Nokia sijoituskohteena (Osa 2)

Nojuu, hyvin erikoisia linkkejä jaossa. En kuitenkaan epäile sisällön aitoutta, sillä Lundmark itse totesi aiemmin, että tämän vuoden tarjouskilpailuihin Kiinassa osallistutaan. Ei siis ole ihme, että osallistumiskriteerit täyttyvät.

Itselläni oli alunperin se käsitys, että tarjouskilpailut hävittiin liian korkeiden hintojen takia, mutta nythän on käynyt selväksi, että Nokian laitteet eivät täyttäneet edes laitteilta vaadittuja kriteerejä ja jäivät jo pelkästään sen takia aikoinaan jalkoihin tarjouskilpailuissa – vai pääsivätkö edes osallistumaan?

Yhtä kaikki. Laitteet ovat kunnossa myös uuteen Kiina-kierrokseen. Eiköhän Nokialla osata laskea, kuinka hyvin tällainen kauppa jatkossa kannattaa. Etenkin komponenttien saatavuuden ollessa heikko hyväntekeväisyys ole kait suljettu pois kuvioista – kun kysyntää on muuallakin. Mutta tiedä tuota…

9 tykkäystä

En ota kantaa lähteisiin, ne löytyivät googlailun seurauksena. Mielestäni ei vain tuo toteen käyvä tai käymätön 5G-asia ollut huomionarvoista vaan myös koti-internettiin tarkoitettujen laitteiden (wifi 5 ja wifi 6 smart gateway) ylivoimaisuus kilpailutuksissa. En tunne näitä kilpailutuksia, mutta voisi kuvitella, että esim. China Mobilen tapauksessa 32 prosentin (wifi 6) ja lähes 24 prosentin (wifi 5) osuus ovat isoja kauppoja, jos Nokia todella sellaiset osuuudet saa.

Tässä vielä yksi artikkeli aiheesta, jos uskallatte klikata! :grimacing:

13 tykkäystä

STOCKHOLM/SEOUL (Reuters) - British telecoms group Vodafone has chosen Samsung Electronics to supply its 5G network equipment in Britain, the pair said on Monday, a breakthrough for the South Korean company in Europe’s telecoms gear market.

European mobile operators are increasingly considering Samsung to replace China’s Huawei as a supplier, with executives from Spain’s Telefonica and France’s Orange previously telling Reuters they had held talks with the firm.

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Britain has already ordered all Huawei equipment to be removed from its 5G network by the end of 2027, echoing a U.S. campaign against Huawei, citing national security risks.

Samsung is banking on Europe to maintain growth in its network equipment business, a senior executive told Reuters earlier this month, as 5G rollouts widen.

“It still has a long way to go to catch Ericsson and Nokia, but Samsung has a well-rounded 5G RAN portfolio across mobile broadband, fixed wireless access and private 5G networks, so it should be seen as a genuine contender,” said CCS Insight analyst Richard Webb.

8 tykkäystä

Kyseessä on ORAN-diili, eli jos performanssi ei miellytä, niin kapine lähtee melko liukkaasti vaihtoon…

Reutersilta kyllä melkoinen kömmähdys jättää tämä mainitsematta, eritoten kun Samsung jakaa tuota kakkua muiden ORAN-toimijoiden kanssa, kuten NEC ja Evenstar. Hiukan kyllä kyseenalaistan kyseisten tuotteiden energiatehokkuuden ja optimoinnin tason, mutta… c’est la vie, Vodafone saa sitä mitä tilaa siltä osin.

Jatkoedit: Samsungin kilkkeet (radiot) näemmä Lightreadingin artikkelin mukaan toimivat Dellin toimittamien servereiden basebandin osalta (Inteliä sisällä) päällä. What could go wrong. :grin:

11 tykkäystä

Mielenkiintoista tosiaan nähdä, miten kilpailukykyinen tämä ORAN-toteutus tulee olemaan.

