ZignSec ”Identify Anyone, Anywhere”

Lyhyen tähtäimen/kvartteritulokset ei ole oikein tukeneet tarinaa. Odotukset kovat, mutta näytöt vielä nolla.

3 tykkäystä

ZignSec signatories for the verification of students at a foreign university in the Czech Republic

ZignSec, in the same way as AMI Prague, signed a letter from the Czech Republic to the University of ZignSec for digital ID verification. Lösningen integrates a centralized system that is located under the auspices of the university to verify the identity of the registration and boarding of the student, staff and staff. This means a potential increase of up to 200,000 local and international students.

6 tykkäystä

Tuossa linkki niin pääsee kääntämään Chromella.

4 tykkäystä

Edit: Betsson ja Kindredd on aika mukavasti ilmoittaneet kasvusta aktiivisten käyttäjien osalta

Betsson +39% ja Kindred +20%

Eiköhän tämä ole myös positiivista Zignsecille.

4 tykkäystä

Savelendin ja Zignsecin yhteistyöstä:

Since they were founded in 2014, they have grown rapidly in the Swedish market and are now also planning an international expansion to Finland and Poland as well as an introduction on the stock exchange. Growth comes with challenges in many places, but one of the challenges is to be able to identify and verify their future customers, especially outside Sweden.

With ZignSec, we get a partner who is demonstrably at the forefront of his field and who can offer us growth without regulatory headaches, says Ludwig Pettersson.

With the collaboration with ZignSec, Savelend can now choose and reject among solutions for e-ID, scanning of physical ID documents, bank account verification and beatings against global PEP and sanction lists - via one and the same integration. This means that they can quickly adapt the identification processes for onboarding and verification of transactions based on future regulatory requirements and market conditions for Poland, Finland and the whole of Europe.


Among the target groups is the Swedish iGaming market, of which a third of the industry’s players have established a collaboration with Zignsec.

8 tykkäystä

Vuosiraporttia tullut.

Pareto ostopuolella. Voisivatko samalla aloittaa yhtiön seurannan…


STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Pareto Securities internally brokered an item of 800,000 shares in Zignsec on Friday worth approximately SEK 13.8 million. The item corresponds to almost 3.5 percent of the company’s share capital. According to the owner data service Holdings, there are only three owners with as many shares or more. The three largest in the form of Retsoobe, NFT Ventures 1 and Bengt Braun Förvaltnings AB have holdings of between 1.2 and 2.6 million shares each. Börsredaktionen +46 8 51917911 https://twitter.com/Borsredaktion Nyhetsbyrån Direkt

4 tykkäystä

ZignSec has through the subsidiary Wyzer Limited won a procurement of just over SEK 30 million issued by the Maltese government
ZignSec has, through its subsidiary Wyzer Limited, won the procurement to develop a portal for the Maltese government that will digitally connect government agencies with companies.

The procurement involves sales for ZignSec’s subsidiary Wyzer of just over SEK 30 million over a 5-year period, of which approximately SEK 10 million during the first year. The project is co-financed by the European Union as part of “The One-Only Principle Project (TOOP)”. This project aims to reduce the administrative burden for European companies and public administrations.

This project is expected to begin during the second quarter of 2021 and is the single largest contract to date in ZignSec’s history in terms of sales. It opens up a new category of customers and creates the opportunity to offer similar services to governments around the world.

More information about the details of the contract will be announced at a later date.

Enpä tainnut huonoon aikaan tuplata positota :smiley: :sunglasses:

Välillä mennään metsään ja välillä kuuhun.

7 tykkäystä

Tässähän alkaisi se 50MSEK olla kasassa tälle vuotta, jos nuo sopimukset toteutuu sovitusti. Yhtäkkiä se vuoden 2022 100MSEK liikevaihdon tavoite vaikuttaakin ihan realistiselta. Viivan alle jäävä osuus on tosin vielä tässä vaiheessa pimennossa.

9 tykkäystä

Sieltä tuli toinen iso soppari lyhyen ajan sisään - kurssireaktio aika mielenkiintoinen?

Q1 17pvä, saa nähdä alkaako luvut tukemaan tarinaa.

Ainakin tuon ainoan analyytikon 2021/2022 ennusteet näyttää näiden viimeaikaisten soppareiden valossa aika pessimistiseltä.

