Kryptovaluutat ja -maailma

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Mietin tässä miten suuresti tämä SWIFT bänni vaikuttaa kryptovaaluutan vaihtoon, alkaako Venäläinen muuttaa omaisuuttaan mutkien kautta kryproihin?

Tuolla EU turvallisuustilanne ketjusta bongattu:

Tuolla raha liikkuisi ilman pankkien bänniä :thinking:

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Rohkeus on tarttuvaa.

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The statement from the State Duma deputy is a threat to the West if they decide to withhold Russia’s foreign reserves and gold.

Russians Could Turn to Crypto
The ongoing war-affected stock markets and the crypto market, and more than $150 billion were almost wiped out. Regardless this could be the opportunity for crypto (such as Bitcoin) to become the knight in shining armor for Russians.

To protect their money from being seized, Russians could very much withdraw it and store it in a more secure asset.

When we talk about cryptocurrency being a secure asset here, it does not mean secure as an investment. Instead, it is secure in the sense that the government won’t be able to seize the cryptocurrencies, so citizens’ money would be safe.

Thanks to the anonymity and decentralization of crypto, their money would remain secured far away from the CPRF. And when the time is right, they can liquidate and gain their money back.

Plus, thanks to the borderless existence of crypto, Russians can withdraw this money anywhere in the world where crypto isn’t banned.

Thus crypto could be the Russians’ savior should their government backstab.

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Miten mahtaa onnistua ruplien siirto kryptoihin? Ottavatko kryptopörssit vastaan valuuttaa, joka sulaa käsiin? Ainakaan Forex ei suostu ottamaan ruplia vastaan tällä hetkellä.

Entäs kun SWIFT ja luottokortit on bannattu? Miten venäläiset siirtävät rahaa sinne kryptopörssiin?

EDIT: Luulisi ainakin venäläisten blokkaavan omat välittäjänsä estääkseen talletuspaon.

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3 tykkäystä

According to data by blockchain analytics company Kaiko, published in Coindesk , ruble-denominated Bitcoin trades blew up by as much as $1.5 billion on Thursday.

The data also reveals that Tether/Ruble trading volume rose to an eight-month high of 1.3 billion RUB on Thursday.

Per The Block , Ukraine plans to “make legal demands” of crypto exchanges, with Yulia Parkhomenko, head of the virtual assets expert group at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, telling the publication that, “This is a necessary measure. There is no way to identify who is financing the war and who is not.”

the project is a public-private collaboration with 16 companies including public institutions like the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub and the International Monetary Fund. The initiative also includes banks like Goldman Sachs, financial giants like Mastercard and Visa, as well as major exchange-traded fund providers like Invesco. Other participants include British International Investment, Dubai International Financial Center, Ernst & Young, Fidelity, the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Inter-American Development Bank, London Stock Exchange Group, MSCI, and the World Bank.

“The Cambridge Digital Assets Programme that we are launching today aims to meet the resulting need for greater clarity by providing data-driven insights through collaborative research involving public and private sector stakeholders,” CCAF executive director Bryan Zhang said.

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Collaboration Aims to Drive City-wide Blockchain Adoption and Allow Citizens to Pay Annual Taxes and City Services in Bitcoin, Tether and Selected CHF-Based stablecoins

Lightning Network will be one of the solutions that the City, with the support of Tether, will integrate into the services. Lightning Network has grown to become a prominent, highly scalable and robust payment system overcoming scalability obstacles associated with the blockchain without surrendering security, trustlessness, or privacy

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“I still have my skepticism, but there are hundreds and millions of people in this world today who disagree with that,” he said. “To the extent that we’re trying to help institutions and investors solve their portfolio allocation problems, we have to give serious consideration to being a market maker in crypto.”
He added that it is “fair to assume” that Citadel will begin to engage with cryptocurrencies “over the months to come.”

