Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Pukkaako vielä kovan paketin jouluksi?

5 tykkäystä

Jatkoa parin viikon takaiseen puitesopimukseen. Fixed wireless ja Fastmile tuntuu olevan kaupallisesti melkoisen kova yhdistelmä.

Nokia chosen by Ooredoo Group for 5G fixed wireless access and Wi-Fi solutions in MENA

  • Nokia FastMile 5G indoor gateway and window mount receiver to enable Ooredoo affiliates across Middle East and North Africa to provide new services demanding extreme high speeds and reliable connectivity
  • Nokia Mesh WiFi solution with Beacon B1.1, Beacon B2 and Beacon 6 offer Ooredoo subscribers reliable, high-performance whole-home Wi-Fi coverage

Nokia deploys AI -powered smart city trial to address vehicle-based noise pollution in the city of Genk , Belgium

Nokia has today announced it has deployed its artificial intelligence (AI)-powered Scene Analytics technology for a proof of concept in the Belgian city of Genk to quantify the level of noise pollution along one of the city’s high street s .

18 tykkäystä

samaa tuossa äsken laskeskelin…

jos Q4n profit % on 13,5 niin menisi Q4n LVn maksilla (6,9mrd€) 12,34% koko vuosi onko posarin paikka ?

jos Q4n profit % on 13 niin menisi Q4n LVn mediaanilla (6,412mrd€) 12,16% koko vuosi onko posarin paikka ?

itse uskon että tuo on väli johon Q4n osuu, voi toki mennä vielä (pikkaisen) yli 13,5% Q4n liikevoitto %n osalta

excel harjoitus kuva

tuolla äänestys

robot aamulla 1250 ahkerana

17 tykkäystä


Tuntitason trendi. Voimien keräämistä ja vastustason haastaminen, vai konsolidoitumista? Suhteellisesti osake on kyllä näyttäytynyt varsin vahvana vaikka markkinat olleet tämän viikon laskupaineessa.

Edeltävä siis hyvin lyhyt kuva, ja pidemmässä kuvassa asia ratkeaa jenkkien oltua markkinoilla - oleelliset tasot siis @ 6,00 USD tienoilla ja edeltävä huippu @ 6,29 USD. Näiden ylitys saisi uskoakseni aikaiseksi rallin. Mutta aika näyttää milloin tämä toteutuu.

Mukavaa joulun aikaa foorumilaisille, itse aloittelen puolittaisen lomailun huomisesta lähtien, joten palailen päivittämään viikkoraporttia ensi vuoden alkupuolella! Ja kiitoksia foorumulaisille vuoden hyvästä panoksesta Nokian seuraamisen suhteen! :pray: :clap:

93 tykkäystä

Nokia bell announced today that China cloud computing service provider “capital online” will work with Nokia bell to upgrade its IP backbone network to complete the “network 2.0 plan”. The plan will help capital online provide reliable cloud services and high-quality user experience at the same time.

According to the agreement, capital online will deploy Nokia bell 7750 SR service router and 7250 IXR interconnection router platform to specifically support its ambitious “network 2.0 plan”. The converged backbone network can provide performance certainty for all traffic under any network conditions, and realize multi-function by integrating the edge and core routing functions into the general platform. At the same time, it can meet different network traffic requirements through intelligent traffic engineering using MPLS segmented routing and QoS based on granularity, so as to realize reliable service delivery.

Nokia bell 7750 SR service router and 7250 IXR interconnection router platform provide unique advantages for building the backbone network of capital online. Based on the industry-leading service router operating system (SR OS), Nokia Bell’s product portfolio provides end-to-end advanced IP routing protocols, including segmented routing to achieve fast and efficient service delivery, and provide end-to-end service guarantee for all network traffic. Nokia Bell’s business router platform helps the capital to build an efficient and cost-effective integrated backbone network through high-density routers with 100ge / 400ge interfaces Line is successful in its cloud business.

Xu Xiaohu, chief architect of capital online, said: “As a trusted partner in key network fields, Nokia bell has rich experience in helping customers around the world build high-capacity and high-quality IP networks. We look forward to working with Nokia bell to accelerate network transformation and provide faster and more reliable network services to customers around the world including the United States, Europe and Asia.”

Ma Boze, CEO of Nokia bell, said: “capital online is committed to providing excellent network experience for customers around the world. We are happy to help it create an industry-leading IP network, help it upgrade its existing backbone network to the network 2.0 era, and pave the way for its future expansion of its share in the global cloud market.”

