Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Kirjoitin Kauppalehden palstalle viestin kommenttisi perusteella, saa nähdä tuleeko tarkennusta.

5 tykkäystä

MosesKoo tarkensi:

Omat viestini pohjautuu Nokian sanomisiin. Pitää kuitenkin muistaa että antennien määrä ei vaikuta siihen että pitääkö radiossa olla oma soc. Esim 32×32 tai 64×64 radiot käyttävät samoja soc:ja. Toki soc radiostakin tulee uusia versioita varsinkin massive mimo radioissa koska niitä halutaan saada pienemmiksi ja vähemmän virtaa kuluttaviksi. Joten jos Nokialla on radiot soc pohjaisia ei se sitä tarkoita että kehitys siihen pysähtyy.

Mitä tulee baseband soc:iin niin Nokian mukaan se olisi ollut valmis 2020 vuoden lopussa. Nyt Lundmark kertoili että massatoimitukset ovat alkaneet kuluvan kvartaalin aikana. Cloud baseband tulee myöhemmin.

Uitto vajaa vuosi sitten

By the end of Q2 2020, the new ReefShark SoC-based Massive MIMO radio unit (active antenna) product family was shipping in 13 variants across the global market in different frequency ranges. This number continues to rise. We now also have ReefShark SoCs available for the next generation of Nokia AirScale Multi-RAT baseband and we are on track to start shipping the boards by the end of 2020. Next year, we expect that our ReefShark SoC-based baseband and radio units will take lion’s share of our deliveries, reaching at least 70 percent by year-end.

13 tykkäystä

Press Release

Nokia introduces new additions to industry-leading small cells portfolio

Nokia’s new small cells portfolio includes new mmWave, micro RRH and AirScale indoor Radio products including support for U.S. C-Band deployments
Nokia’s new products allow operators to leverage available spectrum assets and offer even more deployment options, both indoors and outdoors
Nokia small cells increasingly powered by Nokia’s latest generation of ReefShark System on Chip technology
26 May 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced the launch of new additions to its industry-leading AirScale small cells portfolio for premium indoor and outdoor 5G coverage. Nokia’s new products include enhanced hardware and support the majority of frequency bands, including requirements for C-Band spectrum in the U.S.

Nokia’s new AirScale micro Remote Radio Heads (mRRH) deliver premium outdoor 5G coverage, enhancing both capacity and coverage in dense urban environments. Nokia’s mRRHs allow operators to cost-effectively densify their networks, especially where the deployment of a macro cell would not be appropriate. Micro RRH have small footprints and offer increased deployment options, as well as lower power consumption and so lower operational cost. In addition to the new U.S. C-Band (n77) product, Nokia’s enhanced mRRH portfolio also offers even broader mid-band capabilities with a new n79 product.

Nokia also introduces its new range of AirScale indoor Radio (ASiR) solutions, including a new ASiR-pRRH (pico Remote Radio Head) supporting U.S. C-Band spectrum requirements and a new triple-band pRRH – the first integrated 4G/5G pRRH. Nokia has also released a new Smart HUB, which supports even greater throughput capacity for 5G and an associated Hybrid Fiber Converter that enables the use of hybrid fibers for interconnection to existing ASiR-pRRH.

Nokia has also announced the availability of its latest millimeter wave (mmWave) radio product line-up, ideal for extreme capacity 5G connectivity for stadiums, airports or pedestrianized areas. These compact products support a wide range of deployment options to ease installation considerations in busy locations. Nokia’s mmWave portfolio supports all spectrum bands including 24/26 GHz, 28 GHz and 39 GHz.

Nokia recently launched the Nokia Smart Node, a compact femtocell solution delivering high-quality 4G and 5G indoor mobile coverage for residential and small-medium enterprise use. The unique, ‘plug and play’ modular design can be readily deployed in any environment to support evolving consumer applications. It is future-proof, supporting 4G now and 5G as and when required.

Rémy Pascal, Principal Analyst, Omdia commented: “Nokia has maintained its position as one of the top small cell manufacturers for five consecutive years according to our research. This new portfolio of AirScale indoor and outdoor solutions should enhance their standing as an industry-leader particularly given their support for all key frequency band requirements including the C-Band.”

