Adverty - mainostamisen tulevaisuus

Eikä edes ollut! Tammikuussa vain oli tämän kaltaisia odotuksia ladattuna nollatuottoskenaarioon. :smiley:

Nykyiselläänkin odotuksissa on jotain luokkaa +1000% kahdessa vuodessa, että tuotto on nolla. No, teoriassa on mahdollistakin jos tuote lyö läpi hyvin, koska tämä on melkein pre-revenue. Ollaan kuitenkin osuttu elo-lokakuun huippujen tukitasoon viikkotasolla ja tästä voi olla hyvä ponnistaa vähän ylöspäinkin, erityisesti jos Q2 oikesti vahvistaa tarinaa. Jos ei, niin matka jatkunee kohti 4-5 SEK jossa seuraavat viikkotason tuet ovat.

Laitetaan tähän vielä taulukot



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Liikevaihtoa on saatu generoitua ja suunta on oikea! Tässä vielä Redeye:n kommentti kvartaalista:

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Viimeisimmän kommentin ja nykypäivän välissä on kerennyt vierähtää jo tovi. Tällä aikavälillä on paljon jo kerennyt tapahtua.

Lukuisia yhteistöitä on julkaistu:

  • Adverty partners with Smart to further facilitate access to its seamless in-game inventory, linkki
  • Adverty partners with Livewire to continue growth of in-game advertising across Asia Pacific, linkki
  • Adverty partners with Adsmovil to accelerate sales growth across Latin America, linkki


Adverty sees great potential from these partnerships in the upcoming quarters and into the next fiscal year. Moreover, Adverty states that the fourth quarter is off to a flying start, and revenues in the fourth quarter as of today are already exceeding revenues for the entire third quarter.

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" Adverty AB (publ) (“Adverty” or “the Company”) today announces its intention to carry out a list change from NGM Nordic SME to Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the first half of 2022.

Adverty today announces its intention to carry out a list change from NGM Nordic SME to Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the first half of 2022. The Board of Adverty makes an overall assessment that a listing of the Company’s shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market creates better conditions for future value creation for the Company. shareholders through an expected increase in liquidity in the Company’s securities and an increased interest in the business and the Company from analysts, the general public, institutional investors and other stakeholders. The listing on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market is also considered to be a seal of quality for potential customers, partners and suppliers.

“ Nasdaq is a global and well-known brand and a listing on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market is a natural step in the company’s development. The list change is expected to create better conditions for increased visibility in the stock market and increased interest from both industrial and institutional investors and customers, ”says Joachim Roos, Chairman of the Board of Adverty.

The company has initiated a list change process and intends to provide further information about the process during the first quarter of 2022."

" Adverty carries out a rights issue of approximately SEK 48 million"

Summary of the Rights Issue

  • One (1) existing share in Adverty held on the record date of January 11, 2022 entitles to one (1) subscription right. Two (2) subscription rights entitle to subscribe for one (1) newly issued share.
  • The subscription price amounts to SEK 4.25 per share. Payment must be made in cash.
  • Through the Rights Issue, Adverty can receive a maximum of approximately SEK 48.1 million before issue costs, which are estimated to amount to SEK 7.9 million.
  • The subscription period runs during the period 13 - 27 January 2022.
  • Subscription rights that are not exercised during the subscription period become invalid and lose their value. Trading in subscription rights is planned to take place at NGM Nordic SME during the period 13 - 24 January 2022.
  • The rights issue means that the Company’s share capital will increase by a maximum of approximately SEK 531,998.93, corresponding to a maximum of 11,320,885 shares, implying a maximum dilution of approximately 33.3 percent.
  • In the first instance, allotments of shares subscribed for without the support of subscription rights shall be made to such subscribers who have also subscribed for shares with the support of subscription rights. In the alternative, allotment of shares subscribed for without the support of subscription rights shall take place to others who have subscribed without the support of subscription rights. Third and last, allotments of shares subscribed for without the support of subscription rights shall be made to those who have entered into a guarantee undertaking in their capacity as issuance guarantors. To the extent that allotment cannot be made in full according to pro rata in any step as above, allotment shall be made by drawing lots.
  • The Board’s decision on the Rights Issue is made with the support of the authorization given by the Annual General Meeting on June 10, 2021.
  • The rights issue is covered by issue guarantees corresponding to a total of approximately SEK 39.0 million.
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Uutta päivitystä, kasvun odotetaan tänä vuonna lähtevän kunnolla käyntiin. Ennusteita muutettu seuraavanlaisiksi:


