Nel ASA - Vetyteknologiaa vuodesta 1927

Jos ja kun, toivottavasti, tästä tulee fixed deal, suhteellisen nopeasti, niin pidän tätä merkittävänä virstanpylväänä NEL:lle. Heroyan koko kapasiteetti on GW, kun 2.vaihe otetaan ”tarpeen mukaan” käyttöön Q2:lla. Näinhän Volldal totesi viikko sitten. Seurattuani Volldalin esityksiä viimeisten kvartaalien tulosinfoissa…kate on ollut isossa roolissa. Sanoisin viestin keskiössä. Näin päättelisin, ettei huonolla katteella kauppoja kiinni lyödä, kun puhutaan toiminnoista max-kapasiteetin rajoissa (voimassaolevia tilauksiakin on). Odottelen suurella mielenkiinnolla lähikuukausia.
Yksi aikaframe päätökselle voisi olla FEDin sitova ilmoitus korkojen laskun aloittamisesta. Se avaa oven investoinneille, näin uskon.

8 tykkäystä

Päätös korkojen alentamisesta on kuitenkin pitkälle psykologinen, koska vaikutukset tulee niin pitkällä aikajänteellä investointeja ajatellen. Tällä hetkellä alkaa olla uhkana, ettei niitä nähdä US-puolella tänä vuonna, mutta saa nähdä. NEL:in osalta katseet on jo vuoden päässä, löytyykö sieltä parempaa maaperää kaupoille. Vähän pessimistinen näkemys, myönnän.

4 tykkäystä

Hyvä olla realisti. Niin olen minäkin. Ennen kuin on ”final investing decision” ja kirjallisesti niin kaikki on auki. Töitä on kuitenkin tehty jo kauemmin…joulukuussa FEED (front-end engineering design) ja nyt capacity reservation, joten ihan tyhjän päällä ei olla. Toivotaan dealiä.
Hyvää viikonloppua.

3 tykkäystä

Korkoja isompi merkitys on mielestäni eri blokkien tukipolitiikalla ja onnistuneella tukirahojen jalkauttamisella. Se on se, joka saa asiakkaat liikkeelle. Näiden korkojen kanssa opitaan kyllä elämään, ei ne ole investointien esteitä - vaikka varmasti hidastaa.

Kovinkaan moni yhtiö ei halua investoida epämääräisessä tilanteessa, joka vähän tällä hetkellä on käsillä. Eli asiakkaiden pitää nähdä mustaa valkoisella miten tätä politiikkaa tullaan ajamaan sekä jenkeissä että vanhalla mantereella. Se päivähän on koko ajan lähempänä…

Ja sanottava sen verran, että ihan selkeästi on nyt nähtävissä elektrolyyserimarkkinoilla piristymisen merkkejä. En voi vielä väitettäni numeroiksi pukea, mutta monen toimijan viesti on ollut tuon suuntainen. Valoa tunnelin päässä on.

3 tykkäystä

Tämä tietää ”lyyserikauppaa”. Toivottavasti NEL pääsee mukaan. Tuttu firma Everfuel joka tapauksessa.

7 tykkäystä

Yhtiöittäminen etenee ja toteutuu. Tämä on mielestäni hyvä juttu. Molemmat yhtiöt NEL ja CAVENDISH voivat keskittyä core-businekseen👍. Vielä voisin lisätä, että entinen CEO Lökke, CAVENDISHin Chairman tuntee Everfuelin varmaan erittäin hyvin, joten odotan sieltä suunnalta jotain synergiajuttuja kylläkin tulevaisuudessa. Tietysti aina on pieni mahdollisuus, että NEL/Everfuel ”erossa” tuli ryppyjä rakkauteen. Enpä tuohon usko.


May 15, 2024 – Oslo, Norway

Nel ASA: The potential new fueling company will be named Cavendish Hydrogen

(May 15, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Nel ASA (Nel, OSE: NEL) on 28 February 2024 regarding the potential spin-off of its Fueling division into a separate company and listing of this company on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The new company will be named Cavendish Hydrogen, a tribute to the English scientist Henry Cavendish, noted for the discovery of hydrogen.