Oma käsitys on se, että Intel on kyllä vahvoilla näissä ORAN-toteutuksissa XEON-prossujensa kanssa. Ei ole liiemmin vielä kilpailua näkynyt AMD tai ARM-pohjaisista toteutuksista.

Käyttäähän Nokiakin omissa Airframeissa näitä uusimpia XEON-prossuja.

Intel riskit on Nokialla tainnut realisoitua aikanaan muissa piireissä kuin näissä yleiskäyttöisissä prossuissa.

8 tykkäystä

Press Release

VEON selects Nokia for core network moderni z ation in Georgia

  • Nokia’s Home Location Register swaps out incumbent
  • Nokia becomes sole vendor for VEON Georgia

15 June 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced that its cloud-native software has been selected by VEON’s mobile operator in Georgia, Beeline, to moderni z e the operator’s core network throughout Georgia and to strengthen customer services, network performance and security as it extends its 4G network with 5G-ready equipment.

As part of the deal, Beeline Georgia also chose Nokia’s Home Location Register (HLR), making Nokia the sole network vendor for VEON in Georgia. HLR is a critical core component, given its role as the repository for storing subscriber data such as phone numbers and user location information.

Upgrading the core network through near-zero touch automation and increased operational efficiencies will enable Beeline to meet rising customer demand for much greater bandwidth capacity, service quality and reliability, and enhanced product innovation and services. The upgrade will also help future-proof Beeline’s 4G network, which currently serves 63% of Beeline Georgia’s customers and reaches 90% of the nation’s population.

In addition to HLR, Nokia will provide Cloud Packet Core (CPC) and Standalone Core. Nokia’s cloud-native Cloud Mobile Gateway and Cloud Mobility Manager appliance solutions, from the CPC portfolio, will deliver a highly scalable and flexible Control/User Plane Separation architecture to enable Beeline to rapidly launch 5G services without making significant changes to the network.

Deployment is expected to start in the third quarter of 2021.

Kaan Terzioglu , VEON Group CEO , said: “Modernizing our core network in Georgia with Nokia reflects our strong partnership, and will enhance our capabilities to deliver superior customer experience on Beeline Georgia’s 4G networks and help us prepare the groundwork for 5G technologies of the future. Our customers in Georgia have an increasing demand for a wider range of experiences built on connectivity and digital services; and this important upgrade to our infrastructure allows to serve them better, and with a greater internal efficiency.

Lasha Tabidze, Beeline CEO, said: “This is a milestone accomplishment for Beeline, which will bring our subscribers a reliable, steady network, seamless customer experience and services. The solutions from Nokia will provide Beeline with the necessary adaptability, preparedness and potency to meet the demand for enhanced mobile broadband, the Internet of Things and advanced 4G services while enabling 5G capabilities of the future. We are very pleased to have chosen the best-in-class Nokia corporation as our partner.”

Mikko Lavanti , Vice President, Head of Central Europe & Central Asia , Nokia, said: “We are very pleased to help VEON with this important step in its digital transformation. Modernizing its core network will deliver a stronger, more responsive and more efficient customer experience and positions Beeline Georgia to move quickly to 5G once deployments get underway in the country.”


14 tykkäystä

Press R elease

Arçelik selects Nokia , Türk Tele k om in strategic deal for Turkey’s first 5G-ready private wireless network

  • Nokia and Türk Telekom to deploy first commercial private 4.9G/LTE network in Turkey
  • Arçelik to cooperate with Nokia and Türk Telekom on future use cases that advance Arçelik leadership in manufacturing digitalization
  • Nokia private wireless networking to support Arçelik manufacturing video analytics, indoor positioning and enhanced AGV performance

15 June 20 2 1

Espoo, Finland – Arçelik Global, the global leading consumer durables and electronics manufacturer has signed a strategic business agreement with Nokia and Türk Telekom to deploy the first private wireless network in Turkey.