Mark Atkinson, SVP, Radio Access Networks PLM at Nokia: “We are delighted to announce the launch of our new range of small cells products, which further strengthens our award-winning and industry-leading portfolio. The portfolio is bolstered by the inclusion of the latest ReefShark chipsets and support for all frequency ranges including the C-Band. I look forward to supporting our customers’ requirements for premium coverage and capacity both indoors and outdoors.”

11 tykkäystä

Joo hyviä ajatuksia häneltä. Itsekin tankkasin noita asioita vielä hieman lisää, muistellen vanhoja tiedonjyviä.

Vaikuttaa tosiaan että RF puoli ei ole enää SoC näkökulmasta ongelmallinen, vaan ennen kaikkea baseband. Sitä siis työstetään nyt ennen kaikkea Marvellin kanssa. RF puolella Intelin kaveriksi on otettu Broadcom. Osui osittain tähän keskusteluun myös tuo Nokian tämän päivän ilmoitus. Puhutaan että radioissa käytetään samoja SoCeja mutta sehän on lienee aika monen kombinaation yhdistelmä. Tähän perustuen oma ajatus on ollut ettei kaikelta osin kombo olisi vielä täysin valmis jokaisen radiotyypin osalta. Mutta en kyllä varma ole :+1:

Varmaa kuitenkin näyttäisi olevan että ReefShark osuuden kasvuun tarvitaan nyt baseband kehitystä, ja nimenomaan Broadcom yhteistyön tulee nyt tuottaa tuloksia. Sitä odotellessa. “Helpot prosentit” lienee nyt takana.

Atkinson says that most products shipping so far with Reef Shark inside have been its radio units. That means that it is the RF products that make up a lot of these percentages when we’re talking about how many of our products are now shipping.”

“On the RF side we are using the same Reef Shark SoC for everything from a 4T/4R micro radio to the 64TRx massive-mimo product: and it’s just that the number of SoCs you use that is scaleable.”

The baseband unit silicon provider is Marvell, although there’s a role for Intel there too. Combinations of SoCs, and the role each plays, is also likely to be important in the future.

“For Marvell the main area is L1 right now, which is the closest you get to the hardware and where we had the FPGA in the past. L1 processing is of course fundamental. If you take things like eCPRI, beam forming that’s very L1 heavy. But even when you are talking about things like carrier aggregation at L3 there is still work to do on the L1 side. By having the SoC there, you make the L1 a non-bottleneck area, so it’s relatively easy work compared to what it might be on an FPGA.”

“There are different SoCS for L1, L2/L3 and transport, and Intel plays a role in there as well. And over time the roles will change. The secret sauce is how to get the most out of SoC partners when combining them together on a system level.

Nokia is also working with Broadcom on some future RF SoCs, Atkinson added.

Samainen lähde jälleen: The Mobile NetworkHow Nokia is fighting back on 5G - The Mobile Network

9 tykkäystä

Kohtalaista prosenttia jatkaa #1500

Update on Robot #1500 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 11:41
275 out of 2898 transactions was 1500pcs events ~ 9,49 % of all transactions
(275x1500) out of 2,36m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 20,37% of total shares exchanged
(275x1500) out of 2,26m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 21,31% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 11:41 today, with avg price of 4,11

Update on Robot #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 11:41
30 out of 2898 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 1,04 % of all transactions
(30x2000) out of 2,36m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 2,54% of total shares exchanged
(29x2000) out of 2,26m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 2,57% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 11:41 today, with avg price of 4,11

8 tykkäystä

26 May 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia has today announced it has been selected by DITO Telecommunity Corporation (DITO), to deploy 5G services on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. The deployment will enable DITO to complete its ambitious strategy of building a high-quality 5G network throughout the country, which formally launched in May 2021.

With this deal, Nokia is helping DITO to deliver 5G services to its customers with superior speeds, capacity, and lower latencies while reducing complexity and driving down costs through increased energy efficiencies. To achieve the desired network performance, Nokia is providing equipment from its comprehensive massive MIMO, multi-band, Single RAN AirScale portfolio to build the Radio Access Network (RAN) for the 5G infrastructure across Mindanao, the Philippines’ second largest island.

