Smart Eye - King of automotive’s Interior Sensing AI?

My point was which share has the potential to double in the next few months.
Im not giving financial advice as that is illegal, its my opinion.

But happy to discuss anything you want to raise about either company.

7 tykkäystä

Is there any free analysis of SEE, similar to Red Eye SEYE -report? I haven’t found but feel free to tell if you have.

We have here a principle not to overly speak about short term / daily stock prices but facts and fundaments behind the companies which will lead (hopefully) to better investment decisions. If SEE is +5% today, doesn’t give any information is it a good investment in the future.

Happy to consider buying SEE if we can pull the facts together and it seems to be a solid case.

Thanks, I will check!

9 tykkäystä

In Finland, your research and experience in the Nordic and wider companies is strong.

However, SEE are a backwater company from Australia listed on a minor exchange in one of the biggest markets, so they fall through many researcher’s cracks. You may laugh at Colin Barnesden (please explain about his cow) but he feels very alone, he has seen what few have. You may say that See boys are blinkered, or crazy - no. But like Colin we were just early to see and understand.

Have any of you Ladies and Gentlemen been buying See today, we have had a good run recently?

3 tykkäystä

Can you provide a source for this? Isn’t this quite irrelevant, since cars can charge it with the motion of tires? About NVIDIA, I consider it as a better partnership than Qualcomm. In the second mentioned article, they have impressive partners and the NVIDIA DRIVE seems very advanced, at least for me. And it provides many other functions than the autonomy, which I’ve seen on YouTube.

Maybe because NVIDIA DRIVE is superior compared to anything else? I know neither.

4 tykkäystä

Lazy, I would start here

SEE also list reports here, you get a few lines, for more you may need to pay (you can get to see for free if you sign up to ??? Tree? Sorry I have forgotten its name)

There is a lot of good research on this board

5 tykkäystä

Before investing in See, one needs a good stock analysis, which shows some hard numbers and facts behind the case. Track record and future predictions must be known with pretty good accuracy.

Second, it is important to find some expert discussion, which is is understandable and is in line with the stock analysis.

So far I haven’t seen enough this kind of information about See. It would be interesting to check the case deeper, if this kind of information can be found somewhere.

If See and Seye will get both pretty equal and major part of the total market, then it might be one option to invest in both of the stocks. But, it would require very clear signals that the case will happen this way.

11 tykkäystä

Welcome to forum TLS.

Sounds a bit SEE has all the ingredients for success but many long time SEE owner is still looking for exit. I am referring to Safestocks blog, advfn-forum etc. Even here possible buyout was mentioned quickly concerning CEO ownership. If SEE is the technology leader why not enjoy the ride. I believe Tier1 are not buying anyway, in order to maintain their choise for DMS supplier.

Seye ownership allow more ”predictable” future for private investor, since inside ownership is big. Biggest SEE owners are investment funds, biggest at 19.9% I think.

How do you rate current SEE management and previous?

3 tykkäystä

Riding two horses is a risk. But with shares it is safer. You can adjust as you go. In 5 years, I think that neither company will still be independent.

As Sophierns said, we are envious of SEYE recent performance, but in the next period both will do well. But I think SEYE’s spring is looser than SEE which has been kept well squashed and is ready to expand

6 tykkäystä

It would seem to me that your prime motivation in joining this board is to lure more investors into SEE. This type of rhetoric resembles a sales pitch. At least this is the impression I get from these type of over-zealous yet casual invitations to invest. What next, is this the opportunity of a lifetime perhaps?

Edit: it seems this opportunity has already been formulated. And the rocket is ready to take off at any minute, too.

I’m not convinced. For all this hot air, SEE is still far from ATH levels. Meaning there are presumably some investors with heavy losses refusing to admit they could have been wrong, trying to recover their investments. Hence the cow metaphor.

It’s important to consider what agenda any source has to act as they do. Three foreign SEE fans joining a Finnish investment board simultaneously after Barndens public mini-meltdown on twitter? Defending SEE and preaching the gospel while seemingly not really interested in the viewpoints of others? Estimates of high reward with limited to non-existent risks? In these euphoric times on the stock market, when typically nothing is easier than to extract money from fools? Curious.

