Nordic Mining - Norjalainen kaivosyhtiö murrosvaiheessa

NOM on jo 15 vuotta tätä hanketta toteuttanut ja aikataulut toistuvasti venyneet ja kaivoksen lopullinen rahoituskin osui aikaan jolloin rahoitus tilanne ei todellakaan ollut optimaalinen. Ymmärrän että monelle on vuosien saatossa tullut tappioita tämän kanssa, eikä halua enää olla mukana. Itse kanssa mukana pitkään ostaen ja myyden välillä. Mutta voisitko perustella että miksi NOM:n arvo olisi alle 5 NOK 12kk päästä, tuo olisi 70% lasku nyky kurssiin. Huomasin että olit aika monen muun kanssa tätä vaihtoehtoa äänestänyt? Et usko että kaivostoiminta alkaa?

1 tykkäys

Ei enää ikinä kyselyiden luontia ennen aamukahvia:

Uusi yritys:

Nyt kun oikeudenkäynnit alkavat olla taputeltuja ja kaivoksen tuotantovaihe lähenee, niin kertokaapas oma ‘tavoitehintanne’ yhtiölle 12 kk päähän. Tämän hetkinen kurssi siis on 16,95 NOK.

  • Alle 5 NOK
  • 5-10 NOK
  • 10-15 NOK
  • 15-20 NOK
  • 20-25 NOK
  • 25-30 NOK
  • 30-35 NOK
  • 35-40 NOK
  • Yli 40 NOK
0 äänestäjää
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Mielestäni tässä on aika hyvää haarukointia hinnasta:

(kuva lainattu NOM:in omistajien fb-ryhmästä)

Ensi vuonna maltillisella arvostuksella P/E=5 olisi osakkeen arvo n. 25NOK. En usko, että tämän korkeammalle kauheasti noustaan vielä lähiaikoina, koska osinkoa ei makseta vielä vuosiin, ensin maksetaan lainat pois. Mutta nousuvaraa on kyllä paljon tulevillekin vuosille. Syytä myös huomioida, että ylläolevat laskelmat on tehty rutiilin hinnalla 1400$/tonni ja esim. tällä hetkellä myyntihinnat ovat käsittääkseni tuota korkeampia. Nousuvaraa siis voi tulla sitäkin kautta.

5 tykkäystä

Maailman suurin luonnonrutiilin tuottaja (20% markkinaosuus) Sierra Rutile julkaisi vuoden 2023 vuosikertomuksensa ja siellä on muutamia mielenkiintoisia näkemyksiä rutiilimarkkinoista. Kavereilla on hieman ongelmia afrikkalaisen isäntämaan kanssa (Government of Sierra Leone), sekä heikon lyhyen aikavälin kysynnän kanssa, mutta näkemykset pidemmän aikavälin kysynnästä ovat varsin positiivisia. Toki kukapa sitä oman firman tulevia bisneksiä haukkuisi :slight_smile:



Ilmeisesti siis kysyntä on tällä hetkellä hieman heikkoa, mutta talouden lähtiessä vetämään odotetaan syntyvän rutiilivajetta, jonka vuoksi Nordic Miningin kaivoksen arvo oletettavasti kasvaa ajan myötä.

Erään toisen kilpailijan kilpailijan PowerPoint-kalvoissa myöskin oletetaan tarjonnan romahtavan mm. Sierra Rutilen ongelmien vuoksi:

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Tälläinen haastattelu tuli vastaan Sharevillessa,julkaistu 4kk sitten,katselin että ei ole ollut vielä tässä ketjussa.

2 tykkäystä

Lehti uutisen mukaan luvitus kiviaineksen kaadosta vuonoon menee myös EU:n EFTA tuomioistuimen käsiteltäväksi. tämä kai Norjan luonnonsuojeluliiton pyynnöstä kun hävisivät alkuvuodesta oikeudessa norjan valtiota vastaan jätteenkäsittely luvituksessa.

Samanlainen vääntö EFTA ssa oli jo vuonna 2016. Silloin todettiin kaikki luvat valideiksi. Näemmä mahdollista sitten viedä sama asia uudestaan käsittelyyn.

