Hexagon Purus AS

Toimittaakohan Purus Nikolalle tankit? Joskus oli Nikolan langassa puhetta ja kuviakin, missä näkyi Hexagonin tankit. Nikolan myynnillä nyt ei ainakaan toistaiseksi ole suurta merkitystä, mut ehkä joskus:)

1 tykkäys

Kyllä toimittaa. Nikolalla on käsittääkseni jo nyt reipas 200 tilausta Tre FCEV mallista ja valmistuskapasiteetin pitäisi kohota luokkaan 1200 rekkaa per vuosi, joten aivan merkityksetön se ei suinkaan ole.

Jos ko. pulju saa skaalattua tuotantonsa eikä mene konkkaan tai joku kähvellä rahoja tjsp normaalia start up juttuja…

Edit: Nikola siis aloitti sarjatuotannon vissiin nyt syyskuussa, joten kyllä sieltä liikevaihtoa alkaa pikkuhiljaa kertymään.

1 tykkäys

Hylane ostaa 78 polttokennorekkaa lisää, toimittajina Iveco ja Hyundai. Tietääkö kukaan käyttääkö kumpikaan Hexagonin tankkeja?

3 tykkäystä

Pari juttua koskien Hexagonia. Yritys on kyllä hyvin asemoitunut raskaan liikenteen sähköistymisessä.

Tämä OEM on pohjois-amerikan Daimler. Iso juttu! Toivottavasti ei käy Nikolat…

Vetybusseja on alkanut mennä kiihtyvällä tahdilla. Solaris tilannut Ballardilta lisää kennoja.

5 tykkäystä

Q-rapsa ulkona. Vahvaa suorittamista.

Hexagon Purus ASA: Results for the third quarter 2023

Selected key developments in Q3 2023 and after balance sheet date:

  • All-time high quarterly revenue of NOK 380 million in the third quarter of 2023, corresponding to a year-over-year revenue growth of 71%. Consequently, revenue year-to-date as of the third quarter of 2023 was NOK 954 million, up 61% year-over-year
  • Received purchase orders in October worth EUR 6.4 million from Solaris for delivery of hydrogen fuel storage systems for transit buses to be deployed in Italy
  • Inaugurated the Company’s new state-of-the-art hydrogen cylinder production hub in Kassel, Germany
  • Entered into a 10-year lease agreement for a vehicle integration facility in Dallas, Texas to support the two major vehicle integrations contracts announced in 2023
  • Exited the quarter with order backlog consisting of firm purchase orders of approximately NOK 1.1 billion

“We have just reported another strong quarter, keeping us on track to deliver on our ambitious 2025 targets. We have continued growing our revenue, and most importantly, secured additional customer contracts in this quarter that will further strengthen our diversified customer portfolio”, says Morten Holum, CEO of Hexagon Purus. “At the same time, we are nearing the end of an ambitious capacity expansion program, which will give us five brand new production facilities to operate in 2024 and provide sufficient capacity to deliver on current customer demand”.

In the third quarter of 2023, Hexagon Purus (“the Company” or “the Group”) generated NOK 380 million in revenue, the highest quarterly revenue on record. This corresponds to revenue growth of 71% from NOK 222 million in the third quarter of 2022. Hydrogen infrastructure solutions continues to be the main driver of growth, coupled with increasing activity within mobility applications, hereunder heavy-duty vehicles and transit bus as well as aerospace. Total operating expenses in the third quarter of 2023 ended at NOK 496 (315) million, leading to an operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) of NOK -116 (-92) million.

Total assets at the end of the third quarter of 2023 amounted to NOK 3 786 (2 636) million. The year-over-year increase in total assets is mainly driven by increases to property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets as a result of the Company’s ongoing capacity expansion program. Increases in equity and non-current liabilities in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the third quarter of 2022 is mainly driven by the NOK 800 million (gross) convertible bond issuance in March 2023, and an increase in lease liabilities related to production facilities and equipment as part of the Company’s ongoing capacity expansion program. At the quarter-end, the Company had a satisfactory equity ratio of 56% (68%).

