EHang Holdings – Tulevaisuuden ilmailua

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4 tykkäystä

Harmi, että Juha _k1 poistui palstalta. Jakoi kuitenkin pyyteettömästi tietoa. Yksi virhe oli kuitenkin, että kaupallinen lento olisi jo lennetty. Näin ei ole. Yhtään maksanutta asiakasta ei ole kyyditetty. Demonstraatiossa vuodenvaihteessa kyyditettiin kutsuvieraita. Pr ei ole sama kuin “kaupallinen”. Nyt jännitetään pääsevätkö oikeat kaupalliset lennot alkamaan kesän mennessä. Pitäisi nimittäin alkaa tapahtua, montaa vuotta ei voi enää odottaa. Jos lennot alkavat tänä keväänä, osakekurssi ottaa kunnon loikan. Jos ei, mennään edelleen alas.

5 tykkäystä
  • Quarterly Revenues Increased by 260.9% YoY, 97.8% QoQ, Fiscal Year Revenues Increased by 165.0%
  • Maintained Stable and High Gross Margin
  • Achieved Positive Operating Cash Flow in the Fourth Quarter of 2023
  • Obtained the World’s First Pilotless Passenger-Carrying eVTOL Type Certificate (“TC”) and Standard Airworthiness Certificate (“AC”) for EH216-S from the CAAC
  • Moved Forward eVTOL Sales and Operations
  • Partnered with GAC Group to Strengthen Capability for Future Production
  • Expanded to UAE Market

Q4 ulkona. Premarketissa positiivinen reaktio.


During the fourth quarter of 2023, in which the EH216-S obtained the TC, the Company generated positive cash flow from operations.

6 tykkäystä

Ehang Earnings Call

Pääpointit by GPT:

  1. Achievements and Milestones:

    • Obtained Type Certificate (TC) for EH216-S pilotless passenger-carrying aircraft system, marking the world’s first TC for a passenger-carrying eVTOL aircraft.
    • Rolled out the first certified EH216 and obtained the world’s first eVTOL standard Airworthiness Certificate (AC).
    • Experienced significant sales volume growth, delivering 23 units of EH216 series products in the fourth quarter.
    • Revenue surpassed RMB56 million in Q4, with a year-over-year growth rate of over 3 times.
    • Generated positive operating cash flow in Q4.
  2. Market Outlook and Demand:

    • Strong market demand due to favorable policies supporting the low-altitude economy in China.
    • China’s low-altitude economy market estimated to surpass RMB500 billion in 2023 and expected to reach RMB2 trillion by 2030.
    • Received hundreds of preorders from domestic and overseas customers, indicating strong market demand.
    • Pricing strategy set for EH216-S aimed at competitiveness and market demand stimulation.
  3. Regulatory and Operational Progress:

    • Efforts to obtain Production Certificate (PC) for mass production nearing completion.
    • Conducted commercial flight demonstrations in various locations, collaborating with local governments.
    • Actively planning for low-altitude economy demonstration applications and commercial operations.
    • Working with CAAC to establish regulatory system standards for eVTOL commercial operations.
  4. Partnerships and Collaborations:

    • Formed partnerships with government entities and enterprises to support production, research, and development.
    • Strategic partnerships with energy solution providers and automotive groups to accelerate product development and market expansion.
  5. Financial Performance:

    • Total revenue reached RMB56.6 million in Q4, a significant increase of 260.9% year-over-year.
    • Gross margin remained stable at a high level of 64.7% in Q4.
    • Adjusted operating expenses decreased, leading to improved operating and net losses.
    • Positive cash flow from operations achieved in Q4, strengthening the balance sheet.
  6. Future Plans:

    • Expecting revenue of about RMB58 million in Q1, representing a 161% increase year-over-year.
    • Expanding production capacity to meet growing market demand.
    • Anticipating gradual revenue growth from operational services in addition to product sales.
    • Continued focus on R&D and certification for new products like VT-30 for intercity transportation.
  7. International Expansion:

    • Strong demand and orders received from overseas markets, especially in the Middle East, South Africa, and ASEAN countries.
    • Partnering with local entities to expedite market entry and expansion in overseas regions.
5 tykkäystä

Ehang nyt ostettavissa Taobaosta.


