "community in effect has become the strongest source of
marketing" for Kahoot!.
Kahoot!'s commitment to innovating its products through a culture of constant
innovation saw it achieve a strong score for agility, with survey respondents in
the US and UK describing Kahoot! as, in some cases, up to 30% more innovative
than the competitor average in each segment. Furthermore, the report points to
the relevant expansion of Kahoot!'s ecosystem with the acquisitions in 2020 of
visual language app platform, Drops, and employee engagement platform, Actimo,
as contributing to the company’s agility score by steadily increasing its reach
into new market segments and audiences.
Please see the enclosed document for the full press release from Interbrand.
For further information please contact:
Eilert Hanoa, CEO
Phone: +47 928 32 905
Ken Østreng, CFO
Phone: +47 911 51 686
About Kahoot!
Kahoot! ASA (OSE ticker: KAHOT) Kahoot! is on a mission to make learning
awesome! We want to empower everyone, including children, students, and
employees to unlock their full learning potential. Our learning platform makes
it easy for any individual or corporation to create, share, and play learning
games that drive compelling engagement. Launched in 2013, Kahoot!'s vision is to
build the leading learning platform in the world. In the last 12 months, more
than 250 million games have been played on the Kahoot! platform with 1.5 billion
participating players in 200 countries. The Kahoot! family also includes
award-winning DragonBox math learning apps, the Poio learn to read app, the
Drops language learning apps, the Actimo employee engagement platform and, the online whiteboard tool for all educators, teachers and
classrooms. The Kahoot Group is headquartered in Oslo, Norway with offices in
the US, the UK, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Spain. Let’s play!
For more information:
Mielenkiintoista tarkastella arvoa brändin kautta. Mutta näinhän se osittain varmasti menee, jos tuote on tunnettu kaikkialla sitä on helpompi myös myydä. Kahoot bullina pitää itsekkin yrittää välillä miettiä mikä tälle on järkevä arvo. Tekeminen on hyvää ja brändi on tunnettu, siihen vielä hyperskaalautuvuus
Otetaan nosto vanhasta tiedotteesta, kun on ajankohtainen.
"ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Goldman Sachs International have waived Northzone’s obligations under a lock-up agreement dated 1 December 2020 and expiring on 31 March 2021 to allow for Northzone’s sale of the Shares to SoftBank and Glitrafjord. "