Net cash flow from operating activities in the third quarter of 2023 was NOK -284 (-133) million, of which NOK 152 (58) million was due to an increase in net working capital. Net cash flow from investing activities was NOK -117 (-94) million in the third quarter of 2023, of which NOK 102 million is investments in production equipment and facilities related to the ongoing capacity expansion program. Net cash flow from financing in the third quarter of 2023 was NOK -21 (-2) million. The majority of the outflow from financing is related to lease payments, which in the third quarter of 2023 amounted to NOK -16 (-7) million.

Cash and cash equivalents ended at NOK 566 (481) million.


Hexagon Purus’ customer interactions are positively influenced by the strong legislative tailwinds, and customer demand for the Company’s products and services is expected to further accelerate going forward. Hexagon Purus has been successful in securing several long-term agreements recently, which gives the Company confidence in its medium to long-term targets.

Hexagon Purus’ order backlog, consisting of firm customer purchase orders, stood at approximately NOK 1.1 billion as of the third quarter of 2023, with the majority of the orderbook scheduled for execution in 2024. Order intake for 2024 has been strong after the balance sheet date, adding approximately NOK 130 million in additional orders during October. With its recent commercial success, Hexagon Purus has a strong and diversified portfolio of long-term agreements across several applications supporting the Company’s medium and long-term targets. As more of these long-term agreements comes online and customer purchase orders are released as part of the long-term agreements, the Company expect corresponding growth in the order backlog, although order intake will fluctuate from quarter to quarter. For 2023, the Company expects revenue growth of approximately 50% year-over-year.

With several growth initiatives underway, including building production capacity and organizational capabilities to support customer launch activities and expected market demand in the coming years in North America, Europe and Asia, Hexagon Purus is in the investment phase of its development. Such investments are expected to impact profitability over the near-to-medium term. The relative EBITDA margin is expected to significantly improve year-over-year, but EBITDA will continue to be impacted by ramp-up of the organization and production facilities. Negative EBITDA for full-year 2023 is expected to widen by approximately 10% compared to full-year 2022 EBITDA.

8 tykkäystä

Lisäoptio 25 bussille. Toimitukset alkaa ensi vuonna ja viimeiset toimitettu vuonna 2025.

2 tykkäystä

Jotakin vetypaskaa taas myyty noin 10 miljoonan € edestä:

Hexagon Purus receives order to deliver hydrogen distribution systems to a leading player within the green hydrogen ecosystem

(Oslo, [3 December 2023](calendar:T2:3 December 2023)) Hexagon Purus, a world leading manufacturer of zero emission mobility and infrastructure solutions, has received purchase orders for the delivery of hydrogen distribution systems to a leading player within the green hydrogen ecosystem, worth approximately EUR 9.6 million. Hexagon Purus’ hydrogen distribution systems, including its type 4 hydrogen cylinders, will be used to deliver green hydrogen to industrial applications in Central Europe.

Driving Energy Transformation

“There is a growing need to move hydrogen around, and our distribution systems are significantly more cost-effective than traditional metal tube transportation solutions. We expect demand for our systems to gain further momentum as green hydrogen increasingly becomes part of the hydrogen mix”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP Hydrogen Infrastructure & Mobility at Hexagon Purus.

About the market

The industrial and mobility sectors account for close to 50% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in hard-to-abate sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in industrial processes and mobility is critical to reduce carbon emissions.

As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps. USD 320 billion in direct investments into hydrogen projects have been announced through 2030 and more than 1,000 hydrogen projects have been announced globally to date. Green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world’s energy needs by 2050.


Delivery of the hydrogen systems is scheduled from Q2 2024 to Q3 2024.

