Bitcoin - Suuria mahdollisuuksia

How does it work?
In short: the seed of your bitcoin wallet is used to generate secret authentication keys. As soon as you want to log in to a website, the website will pose a specific challenge that you can only solve with your secret authentication key.

Are identities persistent?
Yes, but it does not transfer across sites or wallets.
Because a different authentication key is generated for every domain, you will be identified by a different public key for every site. Your identities can not be associated across domains.
However, as long as you log in to a site with the same wallet, you will have the same identity.

7 tykkäystä

BSP allows employees of organizations like the Yankees to elect a certain amount of their post-tax salary to be converted into bitcoin – with no transaction fees. While users can sell bitcoin on the platform, BTC cannot be deposited from an external source to NYDIG’s custody platform or transferred to an external wallet.äkökulma/Bitcoin-kahdessa-minuutissa

Alussa bitcoin olikin arvotonta “leikkirahaa”. Reaalimaailman arvoa se sai ensimmäisenä toimintavuotenaan, kun suomalainen Martti Malmi vaihtoi 5 000 bitcoinia 5 dollariin. Seuraavana vuonna floridalainen ohjelmoija Laszlo Hanyecz tilasi kaksi Papa John’s pizzerian perhepizzaa maksaen niistä 10 000 bitcoinia.


11 tykkäystä

“The reason we sold a bunch of our bitcoin holdings was that we were uncertain as to when the Covid lockdowns in China would alleviate so it was important for us to maximize our cash position,” Musk said in an earnings call on Wednesday. “This should be not taken as some verdict on bitcoin,” he said, adding that Tesla is open to increasing its crypto holdings in the future

8 tykkäystä

Myytiinköhän nämä markkinoille vai rajatulle joukolle, jos niin kenelle? :man_shrugging:

Muistaakseni Bitcoinien myynnistä tulevat oikeat rahat on luvattu antaa tukensa Ukrainalle.

3 tykkäystä

Zebedee’s platform makes it possible for game developers to build in micropayments via the Lightning Network, which is built on Bitcoin. Game studios can offer small amounts of Bitcoin as rewards for playing games, for example, and the firm provides an application programming interface (API) for developers to implement the tech and an app for gamers to access their Bitcoin rewards.

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The “Bitcoin Valley” project targets 60 businesses to initially get trained and adopt cryptocurrencies to market their products and services, expecting to spread these practices to more enterprises and nearby areas.
The initiative was jointly developed by the Blockchain Honduras organization, the Guatemalan cryptocurrency exchange consortium Coincaex, the Technological University of Honduras and Santa Lucia’s municipality.

The company installs efficient micro-turbines on municipal landfills, which convert otherwise wasted methane gas into electricity to power bitcoin mining data centers, according to a statement.

Vespene enables landfill owners to turn harmful methane gas, which is a financial and environmental liability, into a potential revenue stream. Vespense is then able to get a cheap,renewable energy source for its bitcoin mining data centers.

2 tykkäystä

The trust will be available to US-based institutional clients and will be BlackRock’s first product that offers direct exposure to the price of bitcoin.

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Ajat muuttuvat: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

11 tykkäystä

Kysynnän ja tarjonnan laki :slight_smile: Asiakkaat kysyy, niin on vastattava.

2 tykkäystä

Juuri näin
Ainakin on tullut pähinää heidän nettisivuille. Tosin tämä varmasti +99,99% semmoisista osoitteista, joilla ei ole mitään potentiaalista osaa eikä arpaa blackrockin tuotteisiin. Toimii ainakin hyvänä markkinointitempauksena, jos ei muuta.

1 tykkäys

Druckenmiller nousee foorumilla monesti esille yhtenä sijoittamisen legendoista - ja syystäkin. Yksi vahvuus taitaa olla avoin mieli. Tässä 9min pätkä jossa kertoo mm mitä tuumaa lohkoketjuista ja Bitcoinista.

3 tykkäystä

Kiinnostava juttu Bitcoinin alkuvaiheista syksyltä 2011.

Nakamoto revealed little about himself, limiting his online utterances to technical discussion of his source code. On December 5, 2010, after bitcoiners started to call for Wikileaks to accept bitcoin donations, the normally terse and all-business Nakamoto weighed in with uncharacteristic vehemence. “No, don’t ‘bring it on,’” he wrote in a post to the bitcoin forum. “The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way. I make this appeal to Wikileaks not to try to use bitcoin. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy. You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage.”

Then, as unexpectedly as he had appeared, Nakamoto vanished. At 6:22 pm GMT on December 12, seven days after his Wikileaks plea, Nakamoto posted his final message to the bitcoin forum, concerning some minutiae in the latest version of the software.

Nakamoton toiseksi viimeinen viesti foorumille oli vastaus toisen kirjoittamaan linkkaamaan PC Worldin Bitcoin-juttuun:

”It would have been nice to get this attention in any other context. WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.”

Kaikki viestit: Forum Posts | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute

PS. En ole sijoittanut Bitcoiniin, mutta syntyhistoria on kiinnostava. Jotenkin oma fiilis on että Nakamoto on yksi nerokas henkilö, joka pelästyi pahan kerran. Mutta tuskinpa asioiden laita koskaan selviää.

6 tykkäystä


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5 tykkäystä

Uutta kuningasta kiinnostaa lohkoketjut :prince:t2:

4 tykkäystä

Legendaariseen rainbow charttiin lisätty uusi väri, kun ei meinaa pysyä btc ruodussa :joy:


14 tykkäystä