The purpose of the spin-off is to create two independent pure-play companies aiming to become market leaders in their respective fields.

Furthermore, Nel is pleased to announce that the following have been elected as members of the board of directors of Cavendish Hydrogen

– Jon André Løkke (Chair)

– Mimi K. Berdal (Board Member)

– Vibeke Strømme (Board Member)

– Allan Bødskov Andersen (Board Member)

– Kim Søgård Kristensen (Board Member)

Robert Borin will act as CEO, and Marcus Halland will act as CFO of Cavendish Hydrogen.

Nel has also completed an internal reorganization whereby Nel’s assets, rights, and liabilities related to the Fueling division and shares in the relevant Fueling subsidiaries have been transferred from Nel to Cavendish Hydrogen. Subject to Nel’s decision to complete the spin-off and pursue the separate listing of Cavendish Hydrogen, the shares in Cavendish Hydrogen are intended to be distributed to the shareholders of Nel as dividend in kind.

The decision to spin off and separately list Cavendish Hydrogen has not yet been concluded, and no assurances can be given that it will be completed. However, if such a decision is made, the company plans to conduct the spin-off by the end of the second quarter of 2024. If completed, the shares of Nel (comprising its Electrolyser division) will remain listed on the OSE under the ticker “NEL”.

Carnegie AS is acting as global coordinator, and Arctic Securities AS and Fearnley Securities AS as joint lead managers (together the “Managers”) to Nel and Cavendish Hydrogen, and Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS is acting as Nel and Cavendish Hydrogen’s legal counsel. Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS is acting as legal counsel to the Managers.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


5 tykkäystä

Joku mua tietävämpi voisi ottaa kantaa, mutta tämä vaikuttaisi olevan iso liike - hyvä sellainen vai ei!? Partneri on nyt joka tapauksessa iso tekijä.

“The signing of this agreement is a great milestone in Nel’s history. Reliance is an impressive company with enormous ambitions as a global producer of renewable hydrogen, and I am proud that they have selected Nel as their technology partner. In addition to supporting Reliance in achieving their global aspirations, Nel will through this agreement get a revenue stream from a rapidly growing market Nel could not have accessed on its own,” says Nel’s President and CEO, Håkon Volldal.

10 tykkäystä

Sen verran Intian tilannetta tunnen, että pidän tätä erinomaisena liikkeenä NEL:n kannalta. Intia on aktiivinen toimija vedyn saralla ja Reliance todella iso toimija 120 miljardin USD liikevaihdolla. Resurssit ovat riittävät ”vaikka mihin”.
Olennaista tietysti on, että NELlin sopimuksen sisältö on oikea ja lisensiointitulot ovat kohdallaan. Tässä luotan kyllä Volldaliin.
Uskon, että tämä ainoa tapa päästä kunnolla sisään Intian markkinoille ja varmaan kaikki maailmassa tietävät Intian ympäristötilanteen. Tämä on hyvä osoitus NELlin arvostuksesta lyyserimaailmassa.
Kun NEL ja CAVENDISH pian eriytetään ja sitten NEL saa clousattua suuren jenkki-diilin (Hy Stor Energy), johon tehtiin alustava kapasiteettivaraus…alkaa positiivinen kausi NELlillä.
Mielenkiintoinen vuosi edessä😀

8 tykkäystä

Some clarifications on the deal between #NelHydrogen + Relicance

Reliance can manufacture the equipment for its own use or to sell the machines to 3rd parties in India.

Reliance can make $NEL electrolysers for its own use in projects outside of India.

10 tykkäystä

Todella positiivinen lisäys tähän on, että Heroya 2 valmistuu juuri nyt…Q2. Kapasiteetti kasvaa Heroyassa 100 %, yhteensä GW:iin. Se mahdollistaa nopeita kauppoja. Viimeisen vuoden aikana NELlin kumppaneina dealeissä/sopimuksissa ovat olleet mm. Fortescue, GM, Reliance. Näillä resurssit eivät heti lopu kesken😀.

