Nokia-ketju. Mitä ajatuksia teillä on Nokiasta? (Osa 1)


5 tykkäystä

Näin WSJ kirjoittelee.

Pintapuolisesti maalataan kuvaa että Nokia juossut perässä, ja uusilla nimityksillä pyritään kulttuurimuutoksiin. Kerrotaan että Nokia myöhästyi 5G teknologiassa mutta nykyisellään on jotakuinkin “samassa kategoriassa” Huawein ja Ericssonin kanssa. Samalla kuitenkin muistutetaan että Nokia on menettänyt reilusti markkinaosuuksia sitten 2015. Lopussa vielä muistutus siitä että USAn rajoitteiden myötä Huawei voi olla ongelmissa.

7 tykkäystä

Olen kanssasi ihan samaa mieltä.
On Nokian Suri ja Pullolla päästellyt pitkään ihan puuta heinää…
Ehkä itse ovat unissaan toivoneet asioiden paranevan, mutta ei…

Kilpailijat yhteistyössä USA:n O-RANittamisessa. Pitää tätäkin seurata tarkkaan, vaikka ei tämä vielä Nokian ja Ericssonin asemia hetkauta. Suunta on kuitenkin selvä, eikä Nokian tai Ericssonin parane jäädä jalkoihin. O-RANin suhteen olisin jopa hieman huolestuneempi Ericssonista. Asetelmat voivat kääntyä muutamassa vuodessa, sillä oma käsitykseni on, että Ericssonin panostukset eivät ole juurikaan kohdistuneet O-RANiin.

10 tykkäystä

Briteissä puuhataan Huawein vastaista liittoutumaa, josta suurimmat hyötyjät (ko. maiden lisäksi) - arvaatte varmaan…? :slight_smile:

The Times says the group will include the G7 nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the United States as well as Australia, South Korea and India.

Assuming it is Nokia or Ericsson or both the winners will get guaranteed markets and, presumably, buckets of government money.

18 tykkäystä

Lisää USAn valtapeliä

11 tykkäystä

Sieltä se tuli, josta Suri uumoili jo aiemmin. Hmm… en tiedä onko hyvä asia vai ei…

Press Release

China Unicom selects Nokia core networking products for 5G

Deal includes multiple Nokia Software, ION products, including Unified Data Management, User Plane and Session Management Functions.
Builds on Nokia’s existing 4G relationship with the Chinese CSP
15 June 2020

Espoo, Finland – China Unicom has chosen Nokia to support the buildout of its 5G SA Core network in China, marking an expansion of Nokia’s existing 4G working relationship with the Chinese communication service provider.

Nokia has been awarded an approximately 10% share of China Unicom’s 5G core network. The core network performs a variety of functions, including setting up connections, bandwidth management, scaling and securing the network, and, now with 5G, opening up the network to support new, software-enabled use cases such as network slicing.

The Nokia Cloud core products that China Unicom selected provide Unified Data Management, Session Management and User Plane functions, and are complemented by Data Refinery and NetAct, all deployed on Nokia’s CloudBand.

Unified Data Management, a critical function with the arrival of 5G and the evolution to cloud architecture, manages all subscriber data and services efficiently and cost effectively. The Session Management Function is a fundamental element of the 5G Service Based Architecture, primarily responsible for interacting with the decoupled User Plane Function as well as subscriber session management. The User Plane Function delivers the packet processing foundation for the Service Based Architecture, by allowing packet processing and traffic aggregation to be performed closer to the network edge, thereby increasing bandwidth efficiencies while reducing costs.

The deal also includes products from Nokia’s Cloud Packet Core portfolio, including the Nokia Cloud Mobile Gateway. The product provides the 5G standalone Session Management Function and User Plane Function, in addition to supporting the 4G Serving Gateway and the Packet Data Network Gateway in China Unicom’s network.

Nokia currently has a 17% market share in China Unicom’s rapidly expanding VoLTE network, where it has deployed Nokia’s cloud-based vIMS platform. This deal will further enhance the long term partnership between China Unicom and Nokia. Nokia has provided critical support in getting China Unicom’s 4G network successfully established, and will continuously support China Unicom in its 5G networks up and running in the future leveraging its advanced core network solutions.

Markus Borchert, President of Nokia Greater China said: “Nokia is very proud to expand our working relationship with China Unicom beyond 4G. We are looking forward to close collaboration with China Unicom on novel business models and 5G service innovation to enable an open 5G ecosystem.”

