Q1 tulos julkaistaan ma 13.5.
Mielenkiintoista nähdä, kuinka suuri vaikutus tällä tulee olemaan tulevaisuudessa:
En tiedä seuraako tätä kukaan enään mutta tässä olisi q1 tulos.
First quarter 2024 Revenue of $10.0 million as compared to no revenue in the prior-year period.
Investing.comin mukaan odotuksena oli 1.75 M liikevaihto, joten tältä osin näyttää nyt hyvälle.
EPS odotus oli samaisen lähteen mukaan -0,17 joten siltä osin myös meni odotuksia paremmin - tosin reilu liikevaihtoylitys ei näköjään auttanut enempää.
Completed five 200kW C-sample Fuel Cell Systems (FCS) in Q1 and five additional 200kW FCSs in April, remaining on track for Start of Production (SOP) of 200kW FCS in second half of 2024
Odotukset taitavat nyt monelta osin olla tässä. Joten ei mitään uutta, ja tässä tapauksessa se lienee hyvä asia.
Successfully completed four-month refuse truck trial with REMONDIS Australia, converting to full vehicle sale
Hyvä että testi on muuntunut myynniksi. Pitää lukea tarkemmin läpi että montako rekkaa nyt myytiin sillä 10 M liikevaihtoa oli kuitenkin.
As of March 31, 2024, unrestricted cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments were $82.6 million, representing a net cash burn of $29.6 million from the December 31, 2024 balance of $112.3 million. Net cash burn, excluding the $8.5 million first SEC settlement payment and approximately $2.9 million in proceeds received from the sale of the Company’s Rochester facility, came to $24.0 million for the first quarter of 2024.
Jossain vaiheessa taitaa rahat loppua kesken, mutta ehkäpä saa vielä lisää??
Ei uskalla sanoa että hyvä tästä tulee, mutta enemmän luottoa tähän nyt on kuin vaikkapa vuosi sitten. Nyt sitä liikevaihtoa pitäisi sitten puskea oikein huolella.
Jos tämä toteutuu, niin se olisi oikeansuuntainen alku toimituksille. Q1 meni 8 rekkaa ja jos H2:lla menee 20-40, niin se antaisi yhtiölle selvän suunnan, jossa kasvua oikeasti tapahtuu ja investoijilla olisi syytä rahoittaa vaikka osakeannissa.
Nämä näyttävät huomattavasti realistisemmilta ennusteilta kuin 2021, jolloin ennustettiin että 2022 aikana toimitetaan 800+ ajoneuvoa… Jotenkin näin jälkikäteen ei yllätä lukea tällaista. Hyvä että Craig Knight laitettiin kadulle.
Tämä Hyzon tuntuu olevan sellainen seireenimäinen exä, jonka luota lähtee aina turpa verillä ja silmä mustana, mutta joka aina näyttää paremmalta kaukaa katsottuna ja jonka luokse haikailee sitten kun on viimein päässyt pihalle. Tämä ei ole tervettä. Pitäisi varmaan mennä hoitoon tai terapiaan: Vai mitä, @Sijoittaja-alokas? Mennäänkö yhdessä?
Kyllä pariterapiasta voisi olla apua - tai ryhmäterapiasta. Tai jos vaikka lähdettäisiin liikkeelle yhdistyksellä Vedyn Uhrit tms.
KL pääkirjoitus eilen avasi hyvin tukalaa tilannettamme:
Sieltä ote:
''Ilmoitetuista hankkeista ei ole puutetta. Muutama viikko sitten Maailman energiajärjestön WEC:n kongressissa Rotterdamissa konsulttiyhtiö PwC kertoi, että maailmanlaajuisesti vuosien 2020–2023 aikana on ilmoitettu kaikkiaan lähes 2 000 puhdasta tai vähähiilistä vetyprojekteja eli yhteensä 840 gigawattia.
Mutta, kuten PwC toteaa, “ilmoitettu” ei todellakaan ole sama asia kuin rakennettu. Riskinä on, että näitä hankkeita ei saada koskaan tehtyä.