Tämän tuomioistuimen päätökset tosin eivät ole Norjassa sitovia koska Norja ei kuulu EU:n.

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Tässäpä mielenkiintoinen linkki NM:n tämän hetken tilanteeseen;

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Norjan kauppa ja teollisuusministeri oli viime viikolla Yhdysvalloissa solmimassa ja allekirjoittamassa mineraaliyhteistyösopimuksen Yhdysvaltojen kanssa. Kyse on juuri strategisten mineraalien yhteistyöstä ja Norjan maaperän mineraalien hyödyntämisesta ja kaivannaisten toimitusketjun luonnista maailman markkinoille. Muutama ote e24:n artikkelista google translaten kautta. Kaikki tämä positiivista NOM:lle.

What does a strategic mineral collaboration mean?

- This means that we must cooperate on access to critical raw materials and link Norwegian and American value chains together. It is important that we ensure this among allies, says Vestre.

The White House: - Important step

  • The letter of intent is an important step for further strengthening the future strategic cooperation of the United States and Norway with regard to critical minerals, writes the White House in a statement, according to NTB.

  • With this letter of intent, the US and Norway intend to strengthen cooperation to ensure long-term commercial viability for a sustainable, market-oriented mining and processing operation at a high level of critical minerals in the US, Norway and the rest of the world, says the statement from the White House House.

Norway enters into a mineral agreement with the USA - E24 (

10 tykkäystä

Vuoden 2023 vuosiraportti julkaistu.

nordic-mining-annual-report-2023.pdf (

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Havaintoja vuosiraportista, poimittuna Shareville

7 tykkäystä

Maailman suurin luonnonrutiilintuottaja Sierra Rutile jatkaa taisteluaan Sierra Leonen hallituksen kanssa.

Sierra Leonen hallituksen mielestä kaivostoiminnan keskeyttäminen on laitonta ja rutiilin kaivamista pitää jatkaa. Samaan aikaan Sierra Leonen hallitus haluaa kuitenkin heikentää Sierra Rutilen toiminnalle asetettuja reunaehtoja, jotka tekisivät kaivostoiminnan jatkamisesta ja lisäinvestoinnista taloudellisesti haastavaa. Tästä on mahdollista kehkeytyä isompi soppa, joka laittaa kaivosinvestoinnit kokonaan jäähän ja pahentaa pian syntyvää rutiilipulaa. Tämä on tietysti hyväksi Nordic Miningille, joka on harvoja uusia rutiilintuottajia maailmassa :+1:

6 tykkäystä

Nordic mining:n julkaistu Q1/2024 ja Q1 presentation


  • AMR voitettu kaikissa oikeusasteissa
  • Strategisten mineraalien sopimukset USA:n ja EU:n kanssa
  • Kaivoksen rakennus aikataulussa. Presentaatiossa hienoja kuvia rakentamisvaiheesta. Näyttää siistiltä työmaa-alueelta ja järkevältä suunnittelulta.Toivottavasti ylösajo aikanaan onnistuu hyvin.

Nom päivitys rutiili markkinoihin

4 tykkäystä

Uusi CFO nimetty. Tulevaisuus näyttää, toivottavasti nyt pitkäaikaisempi rekry kuin edellinen.

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Siitä vähän kielikylpyä

Adm. dir. Ivar Fossum i Nordic Mining var gjest i Økonominyhetene tirsdag. Han kunne fortelle at alt går etter planen i forhold til produksjonsstart i løpet av fjerde kvartal 2024 og at det ikke skjedde noe i første kvartal som kunne forkludre det.

4 tykkäystä

Ei tuosta vuoristoruotsista ota erkkikään selvää.

Ajoin haastiksen suosiolla tekoälyn lävitse:

Tekoälykäännös, klikkaa minua!

It hasn’t been that long since you were here last, but it’s been a few months. And you are working hard to complete the processing plant at Engebøfjellet. How has it gone in the first quarter?

[Ivar Fossum]
It has gone very well. It has been a quiet world. So we have focused on logistics and to that extent also foreign currency. Norwegian krone against the dollar. But it seems we have gone very well. And above all, the construction business itself has gone very well. We are completely damage-free so far in the construction process. Done away with many heavy operations. Started mechanical installation. Which is perhaps the most demanding part of the development at Engebø.