About Nokia
We create the technology to connect the world. Only Nokia offers a comprehensive portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing opportunities across the globe. With our commitment to innovation, driven by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs, we are a leader in the development and deployment of 5G networks.

Our communications service provider customers support more than 6.4 billion subscriptions with our radio networks, and our enterprise customers have deployed over 1,300 industrial networks worldwide. Adhering to the highest ethical standards, we transform how people live, work and communicate. For our latest updates, please visit us online and follow us on Twitter @nokia.

13 tykkäystä

Lähde Etelä-Amerikasta. Google translatorin avulla katsoin ensimmäiset rivit. Siinä mielenkiintoista että oli nostettu esille Nokian nestejäähdytys.

“Haastattelussa Folha de S. Paulolle Yhdysvaltain suurlähettiläs Brasiliassa Todd Chapman paljasti yksityiskohdat kahden maan välisistä neuvotteluista 5G-verkkojen osto- ja asennusrahaston perustamiseksi Ericssonin ja Nokian tarjoamien ratkaisujen pohjalta, mahdollisesti myös äskettäin ilmoitetun AirScale-antenniperheen kanssa, nestejäähdytyksellä.”

12 tykkäystä

Nokialle kolmas 5G-chipsitoimittaja…
(Reuters) - Finland’s Nokia Oyj said on Monday it had partnered with Broadcom to develop chips for 5G equipment in its third such deal following ones with Intel and Marvell.

Näkyy menevän RiuttaHaille…

18 tykkäystä

Nokia valmistelee työpaikkojen vähentämistä Ranskassa

15 tykkäystä

Ja, vihdoinkin, Nokian oma tiedote asiaan Uiton kommenttien kera.

Nokia expands 5G ReefShark chipset portfolio with Broadcom collaboration

Companies to focus on the development of silicon technology, expanding range of ReefShark chipsets
15 June 2020

Espoo, Finland – Nokia and Broadcom today announced that they are collaborating on the development of advanced semiconductor technologies, including new custom system-on-chip (SoC) processors, which will be integrated into Nokia’s “5G Powered by ReefShark” portfolio. The collaboration further expands the range of Nokia ReefShark chipsets available for 5G solutions and will improve both the system performance and energy footprint of 5G networks.

The two companies will work to develop new custom system-on-chip (SoC) solutions, which utilize Nokia’s wireless technology and Broadcom’s expertise in application-specific integrated circuit ASIC technologies. The added performance brought by custom silicon solutions is crucial in realizing the capabilities and benefits of 5G and delivering on its requirements. While collaborating with Broadcom, Nokia continues to further expand its silicon capabilities and improve the penetration of ReefShark solutions in its AirScale radio access portfolio.

These new chipsets are designed to be deployed in several building blocks of Nokia’s AirScale radio access solution. By deploying ReefShark-based products, operators will benefit from a reduction in size and power consumption, while also seeing a boost to capacity and overall performance with a lower total cost of ownership.

Tommi Uitto, President of Mobile Networks at Nokia, said: “This important collaboration highlights our continued commitment to developing our “5G Powered by ReefShark” chipset portfolio and ensures that our 5G solutions deliver a best-in-class performance to our customers. We are delighted to bring Broadcom’s silicon technology leadership and best-in-class ASIC capability to the table, allowing us to deliver a high performance and serve our customers’ needs as the demand for 5G services increases.”

Frank Ostojic, SVP and General Manager of ASIC Products Division at Broadcom, said: “We are excited to partner with Nokia to develop and deploy highly integrated custom silicon solutions for 5G infrastructure. Nokia and Broadcom’s collaboration accelerates silicon innovation and enables operators and end users to realize the unprecedented benefits of 5G.”

9 tykkäystä

Jokohan Pekka häärää kulisseissa, kun on vaan tullut ryhtiä menoon ?
Sarin panoksen varaan en niinkään luota, mutta Lundmark kun alkaa kokoajan hengittää porukan niskaan ja ja pöpisee tasaisella intonaatiolla tunti tolkulla, niin pakkohan sitä on jengin ottaa asiakseen ?

4 tykkäystä

5 Top Companies That Make 5G Chips and One Stock to Buy Now

3 tykkäystä

Jostain olin lukevinani, että tässä China Unicom -sopimuksessa on Nokian osalta kyse vain softasta. Viestissä täytyy olla vähintään 100 merkkiä.