The industrial-grade 5G-ready private wireless network will be deployed at Arçelik’s Çayırova-based washing machine manufacturing facility. The future-proofed Nokia 5G-ready network will provide the platform for Arcelik to accelerate its digital transformation and implementation of Industry 4.0 use cases.

Utku Barış Pazar, Chief Strategy and Digital Officer, Arçelik, said: “At Arçelik, we are committed to integrating new technologies into our business model and this deployment positions Arçelik at the forefront of manufacturing digitalization.”

An initial application will see the network deliver pervasive, reliable low-latency coverage throughout the facility to enhance automated guided vehicle (AGV) performance. With AGVs used throughout the manufacturing process for component logistics, improved connectivity will enhance AGV speed, control and operational efficiency. Nokia and Arcelik plan further collaboration in order to develop and implement additional use cases in the mid-term.

The network will support high-accuracy indoor positioning for real-time asset location tracking as well as enabling new video analytics-based applications for site safety and security. Further potential use cases include augmented and virtual reality, digital twins, inventory control, safety and facility management, quality control, high-resolution video for remote inspection, and facility-wide voice and video communication.

Utku Barış Pazar added: “We have identified more than 30 further use cases where this future-proofed 5G-ready private wireless network can help drive productivity, boost efficiency and enhance safety. We look forward to partnering with Nokia and Türk Telekom to establish private wireless as an integral part of our Digital Manufacturing Systems strategy.”

Implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies can deliver benefits across productivity, factory output and transportation capacity while also reducing repairs and downtime. According to Nokia Bell Labs Consulting research, 5G-enabled Industry 4.0 use cases such as collaborative robots can increase manufacturing productivity by up to 25 percent; video sensors can cut unanticipated equipment breakdowns by up to 30 percent; and AGVs can increase transportation capacity by as much as 30 percent.

Under the agreement, Nokia will also provide solution design, deployment and on-going managed services. Turk Telekom will provide 4.9G/LTE spectrum and also will be responsible for project end-to-end management and governance model. Nokia will deliver industrial-grade private wireless infrastructure based on the Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) platform. Nokia DAC is a digitalization platform capable of providing reliable high-bandwidth, low-latency, private networking. It also incorporates local edge computing capabilities, voice and video services and a catalog of digital-enabler applications.

14 tykkäystä

Espanjasta kuuluu huhuja, että paikallinen Telefonica sanoisi heihei Huawei, ja toivottaisi Pohjolan parivaljakon tervetulleeksi tapaksille.

22 tykkäystä

Mielenkiintoista uutta liiketoimintaa 5G:n ympärille.
Suomalainen 5G-älypylväs valmis maailmanvalloitukseen (

1 tykkäys

Bidenin hallinto jatkaa linjallaan Kiinan Huawein epäterveen etenemisen torjumisessa muun muassa verkkolaitteiden hankkimisen rahoitustuella, mikä on tarkoitettu muun muassa köyhemmille maille, myös Eurooppaan.

Siis, USA helpottaa ostamista Ericiltä ja Nokialta.

June 14, 2021 05:34 a.m. EDT

The U.S. gov­ern­ment is ratch­et­ing up pres­sure on Bei­jing’s 5G am­bi­tions over­seas, of­fer­ing fi­nan-cial in­cen­tives and other en­tice­ments to coun­tries will­ing to shun Chi­nese-made tele­com gear.

Over the week­end, the Group of Seven in­dus­tri­al-ized na­tions un­veiled a new global in­frastructure ini­tia­tive called “Build Back Bet­ter World.” The Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion has po­si­tioned it as an al­ter­na-tive to Chi­na’s Belt and Road ini­tia­tive, which has aimed Chi­nese in­vest­ment at in­frastructure projects around the world. While not part of the week­end G7 ini­tia­tive, Wash­ing-ton’s new in­cen­tives for avoid­ing Chi­nese tele­com pur­chases un­der­scores the U.S.’s spe­cial fo­cus on the tele­com in­dus­try.