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Adverty AB today unveils a global partnership with Swedish technology company SeenThis; the partnership enables streamed video advertising to be delivered into live-gaming environments for the first time. The groundbreaking collaboration will allow advertisers to stream video creative programmatically through their preferred DSPs into Adverty’s gaming inventory of IAB standard display banners, setting a new standard for immersive, smooth, high-quality in-game video advertising.

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Q2 tulokset voinee pistää tännekkin


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Cash flow -8 msek ja kassassa rahaa 9,3 msek? Jos tulkitsin oikein. Tuolla burn ratella alkaa rahat loppua taas melko pian firmalta, ellei sitten tulisi isoa ja nopeaa kasvua liikevaihdossa tai uutta antia. Korjatkaa joku jos tulkitsin väärin.

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Tässä Q4, joka tuli jo toki alkuvuonna.

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Q2 2023

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Adverty AB (publ), the leading in-game advertising provider and multi-patent-holding creator of the programmatic In-Play ad format, is announcing an exclusive partnership with AdArabia to establish its presence in the MENA region.
As part of this exclusive partnership, Adverty will leverage AdArabia’s strong relationships with media agencies and buyers in the region and deliver its highly engaging gaming portfolio to leading brands seeking to reach their target audiences.

“We are excited to start collaborating exclusively with AdArabia for the MENA region as we see a tremendous growth potential for In-Play advertising in this part of the world. We have been hugely impressed by what AdArabia has planned for our ad format, both short and long term”, said Jonas Söderqvist, CEO of Adverty AB.

“Adverty’s portfolio has the perfect type of context for us to offer in the MENA region, with over 550 games in different genres. Providing engaged audiences through excellent ad placements in a catalogue that consists of 40% Sports & Racing games has proven to be a successful concept for our worldwide premium advertisers within the luxury cars and brands segment. Reaching 17% of the population between the age 15-55 offers a great opportunity for any brand in this region to actively work with their target audiences. Adding to that, we see an average time-in-view of 12 seconds for each impression, which is simply amazing. So, the communication between the brand and the audience is both extensive and exclusive, and above any KPI we see on other platforms”, said Nisrine Ghazal, CEO of AdArabia Media.

About AdArabia:

AdArabia is a leading digital media sales representative, committed to transforming the digital advertising landscape. We specialize in connecting publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers, by offering innovative solutions for effective monetization, strategic advertising, and audience engagement. Our offering is complemented by a top-tier data package, which includes valuable first-party data and a comprehensive ad tech stack, offering end-to-end solutions that ensure seamless, efficient, and highly targeted digital advertising campaigns.

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Talousjohtaja luopui kertarysäyksellä kaikista osakkeistaan n. 600 000 eurolla todettuaan vain noin kuukausi sitten toisten “sisäpiiriläisten” myynneistä, ettei ole itse myymässä vaan toivoisi omistavansa enemmän osakkeita. En näe montakaan realistista skenaariota, jossa hyvin palkatussa työssä oleva keski-ikäinen mies yhtäkkiä tarvitsee puoli miljoonaa euroa enemmän kuin huomattavan alihinnoiteltuja osakkeitaan ja otin vinkistä vaarin.

Se, että talousjohtaja hengailee yhteisön discord-palvelimella ja kertoo satuja toki on monen mielestä jo itsessään punertava lippu :wink:

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