AroCell AB 2.0 - mainettaan parempi


Arocell jota ostit 2021, ei ole sama yhtiö kuin Arocell 11/2022

Varsinkin yhtiön liiketoiminta on monipuolisempaa, paljon suurempaa, vakaampaa.

Yhtiön markkina-arvokin on murto-osa siitä, vaikka yhtiö on kaikilla mittareille suurempi, parempi, arvokkaampi, vakavaraisempi, ja lähellä käännettä tai käänne jo alkanut.

Dagdrommarn toi sen asian paremmin esiin, eli käytännössä sijoitamme tänään ihan eri yhtiöön, vaikka nimi onkin sama.

Tämän takia sijoittajan pitää tutkia tätä uutta yhtiötä nykyisillä “fundamenteilla”

6 tykkäystä

There seems to have been some interesting updates in the information regarding the AroCell patents.

Firstly, the patent covering Monototal and UBC Rapid in the US seems to now have been approved until 2036 (with patent nr 10386363)! Source: Patents and Trademarks protects all our progress - AroCell
As I understand this was NOT the case at the time of the latest prospect (22-01-27). Source:
This information, if correct, is reassuring - I personally felt a little uneasy about that not yet cleared patent application at the time of the merger, but this issue is now apparently positively settled. Very good!

Secondly there seems to be an addition of HK (Hongkong?) to the patent application “Respiratory infection detection and classification using TK1”. This may be interesting, certainly ambitious, as this seems to be the only addition of Hongkong to any of AroCells patent applications. Why this unusual approach in this specific area of application of TK1? Interesting!

Lastly it may be (my speculation) that the remaning pending patent application on the antibody covering EP-Ar2 is rather covering EP-Ar3? When again comparing with the AroCell prospect dated 22-01-27 it seems as this, still pending, patent application would rather be covering EP-Ar3??!

Personally I would feel more at ease with this being Ar3 - as this would indicate no outstanding issues regarding the patent protection regarding the presumably important antibody Ar2. As I understand TK 210 ELISA is based on the two antibodies Ar1 and Ar2, and therefore it may be of importance for investors to clearly be able to define the patent issues surrounding these two antibodies as resolved.

The AroCell information delivered 22-01-27 indicate that this still pending patent application concerning the antibodies is pointing at the additional antibody Ar3. Still, the AroCell website now tells EP-Ar2.

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A snapshot from twitter

3 tykkäystä

Extremely interesting fundamentals on the relations between AroCell and SSTK Biotech revealed in this article written by Ji Zhou (founder and CEO of SSTK Biotech).

Apparently, according to the article, Ellen He is the biological mother of Ji Zhou!

“In the mid-1980s, Dr. Bernhard Tribukait, tenured professor at Karolinska Institutet and head of the Department of Medical Radiation Biology, opened up the biochemical basis of TK1 (thymidine kinase 1) research, at the same time Dr. Sven Skog, professor at Karolinska Institutet and former director of the Molecular Tumor Laboratory at the Clinical Research Center, and my mother, associate professor at Karolinska Institutet and former director of Karolinska Institutet Dr. Ellen He, a senior researcher at the Clinical Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine, has also been involved in the research.”

Source (published 2022-12-01, translation by google translate):

Ellen He and Ji Zhou

I have been interested in this company for nearly 10 years, and to now, after quite a lot of private research during the years, receive this new information actually feels quite mindblowing.

So… Ellen He - who is one of the original founders of AroCell back in the early years of 2000 - is actually the biological mother of Ji Zhou, who in 1997 came to Sweden and Karolinska, and then went back to China and started SSTK Biotech. Wow, this is quite amazing! And of course it also fills in a lot of gaps in the story about Ellen He and Sven Skog, who than followed back to China and joined Ji Zhou.

And all this started in the 1980s at Karolinska, by our amazing still going strong super-professor Bernhard Tribukait! Below: Ellen He in red dress, behind Bernhard Tribukait, the year 1988.

Bernhard Tribukait and Ellen He 1985

This new article written by Ji Zhou talks very wamly about Karolinska Institutet, Swedish mentality and Swedish scientific achievements, and also very positively about relations between Sweden and China. Ellen He, Sven Skog, Ji Zhou and SSTK Biotech have during the years been one of the leading forces when it comes to promoting and investigating sTK1p.

