Smart Eye - King of automotive’s Interior Sensing AI?

Pidän täysin mahdollisena että Audi A8 on ainakin peruttu, koska level3 autonominen ajaminen peruttiin kyseisestä mallista, eikä tule enää ilmeisesti tämän korimallin autoon. Autosta saattaa tulla uusi malli joka menee varmasti uuden kilpailutuksen kautta, ja vanha malli poistuu ennen lakien astumista voimaan.

Porschen osalta uskon että malli on vielä tuotannossa ja dms on vain viivästynyt. Q7 kohdalla voi käydä miten vain, A6 ja A7 pidän todennäköisenä että dms vain viivästyy. JLR kohdalta en osaa arvioida tilannetta.

En ole kovin huolestunut.

3 tykkäystä
2 tykkäystä

Täällä lyhyesti eri teknojättien halusta mennä kohti itseajavia autoja

Microsoft Corp., too, is backing several autonomous initiatives, partnering with Volkswagen AG on self-driving car software, possibly with a view to creating offices-on-the-go

7 tykkäystä

Korvanappiini saaman tiedon mukaan VW:n lisäksi muitakin isoja OEM olisi menossa peräpeilin lähelle tulevaan yhdistelmäratkaisuun (DMS+OMS) noin vuodesta 2025-2026 alkaen.

Tämä lupailee todella hyvää; ts. useat toimijat tulevat käyttämään kameroita (sekä osin tutkia) OMS-vaiheessa vuosikymmenen jälkipuoliskolla. Näihin liittyviä alustavia kilpailutuksia ja tiedonkeruita (RfI) on hiljalleen jo menossa / alkamassa.

Monilta osin DMS-winnit vuoteen 2024-2025 asti on jo lyöty aiemmin lukkoon :sunny: Tässä hyvää on taas se, että Smartin kertoessa liikevaihdon voimakkaasta kasvusta (2021) ja erityisesti 2022 alkaen, on siellä varmasti aika pitkälle eteenpäin näkyvyyttä olemassa :sunglasses:

Toistaiseksi keissi näyttää teknologisessa kilpailumielessä todella hyvältä… Smart tiesi tasan tarkkaan mitä hankki ja milloin hankkia Affectivan myötä. Uskon nykyisillä tiedoilla, että OMS-markkina tulee olemaan vuolas kaikille kyvykkäille Tier-2 softafirmoille. Koska tiedämme hankintaprosessien olevan alkamassa ja osittain käynnissä (tod.näk. RfI) voimme suhtautua mielestäni toiveikkaasti kamerateknologian erittäin pitkään elinkaareen: DMS → DMS+OMS → OMS (SAE level 5).

Martinin ”kahden aallon” puheelle vuosiraportin yhteydessä on saatu vähän alustavaa katetta suoraan isoilta OEM:ltä

65 tykkäystä

Noniin uusi tarkentava havainto Ariyasta :gem::sweden:

38 tykkäystä

Teslan DMS. Mitä opimme?

  • Järjestelmä ei toimi kunnolla edes päivällä. (model Y ja vastaavat nykyiset mallit). Ei infrapunaa.

  • IR puutteesta johtuen esim aurinkolasien kanssa ei toimi. Muutenkin algoritmi näyttää alkeelliselta.

  • Pimeässä se ei toimi koskaan

  • ei infrapunavaloja, mutta uudesta model S plaidista löytyy!

Vaikka IR valot jatkossa tulisi niin sopii kysyä miten hyvin algoritmit toimivat esim. microsleepin tunnistamisessa jne :man_shrugging:

24 tykkäystä

Toyotan bZ tulossa myyntiin jo mid 2022. Mielenkiintoista seurata DMS mielessä.

Lisäksi toinen mielenkiintoinen on Renault Megane EV… samalle platformille tehty kuin Nissan Ariya.

Myös Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2022 malli voi tuoda mukanaan jotain…ehkä.

Luulen että Toyota on ehkäpä in-house DMS mutta muiden osalta on toiveita :crossed_fingers:

13 tykkäystä

Ketju on perustettu vajaa vuosi sitten. Palauttelen mieleeni, kuinka monta SE:n design winniä on tänä aikana julkistettu. :thinking: Olikohan pari ilmoitusta tullut? “Korean Oem” ja “chinese Oem”?

