Energia-alan teknologinen kehitys ja sijoitusmahdollisuudet

En valitettavasti ole löytänyt. Näemmä MM Warburgikin uudisti tavoitehintansa 35 euroa sekä suosituksen osta. Laittelen huomenna jossain vaiheessa otteista raportista, joka tosiaan kylläkin löytyy yhtiön omilta sivuiltakin

1 tykkäys

Tälläisten uutisten perusteella amerikassa tosiaan on käynnissä vihreä siirtymä kun alkaa kivihiilikin käymään niin huonosti kaupaksi että pitää haastaa asiakkaat oikeuteen kun eivät osta.

Wyoming stands up for coal with threat to sue states that refuse to buy it | Coal | The Guardian?

7 tykkäystä


Cell Impact AB (Nasdaq First North GM: CI B) is pleased to announce that Daniel Vallin has been appointed new Chief Operating Officer (COO) and will start his new position on August 16, 2021. He will succeed Tord Lätt, who will take over the role of Chief Project Manager (CPO) with responsibility for Cell Impact’s automation development program.

Daniel’s career spans more than 15 years at Scania CV AB in leadership and project management positions. During this time, he gained leadership skills and substantial experience from working in industrial production and with Scania Production System. In his most recent role, Daniel was a production manager for Scania’s new battery assembly factory for electric vehicles.

Vaikuttaa hyvältä tyypiltä oikeaan aikaan:

It’s very satisfying to have recruited as experienced a professional as Daniel manager for all of our operations, says Pär Teike, CEO of Cell Impact. “Given the way we’re upscaling the company’s production right now and the substantial growth possibilities we see in the future, Daniel’s expertise in production and process development will further strengthen our position as a global supplier of flow plates,” he continues.

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Ens tiistaina IEA:n special report ja deepest dive (toivottavasti ei pörssissä :grimacing:)

“And next week, we are publishing our deepest dive yet with the release our new special report, Net Zero by 2050: a Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector, on 18 May.”

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Puolen miljardin tukea oltais vailla:

California Hydrogen Coalition asks for half a billion to support hydrogen industry

"They pointed out, “The early stages of any technology curve must have some support, much as was seen in the early days of wind and solar power.”

The US hydrogen industry has the potential to create around US$ 140 billion/year in revenue by 2030, reaching US$ 750 billion/year by 2050.

The letter was signed by executives from:

American Air Liquide Holdings
Bayo Tech
Black and Veatch
Hexagon Purus
Mann + Hummel
Nikola Motor
Plug Power
PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Company
Toyota Tsusho
True Zero
Ways 2 H
122 West"

15 tykkäystä

The researchers found that even when fossil fuel hydrogen production is combined with a carbon capture and storage element, the resulting emissions intensity can still be very high.

Hydrogen produced using renewable electricity, researchers argue, is the only viable way to achieve truly zero emissions hydrogen.

The research highlights the need for a certification scheme for ‘green’ hydrogen – allowing truly ‘zero emissions’ hydrogen to be distinguished from the ‘blue’ hydrogen being pushed by fossil fuel interests.

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“The project in Nevada is our first large-scale investment specifically for these new markets in the US. This hydrogen is not for the traditional industrial markets, but rather for the mobility and transportation fuel market that is mostly on the west coast.”

The hydrogen plant is expected to become operational by early 2022

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“One third of fuel used in domestic flights by 2030 will come from sustainable sources, according to a new German roadmap on the market ramp-up of power-to-liquid (PtL) kerosene unveiled on Friday (7 May).”

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The plant is expected to produce 1,000kg of renewable hydrogen a day, which will be used to fuel zero-emission transport in the Greater Copenhagen area and on Zealand with the first hydrogen expected to be produced in late 2021.

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NUVVE pienessä nousussa tänään:

Polkaisevat pystyyn Stone Peakin kanssa Levo Mobility LLC, joka toteuttaa latausinfraa koulubusseille ja muulle julkiselle liikenteelle.

4 tykkäystä

Täältä pitäisi raportin löytyä:

…tuntuisi sivusto olevan jumissa, kun välillä herjaa service unavailable… pitänee iltalukemisena tutkia lisää.

2 tykkäystä

Reutersin isännöimä Hydrogen 2021 event 20.-21.5., mukana hyvä kattaus alan firmoja. Ohjelmaa ja aikataulua täällä:


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The dedicated lab, located at the Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) Technical Center in Eskilstuna, Sweden, represents a big step forward in the company’s commitment to hydrogen. The lab is also the first facility in Volvo Group to be testing complete fuel cell units, and will as such be a strong contributor to the company’s dedication to fuel cell technology

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Bloom Energy (NYSE: BE) today announced an agreement with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to independently test the use of nuclear energy to create clean hydrogen through Bloom Energy’s solid oxide, high-temperature electrolyzer.

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5 tykkäystä

Uusiutuvat ovat näemmä taas piristyneet. Onko mitään yleisempää syytä miksi? Eteneekö eu ja USA paketit jne.

Joko hinnat alkaa olemaan kohtuullisemmat?

4 tykkäystä

Tänään julkastiin IEA:n iso raportti ainakin. Aika hyvää settiä isoista muutoksista, mitä puolentoista asteen lämpenemisessä pysyminen vaatisi. Ihan hyvä kuva oli esim tämä:

Edit. IEA:ta on ainakin joissain piireissä pidetty ”konservatiivisena” järjestönä ilmastonmuutoksen suhteen, eli ite pidän ihan hyvänä asiana että sieltäkin suunnalta tulee jo tuollaista suht jyrkkää viestiä fossilisten tulevaisuudesta. On toki tullut jo jonkun aikaa.

7 tykkäystä

Biden kävi puhumassa EV strategioista

” Why is it moving

Plug Power shares are trading higher amid strength in EV names. EV strength is potentially in anticipation of Biden discussing his EV agenda at a Tuesday tour of a Ford plant.”

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