Bitcoin - Suuria mahdollisuuksia

Joko bitcoinia/ethereumia saa Nordnetista ostettua pitempään pitoon kulujen puolesta? Eli onko tältä osin jo kuluiltaan edullinen pörssivälittäjän kautta toimiva vaihtoehto, jonka myötä ei tarvitsisi säätää lompakkojen tai verotuksen kanssa. Vaikka siinä hieman liikuttamisen vapautta menettää pörssien ollessa kiinni, niin on se mielestäni silti huomattavasti käyttäjäystävällisempää.

Viimeksi ostin ja myin bitcoinia varmaan vuonna 2019 Nordnetistä trackerina, mutta kulutaso oli silloin mitä 1,5% vai 1,75 % (vuodessa?).

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The company says this is the first OTC crypto transaction by a major bank in the US and could be seen as a sign of maturity of the asset class in the eyes of institutional players.

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Stronghold Digital Mining, a company based in western Pennsylvania, mining bitcoin could actually be a way to reduce environmental waste and clean up their community.
The company burns leftover harmful waste from abandoned coal mines to generate the electricity that powers hundreds of supercomputers running around the clock to mint bitcoin – an imperfect solution to energy generation but one that mitigates a century-old coal waste problem in Pennsylvania.

Beard acknowledges that Stronghold’s solution to mine bitcoin using coal waste isn’t perfect as burning coal ash also releases carbon into the atmosphere.
Still, he noted that because the existing coal waste is extremely combustible, much of the ash would end up catching fire and burning regardless of collection.
Beard says that processing the coal ash removes some of the harmful chemical content, plus he says his business has created hundreds of new jobs in the region.

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His experience highlights some of the most important characteristics of bitcoin: It’s valid across borders, requires no bank, and is tethered to its owner by a password, making it a lot harder to steal than cash.

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This essay will make the argument that bitcoin’s current stage of development should be seen through the same prism of long-term averages and projected utility. An airline cannot be judged on the performance of one individual flight. A manufacturing plant cannot be judged after its first product rolls off its first production line. And bitcoin – which is a peer-to-peer monetary network designed to protect the interests of billions of global citizens – cannot be judged after a few million prescient individuals cotton onto its benefits.

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Strike CEO Jack Mallers announced at Bitcoin 2022 that the company has partnered with three of the world’s largest payments providers, Shopify, NCR and Blackhawk Network to enable bitcoin payments at stores throughout the country. He explained that the integration eliminates legacy banks from the payments process, saving merchants on fees and enabling privacy for shoppers.

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The constraint is that West Texas has roughly 34 gigawatts of power, five gigawatts of demand, and only 12 gigawatts of transmission. You can think of bitcoin miners as temporary buyers who keep the energy assets operational until the grid is able to fully absorb them.

Back said the off-grid mine, expected to be completed later this year, highlights another key tenet of the bitcoin network: Miners are location agnostic and can “do it from anywhere without local infrastructure.”

“You’re making a sort of calculation of the optimal economic mix between solar and battery,” Back said. “There’s 3.8 megawatts of solar and one megawatt of mining, so you can see you have to overprovision, because the peak solar input varies during the day and, of course, it’s not there at night.”
Adding wind to the mix, however, would reduce overall costs and help to balance out the downtime with solar.

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Debaatissa ja keskustelussa mukana:
Bitcoin asiantuntija Rafael Eronen
Ekonomisti Tuomas Malinen
Kulta-& makroasiantuntija Sam Laakso

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Jäi vähän väljyksi väittely koska paikalla ei ollut yhtään asiantuntijaa joka olisi kertonut laajemmin Bitcoinin käyttökohteita lohkoketju tekniikasta ja esimerkiksi tuosta digi eurosta. Bitcoinin osalta kuultiin vaan samat hokemat. Rajallinen määrä digitaalinen muoto jne. Pinnalliseksi jäi . Bitcoinissa tapahtunut kuitenkin paljon asioita viime aikoina ja ala kehittynyt vuoden aikana taas tosi paljon. Näistä ei kerrottu mitään. “Asiantuntija” niputti myös kaikki muut kryptot roskiksi eikä tuntunut tietävän edes ethereumista mitään. Muuten kyllä tykkäsin katsoa :slight_smile:

Digieurosta ja nykyisen pankkisysteemin kömpelyydestä hyvää juttua :

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60 minutes juttu El Zontesta

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  • Bitcoin’s Lightning Network slashes the cost of transactions to virtually zero, cuts out middlemen like banks from the transfer, and enables nearly instantaneous cash payments around the planet.
  • CNBC tested out an international transfer of cash with a Ukrainian staying in Poland via bitcoin’s Lightning Network.
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“This is a payments network that can move value anywhere in the world at no cost in real time and anyone can build on top of it. It’s more inclusive, more innovative. To the consumer who’s remitting money or buying Chipotle, they don’t know Bitcoin is involved so whether you want to have a stablecoin, a Euro, Starbucks points, it’s the payment network that facilitates the settlement of value that’s the disruptor here,” Mallers told Yahoo Finance.

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Reports suggest the new functionality could be rolled out as soon as the summer of this year. Fidelity would let retirement savers allocate up to 20% of their portfolio to bitcoin, although that number could change.

While Fidelity will initially support bitcoin, it could add other cryptocurrencies as well in the future

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Lawmakers unanimously adopted a bill that made bitcoin legal tender alongside the CFA franc and legalised the use of cryptocurrencies, and President Faustin Archange Touadera signed the measure into law

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On kyllä melkoista vatulointia näiden tulli-bitcoinien kanssa. Myyntipuheet aloitettiin jo 1,5 vuotta sitten ja välittäjää on “kilpailutettu” nyt viime kesästä asti. Marraskuussa 2021 uutisoitiin että kilpailutus on saatu “loppusuoralle” ja supistunut enää kahteen toimijaan. Luulisin että puolessa vuodessa olisi valittu toinen kahdesta, mutta ei :laughing: Veikkaisin että Ukraina saa miljoonansa muutaman vuoden päästä, kun homma on saatu maaliin. Suomen valtio tekee tehottomuudesta ja kustannusten paisumisesta aivan oman taiteenlajinsa… :roll_eyes:

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Ei tälle tehottomuudelle voi edes nauraa kun sama toistuu lähes kaikessa. Tämä yksittäinen Bitcoin esimerkki on kyllä varsin paljastava sinällään. Valtiontaseen kroonisen alijäämän paikkaus velanotolla jatkuu nouseviin korkoihin hamaan tappiin saakka :nauseated_face:

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