Huomenna Q3 2020 raportti ja keskiviikkona puhelu firman kanssa. Mainitsin aiemmin etta keraan taalla kysymyksia ennen puhelua. Muutama kysymys esitettiin tassa keskustelussa jo aiemmin, laittakaa mielellaan viela lisaa jos tulee jotain mieleen. Ehka huomisen raportin jalkeen heraa lisaa kysymyksia.
Tassa oma kysymyslista talla hetkella:
-CFO. Anders you joined Smart Eye for roughly 3 years ago. Why did you want to join the company back then? Has Smart Eye as a company changed a lot since you came to the company?
-DWs. In Q2 2018 you had 18 DWs, one year later 45 and now in Q2 2020 (katso Q3 numero) you had already 81 DWs. What would you say is the main reason for your success? Because my understanding is that you have taken a big share of all design wins in the market recently.
-Do you see that the market environment is getting tougher ? Or are you still competing against the same players as, let’s say, two years ago?
-Who would you say is your toughest competitor at the moment?
-By the way, if you announce a DW. Is there any risk that your product wouldn’t be in the model at the end when the car goes into production ? In other words, does a DW mean that you are 100% confident that your product will be in the car as it hits the market?
-One of your competitors, Seeing Machines, announced just a week ago that they are expanding its DMS technology to OMS. In the latest reports you have talked about the next generation technology, multimodal interior sensing. I guess this is the same thing? Is this something that you can already offer to your clients?
-OMS follow up - ASP. You also say that OMS could lead to a higher value per car. First, in terms of royalties, how much do you expect to receive revenue per car as of today? Second, do you think that this could be much higher in the future? If yes, how much higher?.. jos ei suoraa vastausta, kysy onko tanaan 10 euroa per auto? Voiko nousta 20 euroa per auto?
-ASP follow up. Is the ASP much higher in luxury cars segment than in mid-market or low-market vehicles?
-In the latest presentation you mention that the expected DMS penetration in 2026 is around 30-50 million cars. What do you think is the biggest risk that could delay the DMS penetration? Ehka keskustelu EU laista
-I know it is hard to give any exact guidance, but in terms of your market share, would it be an okay assumption to say that you could get 50% of this market? Just to put some number in my excel model.
-When should I expect to see that all your DWs will start to materialize as revenue?
-Maybe one question about long-term margins. In automotive industry in general margins tend to be very low but obviously if you are only a software company you can have much higher margins than a hardware company. I don’t know if you have given any long-term margin guidance?.. jos ei suoraa vastausta, kysy onko mahdollisuus 50% EBIT marginaaliin…vai onko 30% parempi arvaus?
-AIS. Can you talk about your AIS initiative? What should I expect on this front?
-Opportunities outside automotive?
-Risk. For an investor, what do you think is the biggest single risk in your business? If there would be anything that would keep you awake at night, what would that be?