And is everything going according to plan?

[Ivar Fossum]
Everything is going according to plan, but we are humble that a project is a project. We have a hectic period ahead of us, but we have very good contractors and good management on the construction site. So far everything looks very good.

It looks like you have invested another couple of hundred million in the quarter?

[Ivar Fossum]
Yes, now we have come a long way. Well over 500 million invested in the Engebø project in the last quarter. Total approx. NOK 1.9 billion. So we are, you could say, at the top of the activity curve, if you like, in the construction project as such.

But even more will be invested before it will be finished sometime in the autumn?

[Ivar Fossum]
Sometime in the fall. We are on course to start first production during the fourth quarter of this year.

Then the income will come sometime in the new year?

[Ivar Fossum]
Then the income comes sometime in the new year. There is always an X-factor when you start a new industrial business and a new mine.

How long will it take?

[Ivar Fossum]
We have already started to plan carefully. And will start that planning in stages already now from early summer until the beginning of autumn. So we are ready to ship boats with product already in the fourth quarter. With net income from the start of next year.

And the products from Engebø, that is?

[Ivar Fossum]
It is the titanium raw material Urutil. The cleanest and most climate-friendly titanium raw material available. Especially produced from Norway. And in addition there is the mineral Garnet, which is used for cutting processes. Typical of water fence cutting, which is an industrial process used for every possible industry in the world.

Accounting-wise, it was a new quarter with around 40 million in the red on the bottom line. Maybe that was how it was supposed to be?

[Ivar Fossum]
That’s how it’s supposed to be. For us, it’s about keeping the progress in the construction work and, of course, ensuring that cash flow and construction activity follow each other as they should. And it looks really good now.

Are you fully financed before actually completing the process plant and production?

[Ivar Fossum]
We are. And now we have also succeeded in securing ourselves in terms of currency. Because we have financed projects a lot in foreign currency and a lot of expenses in krone, which have fluctuated greatly up and down. But we have managed to stabilize that well now. So we are fully funded plus an additional reserve of $25 that we guided for last quarter.

You hedge the dollar, is that what you say, right?

[Ivar Fossum]
Yes, we insure to some extent. Not all, but in step with the progress of construction.

Has something happened in the market situation that you are concerned about?

[Ivar Fossum]
We follow the markets closely. We do see that the market development that we saw in the last quarter, where the market for titanium and metal has been greatly strengthened, lags behind the production of civil aircraft.
Large backlog also in the production of military material. All sectors that need titanium and metal to a large extent. While the other part, which goes to pigment and ordinary industry, has been a looser, if you want to see, a division of that market. We will deliver a high-purity raw material that will largely enter the metal segment. And which is a very strong segment. And that is going to be the way the world looks today.

Do you have agreements on future production, at given prices or fixed prices?

[Ivar Fossum]
We have agreements for the first five years. The entire production sold to large customers. Some are on index-based prices, i.e. market prices. Others are in fixed sums, for the first five years.

There have been two court cases that have been a bit of a drag on your wheels. What are the bets on those lawsuits now?

[Ivar Fossum]
Now we had a very pleasant outcome in the Supreme Court just before Easter, which has been a case that has gone on for six years. Very important judgment for us. Of which we were quite confident so far. It went on our mineral rights. It is also a very important judgment for Mineral-Norge, for all new projects. And not least also for Norway’s Minerals Act. It creates a very clear predictability for those who are going to start new mineral projects. And that is what many people are concerned about in Norway in the coming time. And then there was this the emission stuff. There was a clear verdict from the Oslo district court in January. It is the Nature Conservancy that has sued the Norwegian State in relation to their interpretation of the EU’s regulations, the water framework directive.

It was probably the duck?

[Ivar Fossum]
There was a tiny part of that judgment. A few words that were appealed to the Court of Appeal, which has said that we want a statement from the EFTA Court on exactly that wording. As we look back at how the Norwegian state has handled our applications and regulations, we are very calm about the outcome of that case.