These are my red flags. But then again, there’s nothing particularly unusual about any of this behaviour. I’d just like to point out that it’s very visible in this case. Then again I might be wrong, maybe this will still turn into an interesting back-and-forth debate with genuine interest in learning on both sides. So far however it’s been very onesided…

All the same, welcome to the board, I hope you’ll stay and the debate will be fruitful.

EDIT: Reformulated, original post came across as too harsh.

35 tykkäystä

What has kept SEE still until now? What problems have been solved in order to start the expanding process just now?

And also from ”SEE background”, do you see SEYE could face similar problems as SEE did (mentioned above)?

EDIT: And as you asked about Colin and the cow, its just a way to say in Finland that ”you have your own cow in the ditch” when someone is trying to save / boost any certain thing (stock, position, well being, what ever) by overcoming / ignoring it even with false information. In this case it was a possibility that Colin has quite a lot of money at stake with SEE and currently it seems like he’s trying save it publicly by talking nosense. Especially when he’s running away from the questions and further discussions, not to forget his princess-attitude after ignoring people because they have different thoughts.

24 tykkäystä

Let us continue to be civil in this forum, I think accusing new members of ‘sales pitches’ is bad manners. Even if this was the case, it would be a positive for any SEYE investor.

Besides, it is good to keep in mind that you might not always be right. Talking to those who disagree with you is immensly lucrative, you have to put down your pride to profit from that.

IMO there is a lot of half-truths or conjecture floating around. Each new piece of information is going to give clearer picture of what is going to happen. So please guys, calmy continue on doing the great investigative work and remember to stay impartial. Some retrospective analysis on all the ‘facts’ laid out on this forum should be done.

78 tykkäystä

In a sense everyone is pitching their case :slight_smile:

I think this has been very interesting discussion and I for one am happy to hear the other side of the argument as well so I’m glad @TheLongestShot and others have been engaging here and sharing their thoughts and views about Seeing Machines and Smart Eye. In the end, everything said here or anywhere should be taken with a grain of salt and everyone should do their own due dilligence before investing in anything. If you blindly follow other people’s investments, you lack the conviction to hold through or buy when the times are rough again and are susceptible to panic selling/buying. Or won’t know when the investment case has changed.

This is an amazing forum to find information and discuss stocks and markets and I hope we can keep it as such without resorting to personal attacks.

17 tykkäystä

I recommend not to take this for granted.

Sad to see that SEYE is being judged without actual proofs of the upcoming.

From industry sources there could be some key information available that is contradictory to TLS’s statements about loose springs…

Wish is not a strategy.

21 tykkäystä

Its still unclear to me if this market cap doubling was based on gut feeling rather than calculations?

Also, I dont understand why are people so strictly defending their prefered DMS company. Wouldnt it make sense to get facts together and make your investment based on that? I mean money and numbers talk right?

16 tykkäystä

Hetkinen hetkinen +50 viestiä Seye ketjussa ja nimikin muutettu yön aikana! Onneks pörssit ovat kiinni kun töihin pitää lähteä.

Nopealla viestien läpiluvulla yksi asia jäi mieleen.
Colin on naureskellut hardware agnostikko seye lähtökohdalle, koska se on vain “halpaa romua kiinaan”. Tämä uusi nimimerkki painotti jossain viestissään kuinka SEE on myös hardware agnostikko? Voiko olla, että SEE on oikeasti HW agnostikko ja on lyöttäyttnyt qualcomin kanssa yhteen, koska hw agnostikko on oikeasti huonompi lähestymismalli? Vai onko SEE leirissä oma lehmä pahasti ojassa? Joku tässä nyt ei täsmää.

Olen varmaankin ymmärtänyt jotain väärin ja tämä viesti ja ajatus oli vain nopeasti ilmoille heitetty.

16 tykkäystä

Hardware vs. software
Consider Seeing Machines. As previously reported, Seeing Machines generates roughly half its DMS business from solutions available in software, the rest via chips.

4 tykkäystä

I guess the ‘cow’ you’re referring to means your translator ran into the idiomatic expression for vested interest: “Oma lehmä ojassa”.

Why it appears he would have vested interest? The tendency to block Twitter users instead of attempting to answer any questions.