1 tykkäys

Tämän diilin sisältö kiinnostaa kyllä enemmän. Tai lähinnä se, että onko tämä tuotepohjaista vai ei

4 tykkäystä

Safellon prospectusesta

"Master agreement with Zignsec AB
On 8 May 2020, Safello entered into a master agreement with Zignsec AB
(“Zignsec”). Under the master agreement, Zignsec undertakes to provide
Safello with digital onboarding and ID verification services for Safello’s
platform. Pursuant to the master agreement, Safello and Zignsec have
further agreed on certain service levels to be maintained by Zignsec.
Zignsec invoices Safello on a monthly basis and the invoice amount varies
depending on the number of ID verification signatures. The agreement runs
until further notice and the termination notice period is three months. "

6 tykkäystä


Edit: @MikkoVee tässä on sama juttu

9 tykkäystä

The #6AMLD deadline is almost here. We’ve compiled what changes the directive will bring and how it’ll challenge the compliance processes of today.

The 6AMLD Deadline is Almost Here. Now what? | ZignSec
The 6AMLD deadline for financial institutions is June 3rd. What changes does the new directive bring, and are you ready for them?

2 tykkäystä

Ihmettelin positiista kurssi virettä, mikä kesti yli minuutin.

Twitterin kautta löytyi linkki tähän


4 tykkäystä

8 tykkäystä


6 tykkäystä

VD har ordet tähän käännettynä. Paksunnettuna kohta diiliin liittyen.

"During the first quarter of 2021, ZignSec took over major steps towards uniting the Group’s IT knowledge and services. This by include Basic ID and Wyzer as a major
common interface and position ZignSec as a leading technology platform for
compliance. Growth remains strong and our net sales increased by 107% for
quarter compared to the same period last year. As previously reported, we continue to see one
changed requirements due to the pandemic and that now vaccines have begun to be distributed worldwide. After pandemic we will see a bigger one requirements for digital validation, which in turn means a higher demand for digital identification and surrounding security. In relation to the ongoing development, I am very proud of our strategic and long-term work to become a globally leading platform of aggregated compliance services, something that has already borne fruit in public and
government sector and that will change current and post-pandemic digital
processes. The results of that kind of project does not always fit within our tight time frames for
quarterly reporting but in the long run will it to have a very big impact on our
continued success and growth.Shortly after the end of the first quarter, there are two agreements signed for values ​​between SEK 15-30 million each, which can be compared with the total sales for 2020 of approximately SEK 14 million. The growth is thus expected to increase significantly during the
coming quarters. As an example, we could announce that we won the public procurement for
reconstruction of services from authority to company and implementation of a
corporate portal for the Maltese Government. This project is part of the European Commission’s initiative “Once Only Principle”. The European Commission says: Corona pandemic difficulties and
stresses challenge all people, companies and administrations in Europe like never before.
However, Europe has already emerged stronger from this and will consolidate the solidarity of the Union through to highlight the next generation of EU financial support packages (2021-2024) for the financial market. The time has come to invest in unique digital technology and capacity. "
To have won a highly valued procurement which is within the scope of this initiative gives us
not only a high credibility, it also opens doors for further public procurement
and also inspires us to strengthen our position as a leading RegTech company in government
and public sector. The solution that forms the basis of our project
in the public sector is based on our nocode compliance solution. Via that solution
we collect and make available all our API services via a single and easily configured SaaS platform. That means significant cost savings for our customers then it enables them to get started without one greater technical integration with its IT infrastructure. In summary, the first quarter was 2021
an exciting and successful quarter where ZignSec continues to grow
sales, geographical and as group. The team has been further strengthened, no at least as a result of our completed acquisitions, and we are well prepared for the continuation of 2021.

Edit: @Seinakadun_Keisari Kyllä tuo kasvu on vakuuttavaa ja tekevät mielestäni oikeita asioita, mutta olen kyllä skeptinen heidän 100MSEK tavoitteesta vuodelle 2022. Pitää olla erittäin agressiivista kasvua loppuvuosi, jos tuohon haluavat päästä.

9 tykkäystä

Pistäs @jaska1 oma näkemys Zignistä tällä hetkellä, missä mennään?

1 tykkäys

Kiitoksia, kuinka nuo 15-30m SEK diilit jaksottuvat, onko käsitystä ja miten niistä tulee jatkuvaa tuloa?

1 tykkäys