En osaa verrata tuotteiden laatua, muutoin Reddit kirjoittajan NOS väite ei selvästikään pitänyt paikkaansa. Miksi uskoa muutoinkaan hänen väitteitään? Toki Arista on huomattavasti menestyneempi datakeskusvaihteiden toimittaja kuin Nokia, ja todennäköisesti tuotevalikoima on monipuolisempi mutta onko laadulla eroa?
The Telecoms.com Podcast: Ericsson, B2B telecoms and Nokia
AT&T struggles to defend open cloudiness of Ericsson deal
Viimeisimmät Nokian 5 g Advanced ominaisuudet hyvin kerrottuna ja parin asiakkaan kehumana - noin 10 min,
kannattaa katsoa!
Nosto Light Reading artikkkelista: Ericsson’n diilistä AT&T:n kanssa arvailua isoista epävarmuuksista [Intelin vaikeudet yms]
Mut the damage might already have been done. Intel last year reported a $19.2 billion loss on sales of $53.1 billion, after managing a net profit of $1.7 billion in 2023. In the absence of commercial alternatives to Intel, the uncertainty about its future has made parts of the industry even warier of cloud RAN.
- Operators are hesitating to base a technology strategy on Intel’s product roadmap, said one long-serving telco executive who requested anonymity. Elbaz’s remarks may have been interpreted by some listeners as a sign of that hesitancy.
A few weeks ago, Ericsson CEO Börje Ekholm revealed that his company’s financial weakness in 2017 made operators nervous about buying its equipment. Every customer he met, Ekholm told analysts on a results call, was asking if Ericsson would live.
- The Swedish vendor’s survival in key markets no longer seems doubtful, but the same cannot be said for some of its partners.
Telefónica selects Nokia Packet Core to deliver superior network quality for enterprises in Spain #MWC25
Aika kauan kestää muuten Vodafonella päästä maaliin kilpailutuksessaan.
Onkohan siellä tullut mutkia matkaan tms?
olisiko se Three mergeri hidasteena ? H12025 pitäisi UK toiminnot olla yhdistetty/hyväksytty
Three = Erkki
Vodafone = Erkki ja Huihai
ei kannatta henkeä pidätellä joo,
ihan just uunista ulos oli marraskuussa
juttelin kaverin kanssa, ja ehkä Nokialla saumaa johonkin kakkuun
6G is coming, and Nokia is leading the way. Our vision: Impactful, Intelligent, Sustainable, Secure networks. See how we’re “Architecting Tomorrow”: https://nokia.ly/3X8LKIz
Ettei suurempi kuva unohtusi, tänä vuonna on luvassa piristymistä, mutta sen sen jälkeen olisi Dell’Oron mukaan laskua:
The Mobile Core Network (MCN) market 5-year compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) (2024-2029) remains in negative territory. Economic headwinds, competitive price pressure, and slow migration to 5G Standalone (5G SA) and Voice over New Radio (VoNR) plague the market. “The only bright spots are the segments that will grow during the forecast period. They are the EMEA region, 5G MCN, and MEC. However, these segments are not growing enough to offset the decline in the 4G MCN and VoLTE/VoNR market segments. The MCN market is projected to peak in 2025 and slide lower throughout the remainder of the forecast period.
Suhtautuisin aika varauksella ennustuksiin markkina-aktiviteetista, erityisesti pitkällä aikavälillä.
India’s data center boom, fueled by AI, 5G, cloud adoption and a growing digital economy, is driving growth in optical fiber demand.
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
The Nokia addressable global market for mobile network equipment keeps on declining, because traffic growth has stalled. Growth, if any, comes from other segments (network automization, optimization of operator’s operational costs).
Redditissä kommentti Nokian pian aloittavasta toimitusjohtajasta:
I know Justin personally and he’s incredibly sharp and incredibly focused. I’ve been saying he’ll be a future CEO since I met him about 15 years ago and I’m not even a little surprised he’s done it this quickly. I think Nokia just filled the seat with a top talent. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nok/comments/1im5r5v/comment/mdkkvvf/?context=3