7 tykkäystä

Oikea tuntuu olevan suunta😀. Parasta pörssikesän alkua kaikille👍


May 30, 2024 – Oslo, Norway

Nel ASA: Receives purchase order from Alperia Greenpower SRL for hydrogen fueling equipment in Italy

(Oslo, 30 May 2024) A subsidiary of Cavendish Hydrogen ASA, itself a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE: NEL) has received a purchase order from Alperia Greenpower SRL for hydrogen fueling equipment for one site to be used for light- and heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles in Bruneck, South Tyrol, Italy.

“We are pleased to be chosen by Alperia to be the supplier of their first hydrogen fueling station. It will also be Nel’s first H2Station™ installation in Italy, and we are looking forward to deliver and demonstrate our performance and capabilities in this lighthouse project”, says Robert Borin, future CEO of Cavendish Hydrogen.

The hydrogen fueling station will primarily be built for the 2026 Winter Olympics to fuel vehicles for the transfer between the Olympic sports facilities. The contract has a total value of around EUR 3.8 million and includes a 2-year service and maintenance contract. The station is scheduled to be operational in the second half of 2025.

Nel is preparing for a potential spin-off of its Hydrogen Fueling activities under the name Cavendish Hydrogen. Subject to Nel’s decision to complete the spin-off and pursue the separate listing of Cavendish Hydrogen, the shares in Cavendish Hydrogen are intended to be distributed to the shareholders of Nel as dividend in kind. The decision to spin off and separately list Cavendish Hydrogen has not yet been concluded, and no assurances can be given that it will be completed. However, if such a decision is made, the company plans to conduct the spin-off by the end of the second quarter of 2024. If completed, the shares of Nel (comprising its Electrolyser division) will remain listed on the OSE under the ticker “NEL”.


9 tykkäystä

Tämäkin asia tuntuu etenevän ihan aikataulussa…Q2;


May 31, 2024 – Oslo, Norway

Nel ASA: Cavendish Hydrogen ASA applies for admission to trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange – invitation to investor meetings


(May 31, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements by Nel ASA (Nel, OSE: NEL) on February 28, and May 15, 2024 regarding the potential spin-off of Nel’s Fueling division into a separate company, Cavendish Hydrogen ASA (“Cavendish”), and listing of Cavendish’ shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Cavendish has today applied for its shares to be admitted to trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange (the “Listing”). Furthermore, Cavendish will be hosting investor meetings June 3-7, 2024, in addition to a group investor meeting at 14:00 CEST on Thursday June 6, 2024. Anyone wishing to attend can register by contacting one of the Managers (as defined below).

Please refer to the company presentation made available on Cavendish’ website,

The spin-off and Listing are still subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, including inter alia the approval by the Oslo Stock Exchange, satisfaction of any conditions set for such approval, Nel’s Board of Directors resolving to distribute the shares in Cavendish to the shareholders of Nel as dividend in kind, and approval of a listing prospectus by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. Although the spin-off and Listing remain on schedule with regard to Listing by end of Q2 2024, no assurance can be given that it will be completed.

Carnegie AS is acting as global coordinator, and Arctic Securities AS and Fearnley Securities AS as joint lead managers (together the “Managers”) to Nel and Cavendish in connection with the spin-off and Listing.

Register for investor meetings by contacting respective sales representatives at one of the Managers or by sending an email to, or

4 tykkäystä

Tässä H2 View:n kommentit aiheeseen;

4 tykkäystä

Tässä lopulliset spexit CAVENDISH-caseen;


June 6, 2024 – Oslo, Norway

Nel ASA: Key information relating to the distribution of shares in Cavendish Hydrogen ASA


(June 6, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Nel ASA (“Nel”, OSE: NEL) earlier today regarding the distribution of up to 33,618,145 shares in Cavendish Hydrogen ASA (“Cavendish”, OSE: CAVEN) to the shareholders of Nel, and the contemplated listing of the shares in Cavendish (“Cavendish Shares”) on the Oslo Stock Exchange (the “Listing”).

– Date of approval of the distribution: June 6, 2024

– Last day including right: June 7, 2024

– Ex-date: June 10, 2024

– Record date: June 11, 2024

– Distribution date: On or about June 12, 2024*

– Listing date: On or about June 12, 2024**

– ISIN for the Cavendish share: NO 001 3219535

– Exchange ratio: 50 shares in Nel give the right to receive one Cavendish Share (rounded to the nearest whole share)***

  • Completion of the distribution is subject to satisfaction of the conditions for the Listing set by the Oslo Stock Exchange.

