Nikola Corporation

totta tämäkin, mutta:

Tähän löytyy varmasti paremmin vastauksia yleisestä ketjusta. Jos taas kysytään on Nikolalla mitään mahdollisuuksia tuottaa halpaa vihreää vetyä

edullisista sähköhinnoista on olemassa sopimus


yhteistyökumppani uskoo yli puolittavansa lyysereiden hinnat


niin että miksi tässä taas alkaa väittely vety vastaan akku, kun sekin on jo lukuisia kertoja todettu että tarvitaan molemmat

7 tykkäystä

Mihin tahansa Vety-liitännäiseen sijoittaa, on se sitten Nikola tai jokin muu. Kannattaa vakavasti tutkia sähköakkujen kehityspotentiaalia ja näkymiä 20-luvun lopulle ja erityisesti 30-luvulle. Mihinkään “oma vetylehmä ojassa” tahon tutkimukseen en yksistään luottaisi.

Sähköakkujen valtava kehityspotentiaali on suurin syy, miksi en itse sijoita mihinkään vetyyn pitkällä kepilläkään.

Esim alla oleva artikkeli:

“The Swedish truckmaker is aiming for in 2030 to be trucks powered by batteries or hydrogen fuel cells”

“Both truckmakers will use electric batteries predominantly for smaller trucks as well as heavier vehicles based in one place that can recharge overnight.”

2 tykkäystä

Kannattaa vakavasti tutkia polttokennojen ja vedyn hinnan kehityspotentiaalia ja näkymiä 20-luvun lopulle ja erityisesti 30-luvulle. Mihinkään “oma akkulehmä ojassa” tahon tutkimukseen en yksistään luottaisi.

Ennen kun enempää lähdetään taas pelkkä akku vs akku+polttokenno vääntöön niin oma mielipide on, että molempia (ja mahdollisia muita potentiaalisia) vaihtoehtoja tarvitaan perinteisten polttomoottorien korvaamiseen.

Daimlerilla ja Volvolla ehkä aavistuksen eri näkökulma kuin sinulla.

Edit: @Glarin oma vastaus oli nimimerkille @jokuvaan1

TuplaE: @jokuvaan1 poiminnalle Volvon oma tiedote

" Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG and Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, says: “Hydrogen-powered fuel-cell electric trucks will be key for enabling CO2-neutral transportation in the future. In combination with pure battery-electric drives, it enables us to offer our customers the best genuinely locally CO2-neutral vehicle options, depending on the application. Battery-electric trucks alone will not make this possible. Together with our partner Volvo Group, we are therefore fully committed to our fuel-cell joint venture cellcentric and we are both pushing forward the development of the technology as well as the series production preparations. Regarding the necessary hydrogen infrastructure, it is clear that green hydrogen is the only sensible way forward in the long term

Ja mulle on aivan henkilökohtaisesti se ja sama millä vehkeet käy, kunhan se käy vihreästi. On vaan erittäin rohkeaa paaluttaa yhtä vaihtoehtoa ratkaisuksi.

14 tykkäystä

@hartZa @jaska1
En tässä nyt tarkoittanut vertailla BEV ja FCEV, alkuperäinen kysymykseni perustui juuri Nikolan (ja omien ja monien lukemieni laskelmien.) break eveniin verrattuna BEV ja Diesel. Ja tämä sijaitsee 2-3$ välissä.

Vielä ollaan erittäin pitkällä siitä. Ja Nikolan koko business care perustuu mielestäni siihen.
Tässä ei nyt yhäkään ole tarkoitus kiistellä siitä missä BEV tai FCEV on hyvä. Totesin jo että FCEV on selvästi markkinarako, etenkin jos vedyn hinta saadaan alas.

Kuten jo aikaisemmin totesin, tässä mennään lopulta OPEX ja TCO armoilla…

Haluisin vain herättää keskustelua, ovatko NIKOLAN arviot hinnasta liian halpoja, ja keskustella siitä mikä se etu lopulta on. Koska opex säästöt sekä vetyrekan muut edut ovat lopulta ne asiat jotka tuovat tuotteelle hinnoitteluvoiman, jos tuotteen tuomat säästöt ovat pienet, on sen hinnoitteluvoima pienempi.

3 tykkäystä

Kiitos selvennyksestä ja lähteistä

CFO Brady vastasi kysymykseen $3 kilohinnasta syyskuussa:

When it comes to operating stations, the number one variable that represents about 80% to 85% of the cost is related to electricity cost. And we believe that we can achieve a target rate of around $0.035 per kilowatt hour, that’s including transmission and distribution. And this is important because if we can achieve that, we believe we can achieve a generating hydrogen onsite for approximately, let’s say, around 2.85, 2.90 including depreciation and amortization, assuming CapEx can be achieved at around $16 million, $17 million.

We feel very confident over the next three or four years on the CapEx side, electrolyzer costs will be dropping 30% to 40%. If you talk to anyone in this space, as capacity is increasing we know we feel confident that cost can be achieved. We believe that’s already happening, likely in China, because their hydrogen ecosystem is much more advanced than in the Western world.

