En löytänyt vielä SUS:lle omaa ketjua, joten avataanpa tämä.
Kyseessä siis ruotsalainen yritys, joka valmistaa virtuaalisia harjoitussimulaattoreita lääketieteen toimenpiteisiin (mm. endoskopia ja laparoskopia).
Löytyykö foorumilta muita yritykseen sijoittaneita / perehtyneitä?
Lyhyt info englanniksi:
Surgical Science Sweden AB (publ) develops and markets virtual reality (VR) simulators for evidence-based laparoscopic and endoscopic training. It offers LapSim training system comprising LapSim essence, a portable and ready-to-use VR simulator that fills the gap between lo-fi simulators and fully loaded VR systems; LapSim Haptic System, a force feedback technology with the graphics and cognitive instructions for an immersive, multi-sensory, and very real training experience; and LapSim Basic Skills module, which offers a portfolio of laparoscopic exercises that range from basic navigation to advanced suturing. The company also provides EndoSim system, an endoscopy simulator that delivers medical simulation training; TeamSim, a dynamic platform for inter-professional education development taking surgery simulation into the real world teamwork; and Simball Box, which offers feedback on velocity with tutorial task videos showing a preferred approach.
Redeyen katkelma yrityksestä:
Surgical Science is about to become the standard in training software for robotic surgery. In addition to the industry leader Intuitive Surgical, agreements have recently been signed with Johnson & Johnson and previously with the upstarts Meere Company and CMR. Before 2030, it has expanded its licensee portfolio with a number of players, including Medtronic. It will also have launched a number of new apps that generate recurring revenue. Robotic surgery has exploded and is used in 30-40% of all surgeries.
Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 95,3 MSEK (24,9), motsvarande en ökning med 282% jämfört med motsvarande period föregående år. Simbionix ingår med 50,3 MSEK.
För jämförbara enheter ökade omsättningen med 31%.
Rörelseresultatet uppgick till 7,6 MSEK (7,3). Resultatet inkluderar förvärvskostnader om 21,8 MSEK.
Nettoresultatet uppgick till 14,4 MSEK (5,9), vilket gav ett resultat per aktie om 0,33 SEK (0,17).
Kassaflödet från den löpande verksamheten uppgick till 51,6 MSEK (9,2). Likvida medel uppgick per 30 september 2021 till 310,6 MSEK (74,7).
Den 28 juli annonserades att Surgical Science ingått avtal om förvärv av Simbionix. Den 16 augusti hölls extra bolagsstämma där den riktade emissionen för att finansiera förvärvet godkändes. Tillträde skedde den 24 augusti och Simbionix konsolideras från denna dag.
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Pareto Securities expects a double-digit rise in Surgical Sciences’ share after the report for the third quarter of 2021.
It appears from a report comment on Wednesday morning.
Sales exceeded Pareto’s own expectations by 41 percent and so did the market’s expectations ahead of the report release, Pareto writes in its analysis. The large deviation is stated to be within Educational Products.
The gross margin is said to have been weaker than the expected weight of the product mix during the quarter. However, with the exclusion of non-recurring items related to the acquisition of Simbionix, the adjusted EBITDA margin was 38 percent compared with Pareto’s own expectations of 26 percent.
Pareto has a buy recommendation for the share with a target price of SEK 320 which is under review.
Surgical Science rose in early trading on Wednesday by 11 percent to SEK 279
Ja vielä pieni päivitys tavoitehintaan Paretolta tänään:
STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Pareto Securities raises the target price for Surgical Science to SEK 360 from SEK 320. The buy recommendation is repeated.
Surgical Science Sweden pääsee MSCI GLOBAL SMALL CAP INDEXES:iin marraskuun lopussa, mitä voi pitää loistojuttuna! Nyt putiikilla on lisää katu-uskottavuutta. Löytyy julkaistun listan sivulta 8
Geneva, November 11, 2021 The following are changes in constituents for the MSCI Global Small Cap Indexes which will take place as of the close of November 30, 2021.
Helatorstaina tuli isohkoa diiliä. Q1 2022 liikevaihto oli 159,1MSEK
" Surgical Science has, in its operations in the USA, received an order from a large American hospital chain for USD 6.7 million, corresponding to approximately SEK 65.9 million. The order is for a larger number of products, including simulators for training in endoscopy, laparoscopy and ultrasound."
Edelleenkään ei voi menoa moittia. Kannattavaa kasvua ja hyvät näkymät robottikirurgian vallatessa alaa.
Net sales amounted to SEK 250.1 million (197.7), corresponding to an increase of 27 percent compared with the corresponding period in the preceding year. (…)
Operating profit amounted to SEK 61.2 million (44.5).
Net profit amounted to SEK 116.5 million (66.9), corresponding to earnings per share of SEK 2.29 (1.32).
Cash flow from operating activities amounted to an inflow of SEK 78.5 million (outflow 13.0). As of December 31, 2022, cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 433.7 million (316.7).
Taisi ISRG:n osari luoda uskoa alan näkymiin, kun on kurssi noussut päivittäin siitä asti. Samalla eilen suljettiin kurssi 180 päälle ensimmäistä kertaa sitten toukokuun -22.
Myös Q1:n tulos näyttää maistuvan markkinoille. Kurssi kohonnut päälle 220 kruunun.
Redeye näyttää huomioivan tilauskannan pienentymisen negatiivisena asiana, mutta vaikea sanoa miten paljon tämä on normaalia kausittaista vaihtelua.
Toimitusjohtaja Gisli Hennermarkin saatteessa mainittu simulaattorien osalta väliaikaista komponenttipulaa.
■ Net sales amounted to SEK 229.1 million (159.1), corresponding to an increase of 44 percent compared with the corresponding period in the preceding year.
■ License revenues roughly doubled to SEK 70.6 million (35.7) and accounted for 31 percent of net sales (22).
■ Operating profit amounted to SEK 53.3 million (20.0).
■ Net profit amounted to SEK 49.8 million (16.5), corre- sponding to earnings per share of SEK 0.98 (0.32).
■ Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 60.5 million (11.1). As of March 31, 2023, cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 482.1 million (329.9).