Hyzon Motors - Vetyvallankumous raskaalle liikenteelle

Taisin kirjoittaa hieman epäselvästi. Syksyllä toimittivat valkoisen Aberdeen roska-auton. Tämä punainen kompakti on varmasti uudempi jo tankkausasemankin perusteella.

8 tykkäystä

Minäkin yhdistin aluksi tähän punaiseen, kunnes sit huomasin et siellä alempana oli se valkoinenkin malli :laughing: jos toissapäivään mennessä 42 kasassa niin aika pahalta näyttää… Jätetäänkö tästä nyt jotain tarkoituksella pois jostain kumman syystä vai onko se todellisuus vain näin karua… Henkilökohtaisesti olisin uskonut tuon tavoitteen täyttyvän, ei tässä auta muu kuin odotella sitä virallista tietoa… En itse uskalla myynti kannallekaan näillä hinnoilla lähteä (eri asia jos osakkeen hinta olisi nyt 7-8$ välillä) jos sieltä sattuu jotain positiivista yllätystä tulemaan niin odottelen ennemmin, vaikka toimitusmäärä jäisikin tavoitteesta, on se tuleva vuosi silti nousujohteinen toimitusten suhteen :pray:

5 tykkäystä

Eikös se joku toimituskin raportoitu viikon-puolitoista jälkikäteen? Niin ei kait tuo mahdotonta olisi, että vielä ensi viikolla esim tulisi tietoa viime hetkillä toimitetuista. :thinking:

6 tykkäystä

Varauksella pitää tietty myös suhtautua tuohon “tietoon”, että kyseessä olisi auto numero 42 jos/kun Hyzon ei näitä kerro. Tosin myös Craig Knight seuraa tuota EV Spacs Twitter-tiliä…mutta tiedä näistä…

7 tykkäystä

I added for my own tally the Freightliner, which would make 43. If the Mercedes truck did go to Aberdeen, that would be 44. Would be perfect near target if we can really add the “50 pcs.”

The sad part is any other startup with 0 sales would just have to mention Geesinknorba or Woodside or Oxagon to :rocket: for a fantastic quarter. No analyst has even addressed any of those contracts or MOUs. Surely we will be rewarded after this consolidation.

9 tykkäystä

You are right, must be just patient and wait good news, these are coming :slightly_smiling_face:

2 tykkäystä

Kopioitu suoraan jääpuikkojen sivuilta.

“Meillä on oikeus mielipiteisiimme ja oikeus ilmaista mielipiteemme julkisella foorumilla. Uskomme, että mielipiteidemme julkaiseminen tutkimistamme julkisista yhtiöistä on yleisen edun mukaista.
Tämä raportti ja kaikki sen sisältämät lausunnot ovat Icebergin mielipiteitä, eivätkä ne ole tosiasioita.
Voit käyttää julkisesti kaikkia tässä raportissa mainittuja todisteita tai joihin luotimme tämän raportin kirjoittamisessa.
Kaikki mielipiteenilmaukset voivat muuttua ilman erillistä ilmoitusta, eikä Iceberg sitoudu päivittämään tai täydentämään mitään raportteja tai niiden sisältämiä tietoja, analyyseja ja mielipiteitä.”

Saa liputtaa, siirtää parempaan talteen tai vaikka printata oman jääkaapin oveen muistuttamaan tämän firman mahtavuudesta :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hyvää uutta vuotta!

31 tykkäystä

Happy New Year! The “50 pcs” is amazing information from an insider. Actually surprised he was not asked to delete it. The market’s lack of response so far is confusing though and makes me wonder. But his quote “500-1000 pcs” matches the official statement for Hyzon Europe: “The facility opened in March 2021, and has a capacity of up to 500 trucks per year. In 2022, the company expects to increase capacity to up to 1,000 trucks per year through operational updates and the addition of a second shift.”https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hyzon-motors-europe-manufacturing-facility-capable-of-producing-825-hydrogen-powered-fuel-cell-electric-vehicles-per-year-301399766.html

11 tykkäystä

No tommosia “pienoiskuorma-autoja” mitä näissä kaikissa Hyzonin
kuvissakin näkyy, vastaavia kyllä varmaan saa siihen hintaan.
Mutta se nyt oli vaan esimerkki hinta tasojen erosta.