Thank you very much for being with us again, Ivar. We will follow along. Then we will surely have a visit from you again sometime in the autumn, I hope.

[Ivar Fossum]
Thanks for that and thanks for letting me come.

11 tykkäystä

NOM jatkaa kvartsi projektia itsenäisesti kun yhteistyökumppani luopui projektista. Voi olla hyväkin asia jos esiintymä lopulta osoittautuu korkealuokkaiseksi. Tässä vaiheessa vaikea arvioida merkitystä koska nyt keskitytään engebön kaivoksen ylösajoon

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Hommat etenee vakaasti :muscle::gem:

Nordic Mining ASA: Signs alliance agreement for mining operations with regional partner
Nordic Mining ASA (“Nordic Mining” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that
its wholly owned subsidiary Engebø Rutile and Garnet AS (“ERG”) has entered into
a 5-year mining alliance agreement with Sunnfjord Industripartner AS (“SIPA” or
the “Alliance Partner”) to deliver mining services for the Engebø Rutile and
Garnet project (“Alliance Contract”).

The Alliance Partner’s responsibility includes drilling, blasting, loading and
hauling for the open pit operations, while ERG is responsible for management of
the mine design and schedule. The Alliance Contract includes certain pre-defined
targets with an element of profit and loss sharing related to those targets,
incentivizing cost optimization and cooperation. The expected value of the
contract is approximately NOK 450 million.

The mining fleet will consist of, but is not limited to, articulated haulers,
wheel loaders and excavators from Volvo, while Sandvik has been chosen as the
drill rig manufacturer. The machinery will have digital capabilities to support
the mining operations and to optimize the mining safety and ore quality while
limiting the environmental impact.

SIPA is a construction company established by four local civil and earthworks
contractors in the Sunnfjord municipality to undertake large scale projects and
has been responsible for sitewide earthworks and underground infrastructure for
the Engebø Project.

“This is a key agreement for the operations at Engebø, and we are pleased to
establish SIPA as our partner for the mining operations. SIPA has been a
valuable supporter, shareholder, and important contractor for the construction
and will now continue as a long-term strategic partner towards carbon free
mining operations”, says CEO Ivar S. Fossum.

“We are very satisfied to extend the partnership with Nordic Mining through the
mining alliance agreement for mining services at Engebø Rutile and Garnet. We
have through the preparation of the mining area already gained valuable
knowledge about the ore-body that we take with us into the alliance for
optimization of the mining fleet. As Alliance Partner we also bring strong
support from the blasting media and mining fleet manufactures”, says Harald
Kvame, Chairman of the Board, SIPA.

“Orica is delighted to be selected as the preferred supplier for the start-up of
the new mine. We are excited to support their operations and contribute to their
success with our industry-leading solutions”, says Orica’s Territory Manager for
Norway, Trond Hellum

“Sandvik is proud to be chosen as the preferred supplier of surface drilling
equipment for operating at the new mining operations at Engebø”, says Sales
Manager Surface Drills Sandvik, Tor Arne Rønningen.

“Volvo is grateful and proud to be part of the exciting start-up phase of the
Engebø project. Our contribution has been to simulate production with different
machine types, and to give advice on choosing the right machines with a focus on
sustainability and efficient operation”, says Product Manager Loaders and
Haulers Volvo Norway, André Gullholm

For further information, please contact Managing Director - Engebø Rutile and
Garnet, Kenneth Nakken Angedal, telephone +47 926 40 645.

Oslo, 27 June 2024
Nordic Mining ASA

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Siinä olis varmasti hyödyllistä tietoa kellä norski on hanskassa

1 tykkäys

Nordic miningilta kesän 2024 status päivitys.

Isoin uutinen että CEO Ivar S. Fossum jää eläkkeelle 2024 vuoden lopussa. Ikä (66) antaa luvan jäädäkin jo eläkkeelle. Hän on ollut johdossa koko yhtiön olemassaolon. Jatkaa kuitenkin senior advisorina eläkkeelle jäämisen jälkeenkin.

“The company will engage an advisor to assist in the process of finding Mr. Fossum’s successor and will update the marked as soon as the process is concluded.”

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