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Kohti mainstreamiä mennään. Scalloppia itsellä iso kasa tullut kerättyä kun kurssi kyykännyt tässä yleisen sentimentin ja tokenien vapautumisen myötä. (Vesting loppuu huhtikuussa)

Huhtikuun lopussa tulossa app launch ja syksyllä mainnet

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen last year warned about an “explosion of risk” from digital markets, including the misuse of cryptocurrencies, but said new financial technologies could also help fight crime and reduce inequality.

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The statement suggested that the executive order will have global implications, as “we wilwork with our international partners to promote robust standards and a level playing field”

There has been a mixed reaction so far from prominent members of the crypto community.

4 tykkäystääkökulma/Mielenkiinto-kryptovaluuttoihin-kasvoi-sodan-myötä

Kryptovaluuttamarkkinat ovat reagoineet Venäjän hyökkäykseen Ukrainaan kaksijakoisella tavalla. Ensireaktio oli odotetusti negatiivinen, riskipitoiset omaisuusluokat kun kärsivät kriisitilanteissa usein ensimmäisenä.

bitcoinin osalta nähtiin epäsuhta markkinoilla, kun Ukrainan markkinoilla bitcoinista maksettiin yli 5 % preemiota verrattuna euro- ja dollaripohjaiseen kaupankäyntiin. Vastaavaa preemiota ollaan nähty myös venäläisten käyttäjien taholta, joidenkin lähteiden mukaan jopa 20 % yli markkinahinnan.

Tänä päivänä myös vakausvaluuttojen, kuten tetherin (USDT), USD coinin (USDC) sekä Binance USD:n (BUSD) suosio kasvaa. Näiden yhteenlaskettu markkina-arvo kryptovaluuttojen kokonaismarkkina-arvosta on kasvanut jo yli 10 % tasolle. Vakausvaluuttojen suhteen tulee kuitenkin muistaa niiden keskitetty liikkeellelaskija ja täten vastapuoliriski voi tietyissä tilanteissa olla merkittävä.

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A financial source in the UAE confirmed that Russians were buying property in Dubai, using crypto as a way of getting their money out of other jurisdictions and into the Gulf state.

“We’ve seen a lot of Russians hedging their bets against the devaluation of the rouble by moving a lot of assets into crypto. And the UAE is relatively loose in terms of its regulation and authorities over transferring crypto here.”

Onko täällä nexon käyttäjiä ? Latasin apin juuri mikä näyttää tosi epäselkeältä ja Fiat siirron minimiraja 1000e. Kuumottelee ekalla kerralla siirtää moista summaa. Miten olette varoja siirtänyt nexo:on ? Tarkoitus olisi tuon stable euron puutteen takia siirtää puolet varoista nexoon kasvamaan korkoa. Appi kyllä niin huono että pitää harkita vielä.

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Kryptoina muualta. On toiminut hyvin. Siirtyy myös sieltä ulos näppärästi samalla lailla.

1 tykkäys

Onko valistuneita arvauksia, mihin tämä POW-banni voisi johtaa, jos menisi läpi?

ledgerin kannanotto:

The innovative and growing digital asset economy in Europe will vanish. Without Bitcoin and Ethereum, crypto exchanges and other crypto service providers cannot operate profitably. They will be forced to close, move, or block access to Europeans. DeFi protocols dependent on ETH will not be able to legally serve Europeans. Let’s be clear, this activity won’t stop, it will simply move to the United States or Asia, where it is currently welcomed.

Europe’s loss will be the United State’s gain, and through MiCA, Europe will permanently cede the leadership and control of Web3 to the U.S., just as it did with Web2, which remains dominated by a handful of U.S. tech giants.
It is crucial that Europe stays in the innovation race and takes the chance to build the champions and leaders of the Web3 world to come, creating thousands of jobs in the process.

  1. Consumer protection will be harmed by a bitcoin ban in Europe. Due to the nature of digital assets, even if ‘banned’ digital assets will remain available in Europe, just not on safe and regulated EU platforms. This would present severe consumer protection concerns as consumers will be forced to access foreign platforms that may be hard to understand and have less (or no) regulatory oversight.
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