12 tykkäystä

näyttää taas olevan aika raportoida jenkeissä NPORT rapsoja, tuolla näyttää olevan instikoiden osuus pienessä kasvussa
mielestäni viime viikolla kun kommentoin asiaan reddittiin, niin oli 800m osaketta, nyt näyttää +35m lappua enemmän, toki tuo muuttuu kun joulukuun raportteja valuu lisää sisään

14 tykkäystä

image antaa myös samansuuntaista dataa, eli kasvussa olisi fundien sijoitukset.

12 tykkäystä

Nuage Networks



We look forward to hearing the vision of our partner


as they share how #ArtificialIntelligence and #MachineLearning converge in #SDWAN. Watch the session, presented by


on 16 Dec at #SDWAN21. Register now:

2 tykkäystä

Aika ihanteellinen tilanne, kun asiakkaat kinastelee kommenttiensa kanssa että kenellä on ensimmäisenä Nokian 25 GPON teknologia käytössä. :sweat_smile:

At the time, Frontier executive Scott Mispagel told Fierce the ability to upgrade to 25G was one of the reasons it chose Nokia’s XGS-PON platform.

In a press release, Frontier noted GPON, XGS-PON and 25G PON will be able to co-exist on its fiber infrastructure because they operate using different wavelengths. Because Nokia’s platform uses a common chip (its Quillion silicon), Frontier can upgrade to faster speeds just by adding new optics in the network. The company plans to continue testing 25G with Nokia over the coming months as it works toward a commercial deployment of the technology in the second half of 2022.

Several other operators around the globe are also working with Nokia on 25G. Last month, Bell Canada staked a claim as the first operator in North America to trial Nokia’s kit. Nokia also conducted 25G trials with Belgium’s Proxmius in May and BT’s fiber subsidiary Openreach in the U.K. in July.

Last week, a Florida-based operator called Hotwire Communications briefly claimed to have been the first operator in the U.S. to deploy Nokia’s 25G technology. However, a Frontier representative told Fierce that assertion was not factual.

22 tykkäystä

GO signs €16m 5G deal with telecoms giant Nokia

GO customers to get free upgrade to 5G services


1 hour ago| Press Release |1

18 tykkäystä
9 tykkäystä

Ilmeisesti USA lisäämässä bännejä Kiinan suuntaan, puolijohdekoneiden vientiä oltaisiin rajoittamassa lisää. Nythän toki jo kaikkein uusin tuotantoteknologia (ja IP-blokit, suunnitteluohjelmat yms) on bännissä, mutta ehkä vientirajoituksia laajennettaisiin.

Ei kovin positiivista Huawein kannalta tulevien kauppojen kannalta.

14 tykkäystä

Sikäli kuulostaa mielenkiintoiselta mikäli asia ottaa tuulta alleen.


On 14 December, the thirty-nine confirmed first members of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud convened for the first time at a kick-off event hosted by the Commission.

The Alliance brings together businesses, Member States representatives and relevant experts. It will strengthen the position of EU industry on cloud and edge technologies. It aims to serve the needs of EU businesses and public administrations that process sensitive categories of data, and has the objective to increase Europe’s leadership position on industrial data.

Cloud and edge technologies are strategic innovation enablers for the uptake of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G. They provide the infrastructure for highly innovative use cases. Europe needs to strengthen its position of EU industry on cloud and edge technologies.

15 tykkäystä

Metaverse on privaattiverkkojen ohella iso trendi, joka voi vauhdittaa Nokian verkkojen rakentamista tulevaisuudessa.

Jefferies vertaa metaversen tulemista Internetin läpilyöntiin. Sijoittajan näkökulmasta silloin ja myös nyt suositellaan sijoittamaan ensimmäisessä vaiheessa rautatoimittajiin.
"Powell said investors should be thinking about investing in the metaverse as though they were investing in the early internet. That means first focusing on hardware providers; then on software providers; then on companies that actually operate inside the technology.

“What did you want to own from 1989 to 2000? You wanted to own the Ciscos of the world. And I think the same is going to be true for the metaverse,” he said."

Nokiaa ei artikkelissa erikseen mainita, mutta nopeat tietoverkot ovat keskeinen infrastruktuuri, jonka metaverse vaatii toimiakseen. Näin ollen Nokian tuotteita ja osaamista tarvitaan.

Artikkelissa mainitun Ciscon kurssi oli 1990 -luvun alussa $0.08 ja huiput nähtiin maaliskuussa 2000, kun kurssi oli teknohuuman huipulla $82.00.

21 tykkäystä

Nokian osake on aikalailla nätisti noudattanut piirrettyjä viivoja, ja tänään breakout Helsingin versiossa edeltävien huippujen päälle näyttää todennäköiseltä.

