Presidentti Zelenskyn jokailtainen puhe eiliseltä.
Zelensky sanoo Ukrainan olevan valmis reiluun ja oikeudenmukaiseen rauhaan, joka kunnioittaa Ukrainan alueellista koskemattomuutta ja velvoittaa täyteen korvaukseen Venäjän aiheuttamista vahingoista.
Kuulostaa ihan reilulta.
We are ready for peace, for a fair and just peace, the formula of which we have voiced many times. The world knows our position. This is respect for the UN Charter, respect for our territorial integrity, respect for our people and due responsibility for terror - this is punishment for all those who are guilty and full compensation by Russia for the damage caused to us.
It is good that the world pays attention only to what the terrorist state actually does, not what it says - address by the President of Ukraine