Tuossa roskisautossa lienee päällirakenteen osuus reilusti yli puolet.
vertailuksi Vetopöytäauto samalta merkiltä.

Tämä hinnan vertailu on vaikeaa.
Verrataanko hinnat alkaen mallia vai malliston lippulaivaa.
Verrataanko tehtaan ulosmyynti hintaa pelkällä alustalla, vai
työhön valmista päällirakennettua versiota, maahantuojan, jälleenmyyjän, ja päällirakentajan kulut hintaan lisättynä.
Riippumatta siitä mikä voimalinja on kyseessä.

4 tykkäystä

Etkä ilmeisesti ottanut huomioon eri alkuvaiheen tukirahoja, joita vetykäyttöisille ajoneuvoille on tulossa (jotta niihin skaalaetuuhin joskus päästään). Ilman näitä tukia laajempi käyttöönotto tuskin tapahtuu, mutta toisaalta moni (myös Hyzon, ks. sijoittajapresis) pitää näiden tuloa käytännössä varmana, ainakin joissain osissa maailmaa. Ja siihenhän nämä tuet tähtäävät, että vedystä saadaan kilpailukykyinen vaihtoehto suurelle osalle toimijoita, minkä avulla tuotanto laajenee ja hinnat tippuvat.

Dieselin kanssa ei siis tarvitse olla samalla hintatasolla, kuin vasta parin-kolmen vuoden päästä.

15 tykkäystä

Vastaus saapui: “We will announce shipments for Q4 soon” :pray:
Edit: Laittoi toisen viestin perään jossa kertoi, ettei voi tarjota mitään “ei julkista” tietoa tästä asiasta. Mikä on hyvin ymmärrettävää :slightly_smiling_face:

53 tykkäystä

Ja pitää muistaa, että tämä on myös vahva brändi/maine -asia, minkä vuoksi monet isommat yritykset ovat valmiita maksamaan tässä vaiheessa extraa.

Lisäksi kohderyhmänä tässä vaiheessa ei todellakaan ole mitkään yhden hengen/nupin yritykset.

Monilla kuljetusyhtiöiden (suur)asiakkaillakin alkaa varmaan jo olemaan sopimuksissa/tarjouspyynnöissä vaatimuksena, että kuljetukset pitää osin hoitaa hiilineutraalisti.

Eli kyllä tätä muutosta ajaa paljon isommat voimat kuin yksityisyrittäjien maksukyky.

22 tykkäystä

Sitä pohdinkin että kompensaatioita/tukia pitää tulla, muuten ei lähde homma etenemään.
Se jääkin sitten nähtäväksi minkälainen tukihimmeli tähän keksitään. Ja kelle se hyöty valuu…

1 tykkäys

Here is the translation. It also discusses the subsidy issue, which is substantial “80%” in Germany (and we also saw recent large subsidies passed in the Netherlands):


Hyzon, transport tesla of the future!

We are the main settlement of the Netherlands. Winschoten Hyzon Motors Europe has begun building hydrogen trucks. Carl Holthausen and his son Max are working with Groninger’s sobriety to make the world’s huge transport fleet greener. This spring, Hyzon took to Wall Street and raised $540 million to start producing Hyzon in Europe.

In Winschoten, the seed for a revolution in the transport world is laid in relative peace. Hyzon Motors Europe has started the construction of hydrogen trucks there carefully. With great conviction, Father Carl Holthausen and his son Max are working with Groninger’s sobriety to make the world’s huge parking lot greener.

The exit to the factory complex in Winschoten, which was built on the foundations of the old Groninger straw plate industry, is sometimes overlooked. “Then customers and relatives call and say they can’t find it,” Carl Holthausen (47) says smirking. Another very small player in the world of transport compared to industrial giants like DAF, Mercedes and Scania, we are not against it.

Director of Hyzon Motors Europe. Investors indeed see the potential for hydrogen and fuel cell-powered trucks, which are justified in the pursuit of emission-free traffic on a global level. Hyzon took to Wall Street this spring and raised $540 million.