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: [+47 909 82 242](tel:+47 909 82 242) | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Eli Turander, Global Communications Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: [+47 953 35 795](tel:+47 953 35 795) | eli.turander@hexagonpurus.com

About Hexagon Purus

Hexagon Purus enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus’ products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

8 tykkäystä

Taloudellisesti ei juuri nyt ole väliä, mutta onpahan jalka oven välissä. Ford on isoksi autovalmistajaksi aika myöhään liikenteessä vedyn suhteen, mutta heidän hybridimalliston kova menekki on osoittanut että yhtiö kykenee menestyksekkäästi uudistamaan mallistoaan. Saas nähdä kuinka hyvin heidän raskas puoli toimii uusien haasteiden edessä.

Hexagon Purus awarded purchase order by Ford Trucks to deliver a hydrogen fuel storage system for their prototype heavy-duty truck

(Oslo, 7 December 2023) Hexagon Purus, a world leading supplier of zero-emission infrastructure and mobility solutions, has been awarded a purchase order by Ford Trucks to deliver a complete hydrogen fuel storage system for development of a Fuel Cell Electric-Powered Vehicle (FCEV) F-MAX as part of the Horizon Europe project ZEFES (Zero Emission Freight EcoSystem), a zero-emission logistics deployment project in which Ford Trucks participates with the vision of pioneering future transportation solutions. As a partner in project ZEFES, a pan-European project specifically targeting decarbonization of long-haul heavy-duty trucking in Europe, Ford Trucks will develop and deliver a fuel cell electric heavy-duty prototype F-MAX truck that will operate as part of a larger fleet of zero-emission trucks collecting data from real-world operations.

The F-MAX FCEV will be Ford Trucks’ first fuel cell-powered vehicle, developed and manufactured in Turkey, and will begin European Ten-T corridor demonstrations in 2025 as part of the ZEFES project goals.

Driving Energy Transformation

“We focus our investment, R&D and innovation efforts in line with our global electrification strategy to be a leading player in the decarbonization transformation happening in the automotive industry”, says Ford Trucks’ Vice President Emrah Duman. “We are very happy to have the support from Hexagon Purus as an experienced partner in our development plan of a fuel-cell electric heavy-duty truck as part of project ZEFES”.

“We are using our in-depth knowledge of lightweight, reliable and safe hydrogen storage technology to help Ford Trucks pave the way for fuel-cell electric long-haul heavy-duty trucking in Europe”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP of Hexagon Purus. “We are excited to be selected by Ford Trucks to support their development plan as part of project ZEFES”.

About the market

The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reducing carbon emissions.

As a part of Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding program for research and innovation to tackle global challenges, project ZEFES aims specifically at addressing the decarbonization of long-haul heavy-duty freight across Europe. The project will deploy a total of nine different long-haul truck configurations split into six battery electric- and three fuel-cell electric trucks. The nine trucks will operate for 15 months and collect up to one million kilometers of driving data from real-world operations. With 40 partners from 14 countries and a total investment program of EUR 35.5 million, project ZEFES will bring together the road transport value chain to move the transportation sector one step closer to EU’s Green Deal emission targets.


Delivery of the complete hydrogen storage system is scheduled for Q1 2024.

For more information:

Elinor Turander, Global Communication Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 953 35 795 I eli.turander@hexagonpurus.com

Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

About Ford Trucks:
Ford’s only heavy commercial brand, Ford Trucks produces a range of vehicles including tractors, construction trucks, and distribution trucks weighing over 16 tons. Our ‘2019 International Truck of the Year (IToY)’ award-winning F-MAX has brought critical acclaim and high global demand. Ford commercial vehicles’ proven track record of quality, durability, and efficiency underpins Ford Trucks’ international product strategy based on the best total cost of ownership promise. At Ford Trucks, we combine more than half a century of design and production experience with expertise in market-specific product development, to engineer the main components of our vehicles, including the all-new engines. We currently operate across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the CIS, and continue to grow our international network on 3 continents. Hundreds of thousands of trucks all around the world set out each and every day with the confidence that Ford provides. For more information about Ford Trucks and its products worldwide, please visit www.fordtrucksglobal.com.