** Subject to timely publication of a listing prospectus to be approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway and satisfaction of the conditions for the Listing set by the Oslo Stock Exchange, the Cavendish Shares are expected to be listed and commence trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange on or about June 12, 2024. No assurance can be given that the conditions for Listing will be satisfied in time or at all.

*** In connection with the internal reorganization and spin-off of Cavendish, Nel has estimated the value of the distributed Cavendish Shares to approximately NOK 0.63 per share in Nel, which entails a value per Cavendish Share of fifty times such amount (as the ratio between the total number of Nel shares and the total number of Cavendish Shares is 50:1), being approximately NOK 31.60 per Cavendish Share. Please note that this valuation has been prepared previously for corporate, accounting, and tax purposes and may not be indicative of the market capitalization of Cavendish once trading in the Cavendish Shares commences at the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Since fractions of shares represent a small value compared to the cost of distributing a cash compensation for such fractions, these will not be compensated through cash payments to the affected shareholders. Any Cavendish Shares that are not distributed due to downward rounding will be kept by Nel.

The distribution will be regarded as repayment of paid in capital by the shareholders of Nel. Nel’s 418,033 treasury shares will not be eligible for distribution.

4 tykkäystä


Press release

June 7, 2024 – Oslo, Norway

Cavendish Hydrogen ASA webcast invitation


(June 7, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Nel ASA (“Nel”, OSE: NEL) on June 6, 2024 regarding the contemplated distribution of up to 33,618,145 shares in Cavendish Hydrogen ASA (“Cavendish”, OSE: CAVEN) as dividend in kind to the shareholders of Nel, and listing of the shares in Cavendish on the Oslo Stock Exchange expected on or about June 12, 2024, subject to inter alia satisfaction of the conditions for listing set by the Oslo Stock Exchange.

(June 7, 2024 - Oslo, Norway) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Nel ASA (“Nel”, OSE: NEL) on June 6, 2024 regarding the contemplated distribution of up to 33,618,145 shares in Cavendish Hydrogen ASA (“Cavendish”, OSE: CAVEN) as dividend in kind to the shareholders of Nel, and listing of the shares in Cavendish on the Oslo Stock Exchange expected on or about June 12, 2024, subject to inter alia satisfaction of the conditions for listing set by the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Cavendish will hold a live webcast with a company presentation, followed by a Q&A session, Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00 CEST and can be accessed on the link below. A recording of the webcast will be publicly available at following the event.

Link to live webcast:

Cavendish representatives: Robert Borin (CEO) and Marcus Halland (CFO)

6 tykkäystä

Tässä vähän perustietoja CAVENDISHista…CEO Borin. Nettiosoite…;

Cavendish Hydrogen — a new beginning

The global market for hydrogen fueling equipment is growing rapidly. From 2024 to 2030, the combined size of the markets in the US and Europe is projected to be between 6,5 billion euros and 7 billion euros. By establishing this new company, we aim to take a significant market share in both key markets.

In the short term, we will work towards obtaining a modest combined market share of 15 percent. When we achieve this, we will expand our client portfolios and move quickly to obtain a bigger EU/US market share.
Our mission is to deliver fueling solutions that provide the same user experience that the current diesel or fossil-based alternative does today. Our job is to make sure that a driver can pull up in a truck, take a dispenser, put it in the tank, and fill the hydrogen equivalent of a full tank in the time it takes to fill 1500 liters of diesel—10 to 15 minutes. At our headquarters in Herning, Denmark, we are already prototyping a solution that makes all this possible, building on constructive partnerships and 20 years of know-how and experiences, good and bad, from the light-duty vehicle hydrogen-fueling sector. From 2025, we will offer our new high-capacity hydrogen refueling stations to the market. It’s an exciting time for our new company and zero-emission transport as a sector.

