Everfuel - vetyasemia Eurooppaan

Onko joku löytänyt jotain tiettyä syytä Everfuelin tämän päivän n. -10% kurssilaskulle? Tiedotteita en ole ainakaan löytänyt. Laskumarkkinassa ollaan kyllä, mutta suhteettoman kova tyhjennys käynnissä moneen vastaavaan vety lafkaan. Julkisessa vaihdossa olevien osakkeiden lukumäärähän on suht pieni yhtiön osakekantaan nähdän, mutta riittääkö se jyrkemmän laskun syyksi…

Selitykseksi riittää usein kun katsoo firman kurssikäyrää, ei siellä tarvitse mitään ihmeellistä olla jotta kurssi heiluu kymmenen pinnaa suuntaan tai toiseen.

Tämä siis ihan arvauksena/yleisenä kommenttina.

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Ymmärrän kyllä näiden firmojen normi ±10% vaihtelut, mutta ajattelin vain kun Everfuelin kurssi on ollut yllättäväkin vakaa maaliskuun puolenvälin jälkeen. Mut joo, ehkä nää nyt vaan on näitä normi vaihteluita kuitenkin.

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"Hydrogen filling station for ships and road transport

The hydrogen boat will become Narvik’s first hydrogen consumer and will need to be refuelled on a regular basis. The project therefore also involves the establishment of a hydrogen filling station.

Everfuel will seek to develop this filling station. The company is currently working to establish hydrogen filling stations for trucks, buses and other heavy-duty transport all across Norway.

Other users of the port will also be able to use the planned filling station in Narvik. About 500 trucks drive through the city every day, and the filling station will therefore not solely be intended to cater for sea traffic.

The goal is that it will become the world’s first hydrogen filling station that can serve both ships and road traffic, and that its establishment will make it possible for more companies and people in the region to switch to climate-friendly hydrogen.

Everfuel will now, together with UiT and Norinnova Narvik, work to find possible new hydrogen users within the municipality and county municipality, such as buses, waste collection vehicles and taxis. "

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Everfuel enters the German green hydrogen market with the award of long-term public supply contract


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Tuossa vielä Everfuelin oma tiedote asiasta.

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Everfuel receives SEK 45 million grant for two H2 stations in Sweden

Herning, Denmark, 27 January 2022 - Everfuel A/S is pleased to announce that its subsidiary Everfuel Sweden AB has been awarded two grants totalling approximately SEK 45 million by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency under The Climate Leap (Klimatklivet) investment program as partial financing for two hydrogen refuelling stations in the Värmland region. The stations will be established in cooperation with the local unit of OKQ8 as part of Evefuel’s ongoing collaboration with the leading Scandinavian operator of service stations. Some of the main traffic corridors in Sweden run across Värmland, connecting the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Karlstad. The main road between Oslo in Norway and Stockholm also crosses the region. It is home to a significant forest industry and other business activities relying on heavy trucking for which hydrogen is very well suited with OEM’s ready to receive orders for the first vehicles.

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Tämä myös:

-Westphalia for the provision of a hydrogen refuelling station for heavy-duty

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Silloin tällöin tulee vilkaistua Everfuelia. Oheinen kuva kyllä hirvittää. Esim. myyntituotot eivät kata cost of sales -lukuja. Ilmeisesti joutuvat tekemään töitä koko markkinan luomiseksi samalla kun rakentavat jakeluverkostoa.

Käteistä oli melkein 70 m€ ja omaisuushankinnat vähän yli 9 m€ q3 mennessä, kassa riittää vielä hetken. Suunnitelmista: kenen taskulla käyvät pystyäkseen tekemään 1.5 b€ investoinnit? Minkälaiseen tuottotasoon käytössä olevat asemat ja jakelu pääsevät nyt ja jos negatiivinen, milloinkohan se on positiivinen?

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"Everfuel had total revenue, representing sale of hydrogen and other operating revenue, of EUR 348 thousand in the fourth quarter of 2021. Direct revenue from hydrogen increased compared to the previous quarter with the opening of the new high-capacity station in Copenhagen. However, fuelling activity was negatively impacted by Covid-19 and additional public health measures implemented in December in response to a new virus variant. The measures reduced traffic towards year-end and into early 2022. Other operating revenue is primarily driven by one-off items. EBITDA was negative EUR 2.5 million, reflecting continued ramp-up of activity and organisation during the quarter.

Total revenue for the full year was EUR 0.83 million, compared with EUR 1.05 million in 2020. The development in revenue is caused by an increased sale of hydrogen and a reduced other operating revenue. EBITDA was negative EUR 6.8 million (EUR -1.1 million). The financial results reflect that the company is still in the initial stages of commercializing the green hydrogen value chain in its target markets.

Total assets at 31 December 2021 amounted to EUR 83.8 million, compared to EUR 27.1 million at 31 December 2020, of which cash holdings were EUR 59.3 million (EUR 23.4 million). Total equity amounted to EUR 77.2 million (EUR 25.8 million). Changes from year-end 2020 predominantly reflected net proceeds of NOK 600/EUR 58.5 million from the private placement in January 2021 and investments made during the year."

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Ihan ok haastattelu yhtiöstä.

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Enpä ollut huomannukkaan että Everfuelille on myös Inderesillä oma ketju, päivitelläänpä sitten uutisia.

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Tuossa syy tämän päivän laskuun. Jota en kyllä ymmärrä… niin kuin en ymmärtänyt kyllä tuota edellistä nousuakaan ja syyytä siihen :upside_down_face:

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Vai voiko tuossa olla joku -14% verran epämiellyttävä henkilö :thinking: ei oo mulle tuttuja.

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Once the Fehmarn Belt is connecting the road transport between Denmark and Germany, many heavy-duty trucks will be passing through Vordingborg. In order to offer a climate-friendly alternative to trucks powered by fossil-fuels, Everfuel builds a hydrogen station to accommodate the need for emission-free and fast fuelling.

The location in Vordingborg is a part of the Trans European Transport Network (TEN-T) which includes the most important connections and links the most important nodes across the European Union. The importance of the location will grow in the coming years, in particular with the Fehmarn Belt, and securing the location for a station now is the foresight needed to build a sustainable infrastructure for mobility.

“Working with Vordingborg Municipality and Business Vordingborg on this project has been a real pleasure, as they are willing to walk the green talk by making the shift toward fossil-free mobility. We are excited to having the location secured and we look forward to serving both passenger vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles. We will work with Vordingborg to continuously decarbonise transportation at scale,” says Lars Jakobsen, Sales Director at Everfuel.

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