Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Nokian liiketoimintayksiköiden johtajien esitykset CMD-päivässä olivat vakuuttavia. Tavoitteet ovat tarpeeksi haastavia ja puhe tekemisestä oli uskottavaa. Vuosi 2021 on kuitenkin eräänlainen pohjan tamppaamisen vuosi. En odota Q1-tulosjulkistuksesta mitään ihmeellisempää. Toivoa vaan sopii, ettei tulos alita kovin vaatimattomia odotuksia. Myös koko vuoden näkymät ovat vaatimattomat. Ei ole ihme, että kurssi pyörii 3,50 euron ympäristössä. Pikkuiset diilit eivät nyt riitä parantamaan sijoittajien alakuloa. Tarvitaan iso operaattoridiili, jotta kurssi nousisi seuraavalle tasolle.

5 tykkäystä

Eikös Nokia ollut vahva kumppani Rakutenille. Tässä ei ole kuitenkaan Nokiaa mainittu.

5G-verkot radiot Altiostar on kehittänyt yhdessä NEC:n kanssa. Rakutenin verkkoa pidetään yleisesti O-RAN-arkkitehtuurin ensimmäisenä merkittävänä kaupallisena toteutuksena.

O-RANista hyvää tietoa:

O-RAN puhuttaa nyt monia, eikä vähiten niitä operaattoreita, jotka miettivät 5G-investointeja tai vaikkapa Huawein laitteiden korvaamista verkoissaan. Tällä hetkellä verkon RAN-osa on edelleen tiukasti perinteisten valmistajien hallussa, mutta etumatkan pitäminen edellyttää Nokialta ja Ericssonilta jatkuvia panostuksia tuotekehitykseen.

Onhan se selvä, että O-RAN on myös haaste/uhka Nokialle, vaikka toki Nokia siitä puhuu eri näkökulmasta. Tuotekehityksen pitää toimia, ja pitää myös kyetä tekemään oikeita strategisia ja teknologisia ratkaisuja.

O-RAN-tuki sopii hyvin yhteen Nokian pääjohtaja Pekka Lundmarkinkin suulla julistettuun uuteen strategiaan. Siinä perinteinen end-to-end -malli, jossa yksi valmistaja toimittaa kaikki verkon osan runkoverkosta radioon, on tullut tiensä päähän. Malli toimi vielä 4G-aikana hyvin, mutta 5G:stä tulee virtuaalisempi, modulaarisempi ja avoimempi. Tähän muutoksen Nokian yrittää nyt sopeutua.

1 tykkäys

ION ja 4G RANissa Nokia on mukana. Tässä näkyy myös tuo ORANin riski eli kakkua jakamassa voi olla useampi toimittaja.

7 tykkäystä

Nokia huomioi asian.


U.S. President Joe Biden outlined a plan to allocate $100 billion to fund broadband improvements with the goal of achieving 100% coverage by 2030, as part of a newly unveiled $2 trillion infrastructure package.

A press release issued by the White House noted more than 35% of rural citizens in the country lack access to broadband service offering “minimally acceptable speeds,” which the government defines as 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload.

The bill must be approved by Congress and signed by the President to become law.

18 tykkäystä

Mitenkähän siinä käy…

4 tykkäystä

Vaikka Suomessa pörssit ovat kiinni, USA on auki ja Pohjolan parivaljakko hyvässä vedossa: Nokia reilun prosentin plussalla, Eric yli +2%. Taitaa molempia nostaa paitsi yleinen pörssin positiivinen tunnelma, myös Bidenin tukipaketista verkkoinfraan lohkaistava 100 miljardia dollaria.

Seeking Alphassa ihan kelvollinen analyysi Ericssonin näkymistä, toki auttaa myös Nokian kurssipotentiaalin hahmottamisessa.

7 tykkäystä


BridgeComm Will Leverage Their Free Space Optical Communications Along With Infrastructure-grade Telecommunication Equipment From Nokia USA.

BridgeComm, a leader in optical wireless communications solutions and services, today announced it has developed high-speed optical communications of speeds beyond 100GB per second and will offer point-to-point demos at the Hampton Inn in Sneads Ferry, NC, in conjunction with a global conference April 6-15. This project, which has already confirmed 100gbps connectivity in the lab, is enabled by BridgeComm’s extensive work in free space optical technology and Nokia’s network equipment and services backed by Nokia Bell Labs.

This collaboration brings opportunities for a cost-effective modular and scalable communications solution, providing ultra-high-speed throughput with a faster, more secure network optimized for multiple domains. This project also aims to expedite a quicker adoption of 5G networks with a reach to provide wireless access in rural communities.“We are excited to bring our point-to-point (P2P) technology out of the lab and in front of customers,” said Barry Matsumori, BridgeComm CEO. “By incorporating our optical wireless communications with Nokia’s industry-leading infrastructure telecommunication tools, we can support the diverse demands for data, speed and security end-users require beyond the reach of fiber and without the compromises of radio communications.”