Mikäli avaus on lähelle Yhdysvalloissa päätettyjä tasoja @ 6,13 USD - noin 5,42 €, on jäämässä gap eiliseen. Eilisiä huippuja @ 5,363 € kannattaa pitää siis silmällä, käydäänkö täyttämässä.

ADR -versiossa tilanne on vielä erilainen, sillä elokuun huippuihin @ 6,29 USD on vielä matkaa. Tämä tulisi lopulta ylittää.

Sitten twitteristä poiminta… @OldFeki n twiittaus Yhdysvaltojen lentoalan häiriötapauksesta. Tarina ei ole saamassa vielä päätöstä.

15 tykkäystä

Research center tehty Indonesiassa Ooredoon kanssa - myös Oulun yliopisto mukana.

Arief Musta’in, Director & Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer of Indosat Ooredoo, said, “I am very proud of our collaboration with ITS, Nokia, and the University of Oulu Finland, in presenting the 5G Experience Center and spearheading the development of 5G ecosystem in Indonesia. We hope this initiative becomes a catalyst to boost innovation & entrepreneurship by channeling Indonesian youth to unleash the limitless future of 5G technology."

Nokia launches Gigabit Connect to simplify gigabit broadband installation in apartment block s

  • Gigabit Connect enables plug-and-play fiber services over existing in-building cabling
  • Solution improves business case for operators expanding fiber into hard-to-connect multi-dwelling-units (MDUs or apartment blocks) to deliver gigabit broadband to more customers
  • Gigabit Connect hides complexity of, allowing management of the last leg connection as a fiber endpoint
13 tykkäystä

Kuulostaa ja näyttää hyvälle.

Espoo, Finland – The extensive joint development of LuxTurrim5G ecosystem led by Nokia has reached a key milestone, as the development phase of the smart pole, data platform and related smart city services is successfully completed.

Through the Espoo pilot, the LuxTurrim5G consortium shares an ambitious target to expand to global smart city markets, predicted to reach 1 000 billion euros by 2025. An important gateway to the global market is the Expo 2020 Dubai, where the LuxTurrim5G joint offering and two functional smart poles are being showcased by Nokia and partner companies. Several discussions are currently on-going for implementations of the LuxTurrim5G solution with potential customers.

Richard Cooper, Global CTO Smart Cities and Public Sector, Nokia , said : “Smart cities need this kind of data platform to foster cross-departmental co-operation, as well as to share vital data sets with private enterprise and academia. This provides the basis for an efficient city operation and the creation of intelligent digital services that improve quality of life in the city. In a competitive global environment, businesses and residents will be drawn to safer, greener and more data-driven cities. The 5G smart pole network enables the creation of this rich data marketplace, thus also giving the city a competitive edge over its peers.”


13 tykkäystä

isompaa robovolaa paneeko hanttiin ?

8 tykkäystä

Miten voi olla mahollista toi huihain osuus… alkaako setä samulin ote lipsumaan lähi-idässä? Eikös ne jenkit vapauttaneet kuwaitin tässä vuosikymmen pari sitten. Tästä tulee ooreedolle bänniä

16 Dec 2021

Ooredoo Group and existing partner Huawei have signed a five-year global frame agreement for the supply of radio, core and transport products and solutions, covering Qatar, Indonesia, Algeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Tunisia, Myanmar and Maldives. The agreement will see Ooredoo leveraging Huawei’s Radio System, with end-to-end network support. Key technologies in use include Huawei’s Blade AAU radio unit, Cloud Core solution, Transport system and Cloud Infrastructure solutions. Ooredoo Qatar previously used Huawei to deploy its fibre broadband network and the advanced streaming platform to provide 4K/8K HD video at recent major sporting events, delivering Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality services. Huawei’s Radio System also facilitated the nationwide 5G rollout at Ooredoo Kuwait, with the operating company also working with Huawei to deploy advanced Massive MIMO radios enabling Ooredoo Kuwait to introduce its Supernet digital experience.

Separately, Nokia has been selected by Ooredoo Group to supply 5G CPEs and a whole-home mesh Wi-Fi solution to residential and enterprise customers. The Nokia Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and Wi-Fi solutions will enable Ooredoo to create additional revenue streams through new offers, such as smart home services and Internet of Things (IoT), and deliver services that demand more bandwidth such as gaming and HD video streaming, a press release states. Christian Friedrich Linhart, Ooredoo Group Chief Procurement Officer, said: ‘Nokia’s FastMile 5G devices will allow us to extend the reach of our 5G wireless network into the home environment to enable Smart Home and IoT connectivity for customers.’

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