There are now two production halls in Winschot, where the production of hyzon trucks will significantly increase in the coming months. based on DAF and Mercedes raw-building chassis, an electric drive including hydrogen tanks was added Hyzons technology has now been developed so that a range of 850 kilometers, i.e. 850 kilometers can be reached, for the Pro duction of hyzon in europe. Hydrogen is considered the nearest choice in logistics, where the obvious choice lies in logistics, where batteries seem to be the preferred choice in passenger transport. Holthausen is happy about the support of investors: “The money gives us the strength to quickly realize and further expand our plans. “ But there are also options with a smaller action radius, for example, for public service. Eventually, a canal cleaner or a dump truck can fill up more often. Due to the increasing number of applications, the recruitment of staff is at a rapid pace. By the end of 2021 up to 100 employees will be employed, which will be gradually increased to 300, the province of Groningen is also ready. But that first step. “It’s hard to find people,” Carl Holthausen agrees. “We are looking for professionals and they usually already have a job. The advantage is, however, that it has never been worked with hydrogen before, so basically everyone starts at the same level of knowledge. In cooperation with the Noorderpoort College, we have established a company training course and hope that it is attractive for people who want to learn as a professional. Orders are gradually going in. New Zealand has bought 1500 hydrogen-powered trucks, an Austrian company has ordered seventy trucks, Dutch governments have placed orders. The municipality of Groningen has ordered ten trucks for the different municipal services or on order. The first Hyzon vehicles will also be approved. Demand will increase successfully as the production numbers are expanded and the legislation insists the logistics world in the future to transport goods, greenhouse gas emissions, supply systems. The challenge is m to promote f For hydrogen trucks. The European transport industry with great interest in the production of diesel engines is a lot in it with the lobby stronger,” says Holthausen, who is slightly frustrated to admit.
He points to the slow progress in education, there are still a few plans to introduce a transmission for electric hydrogen trucks. “In case of stimulus, the Netherlands is far behind,” he says. The cost price of hydrogen trucks is a lot higher than that of a diesel truck. "We promote a transmission regulation, such as electric cars, to be able to realize the transition to hydrogen trucks, and thus a significant contribution to the to provide emission-free traffic. “Emission-free is in everyone’s mouth, there are judgments from Urgenda and against Shell, but there is a lack of action. “waiting for an important decision from the new government,” he said. “The price of hydrogen trucks is still high and can only be reduced with subsidies.” As with electric cars, it runs great. Look at the sales numbers of Tesla and now other car manufacturers, but I have the impression that the logistics are forgotten Holthausen referred to Germany. 80 percent of the extra costs of a hydrogen truck will be refunded. "This is a meaningful one. But we’re dealing with a huge diesel market. Then not only the wishes of the customers in the logistics world are enough to go green. Too bad nothing will be done now. “ The availability of hydrogen is another problem, but according to Holthausen, it can be solved quickly . The number of gas stations is growing slowly but surely. “It’s the story of the henna egg. First there must be hydrogen trucks to expand the number of gas stations. But I’m convinced that with the increasing use of the hydrogen trucks, it will quickly come to a restock. “The Holthausen family has been working with industrial and medicinal materials, fuel and other related services since 1945 from Hoogezand in the northern Netherlands. Carl Holthausen started, among other things, hydrogen stations and also started working with fuel cells. Consequently, Holthausen Clean Technology founded, a partner of Hyzon Motors Europe. For his movements, he says, “Optimizing efficiency to build even more economical vehicles, that’s my thing.” I prefer to sit in a workshop with our people and think about how to make things better and smarter can make little more hydrogen efficiency. Together with his son Max (23), he converted a Tesla into a Hesla in 2017. This is what they wanted to show the world the possibilities of hydrogen. With a so-called ‘Range Extender on top to the current Battery Pack’, they could at least double Tesla’s reach of around 400 kilometers. The comparison with Tesla and founder Elon Musk is more frequent. Holthausen is sometimes also referred to as Groninger Musk. He thinks the comparison is wrong. As a sober Nordic countryman, he absolutely doesn’t want to compare himself to this. But he also says, " Sometimes it can be fast.” Ten years ago Musk was still building electric roadsters, and not many were sold. First then he brought the model S on the market. "And look where he stands now He could have taken his ideas where Hyzon could produce cheaper and the domestic market is bigger, but Groningen as the cradle of his hydrogen truck factory was a well thought out and heart-trocked Choice. “I am proud of the Netherlands and even more proud of the North.” I hope that we will rediscover the idea of having our own manufacturing industry. “I’m from the north and everything we need to make hydrogen technology successful is just around the corner,” says Radiant.
He points to the gas industry, which employs 20,000 people, who will soon be ready to use natural gas. Nothing is easier, so Holthausen, than to convert the earth gas network to green hydrogen, which is extracted from green power from offshore wind parks and solar parks. In his opinion, hydrogen can even be made from waste and plastic. He says that 80 companies are already working in and around Groningen.
with hydrogen solutions up to hydrogen-powered central heating boiler. " Groningen is an energy region and can continue to fulfill this task with green energy . That’s why Hyzon Motors Europe is and remains here . We are the outlet for the Netherlands. "