Ainoastaan 15 gigawattia hankkeista on edennyt investoinnin päätösasteelle ja maailmanlaajuisesti käytössä on vasta vain yksi (1) gigawatti elektrolysaattorikapasiteettia. Tämä riittää tuottamaan noin 80 000 tonnia uusiutuvaa vetyä, kun vuoteen 2030 mennessä tarvittaisiin 100 miljoonaa tonnia puhdasta vetyä Pariisin ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.'’
Visiot ja lupaukset olivat suuria. Vetytalous toimi hyvin kalvoilla ja monet yritykset lähtivät kehittämään liiketoimintaansa kohti muutaman vuoden takaisia visioita. Ja nyt koko ala on lähinnä koomassa. Vihreää vetyä tarvittaisiin tolkuttomasti lisää, jotta eri käyttöalueet saataisiin liikkeelle. Raskas liikenne tarvitsisi tankkausasemia ja riittävän kilpailukykyistä vetyä. Ollaan edelleen pitkälti muna-kana vaiheessa. Investointeja pantataan viimeiseen saakka, viranomaisten/päättäjien puheet edelleen paljolti puheita. USAn tuotantotuki yhä auki, liekö jo kolmatta vuotta. Korot, sodat, halpa öljy jne. Vaikea päästä kriittisiin vetymassoihin, kun on edulllista ja turvallista jatkaa vanhaan malliin…
Kuuntelin juuri EU vaaleihin liittyvää haastattelua Espanjasta. Yllätyin, että vain reilut 25% äänestäjistä piti ympäristöasioita vaalien tärkeimpänä teemana. Siellä kuitenkin raportoitu kovista helteistä, kuivuudesta ym. Taitaa olla aika yleinen tilanne muuallakin, että ympäristön tila alkaa hukkua muiden murheiden alle. Haastavammaksi menee myös USAssa, jos trumpetti voittaa vaalit.
Tuo käyttövelvoite olisi tod näk hyvä ajatus. Tavalla tai toisella alalle olisi saatava porkkanoita ja toisaalta saastuttajille lisää keppiä. Puhtaalla markkina- ja kvartaalitaloudella tämä homma ei onnistu missään kohtuuajassa.
Mutta joo, kyllä itekin edelleen vilkuilen Hyzonin - ja Nikolankin suuntaan, vaikka ei enää salkuissa olekaan. On se sääli, ettei länsimaissa ole saatu näitä rekkoja tulille nopeammin. Taitaa Sveitsi olla ainoa länsimaa, missä liikenteessä on merkittävä määrä vetyrekkoja. Oli se taas karmea meteli ja krääsä, kun hiljattain katselin satamasta purkautuvia rekkajonoja…
Mutta pidetään toivoa yllä ja seurataan asioiden kehittymistä.
Earnings call.
Muutama poiminta alusta.
We recognized first quarter of 2024 revenue of $10 million compared to no revenue in the comparable prior year period. This revenue was primarily driven by customer acceptance of 10 coach buses deployed to Fortescue Metals Group in Australia last year…
We do want to remind investors that we expect lumpiness in our revenue recognition in the near term, as the majority of our commercial agreements have some form of risk share such as a buyback guarantee, which impacts timing and treatment of revenue recognition.
Additionally, we have continued to advance our capital raise, working with a financial adviser of potential investment and strategic alternatives to support our commercialization…
Since the last week of January, the PFG fleet has made more than 1,575 deliveries and traveled nearly 23,000 miles with approximately 2,900 total operating hours.
The Australian vehicle delivered full day route performance in line with its combustion engine equivalents without aiding to refuel, in some cases even double the daily work rate of a comparable battery electric refuse truck
Looking to the balance of the year, we currently have nine refuse truck trials, either scheduled or in final scheduling beginning in the summer, including with many of the largest refuse fleets in North America. Subject to successful trials, we expect to enter into initial definitive commercial agreements in the second half of 2024 and commercial deliveries to begin in 2025.
We are concentrating on signing new large fleet multiyear customer agreements in 2024.
We are providing guidance for the second quarter, noting that it reflects our current business operating model, which is subject to change based on our capital raise outcomes. We estimate that R&D will be in the range of $11 million to $13 million, SG&A in the range of $26 million to $30 million and net cash burn in the range of $27 million to $30 million.