1 tykkäys


Uiton twiittaus asiaan. Uudella tasolla kommentoi Nokian olevan SoC kehityksessä. :+1:

15 tykkäystä

Taitaa se Pekka häärätä kulisseissa. Siellä on tempaissut nyrkkiä tammipöytään, et ”ostakaa sitä kehitystyötä jos ette itse osaa, ja ostakaa heti ”. Saattaa Intel myös piristyä kun asiakas liudentuu muualle…

6 tykkäystä

Huaweiltä, päivää…

The US Department of Commerce announced a new rule on Monday allowing American companies to cooperate with Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei on 5G and other standards in the telecoms sector.

1 tykkäys

Tämä on todella lupaavalta kuulostava twiitti Uitolta. Optimisti minussa odottaa, että SoCittamisessa voitaisiin olla jopa edellä aikataulua - ja ei nyt ainakaan jäljessä. Jännittävä kuulla ensi kuussa, mitä Nokia kertoo tilanteen kehittymisestä.

Nokia ja Ericsson näyttäisivät ottaneen myös osakkeina hieman aikaisempaa resistiivisemmän aseman. Perstuntumalla ero syklisiin on kasvanut. Näkymät ovat vakaat ja kasvua odotellaan, joten mikäs tässä odotellessa. :slight_smile:

13 tykkäystä

T-Mobile pulassa USA:ssa. Verkko nurin ja viranomaiset niskassa.

T-Mobilen core oli kuitenkin Ciscon käsialaa, joten toistaiseksi Nokian tai Ericssonin sijoittajat voivat olla melko rauhallisin mielin. Huonoa mainosta tällainen.

Vuonna 2018 kerrottiin seuraavaa >

7 tykkäystä

Press Release

Nokia to provide DCI networks to Tencent and Baidu

Nokia to provide optical data center interconnect (DCI) infrastructure for two of China’s leading cloud service providers
The Nokia webscale DCI solution is now present in 13 of China’s webscale providers, supporting applications from e-commerce to search and online gaming
16 June 2020

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced that it has been awarded two contracts with China-based webscale giants, Tencent and Baidu, for data center interconnect (DCI) network solutions. Tencent and Baidu will strengthen their already strong relationship with Nokia to build out their software-defined DCI infrastructure, providing them with the dynamic, massive-scale optical bandwidth needed to support growing cloud operations in China and the US.

Tencent and Baidu are two of the top four China-based webscale operators. Baidu is the number one search engine and Tencent leads in social media and online gaming. They have large cloud operations in China and abroad to support their global businesses. Connecting their very large data centers around the world requires ultra-high optical bandwidth and software-defined networking (SDN) that are highly responsive to the fast-shifting nature of cloud services.

China’s webscale networks support hundreds of millions of consumers as they shop online, search for information, share photographs and online game. Nokia’s webscale DCI solutions, which are based on the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Interconnect (PSI) and powered by the Nokia Photonic Service Engine (PSE), are also enabling webscale operators in China to support edge cloud applications such as Industry 4.0, AI, machine learning and autonomous driving. Nokia’s DCI and SDN solutions maximize capacity and agility, while simplifying and automating key operational functions for lower costs.

Nokia is a world leader in the DCI market with its solutions used worldwide by many webscale networks and large enterprises in the financial, healthcare, government, energy, transportation, consumer and industrial sectors for business and mission-critical DCI applications.

Markus Bochert, President of Nokia Greater China, said: “We continue to expand our relationship with China’s webscale giants. Our leading DCI product portfolio and technology innovations in photonics and SDN controllers are key, as well as our strong R&D capabilities, globalized supply chain and highly responsive service teams. These latest contracts with Baidu and Tencent consolidate our presence in the webscale market in China, which we are confident will continue to flourish in the coming years.”

About Nokia
We create the technology to connect the world. Only Nokia offers a comprehensive portfolio of network equipment, software, services and licensing opportunities across the globe. With our commitment to innovation, driven by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs, we are a leader in the development and deployment of 5G networks.

Our communications service provider customers support more than 6.4 billion subscriptions with our radio networks, and our enterprise customers have deployed over 1,300 industrial networks worldwide. Adhering to the highest ethical standards, we transform how people live, work and communicate. For our latest updates, please visit us online and follow us on Twitter @nokia.

14 tykkäystä