As I am writing this, my colleagues and I are splitting out from Nel Hydrogen to form Cavendish Hydrogen; a company standing on its own two feet. There are many practical reasons for this. Chief among them is the changing nature of the hydrogen sector itself. In 2015, we believed that hydrogen refueling stations would come equipped with electrolyzers producing hydrogen on-site. Today, we know that hydrogen must be produced at scale to be economically viable, preferably in sizable facilities in areas with abundant, affordable energy. This changing model, combined with the fact that making refueling equipment and electrolyzers are two very different industrial processes, has convinced us that focusing on refueling equipment as a separate company makes for a better business case. It’s as simple as that.

With the new company comes a new focus. Going forward, Cavendish will develop and sell high-capacity refueling stations exclusively, moving away from light-duty vehicle refueling infrastructure altogether. We do this because the heavy-duty transport sector has the greatest potential for hydrogen-fueled decarbonization. Today, the fastest chargers can get the battery of a light-duty electric car from 20 to 80 percent in 25 minutes. A battery electric long-haul vehicle, on the other hand, would need a battery equivalent to ten light-duty vehicle batteries. The size of such a battery means that charging from 20 to 80 percent would take upwards of 250 minutes. This is simply not viable in a sector built around 10-minute stops for filling diesel and changing drivers. With our new generation of hydrogen refueling stations, we make it possible to cut emissions considerably without changing the business models of the transportation companies we all depend on. And by powering long-haul transport with hydrogen instead of batteries, we can also help ease the pressure on already strained electrical grids across the globe. A heavy-duty vehicle charging station with ten high-capacity chargers would claim about 30 megawatts of power. To put it into perspective, that’s more than three times the baseload of Herning, a city of 50,000 people. Both for the transportation sectors and our strained electrical grids, hydrogen is the better option.

8 tykkäystä

Nyt on molemmilla yhtiöillä fokus oikeissa asioissa; H2 View

10 tykkäystä

”Lyyserivalmistajan infoa ensimmäisen kerran ilman fueling stationeita”;

July 10, 2024 – Oslo, Norway

Nel ASA: Invitation to Q2 2024 results presentation

(July 10, 2024 – Oslo, Norway) Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL) will publish its second quarter 2024 report on 17 July 2024 at 07:00 CET, and host a presentation at 08:00 CET.

The quarterly report and presentation will be made available on and

The presentation at 08:00 CET will be a virtual event, followed by a Q&A session.

The live presentation can be accessed on the company’s website or by following this link. Please register early. A recording of the presentation will be made avalilable following the event.

8 tykkäystä

Aamulla pukkasi tulosta ulos ja vielä ei ole kerennyt pureksimaan, mutta tässä pätkä tuloksesta:

Quarterly highlights

· Revenue from continuing operations in the second quarter 2024 was NOK 332 million, down 10% from the second quarter 2023 (Q2 2023: 371). Revenue was negatively impacted by lower volume delivery of Alkaline electrolyser equipment in the quarter.
· EBITDA in the quarter was NOK -79 million (Q2 2023: -69).
· Net loss from continuing operation was NOK -118 million (Q2 2023: -228). The improvement from the same quarter last year was mainly explained by the same
quarter last year including NOK -166 million fair value adjustment from shareholdings in Everfuel.
· Order intake in the quarter amounted to NOK 270 million, an 18% increase from the corresponding quarter last year (Q2 2023: 229).
· Order backlog was NOK 2 071 million at the end of the quarter, down 13% from the second quarter of 2023 and down 2% from the previous quarter.
· Cash balance was NOK 2 228 million at quarter end (Q2 2023: 4 122). Cash balance was reduced by NOK 625 million connected to the spin-off of Cavendish Hydrogen.
· Subsequent to the quarter, Nel received on July 1st a follow-on equipment order of more than EUR 7 million.

Following the successful spin-off and listing of its former Fueling division as Cavendish Hydrogen in June 2024, Nel once again became a dedicated electrolyser
company, solely focusing on making reliable and energy-efficient electrolysers, a key enabler of the renewable energy transition.

“This is a natural consequence of our business strategy, which is to spend all our resources on what we do best: making the most energy-efficient and reliable electrolysers in the world,” says Nel’s President and CEO, Håkon Volldal.