It is quite amazing that Ellen He is the mother of Ji Zhou. From a philosophic perspective, this means that AroCell could be regarded as the mother of SSTK Biotech.

2 tykkäystä

It was very interesting to hear Professor Stig Linder at the AroCell Strategy Update. Firstly, it was reassuring that Professor Linder clearly declared that the AroCell sTK1 concentration methology was superior to sTK activity measurements (allthough this is, of course, no surprise for us who follow AroCell). Also interesting was that a relevance in the area of early detection was adressed by Professor Linder.

Also very interesting was Professor Linders deep knowledge and interest in cytokeratins, and the use of cytokeratins to evaluate cell death by measurements in blood. In fact, some background research seems to reveal connections pointing back in time many years, and may also be logically in line with the important work by Professor Bernhard Tribukait on the application of sTK1p in the neoadjuvant setting.

As a starting point, information in the following link tells that it was Stig Linders researchgroup which introduced the important M30 and M65 cytokeratin antibodies which are used to measure cell death.

These important tests (M30 and M65) are now sold in the US by Diapharma. M30 Apoptosense - Diapharma

Diapharma and AroCell signs partnership in 2019. AroCell tecknar ett nytt distributörsavtal i USA och Kanada | Arocell TK 210 ELISA

Stig Linders researchgroup seems to early on have commercialized the M30 and M65 tests through the Swedish diagnostic company PEVIVA - which later became part of VLV Bio. Peviva - Diapharma

AroCells Chief Scientific Officer, Maria Hägg Olofsson, was previously employed at VLV BIO and has been co-author together with Stig Linder in several sceintific publications on cytokeratins. Management - AroCell

As an example, the following article from 2010 (by Stig Linder, co-author Maria Hägg Olofsson) seems to specifically search for a biomarker that could complement cytokeratins by measuring proliferation - and sTK1p may be a very good fit in this respect. Quote from article (published 2010):

“The most important question perhaps is whether the parameter induction of cell death is expected to show a strong correlation to tumor response. Tumor response will depend on whether cell death induced by a drug will balance tumor proliferation between therapy cycles. /…/ Whether it will be possible to obtain more accurate estimations of response by determining both cell death and cell proliferation in tumors is unclear, but this is an interesting possibility.” (article by Stig Linder, 2010)

And the above article also conclude that these possibilities, mentioned above, may be of particularly importance in the adjuvant setting:

“Perhaps the most exciting possibility is the potential to trace tumor cell death in patients treated in the adjuvant situation. The treatment of this large group of patients can be significantly improved upon through information on whether the treatment does, in fact, induce tumor cell death.”

And this last qoute above, may be logically connected to Bernhard Tribukaits important work recent years on sTK1p in the neoadjuvant settings.

So, it seems as if all may fit together rather nicely… that a potential in the combination of cytokeratins and TK1 may have been identified early on - and if so it may follow that the merger between AroCell and IDL have been “work in progress” for a long time, many years? Maybe duscussions started as early as 2015? Who knows which strategic decisions are being made, and when…

1 tykkäys

Kiitoksia Pevitaha ketjun aloittamisesta.

Muokkasin ketjun nimeä, toivottavasti se ei ketään haittaa. Mielestäni päivitetty nimi kuvastaa AroCell AB ja IDL Biotech uutta alkua. Ja TK1 jätin nimen yhteydestä pois, koska nykyisin Arocell on paljon muutakin.

3 tykkäystä

According to updates on the AroCell website it seems as if Gunnar Wahlberg, Marie Torstensson and Gustav Sten from the management team have increased their shareholdings during the past 6 months.


Holdings per 2022-06-28
Source (Wayback Machine): Management team - AroCell - AroCell TK 210 ELISA

Gunnar Wahlberg: 44,100 shares
Marie Torstensson: 37,800 shares
Gustav Sten: 22,680 shares


Holdings per 2022-12-07
Source (AroCell updated website): Management - AroCell

Gunnar Wahlberg: 150,000 shares (+240%)
Marie Torstensson: 75,600 shares (+100%)
Gustav Sten: 84,000 shares (+270%)

4 tykkäystä

BioStock Life Science Fall Summit 2022 - presentation AroCell

4 tykkäystä

Faronin palstalta bongasin että syöpälääkkeitä päästetään markkinoille entistä helpommin perustein ja edellyttää jatko seurantaa.

