Nokia-ketju. Mitä ajatuksia teillä on Nokiasta? (Osa 1)

Nokian kurssi tällähetkellä Jenkeissä yli 4 pinnaa nousussa, johtuneeko pelkästään bank of american tavoitehintapäivityksestä???

3 tykkäystä

Muistelen että tuo NOK ~4,00 USD oli aika oleellinen taso (olen vielä lomailemassa ja en koneen äärellä), joten sanoisin että tuo päivitys antoi tänään sopivasti vauhtia tason ylitykseen.

2 tykkäystä

Tai sitten taika toimii että heti kun alan kyrsiytymään Nokian mörnimiseen ja pistän vähän positiosta ulkoruokintaan (tänään lähti 25% pinosta, ihan OK tuotolla pitkälle alta 3 eeron ostettuja) niin kurssi kyllä lähtee laukalle heti :smiley:

11 tykkäystä

While the rest of the SD-WAN market has scrambled to build out their security capabilities in the hopes of bringing a secure access service edge (SASE) platform to market, Nokia’s Nuage Networks is taking a different tact.

Instead of pursuing an end-to-end SASE platform, which would require developing or acquiring cloud security capabilities like secure web gateway, cloud access security broker, and zero-trust network access, Nuage is focusing on what it does best: SD-WAN.

“I think SD-WAN is still the platform for SASE,” said Lindsay Newell, head of marketing at Nuage, in an interview with SDxCentral. “We don’t necessarily see ourselves as a SASE solution provider. We see ourselves as a SASE solution enabler.”

The enterprise market is too diverse to build a one-size-fits-all SASE platform, he said.

6 tykkäystä

Private Wireless Explained (tässä vain ote käyttökohteista)

Who uses private wireless?

There are a number of industry verticals and public sector domains that make excellent candidates for the use of private wireless including mining, utilities, factories, warehouses, ports, airports, public safety and smart cities.

Nokia predicts the potential need for 14 million global industrial sites to be equipped with private wireless connectivity in the coming decade. According to ABI, the private wireless market is expected to grow to €16.3bn in 2025. More immediately, their Q2 2020 survey of 600 manufacturing decision-makers found 74% of respondents are looking to upgrade their communications and control networks by the end of 2022 with more than 90% investigating the use of either 4G and/or 5G in their operations. 63% were looking to digitalize and improve existing infrastructure, 51% to automate with robotics, and 42% to improve employee productivity.

7 tykkäystä

Ericssonia uhkaavat Kiinassa myös kilpailuoikeudelliset sakot, jotka toisessa tapauksessa ovat tulleet maksamaan amerikkalaisyhtiölle n. miljardi dollaria:

För fem år sedan dömdes ett amerikanskt bolag till motsvarande nära tio miljarder kronor för brott mot den kinesiska konkurrenslagstiftningen, skriver SvD för att visa hur höga böterna kan bli. Utredningen mot Ericsson pågår fortfarande.

”Ericsson samarbetar i den undersökning du nämner. Som vi tidigare meddelat i Ericssons årsredovisning 2019 så informerades Ericsson i april 2019 av kinesiska SAMR (State Administration for Market Regulation) Anti-Monopoly Bureau att de inlett en undersökning av Ericssons licensiering av patent i Kina. I övrigt avböjer vi att kommentera detta ytterligare”, skriver Ericssons presschef Peter Olofsson i ett mejl.

9 tykkäystä

Nokia and Zain KSA smarten up Saudi homes and offices with 5G-powered FWA and Wi-Fi 6 Nokia and Zain KSA smarten up Saudi homes and offices with 5G-powered FWA and Wi-Fi 6 | Kauppalehti

4 tykkäystä

Press Release

Nokia and Zain KSA smarten up Saudi homes and offices with 5G-powered FWA and Wi-Fi 6

  • Nokia and Zain KSA are expanding their strategic 5G partnership with a rollout of 60,000 FastMile 5G Gateways across Saudi Arabia over the next 12 months
  • The 5G fixed wireless access gateways are the first to incorporate eSIMS (embedded SIM), aligning with Zain KSA’s digital transformation strategy to enhance the customer experience
  • FastMile 5G gateways connect homes and businesses with ultra-fast 5G technology, and support Wi-Fi 6

06 January 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced an expansion of its strategic 5G partnership with Zain KSA to rollout 60,000 FastMile 5G Gateway 3.1 with eSIM across Saudi Arabia over the next 12 months. The gateways will deliver stronger signal, better connectivity and ultra-high data speeds to every corner of homes and offices in the Kingdom. The move allows Zain KSA to support smart home and office adoption in the country with enhanced connectivity for smart devices through 5G and Wi-Fi 6, which altogether guarantees an improved customer experience .