H2 2021 aikana alkaisi olemaan korkea aika saada näistä lisää uutisia, vai miten näette? Ei kai korona kuitenkaan aikatauluja ole vuosikaupalla uusiksi laittanut.

Se tässä sekoittaa, että design winnejä on saatu jo aiempina vuosina ilmeisesti suuri määrä (toistakymmentä?), ja on hieman haastavaa pysyä kartalla, kuinka paljon lukumääräisesti design winnejä olisi 2021-2022 lopulta jaossa ja voivatko vanhemmat design winit “vanhentua”.

8 tykkäystä

Tässä lienee tuorein näkemäni ennuste in-cabin DMS-kameroista. Luvut tuntuvat olevan linjassa SmartEyen kertomiin ennusteisiin ja ovat myös huomattavasti Seeing Machinesia konservatiivisempia. Tämän äärellä on hyvä pysähtyä ottamaan tuoppi kokista ja miettiä omaa sijoitushorisonttia :joy:



54 tykkäystä

Lisää mielenkiintoisia malleja ensi vuodelle :face_with_monocle:

14 tykkäystä

Olisikohan ylihuomenna tiedossa maistiaisia myös Ruotsin suunnalta :thinking:

Teknologian aikaisemmat sukupolvet luottivat pääasiassa varoituksiin välittömistä vaaroista, mutta uusi turvallisuusteknologia puuttuu tarpeen mukaan aktiivisemmin tilanteisiin törmäysten välttämiseksi.

Ihmishenkien suojelemisen ja loukkaantumisten estämisen lisäksi autonvalmistaja näkee lisähyötyjä myös alhaisemmissa vakuutusmaksuissa, kun Volvo-autojen onnettomuudet käyvät yhä harvinaisemmiksi. Kaikissa Volvon täyssähköautoissa vakiona oleva huolenpitopaketti sisältää asiakkaan niin halutessa myös vakuutuksen.

Uudet liiketoimintamallit ja yleinen viestinnän sisältö linjassa Smartin ulostulon kanssa. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Itseasiassa melkein suora lainaus Martinin sanoista:

Päämäärämme on kehittää entistä turvallisempia autoja. Pitkän tähtäimen tavoite on välttää onnettomuudet kokonaan. Kun voimme parantaa turvallisuusteknologiaa jatkuvasti päivitysten kautta, odotamme onnettomuuksien määrän vähenevän koko ajan ja toivomme pelastavamme lisää ihmishenkiä, kertoo Volvon pääteknologiajohtaja Henrik Green.

31 tykkäystä

Lyhyt recappi viime syksyyn tämän videon kohdassa 5-7min

7 tykkäystä

Smart Eye -analyysiä Nipponin ihmemaalta. Linkin takana on vuodelta 2019 matskua mutta oliskohan päivitystä tulossa :slight_smile:

Twiitti eiliseltä:

Mahdollisesti Japanin takseihin tulossa eye tracking -vaatimus? Ilmeisesti vuonna 2019 niitä on jo ollut käytössä (esim tabletit jne).

23 tykkäystä

Kaverin mukaan Japanin autonomous vehicleisiin olis tullu DMS-pakko:

In order to develop, put into practical use, and popularize safe autonomous vehicles, we have established safety standards that set out the safety performance of autonomous vehicles and record items for their operating conditions, and have learned that they are autonomous vehicles in the surrounding area. We have decided on the design of the sticker to be attached to the car body for easy display.

1 . Background
by was promulgated in May last year, “Act for Partial Revision of the Road Trucking Vehicle Law” (Ryowa first year of Law No. 14), “Automatic service apparatus” to the target device of the safety standards set by the country ※ 1 Has been added. In response to the enforcement of the provisions related to this part on April 1, this year, the “Safety Standards for Road Transport Vehicles” (Ministry of Transport Ordinance No. 67 of 1951), etc. have been revised as necessary. We have established safety standards for automatic operation equipment.