“The Biden-Har­ris ad­min-is­tra­tion views 5G se­cu-rity as a high pri­or­ity,” said Stephen An­der­son, an act­ing State De­part-ment deputy as­sistant sec­re­tary over­see­ing its out­reach ef­forts on tele-com and tech­nol­ogy. He said U.S. ex­perts will ad­vise coun­tries on the costs, reg­u­la­tions and cy­ber­se­cu­rity con­sid­er­a-tions needed to build 5G net­works in an ef­fort to dis­suade them from us­ing *Huawei and other Chi­nese equip­ment.

Now, Wash­ing­ton is of­fer­ing car­rots in the form of loans and train­ing to en­cour­age coun­tries to stay away from Huawei and other Chi­nese sup­pli-ers. Tele­com ex­ec­u­tives, as well of­fi­cials in the U.S. and al­lied coun­tries, have said Chi­nese gear is of­ten cheaper than equiv­a­lent equip­ment made by Huawei ri­vals Er­ic­s­son AB and Nokia Corp.


11 tykkäystä

LBBW - Landesbank Bade-Wurttenburg kertoo että Nokia 4,50 EUR.

En tiedä mitä oli juuri ennen, mutta ainakin 29.1. olivat kertoneet että behåll ja 4,20 EUR. Tuossa rivitiedotteessa kuitenkiin sanotaan että oli ollut ennen osta.

LBBW sänker Nokia till behåll (köp), riktkurs 4,50 euro - BN (Finwire)
2021-06-16 06:54

6 tykkäystä

Wed, June 16, 2021, 10:00 AM

Press Release

Nokia opens new O-RAN Collaboration and Testing Center in the U.S.

  • New center to support the development of O-RAN compliant solutions

16 June 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced that it has opened its first Open RAN (O-RAN) Collaboration and Testing Center at its offices in Dallas, Texas. The center is designed to support the development of partnerships among O-RAN vendors that will help with the verification, introduction, and launch of O-RAN compliant solutions to market. In particular, vendors will be able to execute Interoperability Tests (IOT) and end-to-end testing for O-RU/O-DU Open Fronthaul as well as xAPP testing for Nokia’s near-real-time RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC). The project is the latest in Nokia’s continued commitment to O-RAN, vRAN, and Edge Cloud innovation. Nokia plans to open similar facilities at its other global offices around the world in the future.

The Nokia O-RAN Collaboration and Testing Center provides a collaborative, open, and impartial working environment to perform tests with the aim of launching O-RAN compliant solutions. The Center provides a venue to collaborate as well as validate different areas such as control, user, management, and synchronization plane compliance with O-RAN Alliance specifications. The short-term focus is on Open Fronthaul and near-real-time RIC expanding to other O-RAN interfaces in the near future.

The Nokia O-RAN Collaboration and Testing Center is also designed to execute IOT and end-to-end testing for O-RU/O-DU Open Fronthaul and xAPP testing for the near-real-time RIC. It is built with a variety of support nodes and test tools to ensure a collaborative, open, and confidential test environment.

The center also places particular emphasis on the protection of participants’ intellectual property and confidential material. It provides work area isolation of vendor personnel, equipment, and data through access controls, separate secure work areas, and network segregation.

Pasi Toivanen, Head of Edge Cloud at Nokia, commented: “Our new O-RAN Collaboration and Testing Center highlights our continued commitment towards O-RAN and the development of new solutions. At our Dallas offices, we have created a collaborative and secure working environment that offers best-in-class facilities to help our partners achieve their goal.”**

Pasi Toivonen sanoo oleellisen O-RAN -tarjoomasta Nokialla: se on parasta mitä on tarjolla!


Open RAN | Nokia

Service Enablement Platform | Nokia

11 tykkäystä

Tällainen tuli maanantaina. En tiedä onko tämä ollut jo aiemmin, mutta nyt näitä julkistuksia on tehty Googlen, AWS, Azure ja Red Hatin kanssa. Alkaa olla jo aika hyvä kattaus.