Nokia FastMile 5G gateways take advantage of the company’s self-optimizing mesh Wi-Fi 6 solution for real time Wi-Fi performance optimization. The gateways ensure a much quicker and easier account setup by using the latest eSIM technology that allows users to avoid the process of acquiring and installing a physical SIM card. This deployment is the first time eSIM has been used in a 5G fixed wireless access solution.

Eng. AbdulRahman bin Hamad AlMufadda, Chief Technology Officer at Zain KSA, said: “Rolling out our new 5G fixed wireless access routers comes in line with our digital transformation and 5G expansion strategy reiterating our role in serving the Kingdom’s society. Our mission from the start was to strengthen the 5G experience in the Kingdom into two levels: horizontally, concerned with spreading the 5G network across the largest possible geographical scale. Vertically, through 5G fixed wireless access solutions to enable homes and offices with the best and most reliable broadband experience available. In alignment with Saudi Vision 2030 we will continue to invest further to enable the digital sector and the national digital transformation namely through: cloud computing, IoT, and AI; while simultaneously aiming to become the digital service provider of choice in the Kingdom.”

He added, “We are delighted to launch the 5G fixed wireless access devices, to ensure that homes and businesses can enjoy the fastest and most reliable broadband experience. As such, Zain KSA becomes the pioneering operator in the latest generation of telco services to deploy Nokia FastMile 5G Gateways which is another milestone added in our reliable and secure 5G network to revolutionize the way people live and work.”

Sandra Motley, President of Fixed Networks Division at Nokia, said : “We are happy to support Zain KSA connect more people, and revolutionize the way people live and work in the Kingdom. Zain KSA is joining the leading operators around the world, in providing the 5G fixed wireless access to deliver a gigabit experience to consumers and businesses alike. The combination of FastMile 5G Gateways and self-optimizing mesh Wi-Fi 6 technology means that Zain KSA is delivering a new and unmatched 5G experience to everyone, at every corner in homes and offices.”

Both companies are committed to extending their cooperation on 5G to achieve the best possible coverage, stability and bandwidth for Saudi Arabia. Zain KSA, one of the world’s pioneering 5G network operators, ranked as the largest 5G rollout out in Saudi, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and fourth globally. It has an established relationship with Nokia where in June 2019 the two companies announced a three-year deal to rollout 5G to thousands of sites using Nokia’s comprehensive portfolio, introducing 5G using 2.6 GHz and 3.5 GHz along with massive multiple-input multiple-output (mMIMO) to deliver enhanced network capacity and coverage with enhanced data speeds. The deal also introduced E-Band microwave in certain areas to allow for ultra-high-capacity backhaul networks.


Webpage: Nokia FastMile

Nokia FastMile Gateways 3.1 support Wi-Fi 6 that delivers 40% higher throughput and lower latency compared to Wi-Fi 5. The Gateways also support EasyMesh, which gives end users more choice to mix and match different access points on their home Wi-Fi network. Nokia has complemented EasyMesh with additional software for automatic Wi-Fi interference detection and mitigation to increase the Wi-Fi performance.

About Nokia

We create the critical networks and technologies to bring together the world’s intelligence, across businesses, cities, supply chains and societies.

With our commitment to innovation and technology leadership, driven by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs, we deliver networks at the limits of science across mobile, infrastructure, cloud, and enabling technologies.

Adhering to the highest standards of integrity and security, we help build the capabilities we need for a more productive, sustainable and inclusive world.

For our latest updates, please visit us online and follow us on Twitter @nokia.

About Zain KSA

A leading telecom provider established in Saudi Arabia on August 2008 as a listed company. It adopts a 3 pillared strategy which includes growth, agility, and innovation as its main pillars for success. In due respect to its highly developed infrastructure, the company was successful in establishing itself as a reliable telecom operator and a digital service provider whose services include telecom services, 5G network, digital payment services, cloud computing, IoT solutions, fiber services, drones, and many others.