2. Overview * See Attachments 1 and 2 for details.

Safety standards for automatic operation equipment

(1) There is no risk of interfering with the safety of passengers and other traffic within the driving environment conditions * 2
(2) It does not operate outside the driving environment conditions
(3) Before the driving environment conditions are exceeded Issue an alarm to take over the driving operation, continue safe operation until the driver takes over, and stop safely if it is not taken over.
(4) Equipped with driver monitoring to monitor the driver’s situation it
(5) cyber security that take securing measures or the like for such trusted

[operating state recording device]
state ON / OFF time of the automatic operation device, the time that initiated the takeover alarm, the driver not adaptable It is possible to record the time when it became (or 2500 times) for 6 months

[Outward display]
A sticker indicating that it is an autonomous driving vehicle is affixed to the rear of the car body (requested by the manufacturer)

Procedure for granting driving environment conditions

(1) Submit an application to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism that describes the situation where automatic driving is possible, such as location, weather, speed, etc.
(2) The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism says that the performance of the automatic operation device in that situation meets the safety standards. If approved, give conditions


Measures to utilize the standard relaxation certification system even in the practical application of unmanned mobile service vehicles

29 tykkäystä

Hieman vaikea on saada translatorilla kiinni ajatuksesta… mutta muiden ajan säästämiseksi vedän tähän yhden

Liite 2 translatorilla:

About ministerial ordinances to partially revise the safety standards for road transport vehicles

    1. Background of the revision

A law to partially revise the Road Transport Vehicle Law promulgated on May 24, last year (Reiwa First Year Law No. 14; hereinafter “Revised”

It is called “legal”. ) Is a safety standard for road transport vehicles in order to develop, put into practical use, and popularize safe autonomous vehicles, etc.

(Ministry of Transport Ordinance No. 67 of 1951. Hereinafter referred to as “security standard”) Addition of “automatic operation device” to the target device, etc.

It is intended to revise the contents of. The effective date of the provisions of the revised law regarding the addition is calculated from the date of promulgation.

It is said that it will not exceed one year, and it is necessary to formulate safety standards for the equipment, etc. for enforcement.

Therefore, necessary amendments will be made.

    1. Outline of revision

[Ministerial Ordinance]

Ministerial Ordinance to partially revise the safety standards for road transport vehicles

(1) Partial revision of security standards

In addition to the following amendments, necessary amendments will be made.

・ Vehicles equipped with automatic operation devices (motorcycles, motorcycles with sidecars, three-wheeled vehicles, caterpillars and sleds

Excludes light vehicles, large special vehicles, small special vehicles, and towed vehicles. ) Is in the program

The function, performance, etc. are stipulated in the notification as being able to ensure the safety of the automatic operation of the vehicle.

Must meet the criteria.

・ Electric devices for automobiles (motorcycles, motorcycles with sidecars, three-wheeled vehicles, caterpillars and light vehicles with sleds

Excludes motor vehicles, large special vehicles and small special vehicles. ) Is the one that can ensure cyber security

As a result, it must meet the standards specified in the notification regarding performance.

・ Electric devices for automobiles (motorcycles, motorcycles with sidecars, three-wheeled vehicles, caterpillars and light vehicles with sleds

Excludes motor vehicles, large special vehicles, small special vehicles and towed vehicles. ) Is incorporated in the device

As a program, etc. that can be reliably modified, it conforms to the standards specified in the notification regarding functions and performance.

Must be.

・ Regarding motorized bicycles, those that travel only on the sidewalk were targeted for mitigation measures, but other than the sidewalk

Those that run are also subject to mitigation measures.

(2) Partial revision of the Road Transport Vehicle Law Enforcement Regulations

In addition to adding provisions regarding the procedure for granting driving environment conditions , necessary amendments will be made.

[Outline of procedure for granting driving environment conditions]

・ Those who apply for the granting of driving environment conditions, such as “Situations where automatic operation devices are used (location, weather, traffic, etc.)”, etc.

Submit the application form that describes the above, documents certifying that the equipment related to the application conforms to the following, etc. to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

To do.

-Assuming that it will be used in the situation stated in the application form, the security group for the automatic operation device

Must conform to the quasi.

-The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may revoke the grant of conditions when the grant is received by fraudulent means.

Attachment 2

Page 2

(3) Partial revision of device type designation rules

Add an automatic operation device, etc. to the type of specific device for which the model is specified.

(4) Partial amendment of the Road Transport Vehicle Law-related fee rules

Independent bank when undergoing examination for safety standard conformity of automatic operation equipment as a specific device

Determine the amount of fees to be paid to the National Agency of Vehicle Inspection in consideration of actual costs.

(5) Partial amendment of other related ministerial ordinances

In addition to the above, the relevant ministerial ordinances will be revised as necessary.