7 tykkäystä

Nokialla 5G:tä tanskanmaalle, toivottavasti ei mitään mätää kuitenkaan. Kaivattua RAN:ia SOC:lla

Espoo, Finland – Nokia continues to build upon its ongoing business with leading Danish mobile operators, Telenor and Telia via their joint network (TTN) accelerating the delivery of 5G services nationwide following the availability of 3.5 GHz spectrum. Nokia is the exclusive supplier of 5G RAN and will support the modernization of the shared network ensuring TTN’s three million customers have the best connectivity experiences. The availability of spectrum in the 3.5GHz band will offer incredibly fast 5G speeds to customers.

The modernization deal will focus initially on Denmark’s four largest cities before expanding to cover most Danish customers during 2022. It will see Nokia provide its ReefShark SoC (System on Chip) based AirScale 5G RAN portfolio including 5G Massive MIMO antennas to deliver enhanced ultra-fast, low-latency, and high capacity mobile broadband services to both TTN’s consumer and enterprise customers.

The deal will see Nokia continue its partnership with both companies and the operation of the joint network, which first started in 2012. Nokia together with Telenor and Telia was the first to test 5G in Denmark and among the first to activate 5G on a shared network.

TTN is Denmark’s largest mobile network with more than 4,300 sites
Nokia accelerates Telenor and Telia joint 5G network

13 tykkäystä

Tämä on asiana jo postattu, mutta tässä jutussa on jonkin verran uutta näkökulmaa.

Jutussa todetaan, että Nokia avaa näitä O-RAN centereitä muuallekin.

Lähde: Zacks

Nokia (NOK) Unveils Open Radio Access Network Center in Dallas

Thu, June 17, 2021, 5:21 PM

Nokia Corporation NOK has opened its first Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Collaboration and Testing Center at its office in Dallas, TX.

The state-of-the-art center will support the development of O-RAN compliant solutions.

This new facility underscores Nokia’s commitment toward O-RAN and Edge Cloud innovation. The Finland-based company plans to open similar facilities at its other global offices in the future.

Nokia is considered the first major global RAN vendor to join the Open RAN Policy Coalition. It aims to lead an open mobile future with strong network performance and security.

The center will provide a collaborative working environment to perform tests for launching O-RAN compliant solutions. Initially, it will focus on the Open Fronthaul Interface and near-real-time RAN Intelligent Controller, which will help automate and optimize the network.

The center has been built with a range of test tools to ensure a collaborative and confidential test environment. It provides work area isolation of vendor personnel and equipment through access controls and network segregation.

Nokia’s C-Band portfolio supports 5G standalone and non-standalone networks, cloud-based implementations and O-RAN products.

The company is well positioned to benefit from the increasing demand for next-generation connectivity. It is on track to achieve sustainable, profitable growth and technology leadership.

10 tykkäystä

Tullut mielikuva että Ericsson olisi panostanut paljon Amerikan toimintoihin. Tämä siis kuulostaa hyvälle.

19 tykkäystä

Nordea analysoi Nokiaa 14.6.21

Business description

Nokia is a Finland-based company engaged in the network and internet protocol (IP) infrastructure, software, and related services market. Its business segments include Networks and Technologies. Networks consists of Ultra Broadband Networks, Global Services and IP Networks & Applications, which target mostly service provider customers and, more recently, web-scale companies with mobile and network infrastructure products, services and applications. The Technologies segment mainly generates IPR licensing income from smartphone manufacturers.

Investment case

We believe the risk/reward in Nokia is positive. Nokia’s investment case offers relatively high visibility on earnings improvement.

The ALU integration is progressing and still offers room for further cost optimisation. The IPR income outlook is predictable following deals with Samsung, Apple and Huawei. Networks’ market passed the trough during 2018 and is heading for a multi-year growth phase thanks to the 5G network buildout.

We estimate EPS of EUR 0.30 for 2022, assuming a somewhat lower cost base, a competitive 5G offering, recovered gross margins and a slightly better monetised IPR portfolio (~12% EBIT margin).