For more on Zain KSA please visit:

Media Inquiries:

Nokia Communications

Phone: +358 10 448 4900


5 tykkäystä

Minä luulen että kyllä sen urakan arvo on pitkälti yli tuhannen euron.

3 tykkäystä

Kas, Verizon ei sittenkään luovu vielä 3G-verkostaan:

Nokia kiittää, asiakkuus jatkuu näiden osalta. :grin:

12 tykkäystä

Ei ainakaan vaikuta olevan mikään pikkuprojekti kyseessä.

7 tykkäystä


A mix of video calls to get in touch with family and friends, as well as TV streaming and gaming downloads were contributing factors to the 26 December record, it said. “It’s been a year unlike any other and we believe that’s played a major part in this huge jump in data consumption,” he said of the pandemic. “We know more businesses asked their employees to work from home throughout most of 2020, so connecting remotely has been and continues to be important for everyone.”

7 tykkäystä


T-Mobile has begun to shift its fledgling fixed wireless Internet service from 4G to 5G, a move that appears set to dramatically boost customers’ speeds. Perhaps more importantly, it could also signal the impending commercial launch of T-Mobile’s Home Internet service, which it is currently testing in locations around the country. The statement follows an article from The T-Mo Report outlining T-Mobile’s efforts to deploy 5G-capable fixed wireless Internet services and equipment, including Nokia-built receivers that sit inside customers’ homes.

8 tykkäystä

Kenya’s largest telecom operator, Safaricom, announced on Tuesday that it will suspend deployment of its new Huawei-powered fifth-generation (5G) mobile network.

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9 tykkäystä

Airtel expects new security directive to come into effect in 6-9 months

NEW DELHI: [Bharti Airtel expects the new security directive for telecom networks to come into effect in six to nine months, and is studying the implications, including cost elements, given that future orders will be limited to certain types of partners, a senior company executive said.

The directives envisage barring certain equipment providers from providing critical core components for 5G networks. Experts say the government’s directive is aimed at keeping Chinese gear makers [Huawei] and ZTE out of India’s 5G deployments, in line with the US and the UK which have taken proactive steps to bar them from critical infrastructure.

“…we are thinking hard over what the immediate directive is and how to deal with it…,” the official said.

10 tykkäystä

Vähä vanhempi uutinen. Pitäs olla kyl hommaa Alcatel submarinelle pikkase tulevina vuosina…
Maailman isoin kaapeliprojekti ikinä ja Nokia ainut toimittaja.

Massive new undersea cable to connect Africa to world

A major new undersea cable project will provide the African continent with greater resilience in its connectivity to the global Internet. The cable is expected to have more capacity than all current African undersea cables combined.

China Mobile International, Facebook, MTN GlobalConnect, Orange, stc, Telecom Egypt, Vodafone and WIOCC announced today that they will partner to build 2Africa, which will be the most comprehensive subsea cable yet to serve the African continent and Middle East region. The parties have appointed Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) to build the cable in a fully funded project which will greatly enhance connectivity across Africa and the Middle East.

At 37,000km long, 2Africa will be one of the world’s largest subsea cable projects and will interconnect Europe (eastward via Egypt), the Middle East (via Saudi Arabia), and 21 landings in 16 countries in Africa.

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8 tykkäystä

Näköjään maailman toisiks suurin projekti. 2000 luvun alkupuolella valmistunut SeaMeWe-3 39tuhannen kilometrin projekti on isompi ollu.

Lisbon eyes undersea cable investment to bolster EU tech infrastructure
December 10, 2020

Portugal’s push comes amid growing concerns about EU digital sovereignty and the need to protect critical kit.

Lisbon plans to present a strategy to shore up and secure Europe’s submarine cable network when it takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union next month. Portugal has gotten political backing from countries across the bloc for its draft strategy, which would amount to an ambitious, EU-wide industrial plan to increase submarine data connections across Europe and to other continents.

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16 December 2020

Going forward, the Commission calls on Member States to complete the implementation of these measures by the second quarter of 2021 and to ensure that identified risks have been mitigated adequately and in a coordinated way, in particular with a view to minimise the exposure to high risk suppliers and of avoiding dependency on these suppliers.

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