14 tykkäystä

Mielenkiintoista omistajuutta takana. Ovat testanneet ensin tuolla ja pian käyttöön Kiinassa?

Nokia has been an existing 4G LTE radio partner since 2020. DITO, a joint venture between Udenna Group and China Telecom, is the newest telecommunications provider in the Philippines and is pursuing a strategy of creating a new network in the country.

Edit: Like competitors Globe and PLDT, DITO also uses equipment from Chinese firms Huawei and ZTE.

Edit 2:

Tämäkin kiinnostava kommentti. Onko Nokia uusien Reefshark chippien myötä kilpailijoita edellä (kuten Uitto taisi mainita uusista massive Mimo radiotesteistä - jos oikein muistan) vai ainoastaan yleinen kommentti 4G vs. 5G? Harvemmin on nostettu yksittäisiin kauppoihin liittyen esille.


20 tykkäystä

Kiva Lexus, että usein summailet ominkin sanoin uutisten ja leikkeiden sisältöä ja mahdollista merkitystä! Moni täällä latoo vain uutisia kehiin analysoimatta merkityksiä.

33 tykkäystä

Rootmetricsin uusin 5G-vertailu julkistettu, T-mobilella ja AT&T:lä (joissa Nokia tärkeä toimittaja Ericssonin ohella) menee edelleen hyvin, mutta Verizon (Ericsson & Samsung) ottaa kovaa kiinni.

10 tykkäystä

Kiva otsikko, ja kyllähän kuituverkoille kysyntää myös löytyy. :muscle:

…all operators deploying the Quillion based GPON and XGS-PON solution today have the capabilities to easily evolve to 25G PON

Tämä kohta kuulostaa erityisen hyvälle jatkoa ajatellen.

Press Release

Nokia and Proximus deploy world’s fastest live fiber network

First ever 25G PON live deployment makes Proximus fiber network fastest in the world
Technology operates on the same fiber network equipment deployed today
Proximus is accelerating build out of Belgium’s leading high capacity, open fiber network

26 May 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia and Proximus turned on the world’s fastest fiber access network today at a media event in Antwerp attended by the Belgian Minister of Telecommunications, the Mayor of Antwerp and executives and engineers from the two companies.

Operating over existing fiber and Nokia equipment deployed in the Proximus network, the first ever 25G PON live network connects the Havenhuis building in the Port of Antwerp with the Proximus central office in the middle of the city. The network speed exceeded 20 Gigabits per second making it the fastest fiber network in the world.

Proximus is the leading provider of fixed broadband networks in Belgium with 45.9% market share. The operator is accelerating the move to fiber, adding 10% coverage each year and is on target to reach at least 70% of homes and business by 2028. As part of its inspire 2022 vision, it is creating a high capacity open network which will be available to all operators, eliminating the need for fiber overbuild.

Rupert Wood, Research Director for Fiber Networks at Analysys Mason, said: “Today’s 25G PON achievement demonstrates the unlimited potential of fiber. This next evolution in fiber technology will provide enterprises with greater than 10 Gbs connectivity and the capacity needed to support 5G transport along with future next generation services such as massive scale Virtual Reality and real time digital twins.”

Guillaume Boutin, CEO Proximus, said: “The activation of the first 25G PON network worldwide shapes our bold ambition to be a trendsetter, to become a reference operator in Europe and, why not, across the globe. Together with Nokia, we have achieved a technological leap forward that will become a key enabler of the digital and economy and society that we stand for. Today’s announcement is also an occasion to stand still and look at the pace at which we connect the citizens of Antwerp to the technology of the future. Thanks to huge investments, we are realizing an acceleration that is unseen in Europe, and I am convinced this will be crucial to remain competitive for us as a company, but also for Antwerp as a city and for our entire economy.”

Federico Guillén, President Network Infrastructure Nokia, said: “10 years ago our companies launched the technology which enabled a switch to HD TV. Today we make history again with a network that is 200x faster. We are proud to support Proximus in enabling the world’s first 25G PON network, powered by Nokia’s Quillion chipset, which supports three generations of PON technologies. Quillion has been adopted by more than 100 operators since its launch last year and all operators deploying the Quillion based GPON and XGS-PON solution today have the capabilities to easily evolve to 25G PON.”