About Hexagon Purus
Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus’ products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

@kimsku Kiitti vinkistä! Nyt jo 4 seuraajaa… :wink:

4 tykkäystä

Inderesillä pystyy nykyään seuraamaan norjalaisia yhtiöitä. Hexagon Puruksella on jo 2 seuraajaa. :slight_smile: Tiedotteet ei mee ohi ja linkki helpompi niin ei tartte copypastee kokonaa.

5 tykkäystä

New Flyerille 108 vetybussin tilaus. Alkaa olla ihan jees kokoluokkaa Puruksenkin kannalta.

Nyt odotellaan mitä Nikola saa aikaiseksi, tulisiko sieltä joku ylläri :grimacing:

5 tykkäystä

Toimii kuin junan vessa.

Joten tässä linkkiä uusimpaan kauppaan perinteisesti titteriin:

Britteihin 3 miljoonan kauppa.

4 tykkäystä

Hexagon jakelee avoautoja ja Bondeja tjsp

Hexagon Purus ASA – Hexagon Purus launches convertible bond private placement of up to approximately NOK 1,000 million, with pre-commitments of NOK 850 million from strategic investors Mitsui, Hy24 and Hexagon Composites.

Proceeds will support Hexagon Purus’s growth strategy including its ongoing global capacity expansion program for hydrogen infrastructure and mobility and battery systems and vehicle integration solutions
Existing strategic investors Mitsui and Hexagon Composites are joined by Hy24, the world’s largest clean hydrogen pure-play investor
The three investors bring access to knowledge and networks across the hydrogen value chain

2 tykkäystä

The conversion price is expected to be set at a 25% premium to the volume-weighted average share price of the Company (the “VWAP ”) on the Oslo Stock Exchange of the 45 trading days up to and including today

  • siihen päälle warrantit ja 10% korko
  • min sijoitus 5M NOK
  • vaarana on uusi ATL
3 tykkäystä

Pidän melko varmana, että uuden ATL:n syntymistä saadaan todistaa. Sen verran heikkoa on sentimentti ATM tässä sektorissa. Toisaalta kapasiteettia pitää kasvattaa, joten valuutalle on tarvetta… Hy24:n ukko liittyy Puruksen BOD:n tarkkailijaksi. Purus tavoittelee edelleen break eveniä vuonna 2025. :upside_down_face:

2 tykkäystä

Katselin vwap anchored 19.10. lähtien, se on noin 10 NOK

2 tykkäystä

Sisäpiiriläinen osti osakkeita. Luokkaa karkkirahaa

Mandatory Notification of Trade by Primary Insider

(Oslo, Norway, 21 December 2023) Espen Gundersen, Chaiman of Hexagon Purus ASA (“Hexagon Purus”), has today purchased 25,000 shares in Hexagon Purus at an average price of NOK 10.51 per share. Following the transaction, Espen Gundersen holds 45,619 shares in Hexagon Purus.

2 tykkäystä

Minimissään 17 miljoonaa euroa. Toimitus Q1-Q4 -24. Ensi vuosi tulee olemaan vahva vuosi. Wen kannattavaksi? -25?

4 tykkäystä


Ainakin osa noista kennoista menee New Flyerin busseihin.

Nikolalla lähtenyt vetyrekkojen diilaus ihan jees käyntiin. Mukava lisä liikevaihtoon nuo, koska on ihan uutta liiketoimintaa. En tiedä milloin toimitukset, mutta tuon HVIPin saaminen edellyyttää ostotoimeksiantoa.

2 tykkäystä

Mitäs ajatuksia herättää? Toki melko pieniä summia, mutta toisaalta ei voi tietää ihmisen tulotasoja jne.

2 tykkäystä

Parempihan tuo kun ostaa, ettei myy näillä hinnoilla :slight_smile: Mikäköhän tuo ylimääräinen yhtiökokous 11.1 mahtaa olla?

2 tykkäystä