Tässä hyvä haastis:
Koskettaa Hyzonin roska-autoja. Sisältää paljon hyvää tietoa, mm sen että 9$/kg hinnalla saavutetaan cost parity dieselin kanssa ja avataan vähän syitä, miksi akku ei oikeasti sovellu roska-autoihin ja class 8 rekkoihin. Sekä aika paljon muuta, mm polttokennojen hyötysuhteesta.
Edelleen hyzonin johto on munapäitä ja firma on hukattu tilaisuus. Silti kannattaa kuunnella.
Hyzon aikoo keskittyä Jenkkimarkkinoihin
Avataan muutama asia ilmoituksesta.
“This was a complex and difficult decision. Given the challenges of bringing new technology to market in an emerging industry, we believe we need to focus our efforts on the North American market and refuse industry as well as overseeing our large fleet trial programs, which commence this summer,”
Ei ole varaa ylläpitää POC:eja eri toimijoiden kanssa ympäri maailman. Rahaa palaa liikaa ja ei ole varmuutta tilauksista. Liiketoiminta on haihtunut alta viimeisen 2v aikana kuin kevätusva auringonpaisteessa.
Company expects to incur charges of approximately $17 million, of which approximately $7 million is expected to be in cash. Components of the charges include non-cash inventory write-downs of approximately $7 million, employee-related costs of approximately $3 million, other exit related costs of approximately $4 million and non-cash impairment charges of approximately $3 million.
Turpiin tästäkin tulee ja kovaa, mutta vaihtoehto olisi ollut huonompi. Mistähän nämä(kin) rahat nykäistään? Pukkaako hätäantia kohta? Kuitenkin, Q1 liikevaihto on kasvanut nollasta 10 miljoonaan. Mitä tapahtuu Q2:lla? Jännitys tiivistyy…
First quarter 2024 Revenue of $10.0 million as compared to no revenue in the prior-year period
Johtopäätös? Nollan alle se ei voi laskea, joten All-IN. Vai… ?
"Hyzon today announced that it has entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain institutional investors for the purchase and sale of 22,500,000 shares of its Class A Common Stock (“Common Stock”) and warrants to purchase 22,500,000 shares of its Common Stock (the “Warrants”), at a combined offering price of $0.20 per share. "
Mitä Hyzonilla tapahtuu? Vaihto räjähtänyt melko koviin lukuihin. Onko jotain uutisia, joka nostaa osaketta?
Melko lähellä alkaa Hyzoninkin matkan pää häämöttämään, jos ei rahoitusta ala jostain kuulumaan tai sitten maagisesti pulju käänny voitolliseksi tässä kvartaalissa.
Eli rahat on loppu Q3 aikana, jos Q2 meno jatkuu.
Hyzonin kurssi viiskytkertaistuu ens viikolla, ei sijoitussuositus
Jos joku ihmettelee että tämä nousee muutaman prosentin laskettuaan ensin 99 %.
“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for ‘hard-to-decarbonize’ heavy-duty industries, as Hyzon sets the standard for high-performance, zero-emission alternatives to diesel,” said Hyzon Chief Executive Officer Parker Meeks. “Our Class 8 200kW FCET is the culmination of years of engineering, and today we are proud to announce it has evolved from a prototype to a vehicle ready for full production, empowering fleet operators to reduce emissions without sacrificing power, range, or reliability.”
Aika vaikea on siis tilanne. Teknologia jopa saattaa olla vahvaa, mutta… Yhtiä tarvitsee nyt lisää rahaa, luottamusta ja kasvavassa määrin liikevaihtoa. Liikevaihdon kerryttäminen on haastavaa mikäli ei ole luottamusta jatkuvuudesta. Itsessään markkina-arvo näyttäisi olevan enää 12 M USD…
Hyzon Announces Start Of Production Of 200kW Fuel Cell System, Marking A Major Milestone IN Zero-Emission Technology On National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Day
Fully integrated manufacturing is a key element to Hyzon’s manufacturing strategy enabling rapid product development, customer responsiveness, and high power. While most other manufacturers source individual fuel cells or their components, Hyzon is integrated down to the design and production of its proprietary Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA), the core component of a fuel cell and FCS.
Vähän ollut Hyzonin seuraaminen tauolla, mutta mielenkiinnolla odotan että miten rupeaa tilauskirjat ja katteet kehittymään.