(1) Notification to revise a part of the notification, etc. that defines the details of the safety standards for road transport vehicles

In addition to the following amendments, necessary amendments will be made.

(1) Partial amendment of the notification that stipulates the details of safety standards for road transport vehicles * Details of requirements are attached

・ Regarding automatic operation equipment, it is related to safety performance and driver monitoring function inside and outside the driving environment conditions.

Prescribe the requirements.

-Of the above, detailed requirements for low-speed automatic operation equipment on expressways, etc. are stipulated in the attached technical standards.

-Regarding the operating status recording device, the recording items, storage period, etc. are specified in the attached technical standards.

・ Vehicle risk assessment (risk identification / analysis / evaluation) for cyber security systems

The attached technical standard stipulates that the value) should be performed.

-Modification of the program modification system to prevent dangerous and invalid program modification

Ensuring certainty and consistency is stipulated in the attached technical standards.

-Add provisions to clarify the criteria to be applied when granting driving environment conditions.

(2) Matters necessary for organizing the application relationship of the provisions of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the safety standards for road transport vehicles

Partial amendment of the notification

・ For some of the safety standards related to automatic operation equipment, the standards will be exempted by taking alternative measures.

Take measures.

(3) Countries stipulated in Article 55, Paragraph 1, Article 56, Paragraph 1 and Article 57, Paragraph 1 of the Safety Standards for Road Transport Vehicles

Partial amendment of the notification that stipulates what the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism stipulates in the notification

・ Demonstration of the standard relaxation certification system for automobiles related to autonomous driving demonstration experiments, such as at the time of commercialization

It can be applied to cases other than experiments.

-For motorized bicycles, similar mitigation measures will be possible in the case of demonstration experiments.

(2) Establishment of rules regarding certification of conformity with cyber security business management systems

Business management system by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to ensure cyber security of applicants

Responsible for the procedure for issuing a certificate of conformity (organizational management system, method, etc. regarding the implementation of assessment)

To maintain the regulations.

Page 3

(3) Establishment of conformity certification implementation guidelines for cyber security business management systems

Based on (2) above, the details of the conformity certification of the cyber security business management system and the relevant system

It stipulates the technical standards of the system.

  • Details of technical standards are attached
    1. Schedule

Proclamation: March 31, 2nd year of Reiwa

Action: April 1, 2nd year of Reiwa

Page 4

[Summary of requirements for automatic operation equipment]

There is no risk of interfering with the safety of passengers and other traffic while the automatic operation device is operating.

It must be able to operate and stop by the driver’s willing operation.

When the driving environment conditions are not met during the operation of the automatic operation device, an alarm is issued to the driver to urge the driver to operate.

The vehicle shall be stopped safely when the driver does not perform the driving operation in accordance with the warning.

As a general rule, the warning should be issued with sufficient time before the driving environment conditions are no longer met.

If there is a risk of collision with other traffic or obstacles, avoid the collision or maximize the damage in the event of a collision.

Being able to perform control to reduce the limit.

Applicable when the driving environment conditions are not met or when there is a risk that the automatic operation device will not operate normally.

The device does not work.

The operation status of the automatic operation device shall be displayed so that the driver can easily and surely recognize it.

Whether the driver is in a state where he / she can operate according to the warning while the automatic operation device is operating.

It shall be constantly monitored, and if the driver is not in the relevant state, the driver shall be warned to that effect.

If there is a risk that the automatic operation device will not operate normally, it will visually alert the driver to that effect.


Designed with redundancy for the functions of the automatic operation device.

[Outline of technical standards for automobiles equipped with low-speed automatic operation devices on highways, etc.]

The maximum operating speed of the system is 60km / h.

The forward detection range by the sensor must be at least 46m. The side detection range is at least that of your vehicle

It must be able to detect the entire width of the adjacent lane.

Keep driving in the driving lane and do not cross any lane indication.

The distance to the vehicle in front depends on the speed of the vehicle, except when it cannot be temporarily observed such as a sudden interruption.

Must be at least the specified distance. Example: 6.7m (for 20km / h), 15.6m (for 40km / h)

The driver blinks and closes whether the driver is in a state where he / she can perform the driving operation according to the alarm.

Judgment based on eye, face / body movements, etc.

Each functional requirement is confirmed by an actual vehicle test, and within the driving environment conditions by a simulation test.