35 tykkäystä

This was very interested letter/review of the Hyzon Motors Europe and family Holthausen. Thanks !
Some topic

  • two production halls in Winschoten
  • 100 additional employees, total to 300, a company training course people who want to learn as a professional
  • production of hyzon trucks based on DAF and Mercedes raw-building chassis. This was new information that they will use also Mercedes chassis?
  • Germany. 80 percent of the extra costs of a hydrogen truck will be refunded. This is absolutely great and hope that also other countries will made also such decisions.
21 tykkäystä

Excellent summaries. There is one Hyzon Mercedes chassis that has been tweeted about for Aberdeen, Scotland since Q2. No confirmation of final delivery yet, which would be #44 for 2021 in my tally.https://twitter.com/carlholthausen/status/1426901765220339714?s=21.

I am amazed/impressed that a company expanding so fast has not announced funding, and instead is planning for a buyback. Still could be dilution down the line or warrants, but it shows some attention to shareholders. I hope I am not over-dreaming to think the expansion is being sustained by enough cash position after revenues and expenses.

15 tykkäystä

Edit: Related to this upcoming announcement, if someone can take a look at the interesting options activity, I would be interested to hear your thoughts. Or maybe too early to draw conclusions?

Thank you for the biggest news this year so far. (Sometimes it relieves anxiety just to know the CEO is ok. For instance, he is now in dealings with some very powerful folks.) Still leaves us wondering if it is huge good or huge bad. And also what is the company strategy and investor strategy if the lock-up period is expiring. But at least we can hopefully be priced in before ER and reduce any bigger shocks. Outlook must surely be positive regardless. The Senior Accountant posted not negatively about the past year as well.

8 tykkäystä

Isn’t this the same mercedes trucks?

Hyvä nähdä että näitä runkoja on useampia. Nämä kaikki on varmaan menossa Geesinknorballe. Sinnehän oli menossa VÄHINTÄÄN 300 jätteenkeräysajoneuvoa 3 vuoden aikana.

22 tykkäystä

That tweet was well spotted!
And best thing is that Daimler = Freightliner!
They have this chassis already in North America:

So that’s true, looks like HYZON have collab with MB or Freightliner. These trucks can be found Hyzons catalog for NZ/AUZ Hyzon Vehicles | Zero Emission, Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles | Hyzon Motors - Hyzon Motors |
Electric garbage truck have 200km range but I can not tell what is in real life use, I guess range will be less than tht. Hope hydrogen work better…

En ollut aikaisemmin kiinnittänyt tuohon uutiseen huomiota kun ajattelin että eihän nämä roskis koneet isoa siivua tee mutta saatoin olla väärässä. Tuo Superior Pak kenen kanssa nää koneet ilmeisesti on luotu Mersun alustaa hyödyntäen ajaa vihreätä siirtymää Australiassa roskis vehkeisiin. Tykkäävät käyttää seuraavia runkoja:

Liikevaihto firmalla vaan 53miljuunaa eli ei mikään mahdoton lafka mutta lafka kuitenkin.

17 tykkäystä