Aker Carbon Capture - ACC-ME

Mitä mieltä olette yhtiön arvostuksesta? Liikevaihto vielä pientä ja toiminta tappiollista. Käteistä reilu 500 miljoonaa NOK ja market cap 11 miljardia NOK. Tämä on sellainen lappu mitä kyllä haluan omistaa, mutta nykyarvostus tuntuu kovin kalliilta.

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Päätin laittaa omani laitaan, kun kurssi kirinyt positiivisten uutisten myötä yli 20 kruunuun. Ajattelin ostaa taas takaisin 15-17 kruunun välillä. Meinaa aika nopeita tuppaa olemaan liikkeet tämän osakkeen kohdalla. Nykyarvostus on mielestäni liian korkea tämän vaiheen yritykselle. Osakkeen kurssi oli kuitenkin 9. syyskuuta 2020 4,3 kruunua, joten arvostusksen viisinkertaistuminen tässä ajassa on aikamoista.

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Myin pois. Odottavan aika on pitkä, jos Brevikin sementtilaitoksen CC alkaa noin 2024. Seuraan kyllä tilannetta.

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“The European Commission has found a €14.3 million Dutch investment aid to Twence Holding BV to build a carbon capture and use facility to be in line with EU State aid rules”

Tämä siis Elokuun alusta

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“…raising gross proceeds of approximately NOK 700 million (the “Private Placement”). The subscription price per New Share in the Private Placement (the “Subscription Price”) will be set by the Company’s board of directors (the “Board”) on the basis of an accelerated book-building process conducted by the Managers.”

“Aker Horizons Holding AS (the Company’s largest shareholder with an ownership of 51.0%) has pre-subscribed for and will be allocated Offer Shares for an amount of NOK 200 million at the Subscription Price.”

The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used for:

• Realization and commercialization of the Carbon Capture as a Service business model – to accelerate the CCS
market and becoming the first mover in offering a full value chain CCS service
• Strengthening investments in technology and product development to be on the technological forefront to
take advantage of the strong growth in prioritized markets
• Realization of investment programs e.g. product modularization and digitalization to drive down costs
• Continue to develop the organization and internationalize the Company
• Strengthening the balance sheet to ensure financial capacity and flexibility to pursue growth opportunities
• Working capital as well as for general corporate purposes

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Eli mitä tämä meinaa? Tarvitaan lisää pääomia? Mikä vaikutus kurssiin?

1 tykkäys


Disclosure of Large Shareholding

Reference is made to the private placement of new shares in Aker Carbon Capture ASA (“ACC”) as announced by ACC on 12 August 2021 (the “Private Placement”). Aker Horizons Holding AS, a subsidiary of Aker Horizons ASA, has been allocated 9,090,909 shares in the Private Placement, each at a price of NOK 22 per share. Following the allocation of the new shares in the Private Placement, Aker Horizons Holding AS’ ownership interest in ACC will be reduced to approximately 49.28% through its holding of 297,773,848 shares in ACC. The foregoing calculations are based on 604,242,218 outstanding shares in ACC after the issuance of the new shares in the Private Placement. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements set out in section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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"Aker Carbon Capture has completed a capital increase of NOK 840 million to support the further growth of its market-leading carbon capture offering.

The company issued 38,181,818 new shares in a private placement, priced at NOK 22 per share. The placement was multiple times over-subscribed amidst strong demand, particularly from international investors"

" Carbon capture and storage is key for the race to net zero, and Aker Carbon Capture is pioneering solutions that will make carbon capture accessible to a broader range of emitters,” said Kristian Røkke, Chief Executive Officer of Aker Horizons. “We couldn’t be more pleased with the company’s progress and the great interest demonstrated by the investor community.”

Edit. Aker Carbon Capture hentet 840 millioner – E24

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Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Berenberg øker kursmålet på Aker Carbon Capture til 27 kroner aksjen, fra tidligere 23, og fastholder dermed kjøpsanbefalingen.

Det fremgår av analyse fra meglerhuset.

Berenberg skriver at de ser det som vanskelig å differensiere Aker Carbon Captures tilbud angående fangstrate og energieffektivitet. Meglerhuset etterspør også mer detaljer for hvorfor Aker Carbon Captures tilbud er sektorledende. Gjennomlesning av nylige annonserte kontrakter peker også mot høyere enhetskostnad enn de tidligere hadde estimert. Dette gir videre en økt LCOE, men øker også samtidig omsetningsmuligheten.

“Nettoeffekten er en 40 prosent økning i vårt 2030-estimat på omsetning til 2,4 milliarder euro (fra 1,7 milliarder)”, understreker meglerhuset.

Ellers påpeker Berenberg at deres Utilities-team nylig har økt meglerhusets langsiktige (2030) EU karbonpris til 100 euro tonnet, fra tidligere 75 euro, hvilket Berenberg mener burde være støttende for karbonfangst og -lagring.

Berenberg nostaa Aker Carbon Capture -hintatavoitteen 27 Norjan kruunuun osakkeelta edellisestä 23: sta ja säilyttää siten ostossuosituksen.

9 tykkäystä

CMD On tällä viikolla!

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Sopimusta pukkaa :clap:


12 tykkäystä

Ja uutta…


Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Aker Solutions, Siemens Energy og Doosan Babcock har dannet et konsortium for å utvikle teknologi og løsninger for det voksende britiske markedet for karbonfangst, -utnyttelse og -lagring (CCUS).

Det skriver Aker Solutions i en melding onsdag morgen.

Hovedmålet til konsortiet er å levere løsninger som tillater kunder å gjennomføre deres avkarboniseringsmål, fremgår det. Samtidig som dette, er strategien til konsortiet også blant annet å bidra til å levere nye bærekraftige industrielle muligheter, jobber og verdiskapning. I tillegg opplyses det at det nydannede konsortiet samarbeider tett med Aker Carbon Capture.

Kurssikin paukuttaa ATH:ta lähes päivittäin.

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"The pure play carbon capture company Aker Carbon Capture is gearing up in the UK
to capture opportunities in the rapidly evolving Carbon Capture and Storage

The company recently established a UK entity and is working on several projects
to apply its proprietary carbon capture technology in the UK, which has been a
front-runner in developing CCS over the past decade.

The UK government has pledged to establish carbon capture of up to 10 million
tonnes of CO2 per year from 2030, with the first industrial clusters in
operation by the mid-2020s.
“Aker Carbon Capture will work to realize the solutions and facilities required
for the UK to reach its ambitious climate goals and contribute to developing new
sustainable jobs in the country,” said Valborg Lundegaard, Chief Executive
Officer of Aker Carbon Capture."

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4 tykkäystä

Suomi loistaa taas poissaolollaan.

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Hyvä ketju

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Aker Carbon Capture ASA - Shareholding Disclosure - Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited

Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited (“BGO”) has on 5 October 2021 acquired 1,756,867 voting rights in Aker Carbon Capture ASA. The voting rights are held under discretionary investment management agreements with clients and were acquired as part of purchases of shares under said investment management agreements. After the transaction, BGO holds a total of 31,528,787 voting rights in Aker Carbon Capture, corresponding to 5.23% of the votes. All voting rights are held under discretionary investment management agreements with clients. BGO does not hold any shares or rights to the shares in Aker Carbon Capture.

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