BridgeComm and Nokia will leverage existing commercial technology to design, construct and operate a private wireless network. The largely virtualized network will be based on standardized 3GPP architectures and allow for a cost-efficient yet highly scalable network testbed that will enable rapid experimentation of applications. Each connected private wireless location will benefit from extremely high data transfer rates, lower latency, and a resilient backhaul that is LPD/LPI and independent of allocated and costly spectrum requirements. BridgeComm’s global network of optical ground stations offers a high-security solution for rapid point-to-point data transmissions with high-bandwidth.

8 tykkäystä

Nokia esillä T-Mobilen tulevassa tapahtumassa tj:n tviitin perusteella:

12 tykkäystä

TPG Telecom and Nokia have been appointed to trial a proof-of-concept network for the long mooted Public Safety Mobile Broadband to be used by the nation’s emergency services.

TPG said on Tuesday it had been working with federal and state governments, and emergency services to create a “superior multi-operator solution”.

“The trial will allow for the exhaustive testing of the multi-operator service delivery model to ensure it can provide the critical communications support needed for frontline staff during emergencies and natural disasters,” TPG Telecom CEO Iñaki Berroeta said.

“Previously critical Gov agencies such as @NSWAmbulance, @NSWSES and @nswpolice had separate radio networks. We are investing $600m to create a single network for these frontline services,” then Minister for Finance, Services and Property Victor Dominello tweeted at the time.

Edit: Toinen lähde

“The trial will allow for the exhaustive testing of the multi-operator service delivery model to ensure it can provide the critical communications support needed for frontline staff during emergencies and natural disasters,” TPG Telecom chief executive Iñaki Berroeta said.

Nokia head of Oceania Anna Willis said: “Nokia is proud of our innovation and expertise in delivering high quality, secure public safety solutions for emergency services.”

“Communications across services are essential to enabling fast, reliable cooperation between our emergency personnel in times of crisis. This trial enables us to bring the best of our world-leading critical network solutions to Australia.”

9 tykkäystä

Tuollaisen järjestelmän voisi kuvitella ulottuvan maantieteellisesti hyvinkin laajalle alueelle, joten LTE on varmasti 5G’tä toimivampi ratkaisu.

Press Release

Nokia launches innovative cloud charging solution on AWS for CSPs

Nokia leverages AWS Well-Architected Framework to support ultra low-latency, high frequency charging
Nokia Converged Charging solution features distributed deployment, active/active availability and geo-redundancy across regions specifically for AWS deployments.
6 April 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia has today announced the deployment of its cloud-native convergent charging solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to accelerate communications service providers (CSPs) migration of business-critical, high frequency charging applications to the public cloud, and to deliver the benefits of the cloud for 5G.

This announcement, which builds on an existing relationship with AWS, enables CSPs to efficiently run workloads on AWS and pioneer new monetization schemas as part of their journey towards deploying business support systems (BSS) in the public cloud.

As a containerized network function (CNF) on AWS, Nokia Converged Charging (NCC) provides true continuous availability, supporting the high frequency, low latency demands of an always on, real-time convergent charging system built for the needs of the 5G economy. This enables CSPs to tap new revenue streams from 5G capabilities, including differentiated pricing, network slicing, and flexible product offerings, such as IoT and B2B2X.

According to Analysys Mason, "SaaS and public cloud will make inroads into the market for monetization platforms by growing more than 6.5X from 2019 to 2025 and increase its share to over 14% of the total spend.” NCC’s architecture can support CSPs at every step of their public cloud journey, from deployment of greenfield sub-brands as a first step towards hosting testing environments to full production workloads of the main brand on the public cloud.

Fabio Cerone, EMEA Telco Managing Director at AWS, said: “We are pleased that Nokia is expanding its relationship with AWS by offering its cloud-native convergent charging system on AWS and connecting it to various services, such as with analytics to pioneer new monetization schemas. As the world becomes increasingly cloud-centric, it’s important that our customers can leverage cloud-native solutions to unleash the potential benefits of the cloud and 5G.”

Udi Israel, Head of Digital Business Product Line, Cloud and Network Services at Nokia, said: "The technological barriers of deploying charging systems on the public cloud, such as network latency, are decreasing rapidly due to faster dedicated connections and far edge CNF deployments; while the advantages, such as having the ability to grow capacity for one-off short-range events, are increasing. We’re pleased to be furthering that process with Nokia Converged Charging’s deployment on AWS.”

9 tykkäystä

After much discussion, President Biden finally released the general outlines of his $2 trillion infrastructure plan, of which $100 billion will be devoted to broadband services.