8 tykkäystä

Myös Hesarissa juttua:

7 tykkäystä

Ensimmäinen EH216-S myyty verkkokaupassa :hammer:

6 tykkäystä

Nyt on avattu kenttää Japaniinkin jo, kovaa vauhtia mennään.

2 tykkäystä

Guangzhou, China, April 7, 2024 – EHang Holdings Limited (“EHang” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: EH), the world’s leading Urban Air Mobility (“UAM”) technology platform company, today announced that EHang has successfully obtained the Production Certificate (“PC”) for its EH216-S passenger-carrying pilotless electric vertical takeoff and landing (“eVTOL”) aircraft issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (“CAAC”), which is the world’s first PC granted in the global eVTOL industry. Following the groundbreaking obtaining of the Type Certificate (“TC”) and the Standard Airworthiness Certificate (“AC”) for the EH216-S, this remarkable achievement is another significant leap towards mass production for the eVTOL aircraft and the following commercial operations.

Massatuotannon paperit kunnossa :helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter::helicopter:

6 tykkäystä

En tiedä liittyykö firmaan, mutta alaan yleisesti kyllä.
Onko lentokentällä takseja?

"Malagan lentoasema valmistelee lentotaksipalvelua miehittämättömillä droneilla! Koelennot alkavat vuoden 2025 puolivälissä, mutta vielä toistaiseksi lentäjällä. Tavoitteena on, että keskipitkällä aikavälillä ne voivat lentää itsenäisesti.

Uskaltaisiko kyytiin? "

Itse artikkeli alkua lukuunottamatta maksumuurin takana…/aeropuerto-malaga-prepara-taxi…

6 tykkäystä
  • Quarterly Revenues Increased by 178.0% YoY
  • Achieved Positive Operating Cash Flow for the Second Consecutive Quarter
  • Secured Production Certificate from CAAC, Clearing Path for Mass Production of EH216-S
  • Growing Orders and Deliveries Boosted by Low-Altitude Economy Industry in China
  • Partnered with GBT for Ultra-Fast/eXtreme Fast Charging Batteries
  • Partnered with GAC to Strengthen Capability for Future Production
  • Expanded International Partnership and Demo Flights in UAE, Spain, Costa Rica and Japan

Edit: toiselle kvartaalille povataan hyvää kasvua:

Business Outlook
For the second quarter of 2024, the Company expects the total revenues to be around RMB90 million, representing an increase of approximately
804% year-over-year.

16 tykkäystä

Hommat etenee taas, lisää tilauksia.

EHang Secures RMB113 Million Order for 50 Units of EH216-S Pilotless eVTOLs from Xishan Tourism.

EHang has partnered with Taiyuan Xishan Ecological Tourism Investment Construction Co., Ltd. to promote the low-altitude economy in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China.

Xishan Tourism has ordered 50 units of EHang’s EH216-S pilotless electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, with a total contract price of RMB113 million (approximately USD 15.6 million).

An additional purchase plan for 450 EH216-S units over the next two years has been committed.

The collaboration aims to create the largest eVTOL UAM operation base in North China, starting with low-altitude sightseeing demonstration centers in scenic areas. Shanxi Province’s designation as a national demonstration province for general aviation industry development supports this initiative.

4 tykkäystä

Todella hitaasti hommat kehittyy. Nyt kun PC on saatu ja diluutio on käynnissä, odotellaan enää lähinnä kaupallisen toiminnan alkamista. Tarkoitus oli käydä tänä kesänä koeajolla, mutta nyt näyttää siltä, että saa varautua jälleen viivästykseen. Tämän firman viestintä on lievästi sanottuna “ylioptimistista”. Pitänee siis vaan roikkua vielä mukana ainakin vuoden loppuun, vaikka mörnintä on jäänyt päälle. Pitkällä tähtäimellä kuitenkin ilman muuta tulevaisuuden tärkeä liikkumismuoto kyseessä. Siiretään kiinan reissu ensi kesään suosiolla! Huokaus.

1 tykkäys

4 tykkäystä