Onkohan tässä Proximuksen CEO:n kommentissa hieman värikynää mukana? Mutta kuitenkin Nokian teknologia vaikuttaa olevan hienoa, vaikka LightReadingin artikkelin mukaan taustalla on standardointiongelma kiinalaisesta vastustelusta johtuen. Olisikohan Nokia kaupallistanut jotain ennen heitä, ja mahdollisesti patentteja olisi mennyt Nokian suuntaan? Tämä liiketoiminta voi kuitenkin hyvin.

9 tykkäystä

Jokohan keksivät vastamyrkyn Huaweille?

11 tykkäystä

Ei taida ihan pitää paikkaansa…

8 tykkäystä

Kiitos infosta, mutta myönnettäköön, että Nokian tiedotus asiasta ei ole ollut kovinkaan yksityiskohtiin menevää, ehkäpä kilpailusyistä. Halusin kuitenkin laittaa MosesKoon näkemyksen, koska se yllätti minut, mutta näköjään se ei siis pidä paikkaansa.

3 tykkäystä

Saattais olla kiinalaisille mieluinen…

4 tykkäystä

9 tykkäystä

Niin RAN koostuu käsitykseni mukaan seuraavista osista: the Centralized Unit (CU), the Distributed Unit (DU), and the Radio Unit (RU). Epäilemättä tuon Radio Unitin suhteen tilanne on hyvä, mutta noiden toisten suhteen on luultavasti vielä tekemistä.

Eli olisiko tässä käsitteellisiä eroja, jos kyseinen nimimerkki on tarkoittanut että RU on 100 %:sti SoC varusteltu. Mene ja tiedä.

Mutta periaatteessa kun huomioi nykyisen marginaalin, pidän siitä näkökulmasta hyvänä asiana ettei valmista vielä ole. Marginaaleissa on siis selkeästi enemmän potentiaalia edessä.

6 tykkäystä

Ei näköjään osu vielä kauppa Saksan maalle (vaan Hollantiin), eikä ole RAN mukana. Hyvänä puolena että Nokian optical network -liiketoiminta vaikuttaisi parantaneen viime vuodesta aikalailla paljon kilpailukykyä. Ja samalla softaa kylkeen.

Jeroen van Straten , Director Network Operations at T-Mobile , said: “T-Mobile wants its customers to enjoy our networks without any privacy concerns.

Saisiko myös Saksan -puolen ajattelemaan samalla tavalla? Vai onko täälläkin ajatuksena että Huaweita mastoon, ja Nokian järjestelmät tutkimaan mahdollisiman hyvin onko turvallista. :crazy_face:

Edelleen RAN -kauppaa Saksaan ja Deutsche Telekomin kanssa odotellessa.

6 tykkäystä

tänään maltillista robotoimintaa, tosin vasta eka 50min, näytti kurssi putoavan tuon jälkeen
Update on Robot #1500 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 10:50
81 out of 1335 transactions was 1500pcs events ~ 6,07 % of all transactions
(81x1500) out of 1,11m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 12,76% of total shares exchanged
(81x1500) out of 0,91m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 15,6% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 10:50 today, with avg price of 4,09

Update on Robot #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 10:50
5 out of 1335 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 0,37 % of all transactions
(5x2000) out of 1,11m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 0,9% of total shares exchanged
(5x2000) out of 0,91m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 1,1% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 10:50 today, with avg price of 4,09

6 tykkäystä

Telia oli taas ostanut HS etusivun, siinä lukee isolla KOTIMAINEN 5G
ja alaosassa: “Meillä kotimaisuus ei ole vain sanahelinää. Rakennanmehan turvallista 5G-verkkoa yhdessä Nokian kanssa.”


24 tykkäystä

Nokia’s GPON solution to power AirFiber Networks’ fiber expansion in Bangalore and Tamil Nadu, India

Press Release

Nokia ’s GPON solution to power AirFiber Networks fiber expansion in Bangalore and* Tamil Nadu , India

  • Nokia’s GPON solution will enable Airfiber Networks to provide superior broadband services to its residential subscribers
  • The new network will allow AirFiber Networks to launch premium services, helping the ISP boost its revenue

27 May 2021

12 tykkäystä