Pinpoint Estimates - joukkoälyllä tarkempia tulosennusteita?

:information_source: :uk: People from Pinpoint have promised they can participate to discussion so let’s prefer English as main language

About us - Pinpoint Estimates

We compile financial estimates (expectations) for listed companies and offer a clear picture of the market’s expectations. Here, forecasts from all types of investors are gathered and based on these we create a weighted consensus, we call it the Pinpoint consensus, for companies’ quarterly and full-year reports. The more skilled an investor is, the more his forecast is weighted in the consensus. All types of investors get easy access to the estimates completely free of charge based on the principle: leave estimates to see.

The Pinpoint estimate feature is now available on Inderes service at each company page, so our community can submit their own estimates directly through :point_down:

If you want to dig deeper and submit more estimates you can create an account with Pinpoint here: Home - Pinpoint Estimates Finland

Looking forward to your feedback and questions for Pinpoint are also welcome! Interesting to see how community consensus performs against analyst consensus :nerd_face:

29 tykkäystä

Interesting feature, which I tried with Remedy Entertainment Oyj before their Q2’24 result. However, I was very surprised on how bearish my estimates (-50%ish) were compared to reader estimates. My estimates were not that far from analyst’s estimates.

Now I noticed why. The naming of quarters are “Q2-year” and “Q4-year” but the actual metrics appear to follow “H1-year” and “H2-year”, and this explains why my estimate was so bearish, as readers have probably reported H1’24 instead of only Q2’24. When you look at the reported past metrics, they clearly include H1 or H2 instead of specific quarters. However, Pinpoint reports half-years as individual quarters. Though Q1 and Q3 are clearly missing from the historic data, it’s still a bit misleading.

I assume this is an unintended bug in small niche cases like Remedy, and I assume it could be due to Remedy switching from bi-yearly to quarterly reporting a couple of years back, but it’s difficult to make use of this feature with similar companies that have undergone the same transition.

I hope this feedback/bug-report helps and will be happy to give my (gu)estimates in the future!

7 tykkäystä

Thanks for starting the thread @Mikael_Rautanen! Here’s a brief introduction to Pinpoint :dart:

What is Pinpoint?
Pinpoint began in 2019 as a passion project by a group of stock market enthusiasts who saw the need for a clearer view of market expectations for listed companies. Since then the concept has evolved and today we collect and process estimates to generate consensus values for over 300 Nordic companies each quarter. Our focus is on gathering estimates from private investors to provide a more accurate picture of market expectations, over time the method has proven to be at least as reliable as traditional analyst forecasts.

How is Pinpoint Consensus Calculated?
Anyone can submit an estimate, usually for net sales and EBIT, though other KPIs are sometimes used. To ensure contributor independence, users must submit their own estimates before accessing the consensus. We then weigh these estimates based on contributors’ historical accuracy to ensure the consensus remains reliable.

How can Pinpoint Consensus be used?
Pinpoint Consensus is a valuable tool for both company management and investors. For companies, it provides insight into market expectations, helping them bridge any gaps between internal forecasts and market views and build trust with stakeholders. For investors, the consensus serves as a benchmark for their own analysis.

Feel free to ask us questions or suggest improvements. We’re happy to help and eager to hear your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

8 tykkäystä

Thanks for the feedback! The reason we don’t have quarterly figures for Remedy (and some other companies) is that they release “business reviews” for Q1 and Q3 instead of comprehensive quarterly reports. Unfortionately, this means we don’t have data like report dates and values for these periods.

As you mentioned, it’s a bit confusing to label periods as Q2 when they actually refer to H2. We’re looking into changing from Q to H in these cases to avoid any confusion. Thanks again for your feedback!

6 tykkäystä