8 tykkäystä

Nokia ja Elisa on tätä kehittäneet yhdessä ( ja nyt vuorossa isompi operaattori Japanista:
Nokia and KDDI trial Japan’s first liquid cooling

10 tykkäystä

Muistaako kukaan enää uutisointia, että joku saksalainen vaati viime syksynä EU:lta miljarditukea perustettavalle eurooppalaiselle 5G-yhtiölle? Kyllä nauratti.

Ehkä aloite ei saanut laajaa kannatusta. Olisikohan myös Euroopan parlamentissa jo tiedossa, että myös Suomi ja Ruotsi kuuluvat EU:hun.

EU:n 6G-kehityksessä sentään luotetaan Nokiaan.

11 tykkäystä

Testataan myös AVA

KDDI is also trialing Nokia’s Nokia AVA for Energy Efficiency solution which applies AI to support the challenge of rising energy consumption in networks. The solution helps to reduce overall energy bills by up to 20 percent and move towards more sustainable patterns of energy usage.

Press Release

Nokia and KDDI trial Japan’s first liquid cooling innovation to promote sustainability

  • Nokia’s unique Liquid Cooling baseband solution cuts cooling energy consumption by more than 70 percent compared to traditional air conditioning systems
  • KDDI will also trial the Nokia AVA solution which applies artificial intelligence to minimize energy consumption across the network
  • Liquid-cooled AirScale Baseband and AVA for energy efficiency solutions are another milestone in Nokia’s commitment to sustainability and combatting climate change

18 June 2021

Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced that it is conducting a trial using its unique Liquid Cooling AirScale Baseband solution with Japanese mobile operator, KDDI. The trial will demonstrate how KDDI can reduce its baseband cooling system energy consumption by more than 70 percent compared to traditional gas coolant-based air-cooling solutions. Efficiencies can be further enhanced by the introduction of a heat reuse option that could yield a potential reduction of 80 percent in CO2 emissions. This is the first time a liquid cooling solution will be trialed in Japan highlighting KDDI’s commitment to sustainability and combatting climate change.

Traditional air-cooling systems are noisy and require regular maintenance such as filter changes and re-gassing, however, Nokia’s Liquid Cooling solution is almost maintenance-free and virtually silent, making it ideal for buildings with tenants. Nokia’s base station liquid cooling functionality captures heat into liquid directly where it is generated and removes it from the site by liquid circulation. It supports the reduction of cooling-system-related CO2 emissions by more than 70 percent.

KDDI is also trialing Nokia’s Nokia AVA for Energy Efficiency solution which applies AI to support the challenge of rising energy consumption in networks. The solution helps to reduce overall energy bills by up to 20 percent and move towards more sustainable patterns of energy usage. Nokia AVA blends telecoms expertise, AI, and cloud-based delivery into a coherent energy control that dynamically adapts energy consumption to traffic levels while maintaining a premium user experience.

Nokia is committed to reducing the CO2 emissions generated by its technology. Nokia has committed to cut emissions by 50 percent between 2019 and 2030 as part of its updated science-based climate change targets, in line with a 1.5°C warming scenario. This target covers emissions across its own operations and portfolio, logistics, and electronics manufacturing. Nokia intends to continue its efforts to research and develop solutions that reduce CO2 emissions beyond this trial.

John Lancaster-Lennox, Head of Market Unit Japan at Nokia, said: “This trial is another milestone in Nokia’s commitment to sustainability and combatting climate change. Nokia was the first vendor to introduce this game-changing liquid cooling solution which supports operators in their quest to be more environmentally responsible while allowing them to achieve significant cost savings.”


Webpage: Nokia Zero Emission

Webpage: Nokia Sustainability

Webpage: Nokia AVA Energy Efficiency

Webpage: Nokia and Elisa see sustainability leap in world-first 5G liquid cooling deployment

Webpage: Nokia’s sustainability report highlights 1.5-degree climate commitment

Webpage: Nokia 5G: cool and green

4 tykkäystä