Hyzon (NASDAQ: HYZN) (Hyzon or the Company), a U.S.-based high-performance hydrogen fuel cell system manufacturer and technology developer focused on providing zero-emission power to decarbonize the most demanding industries, today announced it has entered into a purchase agreement for North America’s first 12 hydrogen-powered refuse Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) with recycling and innovation pioneer GreenWaste®, contingent upon Hyzon meeting certain commercial terms and specifications as defined in the agreement.
Nyt on Hyzonilla mielenkiintoista uutista: asiakkaiden tekemissä vertailuissa oikeissa käyttökohteissa (esimerkkinä mm kuljetusyritys, joka kuljettaa päivittäin asiakkaille tavaraa tietyillä alueella Kaliforniassa sekä jätekeräysyritys) Hyzonin rekat ovat hakanneet sekä dieselit että patterirekat, ja kaupallinen potentiaali alkaa olla massiivinen: TJ kertoo esimerkin, jossa yksittäisen tilauksen arvo olisi 50 miljoonaa euroa.
Edelleen yhtiön tilanne on haastava kun rahaa palaa eikä kassaan (ainakaan vielä) kunnolla kilise, mutta joko tämä alkaisi olla käänteen paikka?
Parker Meeks : Great. Hey Steve, good morning. Thanks for joining and great question. I’d love to dive in and talk about the performance of our trucks, particularly those that have been in trial, because as you mentioned, the performance has been exceptional and far beyond both our expectations and the customers that we’ve trialed with. Across all 10 trials that have been completed thus far, five on the Class 8 200kW truck and five on the refuse truck, we set goals with our customers on performance. You can imagine given, several of those fleets actually trialed the 110kW Class 8 truck. They understand for the most part, zero-emission truck performance. They understand obviously their diesel or CNG truck performance, and they understand that the goal for this, which they tell us, is for these trucks to work as a complete replacement for combustion without compromise, that’s what they need. In some cases, for instance, in Class 8, if you are a warehouse-based delivery business, you may have 30, 50, 100, 200 trucks going out from the same warehouse every day on a wide variance of routes, some shorter, some longer, some lighter load, some heavier load. But for the most part, every truck in a facility has to do every route, right. So, when you think about what’s the standard for these trials, what’s the expectation, it essentially is that our truck for that facility can do every route that that facility does. When you are in the LA basin for instance, if you are going anywhere longer than, say 60 miles, 70 miles radius from a facility, you are probably climbing some pretty steep hills. So the performance expectations that we set with our customers, that they set, which we accept, have to do with load, they have to do with range, they have to do with how long they operate during a day. In some cases, they have to do with doing double shifts. For the Class 8, for instance, a typical day on trial can be anywhere from 150 miles to 500 miles across these trials. We can be carrying anywhere from 60,000 pounds to in some cases close to 90,000 pounds, if they are carrying super heavy loads with permit loads. And in some cases, we’re climbing 3,000 foot climbs, 6% to 8% grades. And again, the goal is to do all the work that diesel can do. On the refuse truck, to do all the work of combustion in refuse, it depends on the route, it depends on the type of waste that you are picking up. If you are a classic neighborhood bin pickup, the standard typically is somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 bin lifts or trash can lifts per day. Some of these routes, you are picking up 20 to 25 tons of waste in a single day, right. Those are some of the standards that we set on top of even more critical standard that very few zero emission trucks can meet, which is on the cost to operate the vehicle, which comes down to fuel efficiency, and it comes down to the overall cost of that fuel. So, if you take the Class 8 for instance, our trucks across all five of those trials to-date have tackled 3,000 foot climbs, 6% to 8% grades, have completed some days with up to 500 miles in a single day with a 20-minute refueling at the base in between shifts. They are showing up to 50% better fuel efficiency than diesel, which is critical, right, because fuel as we mentioned many times before, is up to half of the total cost of ownership for a Class 8 truck. So when you’re 50% better than diesel, let’s say that diesel getting six – sorry, four miles per gallon and our truck getting six miles per gallon equivalent, that’s a significant impact on proving to the customer, not only can this truck do the work, but the truck can also be cost competitive to diesel at a hydrogen price of, call it, $7 to $8 a kilo. On the refuse truck, it’s even better. On the refuse truck, again, I mentioned in neighborhood waste