Nikola Corporation

Seuraakos tätä kukaan tarkemmin? Miltä näyttää oikeasti yhtiön toiminta tällä hetkellä osakkeenomistajan näkökulmasta? Onko pitäviä sopimuksia tehty ja missä mennään autojen, tehtaiden ja tekniikan suhteen?

Uutisvirtaa on, mutta nyt kaipaisi syvällisempää näkemystä.

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(Lähde FB!)

The Nikola person they spoke to is Dave Apps, Senior Director, Advanced Manufacturing at Nikola Motor.
The things I found interesting that were talked about in the video are:

  1. The Nikola guy knew Bear by name and thanked him for the unbiased work he was doing to promote the company.
  2. The Nikola guy previously worked at both Tesla and Toyota in senior positions.
  3. A confirmation that supply chain issues was holding Nikola up
  4. Bear acknowledged he was in communication with one of the Nikola marketing people to organise a factory walkthrough once a non disclosure agreement was in place.
  5. Confirmation that trucks will be rolling out the door of the factory soon.
  6. Acknowledgement that Nikola has an opportunity to beat Tesla to the market place now that the Tesla Semi is delayed.
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Vielä video muodosaa eilisiä juhlallisuuksia

Nikola,… , is now “definitely” in need of more cash, Russell said, and is one year away from running out of funds.
It raised €300m from a consortium of private investors earlier this year and is looking to raise more from the market “when the timing is right”.
Russell conceded that Nikola was not finding it as easy to convince people to invest as when the group first listed.
…he told the FT, adding that Nikola would still look to tap investors this year, “if it was opportunistically available to us”.

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Eiköhän Trevor vienyt tämän yrityksen luotettavuuden jo aikaa sitten. Nikola Insider tweeteista luin, että tuotanto myöhästyy taas. Aikanaan kirjoitin, että voisin ostaa one-digitina takaisin. NO, missasin sen oppon. Odottelen sitten 5:n kohdalle menoa, ja ostan sit :grin: Eiköhän noille tehtaille voi jotain arvoa laskea.

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100 Nikola Tretä pitäisi mennä asiakkaille ensi vuonna. Missä vaiheessa näiden piti tulla 2021 asiakkaille? En muista nähneeni missään? FCEV:t sitten tuotantoon 2023 niinkuin muistaakseni on aiemminkin viestitelty. Itse tykkään lukea noita pressitiedotteita, enkä anonyymejä twittertilejä. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nikolan rekka taitaa muuten mennä asiakkaille ennen Teslan vastaavia? :slightly_smiling_face: Toivottavasti onnistuvat tässä!

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Joo, ymmärrän sinua hyvin, eikä tarkoitus mitään provosoivaa viestiä laittaa. Pahoittelen, jos näin asian koit. Itse olen ollut tässä kyydissä VectoIQ:n ja mäkiautojen aikana aikanaan, joten sinäänsä minulla ei mitään pahaa sanottavaa (menneisyydestä :grin:). Trevorille kiitos osakkeen pumppaamisesta :+1:

Ja toivomme, että NKLA saa auton markkinoille ennenkuin isot pojat (tai meidän suomalaisten suosikki HYZON) vie liikaa markkinaa.

Mutta pahaltahan toi FT:n juttu vaikuttaa. Varsinkin kun NKLA taitaa vielä olla hyvinkin monen suomalaisen salkussa. No, verovähennyksiin sit.

Ja Elon Musk saa nyt puhua/touhuttaa mitä tahansa, siihen en nyt lähtisi NKLAa paljon vertaamaan. NKLA:lle vaan hyvä, mikäli/kun TSLA ei saa autojaan ulos.

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ACT Exposta pätkää

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Erikoista että tehty messuilta videoklippi koskien vetyrekkoja ja jätetty Hyzon Motors mainitsematta…

Messuilla oli Ride & Drive -tapahtuma, jossa yleisö pääsi kokeilemaan ajoneuvoja. Hyzon Motors oli ainut, jonka vetyrekkaa pääsi oikeasti messuilla ajamaan. Lisäksi toimitukset ovat Euroopassa jo alkaneet.

Edit. Itse toivon kaikkien valmistajien saavan suunnitelmiaan eteenpäin jotta infraa saadaan mahdollisimman nopeasti kehitettyä.

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Bloomberg elokuussa:
"company would deliver just 25 to 50 vehicles this year, down from a previous estimate of 50 to 100 vehicles.

Even those numbers may be unattainable if a parts shortage drags on, Russell said in an interview. A global shortfall in key components such as semiconductors could render the battery-electric trucks Nikola hopes to build this year ineligible for sale, he said. Nikola still plans to deliver them to fleet operators for testing, but can’t charge customers until the missing parts are retrofitted. "

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Nikola Corporation (NASDAQ:NKLA) and Tumim Stone Capital LLC (Tumim) have entered into a second $300 million common stock equity line purchase agreement, providing Nikola the right to issue and sell to Tumim up to $600 million of Nikola’s common stock in aggregate, subject to certain conditions and limitations.

“The equity lines with Tumim, together with estimated cash and cash equivalents, will provide Nikola with access to approximately $800 million of liquidity at the end of 2021,” said Nikola CEO Mark Russell. “We believe this will provide ample liquidity for Nikola to fund our stated operational milestones through the end of 2022, which include the commercial delivery of BEV trucks as well as the start of road release and pilot testing of FCEV trucks.”

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Nikola Corporation(Nikola)… and TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP), (TC Energy), a leading North American energy infrastructure company, have agreed to collaborate on co-developing, constructing, operating and owning large-scale hydrogen production facilities (hubs) in the United States and Canada. Nikola’s Energy business unit and TC Energy are actively collaborating to identify and develop projects to establish the infrastructure required to deliver low-cost and low-carbon hydrogen at scale in line with each company’s core objectives. Furthermore, Nikola and TC Energy desire to accelerate the adoption of heavy-duty zero-emission fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen across industrial sectors by establishing hubs in key geographic locations.

A key objective of the collaboration is to establish hubs producing 150 tonnes or more of hydrogen per day near highly traveled truck corridors to serve Nikola’s planned need for hydrogen to fuel its Class 8 FCEVs within the next five years. TC Energy has significant pipeline, storage and power assets that potentially can be leveraged to lower the cost and increase the speed of delivery of these hydrogen production hubs. This may include exploring the integration of midstream assets to enable hydrogen distribution and storage via pipeline and/or to deliver CO2 to permanent sequestration sites to decarbonize the hydrogen production process.


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The Hydrogen Heavy Duty Vehicle Industry Group – comprised of hydrogen industry leaders Air Liquide, Hyundai, Nel Hydrogen, Nikola Corporation, Shell and Toyota, has signed agreements with Tatsuno Corporation and Transfer Oil S.p.A. to industrialize globally-standard 70 MPa hydrogen heavy-duty vehicle high-flow (H70HF) fueling hardware components.

Testing is planned at an independent test facility and scheduled to commence in Q4 2021, with preliminary performance and safety results available in Q1 2022.

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