Here we also have the flagging feature of questions. I see my unanswered question is still up so guess Colin doesn’t yet have a forum account here.

Debate and exchange of views is very useful, happy new year to you all.

CES in mid Jan may give us some answers on partnerships etc.

We have a telegram group for SM, feel free to join us, download Telegram app and search for Seeing Machines, its a public and open group

11 tykkäystä

Hetken mietittyäni keksin 3 eri vaihtoehtoa.

A) Colin on väärässä HW agnostikon lähestymismallista. SEE ei ole hw agnostikko ja on vahvasti kimpassa Hardware toimittajan kanssa. Tämä on positiivista Seye kannalta.

B) uusi nimimerkki on oikeassa, myös SEE on hw agnostikko. Tällöin Seyen valitsema tie on oikea. Positiivista Seye kannalta.

C) Colin on oikeassa. HW agnostikko on huono lähtökohta koska suoritusteho jne jne. Tämä olisi huono vaihtoehto molemmille toimijoille, koska tuottavat vain “cheap crap to china”

Bonus) Minä olen väärässä ja uuden nimimerkin tieto SEE hw agnostikon statuksesta on epätosi.

9 tykkäystä

Jos vähän opponoi tuota artikkelia.

Let the DMS (driver monitoring system) race begin

Joiltain osin näyttäisi, että kisa on ollut käynnissä jo hyvän aikaa. Esim 2019-2020 mid class segmenttiin on Smartilla läjä winnejä. Ei toki poista sitä seikkaa, että markkina on vasta alkutekijöissään.

The reality is that “carmakers are shifting to ‘good enough, NCAP compliant, cost effective’ thinking,” observed Ophir Herbst, CEO of Jungo.

Smartin winnit saattavat kertoa hinta-laatusuhteeltaan erinomaisesta tuotteesta. Ainakin tällaiselle markkinaa seuraavalle Smartin laatu näyttäisi melko hyvältä, mutta 100% varmuutta ei voi tietää.

Miksi Smart on ainut, joka kertoo julkisesti hinnoittelunsa ulos (5-10€ lisenssi per auto). Miksi muut eivät kerro? Onkohan siellä ongelmia hinnoittelussa? Myös Martin on kertonut, että OEMille keskeisiä ovat dual sourcing sekä price, price price.

Foremost, they need to demonstrate their technologies fit in subsystems already installed in vehicles.

Tarvitaan siis joustavuutta, räätälöitävyyttä.

Herbst also noted the convergence of SOCs inside vehicles, resulting in the deployment of a fewer, more powerful SoCs.

Mitäs ulkkikset puhelivat, että tehon käyttö on huono asia? Tässä kuitenkin mainitaan, että kehitytään kohti tehokkaampia järjestelmiä?

This trend is prompting OEMs to license DMS/OMS software directly from DMS software suppliers such as Jungo, instead of through a Tier 1. This is because “the software stack affects many subsystems (ADAS, autonomous, infotainment, HUD) and there are evolving feature sets growing in time,” he explained.

Tämä voisi selittää, ettei design winneillä voi verrata eri toimijoita. Lisäksi jos GM ei kerro SEE:lle automallien tarkkaa määrää jne.

On tärkeää, että Smart pysyy mukana isojen infotainment, HUD ym. toimijoiden kanssa. Ehkäpä NVIDIA meidät pelastaa?

Seeing Machines tabs Xilinx as its long-time silicon partner for DMS. It also offers OEMs a second option of software-only DMS, creating “an optimization path” for specific chips OEMs prefer.

For specific chips OEMS prefer… Tuosta aika suoraan syntyy käsitys, että Seeingin preferoimat chipit ei välttämättä ole ollut paras ratkaisu. Syntyy käsitys, että OEM:t haluavat nimenomaan määritellä sähköjärjestelmiä ja komponentteja itse ja sinne mahdollisimman hyvin taipuva edullinen mutta laadukas softa olisi mieluinen valinta.

Smart Eye is solidly committed to software only DMS solutions. Smart Eye CEO Martin Krantz said his company made a strategic choice for hardware agnosticism ten years ago. “The market has since proven us right.”

Softan hinta-laatu näyttää entistä tärkeämmältä. Smart näyttää pärjäävän oikein hyvin.

18 tykkäystä