When it comes to electricity price, there’s couple of things that we need to understand. Number one, if you think about renewable PPAs, there are several example of renewable PPAs that have been executed early part of this year, all solar running anywhere from $0.08 [ph] per kilowatt hour to about $0.023 per kilowatt hour. When it comes to wind, especially in the Midwest, you are able to enter into a long-term PPA anywhere from 15 to 25 years for below $0.02 per kilowatt hour. And so, we know for certain in the current environment, you can actually enter into renewables at $0.02.

ja kuten tuossa Hydrogen Council raportissa todetaan tarvitaan myös lisäksi kannustimia

: Falling clean hydrogen costs and applicationspecific cost drivers improve the cost competitiveness of hydrogen applications
From a total cost of ownership (TCO) perspective (including hydrogen production, distribution and
retail costs) hydrogen can be the most competitive low-carbon solution for 22 end applications,
including long haul trucking, shipping and steel. However, pure TCO is not the only driver of
application adoption: future expectations on environmental regulations, demands from customers
and associated “green premiums,” as well as the lower cost of capital for ESG-compliant investments
will all influence investment and purchase decisions.
In transport, lower hydrogen supply costs will make most road transportation segments competitive
with conventional options by 2030 without a carbon cost. While battery technology has advanced
rapidly, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are emerging as a complementary solution, in particular for
heavy-duty trucks and long-range segments. In heavy-duty long-haul transport, the FCEV option can
achieve breakeven with diesel in 2028 if hydrogen can be made available for USD 4.5 per kg at the
pump (including hydrogen production, distribution and refueling station costs). Furthermore, hydrogen
combustion (H2 ICE) offers a viable alternative in segments with very high power and uptime
requirements, including heavy mining trucks.

Itse pidän mahdollisena, mutta töitä riittää vielä tehtäväksi

5 tykkäystä

Saksan tehtaalla alkaa kohta tapahtua

6 tykkäystä

the hydrogen version is in the alpha prototype stage at both sites - in Germany and in Arizona.
“Nikola’s technicians are in Ulm building second batch Nikola Tre BEV betas and Nikola Tre fuel-cell electric vehicle (FCEV) alphas, and by the end of Q2 2021 will come to Arizona to build trucks at the Coolidge facility. Nikola has also begun the assembly of the first Tre FCEV alpha in Coolidge.”

4 tykkäystä

BTIG analyst Gregory Lewis initiated coverage of Nikola with a Buy rating and $18 price target. The company continues to move forward with its “dual-pronged strategy” of helping transition the heavy-duty Class 8 truck market to battery-electric trucks and hydrogen fuel cells, Lewis tells investors in a research note. While he expects some initial production delays, Lewis expects Nikola’s attery-electric trucks production to start ramping in the second half of 2022 with the hydrogen hydrogen fuel cells solution hitting the market by 2024.

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Tehtaan päivitetty asemapiirrustus

1 tykkäys

Uutisia horisontissa?
kehtaisiko joku optiokaupasta paremmin perillä oleva vähän suomentaa tuota, tulkitsin että siellä uskotaan hinnan olevan yli $20 18.6 :man_shrugging:

  • company strikes a deal to sell up to $300 worth of stock to Tumim Stone Capital.
  • There are no upper limits on the price per share that Tumim must pay. The company has agreed with Tumim that it will not enter into any equity line of credit transactions with any third party during the term of the purchase agreement.

Pitäisi vissiin olla $300M

2 tykkäystä

“There are a lot of challenges ahead of us, especially when we find problems with the short timing that we have,” said Varoujan Sarkissian, global head of vehicle electrical and controls systems. “From the timeline standpoint, we are still on track to deliver in the fourth quarter of 2021.”

1 tykkäys

The film follows the first Nikola Tre battery-electric vehicle (BEV) prototype on its journey beginning at the IVECO manufacturing facility in Ulm, Germany, the production hub for European Manufacturing Joint Venture between CNH Industrial and Nikola. On arrival by ship in Baltimore, the truck is transported across the U.S. turning heads and garnering admiring comments along the way for its original and innovative design finally arriving at the Nikola headquarters prior to continuing on to proving grounds in Phoenix, Arizona. Here the validation and commissioning testing begins and the truck is put through its paces in a series of increasingly demanding trials designed to test powertrain performance and durability. The film contains an in-depth interview with Pablo Cebrian Robles, VP of Engineering, Heavy and Medium Trucks for IVECO, with additional comments from the Nikola team, as they receive the prototype for the first time on U.S. soil.

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Nikolakin on saanut Nordnetissa 20 % lainoitusasteen OMG

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Nikola Corporation (NASDAQ: NKLA)… announced today a second phase in establishing a nationwide plan for its Class 8 truck sales and service coverage with the addition of five independent dealers with more than 51 locations in Texas, Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Delaware, Virginia and Maryland.

The five independent dealership additions to the Nikola dealer network average more than 80 years of providing strong sales and service support to customers. The Nikola dealer network expansion includes HOLT Truck Centers (7 locations in Texas), Empire Truck & Trailer (7 locations in Arizona and California), Wagner Equipment Co. (11 locations in Colorado, New Mexico), Ring Power (14 locations in Florida), and Carter Machinery (12 locations in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia).

4 tykkäystä