Tämä tarkoittaa myös että Arocell:n tuotteet on entistä tarpeellisempia. Seurannalla vältytään turhalta hoidolta, rasitukselta ja säästetään kustannuksia, että saadaan ajoissa muutettua potilaan tarvitsemaa hoitoa.

Faronilla on muuten ollut hienoa kurssikehitystä viimeiset 3kk, komeat +100%, onnea omistajille👍.

Alla Faronin palstalta lainattua:

Uusin Lääkärilehti 2022/77 pääkirjoituksessa (maksumuuri, joten vain ote):

”Euroopan lääkevirasto Ema puoltaa uusien lääkkeiden myyntilupia yhä useammin vähäisellä tutkimusnäytöllä (1). Tällä mahdollistetaan uusien lääkkeiden pääsy markkinoille aikaisessa vaiheessa. Tutkimusnäyttö lääkkeen pidemmän aikavälin tehosta ja haitoista on tässä vaiheessa osin epävarmaa ja edellyttää jatkoseurantaa.

4 tykkäystä

Onkohan foorumilta kukaan enää kiinnostunut Arocellin kilpakumppanista Biovicasta? Osakekurssi silläkin lasketellut roimasti, FDA-lupa DiviTumille saatu, dilutoiva merkintäoikeusanti suoritettu ja myyntikoneisto jenkeissä 1.12 tiedotteen mukaan kasattu. Arocellillä on aika pitkä takamatka Biovicaan jos FDA luvan haluaa joskus saada?

5 tykkäystä

Arocell on paljon muutakin kuin FDA hakemus.

Bisnes kasvaa ja rahavirta kääntymässä positiiviseksi ym. Ym.

FDA lupaa haetaan mutta siihen ei käytetä kaikkia paukkuja, eikä olla sen varassa.

Lainaus Arocell:n tiedotteesta:

  • Yhtiön vahva taloudellinen asema ja sisäinen infrastruktuuri mahdollistavat tuotevalikoiman laajentamisen tulevaisuudessa.

  • Uudet kliiniset tutkimukset alkavat toteutettavuustutkimuksina suurempiin rekisteröintitutkimuksiin.

Yhtiöllä on myönteinen näkemys tulevaisuudesta ja se voi päätellä, että tehty työ on tuottanut tulosta hyvän orgaanisen myynnin kasvun muodossa. Määritellyn viiden pisteen strategian lähtökohtana AroCell pyrkii lisäämään myynnin kasvua samalla, kun se hoitaa yhtiön käteisvaroja huolellisesti. Yhtiöllä on vahva taloudellinen asema ja AroCellin keskittyminen operatiivisen kassavirran positiivisuuteen kehittyy myönteisesti.

"Työskentelemme aktiivisesti positiivisen toiminnan kassavirran saavuttamiseksi. Keskittymisemme myynnin kasvattamiseen on tuottanut tulosta ja nyt näemme vahvaa myynnin kasvua.

9 tykkäystä

Strategia-päivityksessä tämän kohdan luin niin, että olisi aiemmasta opittu ja otettu viisaampi lähestymistapa markkinoille saattamiseen.

Tietysti yhteisyrityksen tarjoama laajempi paletti antaa tähän paremman mahdollisuuden, eikä enään olla yhden tuotteen/markkinan varassa.

Ote strategia-päivityksestä:

AroCellin kliininen strategia perustuu tutkimuksiin ja hyväksyntöihin, jotka mahdollistavat lanseerauksen uusille markkinoille. Uudet TK 210- ja UBC-tuotteisiin liittyvät tutkimukset alkavat Euroopassa lähitulevaisuudessa. Nämä tutkimukset toimivat toteutettavuustutkimuksina laajemmille rekisteröintitutkimuksille ja toimivat perustana edullisimman lähestymistavan varmistamiselle markkinoille saattamista varten.

4 tykkäystä

AroCell board member Max Pihlqvist appears to have received 2,060,696 million shares as an inheritance (2022-12-12).