In the meantime, the system controls appropriately according to the surrounding traffic conditions, and a reasonably predictable and preventable collision.

Prove that it does not cause.


Page 5

[Outline of technical standards for operating status recorder]

Recorded items

-Time when the operating status of the system changed to another status

-Time when the system issues a takeover request

-Time when the system started risk minimization control

-Time when the driver overridden by operating the steering wheel while the system was operating

-Time when the driver was unable to respond

-Time when the system was in a state of risk of failure

Storage period, etc.

-6 months or 2500 doses

The stored record can be obtained by commercially available means or an electronic communication interface.

The stored records are properly protected from tampering.

[Overview of technical standards for cyber security systems]

Vehicle risk assessment (risk) considering the interrelationships between vehicle systems and external systems

To identify, analyze, and evaluate), and to take appropriate measures and manage risks.

Conduct appropriate and sufficient tests to verify the effectiveness of security measures.

[Outline of technical standards for program modification systems]

Ensuring the certainty and consistency of program modifications to prevent dangerous and invalid program modifications

I have to get used to it.

The version (identification number) of the program related to the model is the reading part (OBD) of the on-board diagnostic device.

It can be easily read using an electronic communication interface such as a port), and is it an unauthorized change?

Be protected.

If it has a function to modify programs by wireless, it meets the following requirements in addition to the above requirements.

Must be something.

-In the event of failure or interruption, the vehicle can be restored to its pre-modification state or put into a safe state.

-The radio modification can be performed only when the vehicle has the power required for the radio modification.

-Information such as the purpose, content, required time, success or failure of the modification shall be notified to the user, etc.

[Outline of technical standards for cyber security business management system]

The cyber security business management system should take into consideration each stage of development, production, and post-production.

Sufficient security can be ensured by conducting risk assessments and keeping the assessments up-to-date.

(The same applies to suppliers, etc. contracted by automobile manufacturers, etc.)

25 tykkäystä

Mietin sellaista, että voisiko tuo arvioitu SP olla oikeasti korkeampi kuin nuo mitä veikattu? Siis jos tulevaisuudessa auto on aidosti 5G:n avulla yhteydessä internettiin ja sitäkautta esimerkiksi OMS/DMS päivitetään jatkuvasti…

Eli lisenssituloa tulisi softan asentamisesta ja sen jälkeen päivittämisestä…

Sonyn Vision-S näyttää hyödyntävän in cabin sensingiä parilla kameralla

1 tykkäys

Ajoneuvot tulevat olemaan ns. connected tulevaisuudessa koska se on uusi “standardi” autoteollisuudessa.

Oleellisinta minun mielestäni tässä on ymmärtää kuinka liiketoimintamallit ja rahavirrat tulevat menemään / käyttäytymään koko alalla.

Ohjelmistot tulevat vaatimaan päivityksiä koko auton elinkaaren ajan. Tästä herää kysymys, että kuka maksaa ja kenelle. Riippuen tietenkin sopimusten ja toimitusten sisällöstä / laajuudesta, mutta oletettavasti OEM:n täytyy maksaa ohjelmiston toimittajalle päivityksistä myös tulevaisuudessa mikäli he odottavat lisätoiminnallisuuksia. Takuuasiat (bugit) tietenkin toimittajan piikkiin.

Kuluttaja ostaa uuden tuotteen sillä oletuksella, että OEM päivittää perusohjelmiston kuten käyttöliittymät, bugit, voimansiirron optimoinnit, turvallisuuteen liittyvät jne. omaa hyvyyttään koska niiden on pakko. Kuluttaja on valmis maksamaan viihteestä ja karttapäivityksistä, mutta epäilen, että ei kuitenkaan kamerasoftan päivityksestä. Ristiriita tulee siispä siitä, että kuinka OEM saa rahansa maksavalta asiakkaalta eli kuluttajalta.

Esimerkkinä vaikka nyt sitten Android-maailma. Kuluttajat eivät maksa perus infrastruktuurin päivittämisestä senttiäkään, vaan apps storesta löytyvistä pieru appseista.

9 tykkäystä

Eli softa kantsii tehdä in-house. Elikkäs kantsis ostaa Smartti pois kuleksimasta.

2 tykkäystä

Webcastiin 4,5 tuntia. Tuossa vähän etukäteisjuttua

7 tykkäystä