collection, you are anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 trash can lifts per day. Our trucks have consistently completed every route they have had put in front of them, every operating day, either without having to refuel or only having to top up to avoid range anxiety on extremely long routes that in some cases are longer than what combustion does. We’ve achieved over 1,300 bin lifts per day in actual operation on multiple days. Consistently across all of our trials, we look at how much work the truck did during a day, again, completing a full day’s work without having to refuel. And based on the fuel that’s left over, we project how much work the truck could have done, and we’re consistently showing over 1,500 bins per day of potential range, which is tremendous. Compare that to battery trucks. Most battery trucks can only do about 800 bin lifts per day. So, we’re literally doubling the work rate of battery electric. And by the way, if for some reason there’s an extreme route where we have 2,000 bins to pick up in a day, because these trucks are typically coming back to base multiple times in a single day, we can refill those trucks in about 15 minutes. So you can basically get up to 3,000 bin lifts of range with a 15-minute fill, whereas battery electric does half a day’s work and can charge for anywhere from four to eight hours. And then finally on the fuel efficiency for the refuse truck, it’s just been tremendous. We’re seeing up to 300% better fuel efficiency than diesel. I think the average for our U.S. trials has been about 250% better fuel efficiency than diesel in the exact same routes. Having 2.5x better fuel efficiency means that we can support the same operating cost as diesel with up to a $15 per kilogram price of hydrogen, which is available now, right. So with the refuse truck tackling 27% grade hills in the city of San Francisco, showing it can do up to 1,500 bin lifts per day, showing it can carry up to 30 tons of trash in a single day, and in some route structures we’re doing multiple days of work without having to refuel. It is a tremendously advantaged truck versus all other zero-emission trucks that are out there in North America that we’ve seen. It’s the only fuel cell-powered truck in North America on the road now, and the battery trucks just really can’t come close. So that’s why these 10 trials we’ve completed, half on each platform, have gotten us and our fleet customers so excited, as it’s proven – and for some of them, for the very first time, it’s the first zero-emission truck they’ve tried that actually can do the work, and that the economics are actually better than they expected, given the fuel efficiency advantages that we are showing.
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Steven Fox : Great. That’s really interesting and very helpful. And then just a couple quick follow-ups. On Slide 9, there’s only two check marks missing for the rest of ‘24 around fleet agreements and advancing to second-order tranches. Can you just sort of handicap the ability to get that done by the end of the year and any kind of preview on what that could mean? And then just along with that, can you just remind us on the revenue opportunity per 100 trucks or however you want to sort of gauge it for us longer term? Thanks.
Parker Meeks : Absolutely. Thanks, Steven. And again, we’re thrilled to be at the stage today where we believe we’re showing that the high-zone fuel cell technology and the high-zone fuel cell powertrain is proving in the field it can do the toughest jobs in the heaviest and the longest-running trucks in zero-emission. And we have customers with a market backdrop that is if anything, accelerating in many ways. So we see funding programs, like out west in the state of California, that are continuing and that are well-funded for zero-emission trucks. We have federal programs that we’re excited to be supporting, whether it’s the DOE, H2 hubs, or the core programs that were just awarded under the Clean Ports Program and the Inflation Reduction Act and several others are now being put forward. And alongside that, our customers, particularly in refuse, have cities and counties who are now requiring zero-emission trucks as a part of the application at the end of RFPs to award refuse collection services. So if you’re a large city in California, and many times they are awarding 2026, 2027, five to 10 year contracts, where for some of the large fleets, it’s an incumbent contract that they don’t want to lose. And for other fleets, large and small, it’s an opportunity for them to step in and actually win a contract, where part of that RFP response includes advantages to zero-emission trucks given how well our garbage truck in particular is performing. So with that backdrop of a strong market backdrop and accelerating in some cases in refuse, customer view of the opportunity, to not just have our trucks be a decarbonization enabler