Energia-alan teknologinen kehitys ja sijoitusmahdollisuudet

Ei kai ammoniakkikaan kovin “solid” ole…?

Nojoo, ei ole tosiaan eli sitä löytyy kaasumaisena ja nesteenä, ellei sitten joku ole keksinyt käyttää ammoniumkloridia tms. joka on jauheena.


2 tykkäystä

No hienoa! Mä olen aina tykännyt salmiakista!

(Himoliputtajille tiedoksi, että voi laittaa googleen salmiakki)

5 tykkäystä

@Hereford_Picnic & @Seinakadun_Keisari

Hieman kiire tässä itselläni, mutta laitan muutaman linkin liittyen tuohon ”solid state”-vety aiheeseen.


10 tykkäystä

Kiitos N10.

Aker Horizonsille tuli tänään uusia targetteja:
ABG Sundal Collier 57
DNB Markets 57 (kuinkas osuivatkaan samaan)
Pareto 60

4 tykkäystä
5 tykkäystä

Manin panostuksia vetyyn. Olisi mallia eräälle suomalaisellekkin yhtiölle. Kiva seurata näitä pienten ostoja ja veikkailla kuka ostetaan seuraavaksi :slightly_smiling_face:.

13 tykkäystä

Kertausta ja muistutus miksi Ouatum :slightly_smiling_face:

11 tykkäystä
  • Firms involved in energy intensive processes are looking to find ways to maintain productivity whilst reducing emissions.
  • Cement production is one industrial process ripe for major improvement when it comes to emissions and other metrics related to sustainability.

Last week also saw the world’s largest cement company, LafargeHolcim, announce it would take part in a collaboration to “explore the development” of carbon capture and storage solutions.

In a statement, the business said it would “study the feasibility of capturing carbon” from two facilities, one in Europe and the other in North America, using carbon sequestration tech from Schlumberger New Energy.

6 tykkäystä

Corvuksen energystoraget Kawasaki Heavy Ind. tilaamaan patteritankkeriin. Suunnittelusta vastaavat e5 Lab Inc. pooliin kuuluu mm. Asahi Tanker. Laivat rakentaa KOA Ind. ja Imura Shipyard. Onhan tuossa työmaata. :cowboy_hat_face:

Tuollanen storage Corvukselta…

3 tykkäystä


Pieni pätkä translatorin läpi ajettuna:

Your business is based on reforming various hydrocarbons into hydrogen. Tell us more about how this process works!

Christopher Tornblom (CEO):

The fuel in the form of compressed hydrocarbon (eg upgraded biogas) is mixed with water vapor and fed into a reactor where the majority of the hydrogen gas is produced. This takes place in a temperature range between 700-850 degrees C where the heat demand is met via catalytic combustion of a small part of the fuel, ie no open flame. A by-product of hydrocarbon reforming is carbon monoxide, which is converted to more hydrogen and carbon dioxide in a so-called “Water-Gas-Shift” reactor by adding water vapor. Finally, the hydrogen gas is purified to the desired level via a PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) and finally buffered in a hydrogen storage for further distribution via pipeline or flaking.

Tell us more about your cogeneration systems - what areas are they used in?

Christopher Tornblom (CEO):

We offer cogeneration systems (CHP) with power classes from 1 kW to 300 kW, with a focus on the real estate sector, industry and the telecom sector.

What are the benefits of your technology?

Christopher Tornblom (CEO):

It is extremely energy efficient and requires minimal electric power (approx. 1.4 kW / kg hydrogen) compared to electrolysis of water.

Drive with advantage in continuous operation, ie not dependent on sun and wind as long as fuel is supplied. Means maximum utilization rate seen over longer periods. Excellent complement to other technology solutions, such as electrolysis of water.

The excess heat that is not needed to run the process is delivered in the form of 70 degree water for further distribution to the district heating network, property or for other heating needs.

The efficiency of our CHP units is up to 85% if all excess heat is used.

The CHP does not depend on external electric power to function because it produces its own electric power.

Quiet process, compact design (H2PS-5). Works with different types of hydrocarbons; Biogas, LPG, natural gas (and soon also liquid methanol and ethanol)

Hydrogen generators in a compact design with a modular construction in standard containers. Easy to install and move. Suitable for decentralized production of hydrogen in places with limited space (eg at a petrol station).

3 tykkäystä

EXCLUSIVE: $100 Billion Asset Manager Divests Exxon Stock on Climate Concerns Taitaapi olla maksumuurin takana

Laitetaan tämäkin, vaikka on reilu viikon vanha. Oli ainakin Fortum ketjussa muistaakseni mainittu.

Uniper and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are investigating the possibilities of large-scale production of green hydrogen at the Maasvlakte area in Rotterdam.

The plan is to realize a hydrogen plant on Uniper’s site by 2025 that would have a capacity of 100 MW and to expand this capacity to 500 MW.

3 tykkäystä

Mites täl Questorilla menee tilikausi,Q4 2020 päättyy tänään ja julkaisu huhtikuussa vai?

“Earnings Announcement for Period Ending Q4/2020:02/16/2021”

3 tykkäystä

Jokainen haluaa tällä hetkellä olla hydrogen leaderi.

  • France Aims to Become World Leader in Hydrogen Energy
  • Australia set to become a world leader in hydrogen
  • Russia Looks To Become Leader In Hydrogen Tech
  • UK joins race to be hydrogen ‘world leader’
  • Germany wants to be a global leader in the development of hydrogen technologies

No kukapa ei. No ei Suomi ainakaan. :smiley: Tai joku poliitikko on saattanut näin sanoa, mutta täällähän ei tapahdu yhtään mitään…

17 tykkäystä

Chile panostaa myös kovasti vihreään vetyyn, saa nähdä mihin rahkeet riittää.


En ymmärrä miksei Suomi halua tähän kelkkaan mukaan.

8 tykkäystä

Ballard powerin Twitteristä. Lopputuloksena -5% kurssiin :sleeping:

6 tykkäystä

HyDeal Ambition is the result of 2 years of research and confidential preparation by 30 European energy players, and the targeted price of €1.5/kg ($AU2.3/kg) includes the production of, transmission, and storage of green hydrogen.

Production of green hydrogen is expected to begin on the Iberian Peninsula in the southwest corner of Europe in 2022.

Founding participants in HyDeal Ambition include:

  • Solar developers : DH2/Dhamma Energy (Spain), Falck Renewables (Italy), Qair (France)
  • Electrolysis OEMs, engineering and EPC providers : McPhy Energy (France), VINCI Construction (France)
  • Gas TSOs : Enagás (Spain), OGE (Germany), Snam (Italy), GRTgaz (France), Teréga (France)
  • Energy and industrial groups : Gazel Energie, subsidiary of EPH (France), Naturgy (Spain), HDF Energie (France)
  • Infrastructure funds : Cube, Marguerite, Meridiam
  • Consultants and advisors : European Investment Bank, Corporate Value Associates (CVA), Clifford Chance, Cranmore Partners, Finergreen, Envision Digital, Energy Web
2 tykkäystä

Maerski suunnittelee siirtyvänsä ammoniakkiin ja metanoliin:

7 tykkäystä

Maersk perustanut tämän center forzero carbon shipping muunmuassa MANnin ja mitsubishi heavyn kanssa. Näköjään aloittavat e tai bio metanolilla.

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