1. What is broadband?

Based on the handful of paragraphs Biden’s plan devotes to broadband, it appears the president is leaning toward fiber because of his calls for a “future proof” infrastructure. Tom Wheeler, President Obama’s FCC chairman, similarly argued for a “future proof” approach to broadband, writing in recent House testimony that prioritizing symmetrical 1Gbit/s capacity “is to prioritize a ‘fiber first’ policy.”

2. What is overpriced service?

However, one line raised eyebrows among analysts: “Americans pay too much for the Internet – much more than people in many other countries – and the President is committed to working with Congress to find a solution to reduce Internet prices for all Americans, increase adoption in both rural and urban areas, hold providers accountable, and save taxpayer money.”

3. Who will benefit?

If Biden’s plan does indeed push federal money toward municipal broadband projects, it could essentially divert that money from the cable, telecom and wireless providers that would otherwise get it.

However, there is one clear group of beneficiaries to Biden’s plan: Network equipment suppliers. The analysts at Cowen noted that Biden’s proposal is nothing but good news for the likes of Ciena, Cisco, Infinera, Nokia, Adtran and others.

4. Is broadband a utility?

But if broadband is a public utility, along the lines of electricity, then it would likely be carefully managed by state or local officials.

On the one hand, such an approach could spur the delivery of speedy networks to remote and rural users. On the other, it could squelch private investments in technologies ranging from Massive MIMO to low Earth orbit satellite broadband.

8 tykkäystä

Halleluujaa, #1750 herännyt koomasta

Update on Robot #1750 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 16:40
341 out of 6869 transactions was 1750pcs events ~ 4,96 % of all transactions
(341x1750) out of 5,61m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 10,63% of total shares exchanged
(341x1750) out of 5,27m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 11,33% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 16:40 today, with avg price of 3,44

Update on Robot #2000 so far today in Helsinki Stock Exchange @ 16:40
82 out of 6869 transactions was 2000pcs events ~ 1,19 % of all transactions
(82x2000) out of 5,61m changed total shares ~ Minimum of 2,92% of total shares exchanged
(82x2000) out of 5,27m changed total shares, without morning auction ~ Minimum of 3,11% of total shares exchanged
This between 10:00 and 16:40 today, with avg price of 3,44

12 tykkäystä

Based on 35 million samples from real 5G customers, nationwide study ranks T-Mobile first in 5G in 44 states, with top marks in reliability, coverage and speed.

11 tykkäystä

Sarvikkaalle mielenkiintoinen pesti P-Amerikkaan.

2 tykkäystä

Tämä kiinnostavaa nähdä. Epäilen että ilmoitus koskee jollain tavalla kotinettiä. Ja toki Nokia on siinä myös mukana oleellisella tavalla.

Want a hint? Want a home internet?

4 tykkäystä

Boom !!
Lenovo :muscle:

27 tykkäystä


Nokia and Optus today announced that they achieved a record-breaking aggregate site throughput of 10 Gbps during a downlink speed demonstration using 800 MHz of millimetre Wave (mmWave) spectrum at a live 5G site in Brisbane.


Lambo Kanagaratnam, Managing Director of Networks at Optus, said: “We’re committed to keeping Australia connected and at the forefront of 5G. By partnering with global technology leaders like Nokia, we’ve taken an exciting step towards unlocking the massive potential that 5G mmWave will bring to the consumers, enterprises and industries in Australia. Reaching 10 Gbps per site is a crucial step in our 5G development and validates the progress we’ve made with the technology together with Nokia.”

11 tykkäystä

Tarkkoja summia tiedotteessa ei kerrottu, mutta tiedotteen mukaan ”Lenovo maksaa Nokialle tasapainottavan maksun”. Sopimusta kuvailtiin monivuotiseksi ja monta eri teknologiaa koskevaksi.

Tiedotteen mukaan sopimuksen ansiosta Lenovo pääsee nyt käsiksi 20 000 Nokian patentoituun tuotteeseen.

22 tykkäystä


Hyödyntämällä merikaapelimarkkinoiden hyvää terveyttä suomalainen konserni sijoittaa 360 miljoonaa euroa kolmen vuoden aikana tytäryhtiöönsä, Alcatel-sukellusveneverkkoihin (ASN), joka on alan johtava yritys.

Merikaapelimarkkinoiden räjähdys on muuttanut Nokian mieltä. Vaikka se oli asettanut myyntiin kolme vuotta sitten erittäin strategisen tytäryhtiönsä Alcatel Submarine Networksin (ASN) - neuvottelut edistyivät hyvin Ekinopsin kanssa, sitten Orangen kanssa, suomalainen konserni antaa tietojemme mukaan 360 miljoonaa euroa kolmen vuoden aikana ASN: ään. Vuoden 2022 ensimmäiseen neljännekseen mennessä Calais-toimipistettä (500 työntekijää) laajennetaan merkittävästi 70 miljoonan euron investoinneilla. Myös ASN: n kuuden kaapelilaivan laivastoa lisätään yhdellä.

15 tykkäystä