“With this strategic move we are also taking a large step towards profitability,” Volldal says.

Tässä vielä konsensus, mitä analyytikot odottivat:

9 tykkäystä

Joo, minäkin kuuntelin tuon lähetyksen vasta nyt. Kiinnostuneita kehoitan kuuntelemaan itse, koska niin paljon oli asiaa.
Erityisen positiivista oli ja on se, että sekä Volldal että Bjornsen ovat kyllä ammattilaisia, realistisia ja konservatiiveja niin, etteivät maalaile ruusujen kuvia. Iso kuva ei ole muuttunut, mutta selväksi tuli, ettei EU:n ja USA:n tukipolitiikka ole raiteillaan. HIDASTA on ja osittain epäselvääkin. Kiina tukee räikeästi ja osa asiakkaista kulkee vaan hinnan perässä. Aasia ottaa H2 etumatkaa kiinni ja businesstä on vireillä ainakin Etelä-Koreaan, Japaniin, Intiaan jne. Se on hyvä.
Yhteenvedossa Volldal totesi Q1 olleen tukikvartaali…paljon tukia Jenkeistä… Q2 aikaan tehtiin paljon sopimuksia mm. uuden teknologian kehittämiseksi, sovittiin Hy Stor Energyn kanssa (USA) alustava sopimus isosta GW-tason projektista, tehtiin Intialaisen Reliancen kanssa lisensiointisopimukset NEL:n tuotteiden tuottamiseksi ja myymiseksi pääosin Intiassa (Reliance erittäin suuri yhtiö). Lisäksi suurena projektina oli fueling busineksen eriyttäminen omaksi yhtiökseen (Cavendish hydrogen) ja se maksoi 650 miljoonaa NOK:kia…luitte oikein. Kaupallisesti Q2 oli heikko. Iso positiivinen juttu oli Heroya 2:n valmistuminen…total GW…(Alkaline) ja Wallingfordin (500MW, PEM) eteneminen USA:ssa normaalisti ja valmistuminen 2025. Vaatii vielä 120 miljoonaa NOK käteistä.
NEL:lin kokonaiskapasiteetti riittää ja lisäinvestointeja kapasiteettiin ei nyt tarvita.
Tuleviin kvartaaleihin Volldal suhtautui edellämainittuihin syihin vedoten realistisesti. Hän odottaa molemmilla 2024 kvartaaleilla kuitenkin muutamaa merkittävää kauppaa. Hy Stor Energyn sopimuksen pitäisi edetä viimeistään Q1 2025. Ehkä vähän positiivisesti ajatellen. Siinä on kunnon potentiaali ja kunnon kate, jos ja kun toteutuu. Kokonaiskokoluokka 1GW ja rahassa monimiljardi-investointi
Reliance-sopimuksesta Volldal odottaa tosi paljon ja ymmärrän sen hyvin. Pääsy Intian ja jopa globaaleille markkinoille tälläisen partnerin kanssa on iso juttu ja mitä Intia-businesstä tunnen, siellä lokaali partneri tarvitaan ja nopeuttaa rajusti markkinoillepääsyä. Potentiaalihan on riittävä😀.
Luvut olivat edellisessä ylläolevassa viestissä. Ei olleet hääppöisiä. Vilkaiskaa itse.
Tulkitsin tuosta esityksestä, että vuosi 2025 on jälleen kerran tosi merkittävä vuosi NEL:lle. Tuloksen parannusta edesauttaa takuulla Cavendish spin-off. Toivottavasti se riittää myöskin tuleville investoinneille. Lähikvartaaleilla ei rahoitusta Volldalin mielestä tarvita. Koska investointitarve on nyt vähäisempi, uskon siihen. Yksi investointi on kuitenkin suunnittelu- ja toteutusprojekti…
TECNOLOGY UPDATE…paljon partnereita…development of 100 MW turn key Modules…tavoitteena mm. tietysti green hydrogenin hinnan lasku. Tästä tulee kuulemma lähiaikoina infoa. A turnkey pressurized alkaline prototype rakennetaan Heroyassa H2 2024.

Kiva, jos jaksoit lukea stoorin loppuun. Katso tulosinfo👍

18 tykkäystä