for their ESG goals, but also a revenue enabler and a market share enabler, either defensive or offensive, given the RFPs that are coming out from the cities and counties. We’re actively in negotiations on the majority of the ten trials that have been completed on the first contracts or in some cases the second order for all of our trucks. I mean, you can see on Slide 9, we say that they are both – both those goals, a new large fleet multi-year customer agreement and a large fleet advance to a second order are in negotiations. And while I can’t tell you exactly the timing of when we might get those done, given the performance of our trucks, we are optimistic that we have put everything in place to show the trucks work, to show the economics can work, there’s subsidy in place today to support today’s truck being deployed [ph] and the customers are excited to get going. So we certainly will look forward to updating the market as appropriate, as we’re able to push these customers across the line. And again, we’ve spoken about where we are today and putting check marks next to those final two. To your question on revenue potential, what I can comment on that we’ve released previously, we said last year that the 110kW truck round figures was roughly a $500,000 headline price, and of course that varies by customer. The 200kW we haven’t commented publicly on the price of that truck and the economics to us from a powertrain point of view. You can imagine 200kW is a bit more expensive than a 110kW, although it’s not dramatically so. So if you’re talking about 100 trucks, if you did it on the 110 kilowatt economics that we put out before at a whole truck revenue, you are talking about $50 million of revenue if it is a full sale, full stop, no lease arrangement, no holdbacks, no accounting concerns as to how that revenue is recognized. In some cases, with our contracts from 2023 that are now in 2024, we do have trucks that are commercially deployed under a contract where there may be a performance guarantee, there may be a buyback clause, there may be other restrictions that our finance team can speak to. But long story short, what’s the cash potential for Hyzon and what’s the potential cash generation for the company. These are today, call it $500,000 give or take, total cash generation potential for a truck. The refuse truck is a bit more expensive than that, given there’s a body attached to it as well. And what we’re excited to hopefully show is conversion of these trials to contracts, the GreenWaste Agreement being the first of those to be announced in the back of trials, and then to be able to talk more openly in 2025 about how that’s translating to cash generation, to revenue potential, including potential concepts like deposits that we are hoping to land. Tough to do that in the U.S. market. It’s not normal for truck companies to pay deposits on trucks. But our customers also understand that this is a different technology with a different cash profile. So all those are terms and concepts that we’re excited to hopefully talk about in more detail as we push forward on the back of this trial program in Q4 and 2025.
Ja taas tilausta pukkaa! Näitähän tulee jo ihan liukuhihnalta (2kk välein)! Toivonpilkahduksia näköpiirissä.
today announced an order for two Fuel Cell Electric Trucks (FCETs) – a refuse collection and Class 8 200kW truck – from South San Francisco Scavenger Co., a family-owned company providing solid waste and recycling services to local communities since 1914. The two FCET order is subject to certain conditions including the availability of applicable subsidies. The order follows multiple successful FCET trials as well as Hyzon securing North America’s first-ever refuse collection FCET order in October 2024.
Katselin tuota Q3/2024 tilitystä ja sieltä pisti silmään tämä. Jos sanotaan, että kassa palaa about $6,5M/kk (mikä on tähtäin vuoden loppuun) ja varat ovat $30M Syyskuun lopussa, niin siitä laskien varat on loppu 4,7kk:ssa, eli about Helmikuun 20. päivä.
Sitten nuo toimitukset, niistä toki saadaan rahaa, luultavasti jälkikäteen kun toimitus on tehty. Kiva, että kaksi rekkaa mennyt kaupaksi. Niitä pitäisi mennä kuukaudessa viisikymmentä, että homma olisi edes teoreettisesti kuivilla.
That said, uskon Hyzonin hallussa olevan oikeasti hyvää teknologiaa, osaamista ja tahtoa muuttaa maailmaa, mutta taitaa aika loppua kesken.
Haluaisin uskoa tähän firmaan, sillä se tekee sitä, mitä maailma oikeasti tarvitsee. Vetykäyttöiset rekat ovat luultavasti raskaassa liikenteessä paljon akkukäyttöisiä parempia, ainakin nykyakkuteknologialla. Sain tästä firmasta turpaani pari vuotta sitten niin pahasti, että vieläkin sattuu. Katsotaan, jos tämä on vuoden kuluttua päässyt letkuista irti - hyvällä tavalla - niin harkitsen sijoituscasea uudelleen. Siihen saakka tullaan osakkeenomistajien turnauskestävyyttä koettelemaan yhdellä jos toisellakin annilla.
Kaikkea hyvää Hyzonille toivottaen.