Telia Company - Ketju

Odotellaan kommentteja mutta omaan silmään tämä näyttää lievältä tulosylitykseltä. Tulos vaikuttaisi paranevan kautta linjan.

  • Revenue increased 2.3% to SEK 22,380 million (21,877) and like for like, revenue increased 1.5%.
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased 6.4% to SEK 7,856 million (7,387) and like for like, adjusted EBITDA increased 5.3%. For the Telco operations, adjusted EBITDA increased 4.1% on a like for like basis.
  • Operating income increased to SEK 2,942 million (2,095).

In the third quarter, we estimate that EBITDA will be approximately unchanged on a like for like basis, having had a strong third quarter last year. In the fourth quarter, on the other hand, we expect an above-trend EBITDA growth, and hence, our current full-year forecast is broadly in line with recent market expectations.

15 tykkäystä