Source (Swedish Finans Inspektionen): Sök

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Articles like this help keep the dream of Roche alive…

“Identifying and differentiating respiratory pathogens is critical to effective infection management”

Acute respiratory infections are one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world. /…/
The non-specific clinical presentation of respiratory infections poses a considerable challenge to the differential diagnosis of pathogens. /…/

To optimize time-to-treatment, the diagnosis of acute respiratory tract infections cannot always rely on the traditional method of culture alone. /…/ An early and accurate diagnosis is essential to identifying the cause of a respiratory infection and ensuring appropriate antimicrobial therapy. /…/

As a global leader in vitro diagnostics, Roche invests heavily in research and development to deliver impactful technologies that address real-world needs. /…/ As respiratory infections continue to pose a global challenge, Roche remains committed to supporting laboratories and testing centers around the world with innovative solutions that enable them to provide patients and their clinicians with a reliable diagnosis when and where it is needed most."

Source: Respiratory tract infections

4 tykkäystä

TPS CLIA is now ready for market introduction in China

29 dec. 2022 09:00:00

Our partner ZECEN Biotech has now received the registration certificate from the Chinese registration authorities NMPA, which means that the product has received final approval for sales in China TPS CLIA will be available on the Chinese market at the beginning of next year. During next year, ZECEN Biotech is also expecting regulatory approval for TPS CLIA on Fosun Diagnostics fully automated CLIA platforms.

TPS CLIA is now ready for market introduction in China

10 tykkäystä

The patent application ”Predicting Cancer Relapse” was published yesterday (2022-12-29).

The patent application appears to show that Staffan Eriksson and Per Venge via data from the U-CAN material have found a methodology to further increase the benefit of measuring STK1 in hematological cancer - nice!

”The present invention predicts cancer relapse based on a comparison between measured STK1 levels and a comparison between the measured STK1 levels and an age-dependent threshold value. Experimental data as presented herein indicates that the accuracy when using STK1 as biomarker for hematological cancers will be significantly enhanced when using age-related reference or threshold ranges for patient groups of different ages.”


By the way, the Avanza/Placera Forum have rebooted… so probably I will try to start some writing at Avanza in my native language - Swedish… thanks to all Finnish friends, see you around! :+1:

Source (Avanza/Placera Forum rebooted): Placera Forum

17 tykkäystä

AroCell announces today that the company has signed a new development agreement with ZECEN Biotech regarding the automation of one more of the company’s tumor markers on ZECEN Biotech’s automated platforms.

AroCell has collaborated with ZECEN Biotech since 2019 for the development of TPS CLIA on ZECEN Biotech and Fosun’s automated CLIA platforms. The inclusion of an additional marker, UBC on automated platforms is in line with the company’s strategy and is set to open up new opportunities and further strengthen AroCell’s presence in the Chines market.

“The company’s strategy is to get more tumor markers out on automated platforms. We are very happy to start another development project with ZECEN Biotech to include the tumor marker UBC® on their fully automated CLIA system,” says Marie Torstensson, Chief Market and Sales Officer Laboratory Test.

8 tykkäystä

AroCell allekirjoittaa jakelusopimuksen Etiopiassa

  1. helmikuuta 2023 09:30:00

AroCell jatkaa myynti- ja jakeluverkostonsa laajentamista Afrikassa. Tänään AroCell on allekirjoittanut jakelusopimuksen Sub-Saharan Biomedical PLC:n kanssa, joka kattaa TUBEX® TF:n myynnin Etiopiassa.

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23.2 vuosiraportti

Kirjoitetaan nyt jotain, kun täällä niin vähän mitään on kirjoiteltu.

Ei minullakaan mitään uutta ja on ollut niin luottavainen tunne, että odottanut vain yhtiöltä uutisia, ja tasaisestihan niitä tuleekin.

Joulukuu: TPS CLIA on valmis tuotavaksi markkinoille Kiinassa

Tammikuu: UBC:n automatisointi Kiinassa

Helmikuu: Arocell allekirjoittaa jakelusopimuksen Etiopiassa

8 tykkäystä

AroCell AB (publ) osavuosikatsaus 1.1.-31.12.2022

23 helmikuuta 2023 08:00:00



Sana toimitusjohtajalta
"2022 oli menestyksekäs vuosi AroCellille! Vuoden aikana olemme kokeneet vahvan myynnin kasvun pikatesteillämme TUBEXin johdossa. Liikevaihtomme on kasvanut vuosittain yli 60 %. , tervetullut lisäys, mutta se asettaa suuria vaatimuksia organisaatiolle. Tämä kehitys on suoraa seurausta kovasta ja tietoisesta ponnistelusta, jota olemme AroCellissä tehneet, kaikki reilu vuosi sitten esittämämme strategisen suunnitelman mukaisesti.

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